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VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program

SPIP Report Format

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Intern’s Details
Name Rishav Raj Gupta


College Name Jain university

Please summarize the learning you got from the first video session of SPIP.

Summary Session 1 :
Basics of interview process:
1. Interview:
An interview is a structured conversation where one participant asks questions, and the
other provides answer. It is a one- one conversation between an interviewer and an
2. Necessity of PI for selecting candidate:
Interviews provide you with an opportunity to analyse a potential employee’s experience,
skills and professional background, they can help you discover the candidate who are best
qualified for the position.
3. Types of PI:
 Unstructured informal interview: The unstructured informal interview is normally
conducted as a preliminary step in the research process to generate ideas/hypotheses
about the subject being investigated so that these might be tested later in the survey
 Structured standardised interview: With structured standardised interviews, the
format is entirely different. A structured interview follows a specific questionnaire and
this research instrument is usually used as the basis for most quantitative surveys. A
standardised structured questionnaire is administered where specific questions are
asked in a set order and in a set manner to ensure no variation between interviews.

 Depth interviews: Depth interviews are one-to-one encounters in which the

interviewer makes use of an unstructured or semi-structured set of issues/topics to
guide the discussion. The object of the exercises is to explore and uncover deep-
seated emotions, motivations and attitudes.
 Telephone Interviews: Whilst telephone interviews among consumers, are very
common in the developed world, these are conducted with far less frequency in the
developing world. The reason is somewhat obvious, i.e. only a relatively small
proportion of the total population has a telephone in the house. Moreover, telephone
owners tend to be urban dwellers and have above average incomes and are therefore
unrepresentative of the population as a whole.

500 Words (Max.)

SPIP Summary Report Page 1

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
SPIP Report Format

Please summarize the learning you got from the second video session of SPIP.

Summary Session 2 :
Common mistakes in personal interview process:
 Being unprepared
 Pre-post interview action
 Serious studying
 Bad representation
 Failing to ask questions
 Talking too much or not enough
 Unbalanced behaviour
 Hyperactive/emotional
500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the third video session of SPIP.

Summary Session 3 :
Understanding PI process:
 Screening of CV
 Shortlisting of CV
 Introduction
 Personnel Q&A
 CV Q&A
 Suitability Q&A
 Event of surprise
 Offer letter
Interviewer’s strategy:
It’s like a chess board where one side is comfort i.e. about you, and other side is about your CV i.e.,
Event of surprise.
500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the fourth video session of SPIP.

Summary Session 4 :
Personal interview preparation:
There are two ways to prepare, those are :
Self-preparation & with external help preparation.
Steps for self- preparation:
 Prepare a good CV
 Prepare your personal profile and summarize it
 Prepare CV explanation sheet and memorize it

SPIP Summary Report Page 2

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
SPIP Report Format

 Talk to your connection about their interview experience

 Do some mock interview and brain storming sessions
How VCE helps for PI preparation?
 USP buildup
 Brainstorming session
 Mock interview
 Group discussion/Case study
 Bluffing negotiation

500 Words (Max.)

Please answer the following CV questions.

Q. Are you satisfied with your academic performance?

If the parameter for a good academic performance is marks, I have no reason to be dissatisfied.
Most of times, I topped my class and in 10th and 12th also, I was out of 10 toppers. Though in college,
my marks plummeted but I still managed to get 80%.

Q. Why did you choose this field for study?

In college was drawn to finance. My brother works in finance, but a number of his colleagues work
for Big Four consulting firms, and I found their descriptions of their jobs to be very interesting. But it
wasn't until I had an internship after my second year that I really started to take an intense interest
in working as a consultant for the financial advice industry. These consultants frequently deal with
problems with an organization's financial capacities as well as its analytical capabilities. At that
time, I was given a mentor who assisted me in better understanding the industry, and I also started
to develop the career path that has brought me to this point.

Q. What internships have you done? What was your role in the internship? What are the
skills you have developed in your internships?
I completed a finance internship from VCE in ongoing semester and was fascinated by how the
team analysed the needs of clients. I enjoyed sessions and learned about IRR, corporate finance
and how to analyse IRR in real life projects, created cashflow, OPEX, CAPEX and how to build
skills and to crack the interviews and placements..

Q. Are there any specialised training programs or courses you have undertaken? What were
your learnings?
Yes, I took different certification courses from LinkedIn and also a Microsoft excel 2019 .
I learned how to use ms excel for financial data and financial modelling and what are the Ms excel
formulas used for calculating different financial terms.

500 Words (Max.)

SPIP Summary Report Page 3

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
SPIP Report Format

Please answer the following Personnel questions.

Q. Describe yourself in one line.

“I would describe myself as innovative, creative, adaptable to change, a fast learner, and someone who is
prepared to go above and beyond what is required to ensure my employer always stays one step ahead of
its competitors.”

Q. What are some of your weaknesses and strengths?

Strengths - I am a good listener.

Weakness - I am easily overthinking for all.

Q. How do you handle stressful situations? Explain one of your stressful experiences and
how you coped with it?
Don't let stress control how you respond to circumstances. I can manage the problem that way
without being overwhelmed. For instance, I don't focus on feeling upset when I deal with a
dissatisfied customer; instead, I concentrate on the task at hand. I think that when I can connect
with customers in these situations, it makes me feel less stressed. Additionally, in my opinion, it
lessens any potential consumer worry.

Q. Where do you see yourself in 5 year?

I envision myself in a position of responsibility in the next five years, with more knowledge, abilities,
and experience. I would really like to devote my time over the coming years to improving myself in
order to meet the needs of the organisation and contributing to its expansion.

Please add blocks for if needed.

SPIP Summary Report Page 4

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