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Bio-urethane binders also were safer moid and core room environ-
tested on pump and impeller castings ment with improved emissions on
at Viking Engineered Cast Products. the production floor. Bio-hinders
Cedar Falls, Iowa. Viking reported decrease metaicasters' dependence
the castings poured using the bio- on petrochemicals by using materi-
urethane cores exhibited less hot tear- als grown or mined in the U.S. and
ing and cracking than conventional all over the world. Funding for the
ester-cured phenolic cores. CABB project has been extended,
I h c new bio-urethanes were and UNI will continue developing
developed by UNI to be casting binders and processes. MC
facility-ready. Improved shakeout Visit www,mcc.uni,edu for more information.
of ihe two binders without sacrific-
ing casting c|uality is ideal for many
applications, Cost savings are seen
with decreased shakeout time, ener-
CF8M stainless steel pumps and impellers
gy, and damage. Trial metalcasting were cast using bio-urethanes at Viking
facilities have experienced a much Engineered Cast Products.

Custom Castings Uses Simulation to Eliminate Defects in Aluminum Part

When tAisiom Ca.stings, Winnipeg. for about one year to improve its cast- produce, which allowed Custom
Canada, a nonferrous metaicasting ing quality and reduce sampling times, ings to provide the order on time and
facility making aluminum and zinc al- and using the .software, It was able to to the specified quality level. After the
Icjy castings via the gravity permanent show it could prcjvide the casting with design changes were approved, the
moid, semi-permanent mold and tilt better mechanical properties through metalcasier began developing an ap-
pour jirtK'esses, tackled a large l60-lb. the permanent mold process. propriate rigging system and process
semi-permanent tilt pour job, it began Custom Castings continued to use parameters that ensured unacceptalMc
|')u>hing its equipment to the edge of its casting process simulation during defects were not present in the casting.
capabilities. The metalcaster acquired tooling development to evaluate the Having developed a robust gating
the order for the l60-lb, casting because customer's current casting design. and risering system along with all the
a vendor producing it in gravity sand By providing simulation results, it necessary process parameters, Custom
delivered castings that were cracking justified casting design changes that Castings verified the .simulation work
in .service (Fig. 1). Custom Castings improved the castability of the part by ainning a batch of .samples, liut
had been using Magmasoft by Magma while maintaining its functionality in it hit a glitch upon running the first
Foundry Solutions, Schaumburg, III., service. The new casting was easier to batch. Large porous voids were present
in the casting, which did n(,)t coincide
with the simulations. Cu.stom Castings
invoK-ed .Magma engineers to assist in
sorting out the issue,
The engineers first thought the large
voids were due to shrinkage porosity.
The simulation results were again re-
viewed and evaluated to check for errors
tliat may have caused the di.screpancy in
results. Variations of material tempera-
ture, cycle times and mold temperatures
were run to see if they would result in the
observed defects. Through all the varia-
tions of parameters, tlie casting remained
nearly defect-free with nowhere neai
the defect severity of the first sample
Rin. The .simulations showed locations
of shrinkage in tlie defect region, but it
was minor in relation to the defect size
Fig. 1. Parts originally produced via gravity sand casting were experiencing failure seen in the sample Rin,
tiefects in service. The simulation inputs were double-

MODERN CASTING /June 2010 45


checked and all the process parameters were modified to the

pos-sible extreme, yet the simulated defects varied only slightly.
Kventually. the engineers decitled ihe casting detect was n(.ii
shrinkage porosity at all, but a condition in the process that
was not being captured—core gas. Magmasoft currently does
not directly calculate the evolution of gas from core and mold
hinders. However, the conditions that cause off-gassing of
cores and their migration into the casting are accounted for
by the software's results.
In order for a core to emit a gas. uncured binder must be
present in the core or mold, and these core/mold materials
must reach high temperatures, hnages from the simiÈlalions
at Custom Castings showed that the core possessed all the
required conditions to produce gas.
The second condition of core gas-related porosity is an
eniiy point for the gas to flow into the casting. Once a skin
has formed on the outside of the casting, the likelihood of
gas migrating into the casting is small, as the gas will take the
path of least resistance. Simulation software results were used
to identify tlie locations of ilie casting that formed a skin last
and thus identify the entry poini of the gas into tlu- casting
and tiie amount of time it was able to do so (Fig. 2).
These two results, in combination with a sectioned core, re-
vealed all the conditions necessary for the core to produce gas
and the location within the casting that the gas would reside.
With ihe triÈe defect ¡denttfted, (Xistoni Castings' engineering
department worked with its core materials supplier to trouble-
shoot the variability in tlie coremaking process. The company
reduced the binder content of the sand, which yieldeti a slight
improvement in the defect severity. During the investigation of
the cores. Custom Castings discovered the core molds were not
heating the core e\'enly, causing the uncured binder issue. To
verify the sand cores were the root cause of the problem, the

cores were replaced with an alternate material to completely
remove the potential for core ga.s porosity issues. A sample
am of the castings was conducted using the new material, and
it resulted in lOÛ'Mt sound castings and \'erified the cores were
CORE AND MOLDING SANDS the source of the porosity issue. MC
Visit for more information.
Trtjsi your most complex cores to INCAST'! The ideal
combination of geometry, density and particle size distribution,
INCAST improves critical core making and casting properties
including binder utilization, permeability and dimensional
stability. Higher strength cores, better surface finish and
increased efficiency and yield are the INCAST advantages.
These sands are engineered for the metaicaster.

For more information and our

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Visit us at the AFS Wisconsin Regional Conference

Fig. 2. The defect prone region of the casting took \40 seconds after

unimin. filling to completely form a skin. Pictured at left is the inital skin
formation. At right is the final casting skin.


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