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Problem – Solution paragraph

Sample 1

Drug addiction has, of late(recently), become one of the major problems of our societ
y, particularly in urban areas (1). Many youngsters are falling victim to this deadly cur
se (2). The rackets of unscrupulous traders operate through the underworld and narc
otics and drugs are smuggled into the country (3). These rackets thrive at the cost of
the precious lives of our young generation (4). Many are enticed to take these drugs
and they are led astray(5). The alarming nature of the problem must be highlighted a
nd the people must be made aware of this evil with the help of the mass media (6). S
eminars and discussion sessions should be organized in schools and colleges, In W
est Bengal, an anti-narcotic cell has been established in Lalbazar, Kolkata (7). But n
o Government action can be fruitful unless it is backed by strong public participation

racket: (n) a dishonest or illegal activity that makes money

unscrupulous (adj) showing no moral
narcotic (n) a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is
consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally
smuggle (n) move (goods) illegally into or out of a country

1. What is the topic sentence?
2. What is the purpose of sentence 2-3-4?
3. What role do sentences 5-6-7 play?

Sample 2:
Coming to a new school is hard, so we should figure out how to make new students
feel welcome. New students have to fit in with new classmates in an unfamiliar place
with unfamiliar rules. This problem can make them feel lonely. Instead of just
expecting new students to make all the effort, we can help them fit in. One of us can
volunteer to show the new students around and sit with him or her at lunch. The rest
of us can introduce ourselves, learn the new student’s name, and share something
about our school or ourselves. Together, let's make our school a friendly a place to

Sample 3:

With the growing number of families in the middle and upper class, hence a growing
number of personal vehicles, cities across the world are dealing with the severe
problem of traffic congestion. Not only causing commuters annoyance and
frustration, this issue also results in lower productivity due to the lost hours. To solve
this problem, cities need to apply several flexible methods. First, they can develop
the public transportation system as well as promote green vehicles like bicycles or
electrical motorbike or car. Hanoi, for example, has recently heavily invested in the
sky train system and BRT bus system. This has in some ways encourages more
people to leave their motorbikes or cars at home. Moreover, measures to limit the
use of cars should also be implemented. Governments should impose a high tax on
this vehicle. This could discourage people to buy new cars and learn to familiarize
themselves with the public transport system. To conclude, both governments and
each individual must join hands to gradually alleviate this problem.

1. Topic sentence: Topic + controlling idea
2. Body
- Introduce the problem: What it is + Why it needs solving
Questions to answer:
- Who does this problem affect
- What are some main consequences
- Introduce the solutions: What the solutions are + Why do they work
3. Conclusion: summary of main solutions/ prediction - look to the future

Phrases to introduce solutions:

In order to solve these problems, ...

In order to overcome these problems, ...

To meet this need, ...

One solution is ...


something that causes trouble or difficulty

Adjectives frequently used with problem

serious: acute, big, fundamental, huge, major, real, serious, severe, sig
nificant, urgentThe risk of flooding is a major problem in this
area.main: central, key, mainI think the main problem is that we have too
many overpaid players.not serious: little INFORMAL, minor, slight, smallHe
had slight problems with some of the hard to pronounce
names.difficult: complex, difficult, intractable In practice, most problems
are too complex for this
approach.common: common, global, widespreadShrinkage and cracking
in concrete flooring is a common problem facing the
builder.possible: possible, potentialA fire-detection system will identify
and deal with potential problems at a very early stage.not
obvious: hidden, underlyingThere may be an underlying problem that is
causing your illness or making it worse.types of
problem: behavioural, debt, economic, emotional, environmental, finan
cial, health, logistical, mechanical, medical, practical, psychological, s
ocial, technical, traffic Any technical problems associated with installing
the system should be referred to the technical support unit.continuing for a
long time: chronic, long-term, ongoingShe was suffering from chronic
health problems.happening at the beginning of
something: initial, teethingDespite a number of teething problems, the
project was a great success.

Verbs frequently used with problem

cause a problem: cause, create, lead to, result inWater shortages could

lead to environmental problems.solve a
problem: combat, correct, cure, fix, get around, get
over, overcome, rectify, remedy, resolve, solve, sort outViolence
should never be an accepted way to solve with a
problem: address, approach, confront, deal with, handle, respond
to, tackle, treatOver the past few years there have been several attempts
to tackle these problems.try to solve a very difficult problem: grapple
with, struggle with, wrestle withResearchers have been grappling with
the problems associated with the collection of accurate data.make a
problem worse: add to, compound, contribute
to, exacerbate, increaseFlood alleviation works need to be planned
carefully to ensure that they do not exacerbate problems elsewhere.make a
problem less serious: alleviate, ease, help with, minimise, reduceThis
lack of investment in physical activity will do little to alleviate the
problems of obesity and poor health.experience a
problem: develop, encounter, experience, face, have, run into, suffer
(with)If you encounter problems while trying to view the full size images,
please read the help page.experience a lot of problems: be beset by, be
beset with, be blighted by, be dogged by, be dogged with, be
hampered by, be plagued by, be plagued withThe service has been
beset by problems and delays.

In these combinations, problem is always plural:The estate was badly
designed and dogged by problems from the beginning.The whole
production has been beset with problems.

be a problem: be, become, pose, present, remainInternational
operations, on any scale, can present problems.avoid or prevent a
problem: avoid, eliminate, guard someone/something
against, prevent, protect someone/something againstThe advantage of
headsets over conventional speakers is that they eliminate any
problem of feedback.find out about a problem: come
across, detect, diagnose, discover, identify, spotAny problems were
quickly identified.investigate a problem: investigate, look at, look intoCall
our helpline and we will look into the problem for that a problem
exists: alert someone to, highlight, indicate, point toThis disorder
doesn’t generally point to psychological problems.

Verbs that frequently follow problem

happen: arise, emerge, occur, startThe problem arises when plants and

animals are introduced to garden ponds that are from a different area.exist
or be caused by something: exist, lie, stem fromThe problem lies not with
the public but with governments.remain: persist, remainIf the problem
persists then please contact us.

Nouns + to frequently used before problem

answer, approach, reaction, remedy, resolution, response, solutionMa
ny ideas have to be considered before a good solution to any problem can
be found.

Verbs + as frequently used before problem

identify something, perceive something, regard something, see

something, treat something, view somethingAn ageing population
should be regarded not as a problem but as an asset.
12 Ways to Solve Problems

Solution How It Works Assumes Cause Example

of Problem is

Add something Give more money, Lack of resources More teachers in

people, schools, more
equipment, or stuff money for fire

Take something Remove source of One thing or Fire bad teachers,

away problem person causing get rid of poor
problem textbooks

Educate Give information People don't know Say No to Drugs

about the problem what to do campaign
and solution

Make laws or rules Create a new law Current rules don't School dress code
or rule, or reform solve problem revised to require
existing rules uniforms

Enforce laws or Provide a way to Current rules are School calls

rules enforce or else adequate but parents if students
provide more aren't enforced don't adhere to
resources (like dress code
more police or
money for
regulators) to
enforce existing
rules or laws

Change method or Change the way Something isn't Change meeting

procedure something is done being done the time from Tuesday
or organized right way morning to
Saturday to get
more people to

Motivate Use advertising or People know what Anti-smoking ads

emotional appeals they should do,
to get people to do but don't do it
or not do

Build something Give new facilities More buildings or Build a new

new or organization a new football stadium to
Solution How It Works Assumes Cause Example
of Problem is

organization is encourage fan

needed because support
nothing currently
existing will solve

Work out a Get opposing Problem is mostly Trade agreement

compromise sides together to lack of agreement talks between
work out a mutual countries

Adapt a solution Take a solution Current solution Adding taxes on

that works that worked does not fit cigarettes
somewhere else problem decreases
and apply it to this smoking, so put a
problem tax on unhealthy
snack foods

Change Get rid of current Leader is the Fire college

leadership leadership and put problem football coach
someone new in

Change attitudes Present Attitudes are Parents give

information or causing problem children money to
incentives to do chores
change the way
people feel about


Work with a group. For each of these topic sentences, brainstorm solutions.
Introduce each solution with one of the phrases above. Then think of one more
problem together, and give it to another group to discuss.

a. We must reduce exam stress for high school students.

b. Teenagers spend so much time using their cell phones that they are no longer
skilled at face-to-face interaction.
c. In the next five to ten years, experts predict that there won't be enough doctors
and nurses to meet hospitals' needs.

d. We have to find ways to protect young children from violence on television.

Sample practice topics:

Write a problem – solution paragraph about these following topics:

1. The world’s population is approach 8 billion people in 2022. This has put a lot of
pressure on countries, especially developing ones.

2. Online learning has become more and more popular, particularly since COVID-
19 pandemic. However, there are also many issues originated from this form of

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