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The Influence Of School Leadership

Style And Work Environment On The

Performance Of High School Teachers
In Muaradua
Mutiah1* Yasir Arafat2 Yenny Puspita2

University of PGRI Palembang
*Corresponding author. Email:

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style on high school
teacher performance, to determine the effect of work environment on high
school teacher performance and to determine the effect of principal leadership
style and work environment on the performance of high school teachers in
Muaradua district. This research uses quantitative methods. Data collection
techniques through questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques,
two-variable product moment correlation analysis and classical assumption test.
The results of this study have a positive and significant influence on the
principal's leadership style on teacher performance, there is a positive and
significant influence of the work environment on teacher performance, and there
is a positive and significant influence on the principal's leadership style and
work environment on the performance of high school teachers in Muaradua
district. South OKU Regency. The principal suggested

Keywords: Principal Leadership Style, Work Environment and Teacher

low quality of schools. The low

quality of schools can affect the level
“ Teacher performance is a
of public trust in schools which in
very important and urgent factor in
turn has an impact on decreasing the
education, because teachers play a
number and quality of student input.
role as the spearhead of education.
Teachers are an important
The low performance of teachers
component in the world of education,
which results in low processes which
therefore more attention needs to be
in turn will have an impact on the
given in order to create quality
low quality of student output and the
teachers so that this can support
teacher performance. Teachers also Psychological variables include
play an important role in the world of perceptions, attitudes, personality,
education, especially in the formal learning and motivation. While
field of school, teachers greatly organizational variables include
determine the success of students, leadership resources, status,
especially in terms of the teaching structure, compensation and job
and learning process that is usually design.
carried out in schools. The success of Effective leadership is a
the performance shown by the leadership style that can produce
teacher is influenced by the output through managing the
surrounding environment. Therefore, performance of others. Leaders must
the surrounding environment, ensure that subordinates do their
especially in this case, the school, work based on the skills and
such as the principal who is able to commitments they have according to
motivate and empower teachers to their main tasks and functions to
create good performance and be able produce the best output [2].
to act as professional teachers Leadership style greatly affects work
besides the teachers themselves who productivity.
are able to improve the quality of Principal leadership is an
their own work. important factor that can encourage
Teacher performance can teacher performance in realizing the
be influenced by several things, vision, mission, goals and targets to
including the principal's leadership be achieved by the school. According
style and work environment. to [3] in School Based Management
According to [1], that performance is (MBS), the principal is "the key
determined by biographical, person" for the success of improving
psychological and organizational education in schools. He is a person
variables. Biographical variables who is given the responsibility to
include mental abilities and skills, manage and empower the various
family background, social level, potentials of society and parents to
experience, age and gender.
realize the vision, mission and goals climate in relation to the less
of the school. conducive work between teachers
Based on observations in and employees.
schools, it shows that many school The school work
principals have not been able to environment has an influence on the
influence the performance of performance of a teacher in an effort
teachers and staff towards progress, to complete the tasks assigned to him
so that the potential that exists in which ultimately affects his success
human resources has not been and achievement, a good
optimally realized. The leadership environment will increase work, and
functions according to [4] as a vice versa if the work environment is
determinant of direction, less calm, it will increase the level of
spokesperson, communicator, work errors they do. A school is
midiator, integrator and management certainly inseparable from the
principles, namely division of labor, environment, and is also involved
delegation of tasks and authority, with the environment around the
government unity, group solidarity, school. Another definition of the
initiative, have not been work environment is that all physical
implemented properly factors together constitute an
atmosphere that includes the
In addition to the problems workplace [5]
mentioned above, the work Based on that which
environment is also an important encourages researchers to carry out
problem in SMA in Muaradua further research on "The Effect of
District. The work environment Principal Leadership Style and Work
concerns the availability of Environment on the Performance of
educational support or infrastructure, High School Teachers in Muaradua
which is still inadequate or far District, Oku Selatan Regency"
behind compared to schools in cities.
Meanwhile, other factors are related RESEARCH METHODS
to the atmosphere of the school
The research on the data obtained from the regression
influence of the principal's leadership analysis, the relative contribution and
style and work environment on the effective contribution of each predictor
performance of high school teachers (X1 and X2) percent SR% are as follows:
in Muaradua, OKU Selatan, which a. Effective Contribution
will be conducted is a quantitative
study, with an experimental method Prediktor X1 : SE % = 0,425 x
that uses observations and 0,638 x 100% = 27,1%
questionnaires. This study consisted Prediktor X2 : SE % = 0,356 x
of three variables in the form of two 0,611 x 100% = 21,75%
independent variables and one b. Relative Contribution
dependent variable. The independent Prediktor X1 : SR % = 27,1% /
variables in this study were the 48,9% =55,4%
principal's leadership style (X1) and Prediktor X2 : SR % = 21,75% /
the work environment (X2), while 48,9% =44,48%
the dependent variable in this study From the results of the above
was the performance of high school calculations, the effective
teachers in Muaradua OKU Selatan contribution of the principal's
(Y1). leadership style and work
environment to teacher
RESEARCH RESULT performance was 27.1% and
Effective contribution (SE) is a 21.75%.
measure of the contribution of a
predictor variable (independent) to the
criterion variable (dependent) in the The relative contribution of
regression analysis. While the relative the principal's leadership style and
contribution (SR) is a measure that work environment to teacher
shows the size of the contribution of a performance was 55.4% and 44.48%.

predictor variable to the number of This shows that any change in the

squares of the regression. Based on the principal's leadership style and work
environment determines changes in attention to the level of maturity,
teacher performance. ability and willingness of the teacher
The leadership style of the so that the leadership style applied is
principal and the work environment truly effective in optimizing teacher
together have an effect of 48.9% on performance in order to achieve the
teacher performance, while the expected educational goals together.
remaining 51.1% is influenced by In addition, the principal is in order
other variables outside the study. to condition and build a conducive
working atmosphere and
CONCLUSIONS AND environment.
The results showed that the
influence of the principal's leadership
style and work environment variables [1] Gibson Invancevich dan
on teacher performance was 48.9% Dannelly. 1985 Organization
and the remaining 51.1% needed to 5th Edition ( Organisasi Jilid 1
terjemahan Djarkasih . Jakarta
be followed up with other studies : Erlangga
through a qualitative approach to
find out and reveal more clearly and [2] Leffton&Buota. 2005.
Leadhership Through
deeply in an effort to improve
People Skills. Jakarta : PT.
performance. teachers or research BuanaIlmuPopuler
with a quantitative approach with
[3] Mulyasa, E. 2003. Menjadi
different independent variables such
Kepala Sekolah Profesional.
as organizational climate, facilities, Bandung : Remaja
expertise or skills, because these Rosdakarya.
variables are thought to be correlated
[4] Siagian, Sondang P. 2003. Teori
with teacher performance. The dan Praktek Kepemimpinan.
principal as the leader needs to Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
improve his ability to apply the right
[5] Gie, The Liang. 2009.
type or style according to the Administrasi Perkantoran
situation and conditions by paying Modern. Yogyakarta : Liberty.

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