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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.


Analysis of Factors that Influence Taxpayers Compliance in

Fulfilling Taxation Obligations

Ayu Fuady Sania

Faculty of Economic and Business
Padjadjaran University

Ivan Yudianto
Faculty of Economic and Business
Padjadjaran University

Abstract: This study aims to determine the factors that affect taxpayer compliance. This
research uses taxpayer awareness, moral obligation, and quality of tax service as factors. A
questionnaire was used as research instruments in data collection. Respondents in this research
are e-Commerce business actor who uses an online marketplace. Multiple linear regression
with SPSS program version 23 is used for data analysis. The results of this study concluded
that taxpayer awareness, moral obligations, and the quality of tax service simultaneously
influenced significantly to taxpayer compliance. Then the test partially produces the taxpayer
awareness, and the quality of tax service has a positive and significant effect on taxpayer
compliance, while the moral obligation has not a positive and significant effect on taxpayer

Keywords: Taxpayer awareness; Moral obligation; Quality of tax service; Taxpayer

compliance; online e-Commerce marketplace.

Introduction and building taxes (Hasan 2008). In the

self-assessment system, tax compliance is
The source of state revenue comes required of each taxpayer's self because tax
mostly from tax revenue, under its function, compliance is like the backbone of the self-
namely the tax has a budget function assessment system (Brotodihardjo, 1995 in
(budgetary) where tax is one source of Hasan, 2008). According to Siat and Toly
funds for the government to finance its (2013) with a self-assessment system, the
expenditures. Tax is an essential thing for government's function, in this case, the
the country because, with the tax, the Directorate General of Taxation, only
government can provide services to its facilitates the self-assessment system to run
people whose purpose is for the greatest well, while its implementation is highly
prosperity of the people. Since the tax dependent on taxpayer compliance. The
reforms carried out in 1983, self- issue of tax compliance has become an
assessment systems have become one of the important issue in Indonesia because if the
tax collection systems adopted in Taxpayer is not compliant, it can lead to the
Indonesia, where self-assessment systems desire to take action to avoid tax evasion
are applied to all types of taxes except land and neglect which in turn will harm the

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

state, namely reduced tax revenue. (Fuadi Payment states that one of the criteria of a
and Mangoting, 2013). taxpayer can be said to be obedient;
It can be seen from the Regulation namely, the taxpayer must be on time to
of the Minister of Finance No. 74 of 2012 deliver a Tax Return (SPT). So to find out
concerning the Procedure for about tax compliance, one of them can be
Determination and Revocation of seen from the compliance ratio in
Taxpayers with Specific Criteria in Order to submitting SPT.
Refund Preliminary of Overpay Tax

Tabel 1. Compliance Ratio For Submission of Annual Income Tax Returns.

Description/Year 2016
Registered Tax Payers 32.769.215
Registered Tax Payers – Tax Return Mandatory 20.165.718
Compliance Ratio Target (%) 72,50%
Compliance Ratio Target – Tax Return ( 3 X 2) 14.620.1
Tax Return Realization 12.735.463
Compliance Ratio ( 5 : 2 ) 63,15%
Sources: Statement of Finance Ministry Performance (2016)
Directorate of Transformation Nufransa
It can be seen from the table above Wira Sakti said that despite the increase in
that the compliance ratio has not met the the value of e-commerce transactions,
target; this means that the application of the many e-commerce businesses still do not
self-assessment system is not yet fully have a Tax Identification Number.
optimal. There is a potential ineffectiveness Many factors influence taxpayers to
of taxpayers in carrying out their tax comply with taxation and carry out their tax
obligations through this self-assessment obligations properly; of course, the factors
system, which allows taxpayers to fail in of tax compliance are very diverse. These
carrying out their obligations, this is one of factors can come from internal taxpayers
the problems that cause low compliance themselves or the external or environment
ratios so as not to reach the target. around the taxpayer. In this study,
In the era of digitalization, researchers identified factors that influence
technology development is rapidly Small Medium Entrepreneur (SMEs)
increasing. Along with the development of taxpayer compliance based on e-commerce,
technology, technology emerged in the namely taxpayer awareness and taxpayer
form of e-Commerce, where e-Commerce morality as internal factors, as well as tax
can facilitate trade transactions so that service quality as an external factor.
sellers and buyers do not have to face to
face directly. The growth of e-Commerce in Literature Review and Hypothesis
Indonesia from year to year has increased; Development
this proves that more and more people are
interested in e-Commerce. The relationship between Taxpayer
In the Statement of Finance Awareness and Taxpayer Compliance
Ministry Performance (2016) stated that the
value of e-commerce transactions in 2013 Taxpayer awareness is important in
was Rp. 1,800,000,000.00 then increased to carrying out a self-assessment system. If the
Rp. 2,600,000,000.00 in 2014, then in 2015 taxpayer's awareness increases, it will
it increased again to Rp. 3,500,000,000.00. foster motivation for the taxpayer to
The Head of the Management Sub-

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

comply in carrying out his tax obligations. taxpayers in the Government Regulation
According to Suryadi in Rasmini and Number 46 the Year 2013 scheme.
Rohmawati (2012), taxpayers awareness
will increase if the community has a Hypothesis 2 = Moral obligation has a
positive perception of tax. Muliarti and positive effect on taxpayer compliance in
Setiawan's research (2010) concluded that fulfilling its tax obligations.
the taxpayer awareness variable has a
positive and significant effect on the Relationship of Tax Service Quality with
compliance of individual taxpayer Taxpayer Compliance
reporting in the East Denpasar Tax Office.
There are also taxpayer compliance studies Tax service quality is one of the
related to e-Commerce activities, namely factors that can influence taxpayer
research conducted by Arisandy (2017), compliance, in which quality taxation
which concludes that taxpayer awareness services will provide a positive perspective
significantly influences the compliance of for taxpayers so that the taxpayers will be
individual taxpayers who conduct online motivated to comply with their obligations.
business activities in Pekanbaru. The form of taxation services can be in the
form of services provided by tax officers, as
Hypothesis 1: Taxpayer awareness has a well as services derived from electronic
positive effect on taxpayer compliance in taxation systems, given that the taxation
fulfilling its tax obligations. system in Indonesia has implemented a
digital taxation system or commonly called
The relationship between Moral e-system. Research from Fuadi and
Obligations and Taxpayer Compliance Mangoting (2013) states that the service
quality of tax officers partially has a
Besides tax awareness, internal significant effect on improving Small
factors that affect tax compliance are moral. Medium Entrepreneur taxpayer
Moral also becomes one of the factors that compliance. Then the results of research
can influence tax compliance where morals from Tambun and Eko Witriyanto (2017)
can cause people to be reluctant (passive) in stated that e-System has a significant and
paying taxes. As with Mardiasmo (2016: positive effect on the level of taxpayer
10) explains that there are obstacles in tax compliance.
collection, one of which is passive
resistance where people are reluctant Hypothesis 3: Tax Service Quality has a
(passive) to pay taxes, can be caused among positive effect on taxpayer compliance in
others: intellectual development of society fulfilling its tax obligations.
and moral society, a tax system that is
(perhaps) difficult understood, and a Taxes Concept
control system that cannot be done or
carried out properly. The results of the The definition of tax according to
study from Wanzel (2002) in Layata and Law Number 16 of 2009 concerning the
Setiawan (2014) revealed that taxpayers fourth amendment to Law Number 6 of
have good moral obligations so taxpayers 1983 concerning General Provisions and
will tend to behave honestly and obey the Procedures for Taxation in Article 1
rules that have been given so that this has paragraph 1, stated that tax is a compulsory
an impact on taxpayer compliance in contribution to the state-owned by an
fulfilling the tax. Research conducted by individual or a compelling entity based on
Artha and Setiawan (2016) concluded that the Law, by not getting compensation
the variable moral obligation positively directly and used for state purposes for the
influences the compliance of individual greatest prosperity of the people."

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

There are two tax functions Sony and Siti (2006:112) conclude
according to Siti Resmi (2014: 3), namely the definition of tax compliance that in
budgetary function and regular function. principle tax compliance is the action of
Then in collecting taxes, there are several taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations
tax collection systems according to Siti under the provisions of the laws and
Resmi (2014: 11), namely the official regulations and the implementation of
assessment system, the self-assessment taxation applicable in a country.
system, and withholding system. The Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) model is often used in tax
E-Commerce compliance research. This model can
explain significantly taxpayers' non-
Definition of e-commerce, compliance behavior. According to this
according to Carnaghan and Klassen (2004) model, taxpayers are strongly influenced by
is a common term used in the business attitude variables, subjective norms, and
organizational transactions or functions perceived behavioral controls (Mustikasari,
rather than through human acting within 2007). Taxpayer compliance is measured
traditional organizational structures or by indicators revealed by Norman D.
functions." Nufransa (2014: 12) defines the Nowak in Sony and Siti (2006) and Muliarti
term e-Commerce which stands for and Setiawan (2010).
electronic commerce as a mechanism for
buying and selling transactions using Taxpayer Awareness
internet facilities as a communication
medium. Directorate General of Taxes Muliarti and Setiawan (2010) define
Circular Number 62 the Year 2013 taxpayer awareness as a condition in which
concerning Affirmation of Taxation taxpayers know, understand, and
Provisions on E-Commerce Transactions, implement tax provisions correctly and
dividing e-Commerce into four types based voluntarily. So if the level of awareness of
on the category of transaction models, taxpayers is higher then the understanding
namely Online Marketplace, Classified and implementation of tax obligations will
Ads, Daily Deals, and Online Retail. also be better so that it can improve
taxpayer compliance.
Taxpayer Compliance To foster awareness of taxation in
taxpayers, adequate knowledge is needed,
Safri Nurmantu (2005) defines tax wherewith the knowledge of taxation can
compliance as a condition in which provide a positive perception for taxpayers.
taxpayers fulfill all tax obligations and Rasmini and Rohmawati (2012) revealed
carry out their taxation rights. There are two that by increasing tax knowledge in the
types of compliance, namely: community through taxation knowledge,
a. Formal compliance is a condition in both formal and informal, will have a
which taxpayers fulfill their obligations positive impact on the awareness of
formally under the provisions of the taxpayers to pay taxes.
Taxation Law. With the tax collection system,
b. Material compliance is a condition in namely the self-assessment system, it is
which the taxpayer substantially or vital to voluntarily obey each taxpayer's
essentially fulfills all the provisions of self, to build voluntary compliance,
the taxation material, namely under the awareness of each taxpayer's self is needed.
contents and soul of the Taxation Law. The awareness of taxpayers is vital because,
Material separation can also include with taxpayers aware of their tax
formal compliance. obligations, taxpayers can be motivated to
carry out their obligations regarding taxes.

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Taxpayer awareness is measured by Supadmi (2009) states that quality service

indicators revealed by Muliarti and is a service that can provide satisfaction to
Setiawan (2010). customers and remain within the limits of
meeting service standards that can be
Moral Obligations accounted for and must be carried out
Artha and Setiawan (2016) define The quality of service for tax
moral obligations as individual morals that officers is essential to be improved in order
are owned by someone but may not be to increase taxpayer compliance in
owned by others, such as ethics, living fulfilling its tax obligations. In the same
principles, feelings of guilt, voluntary and study, Supadmi (2009) concluded that
correct tax obligations that will be linked to quality service must be sought to provide
the fulfillment of tax obligations. security, comfort, smoothness, and legal
One theory that is a reference in certainty that can be accounted for. The
assessing the compulsory taxpayer moral is quality of service for tax officers is
the theory of moral reasoning proposed by measured using the SERVQUAL (Service
Kolhberg. In this theory, the relation with Quality) model, namely direct evidence,
the context of tax compliance states that reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and
moral decisions are influenced by the empathy.
application of sanctions at a low level of The quality of taxation services, in
moral reasoning, the expectation of fairness addition to the aspect of the tax officer, also
at a moderate level, and the issue of fairness needs to be considered from the aspect of
at the highest level. So, taxpayers who use the electronic taxation system. Electronic
morals more in making tax payment taxation system or commonly called e-
decisions will be more compliant than other system, provides several facilities to
taxpayers. Taxpayers with the same moral support taxpayers in fulfilling their
level but who have different perceptions obligations. The definition of e-system
will have different reactions to tax according to Liberty Pandiangan (2008:35)
compliance (Jayanto, 2011). Moral in Masitoh and Indrianti (2017) is a system
obligations in this study are measured by that is used to support smooth
indicators of ethics, principles of life, and administration through internet technology,
feelings of guilt. so that all work processes and taxation
services are expected to run smoothly,
Quality of Tax Services quickly and accurately. The quality of the
electronic system of taxation (e-system) is
Lupiyoadi and Hamdani (2009) measured by the five dimensions used by
explain the notion of quality according to Nelson et al. (2005:206) in Fendini (2013),
ISO 9000 that is a degree achieved by namely system reliability, system
characteristics inherent in fulfilling the flexibility, system integration, system
requirements, where these requirements are accessibility and system response time.
stated needs or expectations, usually
implied or mandatory. So the quality as Research Methodology
interpreted by ISO 9000 is a combination of
properties and characteristics that This study uses quantitative data
determine the extent to which output can types with data collection methods of
meet the requirements of customer needs. survey research strategies with a
Customers who determine and assess how questionnaire. The population studied in
far these characteristics and characteristics this study are all e-Commerce-based SMEs
understand their needs. who run online marketplace business
transaction activities and act as sellers or

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

online marketplace merchants who have Y = Taxpayer Compliance

become taxpayers. The sample chosen in X1 = Taxpayer Awareness
this study uses incidental sampling X2 = Moral Obligations
technique which is a chance-based sample X3 = Quality of Tax Service
determination technique, that anyone who α = Constants
accidentally / incidentally meets with the β1-β3 = Regression Coefficient
researcher can be used as a sample if ε = Disturbing Variables
viewed as someone who happens to be
found suitable as a data source. Results And Discussion
The population is not known with
certainty, so in determining the number of Results
samples needed, researchers use the
formula developed by Rao Purba (1996). This research was conducted by distributing
𝑍2 100 questionnaires to businesses that meet
4(𝑚𝑜𝑒)2 the criteria of respondents, namely business
Information: conduct (private person) who have e-
n = number of samples Commerce-based business with the type of
Z = level of confidence in determining the online marketplace business model, which
sample already has an NPWP, domiciled in
moe = margin of error or error rate Bandung both Bandung City and Bandung
Based on this formula, the number of Regency and also used an electronic
samples produced for this study is equal to taxation system (e-System). Of the 100
100 respondents obtained from the questionnaires distributed, only 78
following calculations: questionnaires were collected which met
(1,96)2 3,8416 the criteria for the respondent and can be
𝑛= 2
= = 96,04 processed.
4(0,1) 0,04
From the results of these calculations, the
number of samples was 96 respondents, but Data Analysis Results
in order for this study to be fit, the
researchers rounded up the number of After testing the validity and
samples to 100 respondents. reliability, it can be concluded that all items
Given the data collection of survey of the statement are valid and feasible to be
research strategies with tools such as used as a measurement tool in this study
questionnaires, to obtain valid and reliable and each item questionnaire on the four
research results, validity, and reliability variables of this research can be relied upon
were tested. Then the classical assumption to measure their respective variables.
test, which includes the multicollinearity Then a classic assumption test is
test, heteroscedasticity test, and normality also performed, the results of the classic
test is carried out. assumption test of this study indicate that
The analysis technique used is the regression model used has met all three
multiple linear regression because this classical assumption tests so that it can be
study is to find out how the influence of said that this research regression model
taxpayer awareness factors, moral reflects Blue Linear Unbiased Estimator
obligations, and the quality of taxation (BLUE).
services on taxpayer compliance. The form Multiple linear regression analysis
of multiple linear regression equations with is used to determine the effect of Taxpayer
three predictors or three independent Awareness (X1), Moral Obligation (X2),
variables for this study are as follows: and Tax Service Quality (X3) on Taxpayer
Y = α + β_1 X_1 + β_2 X_2 + β_3 X_3 + ε Compliance (Y). Then using the SPSS
Information: version 23 program, the primary data is

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

processed and analyzed, thus displaying the

following results:

Table 2. Multiple Linear Regression Results

Taxpayers Compliance
Independent Variable
B t Sig.
Constanta -3,144 -1,332 0,187
Taxpayers Awareness (X1) 0,526 3,972 0,000
Moral Obligation (X2) 0,063 0,334 0,739
Tax Service Quality (X3) 0,299 3,807 0,000
Determination Coefficient 0,599
F-Count 36,809
Sig. F 0,000
Multiple Linier Regression Y = -3,144 + 0,526X1 + 0,063X2 + 0,299X3+ ℇ

From the table above, it is known

In the table above shows that the that the F-Count value is 36,809 greater
magnitude of the determination coefficient than the F-Table value 2,728 obtained from
(R squared) is 0.599 this means that 59.9% df1 = 3, df2 = 74, and alpha 5%. Then the
variation in taxpayer compliance can be significance value of the F test of 0,000 is
explained by variations of the three smaller than alpha 0.05. So the conclusion
independent variables of taxpayer is the awareness of taxpayers, moral
awareness, moral obligations, and service obligations, and the quality of tax service
quality taxation and the remaining 40.1% is simultaneously or jointly have a significant
influenced by other factors outside this effect on taxpayer compliance.
regression model.

Table 3. Statistical Test Results t

Variable t-statistics Sig. t-table
Taxpayers Awareness (X1) 3,972 0,000 1,992
Moral Obligation (X2) 0,334 0,739 1,992
Tax Service Quality (X3) 3,807 0,000 1,992
Sources: Processed Data
compliance in their tax obligations. From
From table 3 it can be seen that t table 3 it can be seen that t-statistics = 3.807
count = 3.972 > t-table = 1.992 and a > t-table = 1.992 and a significance level of
significance level of 0.000 < 0.025 (α/2; 0.000 < 0.025 (α / 2; 0.05 / 2 = 0.025 due to
0.05/2 = 0.025 due to one-party test) so that one-party test) so that H3 is accepted. It can
H1 is accepted. It can be interpreted that be interpreted that partially, the quality of
partially the awareness of taxpayers has a tax service has a positive effect on taxpayer
positive effect on taxpayer compliance in compliance in fulfilling its tax obligations.
fulfilling its tax obligations. From table 3 it
can be seen that t count = 0.334 < t-table = Discussion
1.992 and the significance level of 0.739 >
0.025 (α / 2; 0.05 / 2 = 0.025 due to one Effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Moral
party test) so that H2 is rejected. It can be Obligations, and Quality of Tax Services
interpreted that partially moral obligations on Taxpayer Compliance
do not have a positive effect on taxpayer

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

After testing with SPSS software Therefore, to increase taxpayer

ver. 23 obtained F-count value (36.809) compliance, it is expected that the public
higher than F-table (2.728) then at a has adequate knowledge regarding their
significance level of 5% (α = 0.05) it was obligations as taxpayers, especially
decided to reject Ho so that Ha was knowledge of tax regulations related to
accepted. It means that with a 95% their work. If it is related to the object of
confidence level it can be concluded that this study, it is necessary to have adequate
taxpayer awareness, moral obligations, and knowledge regarding the tax provisions on
the quality of taxation services e-commerce transactions; thus the
simultaneously or together have a awareness of the taxpayer will increase
significant effect on taxpayer compliance in because he will increasingly understand his
fulfilling tax obligations. obligations as a taxpayer until eventually
The result of the determination become a compliant taxpayer.
coefficient states the magnitude of the
effect of taxpayer awareness, moral Effect of Moral Obligations on Taxpayer
obligations, and the quality of taxation Compliance
services on taxpayer compliance has an
effect of 59.9%. This means that taxpayer The results of this study do not
awareness (X1), moral obligation (X2), and support the results of previous research
tax service quality (X3) gives the regarding moral obligations affecting
simultaneous or joint influence of 59.9% on taxpayer compliance as has been done by
taxpayer compliance (Y), while the Layata and Setiawan (2014) and Rahayu
remaining 40.1% is influenced other factors and Satriawan (2016). However, the results
outside the independent variables in this of this study are in line with the results of
study. Other factors can be in the form of research from Salman and Farid (2008)
taxation witnesses, tax audits, tax where the research concludes that the
socialization, tax system justice, and so taxpayer's morality does not significantly
forth. influence taxpayer compliance. This result
is understandable given that moral
Effect of Taxpayer Awareness on obligations are individual morals that are
Taxpayer Compliance owned by someone but are likely not owned
by others. Besides, although taxpayers have
The results of this study concluded the same moral level but have different
that the awareness of taxpayers has a perceptions, they will react differently to
positive effect on taxpayer compliance, tax compliance.
consistent with the results of Muliarti and In general, respondents from this
Setiawan (2010) and Arisandy (2017) study are SMEs whose income levels are
which concluded that the awareness of classified as low to medium and also the
taxpayers has a positive and significant majority of their level of education, namely
impact on taxpayer compliance. In addition high school graduates and undergraduate
this finding also supports Suryadi's degrees so that the fulfillment of physical
statement in Rasmini and Rohmawati needs is more important than social needs.
(2012) which states that taxpayer awareness According to Jayanto (2011) in developing
will increase if the community has a countries with a low level of per capita
positive perception of tax, thus increasing income, it is more useful to apply legal
tax knowledge in the community through sanctions rather than moral sanctions in
taxation knowledge, both formal and increasing tax compliance. Therefore, the
informal will have a positive impact application of legal sanctions will bring
towards the awareness of taxpayers to pay taxpayer compliance more than moral
taxes. sanctions. Then if it is related to the theory

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Journal of Accounting Auditing and Business – No.1, Vol.2, 2018 10.24198/jaab.v1i2.18270

of moral reasoning to assess the taxpayer's awareness, moral obligations, the quality of
morality, according to the condition of the tax officer services to taxpayers'
respondents this research shows that the compliance, private SMEs based on e-
taxpayer's moral decision is more commerce in the Bandung region,
influenced by the treatment of the concluded as follows:
imposition of sanctions and expectations of 1. Test results simultaneously show
tax justice. Therefore, with the condition of taxpayer awareness, moral obligations,
taxpayers like this, it is necessary to apply and the quality of taxation services have
strict tax sanctions to both taxpayers and tax a significant effect on taxpayer
officers which can be in the form of legal compliance at a 95% confidence level.
sanctions, social sanctions, or feelings of The magnitude of the simultaneous
guilt, besides that there must also be tax effect is 59.9%, while the remaining
justice. 40.1% is influenced by other factors
than the variables in this study.
Effect of Tax Service Quality on Taxpayer 2. Based on the partial analysis results
Compliance obtained the following results:
a. Taxpayer awareness (X1) has a
The results of this study conclude positive effect on taxpayer
that the quality of taxation services has a compliance (Y).
positive effect on taxpayer compliance. b. Moral obligation (X2) does not
Rahayu and Satriawan (2016) revealed that affect taxpayer compliance (Y).
the better service provided to taxpayers, the c. Tax service quality (X3) has a
higher the enthusiasm of the community to positive effect on taxpayer
fulfill their tax obligations. Therefore, with compliance (Y).
the improvement of the quality of taxation
services, both from the official side and Suggestions
from the electronic tax system (e-system),
it can influence taxpayers to improve their 1. For online business entrepreneurs, to
compliance in fulfilling their tax be able to pay more attention to tax
obligations. obligations arising from business
Therefore it is not surprising the activities, one of them is the emergence
results of this study, which states that the of income tax payable, so it would be
quality of tax service has a positive and nice if online business people also
significant impact on taxpayer compliance. know and understand the taxation
The results of this study support the results provisions related to this online
of previous studies, in which Fuadi and business.
Mangoting (2013) stated that the service 2. For the government, especially for Tax
quality of tax officers partially has a Office and the Directorate General of
significant effect on increasing taxpayer Taxes to pay more attention to the
compliance. Also, Tambun and Eko taxation aspects of this online business,
Witriyanto (2017) research stated that e- because it cannot be denied that there
system has a significant and positive effect are still many online business people
on the level of taxpayer compliance. who are negligent from their tax
Conclusions And Suggestions 3. For the next researcher, it is expected
to conduct similar research with
Conclusion different methods, namely using
qualitative methods, so that it is more
Based on the results of data research detailed in describing how the factors
and discussion on the effect of taxpayer in this study affect taxpayer

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