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How does self-control in leadership make an impact in addressing social issues.

Self-control is a key concept in leadership. The ability to control one's emotions,

impulses and attitudes is an important aspect of being successful as a leader. It's important to

understand that self-control is not the same thing as willpower or determination. Self-control

involves more than just trying hard to do something. It requires the ability to recognize when you

are about to make a bad decision or when you need to slow down and think through your actions

before taking them.

Self-control is the ability to control one's impulses, desires, or actions. It is a skill that can

be learned and improved upon through practice, but if it is not developed in the early stages of

life, it can be difficult later on when making decisions that require self-control.

Self-control is an essential quality for all leaders because it helps them understand their

own emotions and those of others, which allows them to make sound decisions every single time.

Without this skill, leaders would find themselves making poor choices for themselves as well as

for other people around them. The ability to control one's impulses makes it easier for leaders to

lead effectively because they don't have any "nibbling at the edges" tendencies that could lead

them into making poor choices at work or in their personal lives.

In addition to being able to control one's impulses, self-control also allows leaders to

understand their own motivations so that they can be more effective at communicating with

others about what motivates them and why certain decisions were made (or not made). This

understanding also allows leaders.



Can an ethical leader make a country develop. Yes or No. How and why?

Ethics should be practiced by every individual, especially leaders who will look up by his

people. Being ethical is not a choice but a common quality that we must have.

People might be surprised to find out that the ethical leader can make his country develop

and prosper. Being ethical is not just a good trait but also a long-term goal that needs time to

achieve. It doesn't mean that you will become unethical if you are unethical in the beginning, but

it will eventually destroy your credibility as a leader.

Ethics should be practiced by every individual, especially leaders who will look up by his

people. Being ethical is not a choice but a common quality that we must have. I certainly believe

that if a leader is ethical, he will also possess all the good traits that a righteous leader should

have. And if he's ethical, his people will look up to him, follow him and greater things will

eventually happen to his country and countrymen as well. Ethical leadership is the practice of

serving your people and the country. It means being honest, trustworthy, fair and just. Being

ethical means having high moral standards and character traits that inspire trust, respect and

confidence. Ethical leaders are open-minded and considerate of others’ needs, wants, desires and


Ethical leaders are not perfect but they strive to be better every day. They make decisions

based on facts rather than their own biases or prejudices. They uphold the highest integrity as a

moral foundation for all their actions — both public and private. And they value honesty over

popularity because it’s only by exercising these qualities that ethical leaders can make positive

change in their communities, families and workplaces.

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