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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology


Human Resource Development

Assignment- Week 6

Number of questions: 15 Total mark: 15 X 1 = 15

MCQ Question


Which of the following is a part of the psychosocial function of mentoring?

a. coaching
b. counseling and friendship
c. giving challenging assignments
d. providing professional exposure and visibility

Correct Answer: b. counseling and friendship

Detailed Solution: Psychosocial Functions of mentoring help the mentee develop a sense of
competence and clarity of identity. Counseling and friendship are a part of the psychosocial
function. All other options are related to the career function of mentoring.


In which type of mentoring model the mentor actively champions and promotes the cause of
the protégé?

a. coaching model
b. developmental model
c. counseling model
d. sponsorship model

Correct Answer: d. sponsorship model

Detailed Solution: Sponsorship is a relationship between a protégé and a person who has
authority or influence they can use to help them in their career development or advancement.


Which of the following is NOT the role of a mentor?

a. performance appraisal
b. help learners develop insight into the cause of poor performance
c. challenge learner’s thinking and assumptions
d. be a role model for personal growth

Correct Answer: a. performance appraisal

Detailed Solution: Performance appraisal is the role of the line manager, not the mentor.


In which stage of a mentoring program do the formulation of the mentoring strategy,

appointment of mentoring coordinators, and communication of the marketing plan happen?

a. Creating mentoring implementation structures

b. Identifying mentors/mentees
c. Training of mentoring coordinators
d. Introducing the mentoring program

Correct Answer: a. Creating mentoring implementation structures

Detailed Solution: Creating mentoring implementation structures is the second stage of

implementation, in which the support structures needed to steer the implementation of the
mentoring strategy get established. Formulation of the mentoring strategy, appointment of
mentoring coordinators, and communication and marketing plan are examples of mentoring
implementation structures.


The M in SMART goals stands for which of the following?

a. Measurable
b. Malleable
c. Meaningful
d. Mutual

Correct Answer: a. Measurable

Detailed Solution: The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Measurable means specific criteria that measure
your progress toward accomplishing the goal.


Which of the following questions can be asked to evaluate the 'Relationship Process' of

a. How many learning objectives were reached?

b. Has the mentee improved?
c. Has close rapport been established?
d. Has there been a decrease in employee turnover?
Correct Answer: c. Has close rapport been established?

Detailed Solution: Option c. evaluates the relationship process between mentor and mentee.
Options a. and b. evaluate the Process outcome and option d. evaluates the program outcome.


Which type of mentoring relationship is most suitable for new employees?

a. structured/long term
b. structured/short term
c. unstructured/long term
d. unstructured/short term

Correct Answer: b. structured/short term

Detailed Solution: Structured mentoring is formal, is based on a specific business objective,

is often measured, and brings people together based on compatibility. A structured short-term
relationship typically lasts for a specified time and then formally ends. It is most suitable for
new employees who need to learn about the organization.


Arrange these stages of the formal mentoring cycle in the correct order- 1. Pilot, 2. Concept,
3. Scale, 4. Manage, 5. Creation:

a. 23154
b. 42351
c. 25314
d. 25134

Correct Answer: d. 25134

Detailed Solution: The stages of the formal mentoring cycle in correct order are- Concept-
valuing formal mentoring, Creation- getting the structure right, 3. Pilot- calibrating with
employees, 4. Scale- getting the message right, 5. Manage- making sure it happens


After participating in a mentoring program, the mentee became self-reliant and took on more
responsibility and challenges. It indicates that the mentee had developed the quality of:

a. Knowledge
b. Judgment/wisdom
c. Resilience
d. Independence

Correct Answer: d. Independence

Detailed Solution: An essential goal in any mentoring relationship is helping the mentee
become independent. Growing into responsibility and challenges and becoming self-reliant
are indicators of independence.


Match the following types of assistance given by mentors with their descriptions.
1. Listening A. Help mentee to develop self-confidence and winning behavior
2. Encouraging B. Be a sounding board for problems
3. Inspiring C. Explain paths to success
4. Informing D. Direct mentee towards excellence

a. 1-A,2-D,3-C, 4-B
b. 1-B,2-A,3-C, 4-D
c. 1-B,2-A,3-D, 4-C
d. 1-C,2-B,3-A, 4-D

Correct Answer: c. 1-B,2-A,3-D, 4-C

Detailed Solution: Option c is the correct match. The different types of personal and
professional assistance mentors give are- 1. Listening- Sounding board for problems
2. Informing- Providing wise counsel, suggesting possible solutions or information sources,
showing how the organization works, explaining paths to success, 3. Encouraging- Help them
to develop self-confidence and winning behavior, 4. Inspiring- Direct them towards
excellence, and teach by example.


How should a mentor react when a performance gap is recognized in a mentee's behavior?

a. Rescue the mentee from all problems

b. Provide unsolicited advice
c. Use “absolute” statements
d. Come up with positive, constructive strategies to overcome

Correct Answer: d. Come up with positive, constructive strategies to overcome

Detailed Solution: The mentor's approach should be to try and pick the mentees' mood
toward a positive outcome while addressing the issues and guiding them on how to deal with
the tough situations. Criticism has to be constructive and, better still, well delivered to inspire
the person receiving the objection to take it on board and use it to improve themselves or their


Gossip, envy, suspicion, speculation, sexual stereotypes, and charges of sexual harassment
are problems most commonly faced in which type of mentoring relationship?

a. Cross-gender
b. Cross-cultural
c. Reverse mentoring
d. Mentoring by supervisor

Correct Answer: a. Cross-gender

Detailed Solution: Cross-gender mentorship, otherwise known as diversified mentoring

relationships, can be of two types, namely, one with a male mentor and a female protégé and
the other with a female mentor and a male protégé. Cross-gender mentoring relationships
have great difficulties getting past gendered stereotypes and behaviors and the difference in
power dynamics, leading to issues such as gossip, envy, suspicion, speculation, sexual
stereotypes, and charges of sexual harassment.


Scandura identified four potential dysfunctions in mentoring relationships. The type of

dysfunction which is career-related and there is bad intention towards the other is called

a. negative relations
b. sabotage
c. spoiling
d. difficulty

Correct Answer: b. sabotage

Detailed Solution: Sabotage: one takes revenge on the other (e.g., Protégé did not get
“promised” promotion may give mentor the silent treatment; Mentor who depends on protégé
may sabotage protégé’s move to another company, etc.)


Choose the INCORRECT statement:

a. Internal mentors help with current organizational issues.

b. External mentors help with larger career issues and future organizational moves.
c. we should choose a mentor to fulfill all developmental needs
d. A mentee should be proactive and adopt a learning orientation

Correct Answer: c. We should choose the mentor to fulfill all developmental needs

Detailed Solution: One mentor is unlikely to fulfill all developmental needs. That is why
each mentoring relationship has a fixed objective and time. One mentee can have several
mentors to ensure development in various areas.


In the distance mentoring, we should use emails for:

a. giving complex instructions/feedback

b. exchanging sensitive information
c. setting up phone meetings
d. providing impressions of third parties

Correct Answer: c. setting up phone meetings

Detailed Solution: Email communication is one of the most popular ways to connect with co-
workers, including mentors. For workplace mentoring participants who are engaged in cross-
country or long-distance mentorships, email can be the best way to stay in touch. Emails
should be used to set up meetings but not to give complex or confidential information.

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