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share of mine evens 34 onetime lose In return, the foverament of Pps New Guins pened legion {esi BHP from any and all lity steaing for ts pstacions ade mine. New Guinan ‘ounced the mine would comin operating ut 2013 40d posbly unl 2022, which woud slow i to pro tional 70,000 ton of copper ad 2. lion ouness of gold. The mine cntined to charge m tous of waste rock and tailings sno ‘he Ok Tedi rive each yar casing the riverbed by seveesl more meters and causing che dcback area co ‘xpand. Twas expected that deback would event ‘are abou 000 square meter nd would take sbout {90 centuries years fo recover. A statement onthe OL ‘esi Mining wh ste indice tha epe he me’ limpaton the "river seem and thee subsistence ive. lihoode," the people of the Ok Tedi and Fly River “serongly endorsed its continued operation” and thie lowes were “compensated under «tamer of compen ‘sition srangemenee z ces wed throghoat this cute ncade: Ines mics sno ne Ennonnert 297 ‘bh Ming forte Poors tepot comstoned 9 2 i ‘ckegream tb ly Che, snore barth ‘nied Nedons Developer Poprmy ceed June 2.2006 at bnpfovm geersenr evar et ‘enfin CmtnlD 1860, Wess bank Bk Tei Mme {1 Min Ware Management Pre Bak Amen ont Supaing Demon), ese Jone 08 biipromemptgenltrdtor hat fil pers imi tnd te OX Te Ming oc seo knoe ‘tom secede 1,301 2. Kenn Pm, “OL Teds What e Do sat the Danae Dane Sepcber 1.109, sas Toms Olin coed Jy 35,200 whew ates cms a ime 2. Soe Kieck ha lacing Vso a 4 a wri rewed Jue 15,2000 bp rok erardoy? Seek piy peso 44 Boke Ht Prope Compty Lint “Cw Soy, OU edt" BAP Emroneatnd Comey Eger 300 ‘evmber 00) seared Joe 130 ere 5. Novem fo Bir cma othe « CASES Helptae he Concent Gas or Grouse? acing de summer of 208, pole ing na he Poe ile Mesa Gometines alle she Pinedale Kascling in ‘Wyoming were anol wating forthe Boren of lane ‘Manager BLM) to ise a decision epering wheter ‘Questar and other energy companies would be allowed ‘0 dil howtands of ugly satura aswell all ovr the serene wilderness dat ly stop the mos. Tae Pinedale ‘Mes it's 40-mile fog, 300-qeare tl plateau extend ing north and south along the eter side of Wyoming ‘Green River Basa, anaes ht noe athe prow the hunting fishing ed bing enrare ofthe Bree “Teton wilderness The cy of Pinel which it blew the mesa short tance fom ite nother end wo eh. ‘ady surrounded by hundreds af rocey died wel that cnclesty pumped natural gu fom the ist pocket {hat are brid weernesth the repon and which re et ‘mated to contin 25 lon ei et of gas worth bls sfdaln. Questar Corporatio. mers cmp ith ses ‘ald aan Slo he a elope of he ‘els stond the iy and had ent eed seal we pen the mesa that vero he ay. Occasoy ce tml der, rng slope der wien ing the imperil rene spe fowedesced om tt ‘alist hems snd ngs pk ta wy rd nd betcen the wells Ques ded sound Pinedale Nacsrprsingly commentaire swe with Que strand the oc ene) comp, whose plans t= pnd ict operations. themes they cated ould Bate sero neue tie on te whic on nc ‘ellen he beau of be we, ‘The feel goverment’: Boren of Land Mange men (BLM) at rapier dein whet ws dae ‘ith the acreage om he meu, OF TRO cero the tea, the federal goverment own 138.000, Wvering tnt 2,50, ad 880 re pray owned a 200 [BLM ad stern ined ding om he mes, ba had posed several estetions ty powered we rom the linac ofthe deling In 208, che Bocas was be tng eddy Ques en he ther corps wh rated ‘od onthe mest remove imi ling by 3 more tan 4800 .4dsna well wil 0 i che remiss daccusioed th dling kpc. ‘on wf bart ad prover very con wee companies in Sal Lake iy, Quer Corpor ‘ion dried fac scetsfl rent well a the Pinedale ‘Mesa in 1998 Exeaceing the got onder themes at ‘teas erties beat Ue gv oped nly Fe mnie ac pret wine oe Seoalon heta80 eet owed bes de eel = ‘raent ad fromthe sae of Wyong ond the congeny Eo may de Ka me a Eo yexpera around the country welcomed the Ae sof eee {rvtre (CH), bore mach more sles than any Scher (oan fc Moreover because sutra] powered ‘th Unie Stes, tase reduces US. rence on foreign shitgy spp Relea ecard Peal so the dling activity, which brought namer- ‘us bene, inchding job, incensed Yevenes, and es ieee eae foo noe Gestation the mon serge 1400 fx feiss fae Eten pice ciclcnecest tor merorko pier ht dew he pt from the well aa ‘sed to where cou erred sd dsbed. Esch etree wae a a be ore os Sacre hated oy on ker rs were, bad imposed » significant re Sete ernie oe tar ‘tes of the mes provide habia for mle deer, pron thom sheep, soe grows and other species, andthe BLM ‘impoweddriling rls tat were designed to protet his (Ghefamong dese speces as he ge rome “Te bgt puoi iu coll be setae only im sctered pocket in IT tte The grouse hich ites ac evans of 400 to 2,0 fet and depen tm cresting rat llr age fl 9 ‘cre sel om predators, extremely sense whe ‘mun aco. Howes telephone poles o feces can dr Tavs and ravens whch prey one route gross War eatimate that 200 yrs go the denon fo hei dnc sping “rwtang” meting dance nas tered 2 milion and were common scrote te western United Sse: By the 19705 hee amber had fen 0 shout 40,00. A sed completed in June, 2004 by the ‘Wester Auocition of Fish aad Widife Agence on ‘Ihdd the tere were only heneer 1400 snd 250,00, ‘fh ids fan that “we ent optimist bout the ‘re" The drama deine in che nue wa aed (tary on the detection of $0 perento thir rah nesting nd mating grounds cle i), which in ‘mwas blamed on nestck rain, nw home cons Son, res, and the expanding serene Ds pen ve 8 deling and other mining actin. Blas belie ‘hat if ier sngebrash habitat are no roneced he bid ‘el beso reduced in orber by 2090 shat will never Feciner According to Pat Deiber, + US, Fh an Wi [ie Serve blops, "hey need large wands of bake sagebrush” and anything tha esis up those ends ach ‘onde pipelines, or bosses aes then Ta order to protet the nage prose, mbone ltr ‘ne population had nested fr thwsands of season the ‘eal epebrach Be op onthe mes the BLM required {hat Questar’ roads, wells and weer sracures bad ‘elected «quater il or more frm gre ecg poms endo ee? les fcr nest ores dare reding seen. Some sta, owcvers oneal that these pots were no ficient sre the cine inthe roe pope, swe protien the aren, they were increasing aig wp inn which the se forage and nosed and wer dating th ents Hrd CGonserotises sa hate BLM sbosl increas the ‘qareromile butler acas around the grows brewing (Found lene 2 balers Tn May 204, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service announced tha would begin the process of stay lng whether the sage prose shouldbe estogoiied 3 sitendaagatedspesen hich would bring onde the peste sks Engel Spe Ac sagan rans been ring the Serie sine 80 ‘Questar and other gar, oly and mining compares a may opposed having the rose sed asa endangered ‘pe ete ccs Each he grocer world mats re ‘of federal aed fits ling ting, ond ‘tment pene of Wren eed {rose hae, acing mach ofthe Pinedale Mess ‘Geeta dling pas woul be every compromised Questar and other companies aes coaton the Partnership forthe Wese tb the Bis wna ‘in lee the growe of the endangered pies Ls tim Ss frmer communications cer fr Bre ‘Slot George W. Bus Energy Tsk Force, the cosion ‘blsbed a web ste where he eed on member 0 Tabby "key adminitraon player in Washington and 10 “unleshpraseroos oppatoen lian, thar prong soon over the plitcledesip ae Depart ol Tenor and thauoat he sdminitation The colton lb suggeted anding scenic ade” tht would be ‘sgt show th the sae grouse was noc endangered ‘coring o Sins he temp octane the re ‘cadangered species wa spearheaded by “enorme {al exes wo have cooverged onthe Aneian West ina effort stop wry ll econame grow snd de: ‘lopment ‘They want o resi usines sn inde ‘reg ar. Thy wat opto Wester anf ii ‘oul ofus” Dra Bower, vce presen ofthe Perlear ‘Association of Wyoming, id, Tndangered apc at Ings are no good Sorte ol argo indy, anything swe can do to preven a specie rom being ited ie food {ox the indy. the ge growed woul hare ‘dead efi on cl al ge nthe te of “The sage grouse war not he only species affected by Ques’ dling operatons. The pases o which (Goestr wanted sdditonaldiling ips wes ot area ‘slong and 3 mies wide, lw on the northern end ofthe mes. This property was located i the mide of ‘he pur age und by ee dnd prnghc cemlopy ‘ome of which migrate othe ment rea fom fa ‘the Grand Teton Nconal ark, 170 ules othe noth Althoagh the mesa way elevated ad winters there were ‘arth was mach ower than the mountain where he rule der and pronghorn antelope lived in spring and Sumer, pd heme promde! large Rel of ageban ‘hav fe ihe nin: gro utes conducted berween 1998 nd 2001 reveed thatthe pronghoranelope herds ‘make one ofthe longest anal miprton rong Nor [Anencen hig gee nial Theses soe Pinedale laecd wih atin rior cd by howe of mole deer and prone every il hey ake he way sth to ther onter grounds onthe mess andthe Genoa River ‘Basin. Tali on Highway 191 which ox aco wore of ‘il daring the wer nhen they are ey pal _tressed and eulnersble de other low calorie intake, Some eae ad supped tant even the ee presen ‘thoman due he anos an el her ond 30 {ex Consequently the BM reared Ques fo ce ll ‘ing opersons x cent cach wine fn Newent 15 w May Ina pres the athe BLM pr biel pees, seer ono or on ase fo ‘tring eo he cs daring win. The BLM, boven, tad an aepion for Ques us and penn! wh {sd coco lof gs wares oo wc tha Ba Already been died wd hat continued eo oper dng the wine he wine moa prob ending ‘operons snd camped wels wee allowed sconce {pump ps dh the ya) Being forced to sop tiling operations daring the ‘inter mantic wes exten sung nd con 0 ue {ia Deling crew ad wo bead ofthe gong of ‘imc sn pew crew al toe ied and ened ery ring. Every fal he ompany ba ofc p sve ors ‘Tempe ding rign end rcs tnd more thm of themes: Recor ofthe seal merapon a ding ‘hele the al dele fc i ws rod {orake 1 years mc ger than he compary mats 1200, Guess bites props ote Barve of Land Manemene Questar propre to nes int ‘ew ind of dling rig tha allowed po 18 wells be deg fom single pad intend of the adinal To 2 “The new echoloy (ced tna dig sited the Ai endergund lone avy fen ep Se that by placing wes round the perimeter of he pd Silat an underground slant eding way om the fa lke the ovestetched tentacles on sn oeopur-mutile bcos ald be ped by sever wells ranch {ingot fem ing pd This anise the nen ceapied by the wel whl wana ding req Te august 2-4 sere pads 0 spore 16 wells the now reins dling echnalogy allowed 3 singe pa 0 told 16 well The technology eroded the suber freqred roadways an dbuton pipes since 3p Secs ron and pe could tow vic te ae suet wells da radon reqaedY dileca rod and Te ciferen pipes. Questar se propor at istend of ‘yng td wanes sy om operating we cn ny ‘Sirti the company woud build ssecond pear {Gi tha would pump guid wastes sway atoms Thee innortons, Quer pnted xt, old ean iy reduce any Karma pct ta dig ad pny ing had onthe wife nbbiing the mes. Using the ‘ew technology forthe addonal 40 wel he company ‘mtd to dell would eqire 6 pds intend of 150 on ‘Beds woud osapy 55 srs end of 178. "Thc new decal ling techoloy aed shoot 500,00 10 the cont ofeach wel nd eqiedivcsing inseverat ne deiling ris The added cont forthe 40 ional wel Questar planned wou tl 185 lin ‘Questar noted, however, tat "the company antipates that ican site ene cost cam dl and complete se eon di oe coma pron a fontinsed through th winter’ Ite company wa lowed w dell coninsoady through te winter, rol table to finish dling all tr wats in 9 yr instead of 1, heey alost doubling the company’s eens fom th projet ver hone 9 year. Thi cerita ‘eethewincr mnt T ln, Questar ound att be wed 0 ‘ace the namber of wel a slowed dal one nes By nom, sever ce ney compete were 1 dro he mesic Us Sal BP, Sone cp Nevis aon, ocho: Paper filed he BLM sn hy owed oe slo 4392 nar weloce ema hd em wer so ‘etpcg thy belied dl ooh wine “Ath ceveounenas werted Gora’ wil segnet torent i deca rigs hy sph ned allowing tort other compton he ‘es ing the wine when ml der ad lope ere Ser frpng ef nd roping vie The Ups ‘Grea Re Vay Conon, sin coronene (peopel omen ht nd “Ths company Se ‘itded or ning cin ling, bt ecological nantes he rc of grt ming wie eage™ is order tallow Quer oon theKesbily of sical ding nt say eso wrog deeherds, the Bree of Lad Managemen decded ie Quer del wale ara singe pod ooh he miner ‘f2002 200 nd gain oop ie wine of 003-200 ‘The nee wold aonch 1 yer sy ft input sin dling wich wold onanee wal 2007 fect ‘ended beyond 2010) Questar we gad it sles eng given the cance how ta dein eagh he ‘etre empetl with hw lingo te nce ‘Tool the ther compan, Stl and Ui were lowed te er decision abou ‘whaher it would apron the compan requests del ‘howsends of dona wel sod del them tg the Impact sacement” or SEIS. The Burns therefore be. fm colleing nermation abt teint af ietensing ‘he number af wells nd allowing yex-round deing (O'S EXTERNAL EXCHANGES: ECOLOGY AND CONSUMERS. So of ty OT Solera lero comets Sete Sanaromeen io coee eal ee ences Srpeciteveeemesn em oa ie Seta d ewe som reece pened marine Reaeoea eo a Suede ren steed eee getters erence eee Scan er ase ea enca pe ee clceatn ton I yon Spb 00 be Barc med ee ee Poe | a aera ae cy oe Cheer re eee te ase ra ee te reer Gay eeainrey ee eeaeascartoanes toes eet caey Sse etre Soakeredoree eral panes eee oa Santen) peeeeit Sapien ch mr real cies Se etfovens on inet ans Soom poke loeg saat meetin reel Sleccapsemct em aneet oe selene ae oer feoceenprbliretargleapeee eriary Sakencicacnee ens Mela tees cd eaboretes Sips et SSO oc mene i pe BoLeice ina haker sar sy oe Sever tapa ra ane paboey epee oe aan Sa Galeria eel om cncc enero cp ree (iene cr odenea tena nay Se es Shima racine Sans oe 2 ing spawning tive slmon species” New (Filo he BLM derided eo coor sere), 50 Ing in pred he eae en cg “the natal ovrnment and allwing acs he ate ‘gw that ne tale tthe Une Snes Ins ofa | Beeent os deo, te BLM we an imporcn ‘Be theif the ranber of mle det o hone by 15 percent in ay oe year fom te ee ‘in 205/206 or the numberof ge grows ected ‘by 30 erent in any two-year period, hes the BLM was ‘equ sed hd ego ake maber of “ig Spc i A ado toy net ie tng py en ‘ore sea ad began baling ae trogh he winter of 2099 Bu on Orvober 28,2010, ‘Wester Eecoptems Technology, the group monitoring ‘willie on he Pinedale Mena, aonounced tht in 2009 Teer the ten adie by percent compre ‘dha mers in 20, and by 28 persent compared 0 ‘heir mumber i 20052 The Wesern Ezoyten Teche dy alo found that in 2009 leat han 70 pee of rived the winter on hemes, _ ard of 5 prt Arp ‘entre of Shell, one ofthe companies di fhe mee renced by sping ore racrch war nected etesce wet de alte at befce we sar reac to be narrlly cated writon "Bot (/Filbces se vpodcs ac ace dct ects apne tres o 15 perce, Rigrene aa poe ston” oo midgacon ere ‘Questions 1. Whetare the temic corporate, nde ses ‘aid in thee? 2 Flow should wif pecker order be val tod and bow should that vale be tlonced against ‘he economic interes ocey ot of a company like Questar? What principles of rales would you Propose we te alnce he aie of iif spces uneconomic eres? Ens ano He Enmonent 301 3, Inlight fs fc shat nator ga eds the Ss (eda deprnirce om regio the ct thee ntural arp lst eens oes than ‘oakland ter fl, shuld Questar consnue Sling operations? Doc he enironmena impact 1 Queer dling operation imply thar Queso ‘orl hiatal ding walls on the Pele Mea? Espla 44. What ifanthing should Questar andthe ter cm nis doing erry? 5, From an ec pric of vew, wa armas) che ‘bw opin ann those rom which the BLM che? Te antheraertve beter fom an rial pin vie? Explain your sve 16. Should the lone of species produced by the dil: ing operons of Questar be consdered a problem tt pllucon ora prom of conservation? Can the Toa of species by evalested span “external cost? Explain Notes ; 1 egy Wit The Pei” nd 11 Tom Kener, “Bole Bing Oe Sipe Gre sen Uae Fy utp aoa Gti Crim Sime tej 3200p 1 3 Joke ca as Fac Tc or fing tetamane208p 6 Quasar The eal Avie A Story of Response Become of Mor Nel Ga eure rope thea Que we se ‘The intoronon ed l llowng pag lawn fm: Bares Lan! Manageme Wyoming Sa ‘ice, na Supe armen ope Sree ‘Pron Selene Cony Wyong june 008.0303 Depurman of entrar, Brest of Land Manage (Cpe Wyoming ert of Day Pel Seger Eben get Sate foe Pete ne fn Go Ent sn rape Pre Sens C> ‘emingSepeni 10m bk Sener eel Caper Se Tee Oe 2010 ste ns ene

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