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1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023


WEEK 1 - It carries the mandate that health is a

basic human right.
Community Health Nursing: The 3 Broad
Concepts - It is seen as a spectrum or a continuum.
1.) What is a community? - The modern concept of health refers to
the Optimum Level of Functioning
- A group of people with common
(OLOF) of individuals, families, and
characteristics or interests living together
communities, which is influenced by the
within a territory or geographical
ecosystem through a myriad of factors.
- Places where people under usual
conditions are found. What influences OLOF?
- The community is the object or form of - Behavioral (Culture, habits, moves,
care in CHN, with the family as the unit of ethnic customs)
- Socio-economic (employment,
FACTS of CHN education, housing)
Focus: Promotion and preservation of health ● People with low educational
levels will really follow what we,
Area of Content: Skills and knowledge relevant to
nurses, say. Hence, be specific
both nursing and public health.
and go down to their level of
Clients: General populations (individuals, understanding
families, populations, communities) - Political (Safety, oppression, people,
● populations are also known as
“aggregates” or “groups” - Hereditary (genetic endowment,
● Ex. Aggregates of lactating mothers familial, racial)
Time: Continual, not limited to episodic care - Health Care Delivery System (promotive,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative)
Scope: Comprehensive and general, not limited
to a particular age or group. Promotion and prevention
“Health center”
Concepts of Community Health Nursing: ↓
- Clients of Community Health Nurse Curative
- Composed of different levels of clients, ↓
individuals, families, population groups, and Rehabilitative
community. “Home”
- Community as setting _____ CHN PRACTICE - Environment (air, food, water, wastes,
- School Health Nursing – School noise, radiation, pollution, congestion)

- Occupational Health Nursing – Workspace 1.) What is Nursing?

- Public Health Nursing - Home - The diagnosis and treatment of

human responses to actual or

Public health - limited; local potential health problems (ANA,

Community health - broad; scope is main 1980).
area and sub-areas
2.) What is Health? - Nursing, together with public health,
is one of the helping professions in
- A state of complete physical, mental, the health care system which
and social well-being and not merely the operates at three levels of clientele -
absence of disease and infirmity (WHO, individuals, families, or groups, and
1995) communities.

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

Community Health nsg - By Dr. Araceli Maglaya ▪ Best example is

health center
- The Utilization of the nsg process in the because this is the
different levels of clientele individual first place that
families, pop groups, and comm. people go to for
- Concerned with the promotion of health healthcare
- It is a generalist practice - deals with
- prevention of diseases all cases
- disability and rehabilitation Goal:
According to Maglaya, et al CHN - To raise the level of health of the
- Composed of 3 major concepts citizenry by helping comm. & families to
cope with the discontinuities in &
- Community (Client) threats to health in such a way as to
maximize their potential for high-level
- health (Goal)
- Nursing (the means)
Is a service rendered by a professional nurse with
- Health Promotion wherein Health
the community groups, families, and individuals
Teaching is the primary responsibility of
at home, in health centers, in clinics, in school, in
the community health nurse, who is a
place of work for the promotion of Health,
generalist in terms of practice.
prevention of illness, care of the sick at home
and rehabilitation (Ruth B. Freeman) PRINCIPLES of CHN
E - education as a primary tool and responsibility
- A synthesis of nursing knowledge and M - ade available to all regardless of race, creed,
practice and the science and practice of and socio-economic status
public health implemented via a
systematic use of the nursing process P - olicies and objectives of the agency is fully
and other processes to promote health understood by the nurse
and prevent illness in population groups O - rganizing for health, with the family as the
(Clark, 2008) unit of service
The PHILOSOPHY of CHN Works as a member of the health team (PHN)
- Is based on the worth and dignity of man Existing active organizations are utilized
(Margaret Shetland) it is population-
focused - “the greatest good for the Recording, and reporting are accurate
greatest number” Monitoring and evaluation of services is
- 1 nurse = 10 - 15,000 clients periodically done

- Community Diagnosis Existing indigenous resources of the community

- Vital statistics is used (Ex: BABALUNYTS)
● Hypertension, diabetes, fever, Needs of clienteles are recognized and serves as
colds, cough, etc are common
basis for CHN
illnesses in the community that
we should know Training and development as opportunities for
- Priority Setting continuing staff educational programs.
- It is a promotive-preventive service
Care 1.) The family is the unit of care, the
o Promotive Service: Health community is the patient and there are
Education four levels of clientele in CHN.
o Preventive treatment

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

2.) The goal of improving community health is

realized through a multi-disciplinary effort.
a.) Multi-disciplinary Effort -
participation/involvement of every
member of health team
3.) The community health nurse works with
and not FOR the individual patient, family,
group, or community, The latter are active
partners, not passive recipients of care.
4.) The practice of CHN is affected by changes
in society in general and by developments
in the health field in particular.
5.) CHN is part of the community health
system which in turn is part of the larger
human services system.


Highlights in CHN

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

● CHN is based on the recognized needs of 4. Consultant

communities, families, groups, and 5. Counselor/Health educator
individuals 6. Researcher
o Let people recognize and solve 7. Case manager
their own problems to promote 8. Community organizer
people’s participation 9. Role model
● CHN is a unique blend of nursing and
public health practice and is oftentimes Responsibilities of CHN
used interchangeably with the term ● Participates in the development of an overall
● “Public Health Nursing” health plan, its implementation, and
evaluation for communities
Public Health Nursing ● Maintains coordination/linkages with other
● The practice of nursing in national and health team members, NGO/government
local government health departments agencies in the provision of PH services
(which include health centers and rural ● Example of linkages: In case of
health units), and public schools emergency, call the barangay
● Standards of Public Health Nursing in the captain to transport the patient to
Philippines, 2005 the hospital using the van of
● WHO defined PHN as a special field of barangay hall
nursing that combines the skills of ● Work with or connect with the
nursing, public health, and some phases government
of social assistance and functions as part ▪ Example: A certain barangay has
of the total public health program for the rocky roads and they have
promotion of health, the improvement difficulty transporting things. Work
of the conditions in the social and with the barangay captain so that
physical environment, rehabilitation of they can connect with people
illness and disability responsible for road-making and
the production of products
According to WHO ● Initiates and conducts research relevant to
● PUBLIC HEALTH CHN services to improve the provision of
o The art of applying science in the health care
context of politics so as to ● Example: you need to know the
reduce inequalities in health reason why an endemic of diarrhea
while ensuring the best health happened in Pasonanca
for the greatest number ● Engages in such activities that require the
▪ Always involved or connected utilization of knowledge and decision-
with politics. Hence, think, making skills of a registered nurse;
reflect, pray, and decide before ● Note: PHN takes charge in the absence of
you vote MHO (medical health officer or doctor)
▪ They are the ones that have the ● Since we are in the primary
power to hold funds from our health care (health center) we
taxes should still cater clients even if
there are no doctors
Objectives of Public Health/ Major Concepts ● Give “unang lunas”
● 4 P’s ● This expands our roles
● Promote Health ● In the care of the families:
● Prevent Disease ● Provision of public health care
● Prolong life services
● People participation towards self- ● Development/utilization of Family
reliance Nursing Care Plan (FNCP) in the
provision of care
Roles and Functions of PHN ● In The care of the communities:
1. Clinical/health care provider ● Community organizing,
2. Health advocator mobilization, community
3. Collaborator

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

development, and people

● Case finding and epidemiological
● Program planning, implementation
and evaluation
● Influencing executive and
legislative individuals or bodies
concerning health and

1. In terms of CHN practice, the nurse in
the community is trained as:
a. Certified in public health
b. Specialist in CHN
c. 4-year BSN graduate
d. Generalist in nursing

2. The thrusts of CHN must be embodied in

the hearts of health care providers.
Which one strengthens the health care
a. Supporting conditions for health
b. Increasing opportunities to be
c. Letting the people manage their
own health
d. Financing health care program

3. As a PHN, what is your primary function

or responsibility
a. Reporting of cases
b. Health promotion
c. Community diagnosis
d. Health teaching

4. The philosophy of CHN practice is based

on the belief that the family is the
smallest unit in a democratic society,
Which age group should be the priority
of the nurses in the community?
a. Older persons and terminally ill
b. Adolescent and adults
c. Infants and childre
d. All ages regardless of status

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

WEEK 3 4. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify

Health Care Delivery System and solve health problems
● (Maglaya p.22) ● Work with the people and not for them;
● Public Health (Dr. C.E.A. Winslow/Charles mobilize them
Edward Amory Winslow) ● They should not be dependent on you
A. “Science and art of preventing disease, 5. Developing policies and plans that support
prolonging life, promoting health and individual, family, and community efforts
efficiency through organized community ● The policies should be for the common good
effort for the sanitation of the and not for vested interests
environment, control of CD, the 6. Enforcing laws and regulations that protect
education of medical and nursing health and ensure safety
services for the early diagnosis and ● Ex: Letting people go home if they are not
preventive treatment of diseases, and vaccinated
the development of the social machinery
7. Linking people to needed personal health
to ensure everyone a standard of living
services and ensuring the provision of health
adequate for the maintenance of health,
care that is otherwise unavailable
so organizing these benefits as to enable
● Ex: Sta. Maria does not have an ambulance
every citizen to realize his birthright of
and there is a case of placenta accreta. The
health and longevity”
nurse called the Barangay captain to use the
barangay vehicle
3 Core Functions of HCDS
● Hypovolemic shock – low blood volume
1. Assessment
8. Ensuring competent public health and
● Is the regular collection and analysis of
personal health and personal health care
health data
● These data are used for program planning
● Public health includes licensed health team
and policy development
● Assess first before comes policies ● License should always be renewed, not
A. Ex: Threats to safety No ID no entry expired
in AdZU to maintain peace and order
9. Evaluating effectiveness, accessibility and
2. Policy Development
quality of personal and population-based health
● Involves advocacy and political action to services
develop policies in various levels of decision ● Ex: Check medications if they are not expired
making before administering
3. Assurance 10. Researching for new insights and innovative
● Is making sure that health services are solutions to health problems
effective, available and accessible to the ● Investigate the needs of the community
people ● As much as possible, deliver the baby in side-
lying to prevent it from drowning in amniotic
Related to the core functions of public health fluid
are the 10 essential health services: ● Suction Ambu Bag, suction machines
1. Monitoring health status to identify
community health problems Health Care Delivery (White book by cuevas
2. Diagnosing and investigating health problems p.19)
and hazards in the community 1. Private Sector
● Ex. Dirty river = Diarrhea 2. Public Sector
● Hold community assembly to decide on
solutions Private Sector (For profit and non-profit
3. Informing educating and empowering people providers)
about health issues ● Is largely market-oriented and where health
● Information, Communication, Education care is paid through user fees at the point of
(ICE) service.
● Inform people about illnesses and how to A. Business oriented because you need to
prevent them, thus empowering them pay for health services

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

● Their involvement in maintaining the ● We have different rooms for malaria,

people’s health is enormous schistosomiasis, and TB patients (for TB
● This includes providing health services in DOTS)
clinics and hospitals, health insurance, ● Involved in epidemiology
manufacture of medicines, vaccines, medical
supplies, equipment, and other health and ● Endemic – Constantly present in a certain
nutrition products, research and population or region, with relatively low
development, human resource development spread (or there may be periods when it
and other health-related services does not affect people at all, it is only
A. SSS (private) and GSIS (public) present in the environment
● Ex: Malaria and filariasis in
Public Sector mountain province (Depends on
● Is largely financed through a tax-based demography)
budgeting system at both national and local ● Epidemic – When there is a sudden increase
levels and where health care is generally in cases spreading through a large
given free at the point of service (although population like a country (an outbreak is
socialized user fees have been introduced in similar, but usually covers a smaller
recent years for certain types of services) geographic area)
A. Free check-ups, pay to enter roads ● Ex: Measles
● Pandemic – When there is a sudden increase
1. Local Levels in cases spreading through several countries,
● Local health system is now run by Local continents, or the whole world
Government Units (LGUs) ● Ex: COVID-19
● The provincial and district hospitals are ● Sporadic – disease that occurs infrequently
under the provincial government and irregularly
● The city/municipality government manages ● Ex: Non-communicable diseases
the Health center/rural health units (RHUs) (diabetes, cancer)
and Barangay Health Stations (BHSs) ● Other national level agencies providing
A) Ex: Canelar health center has certain healthcare services such as the Philippine
barangays under it General Hospital (PGH) are also part of this
B) Ex: Sta. maria main health center (RHU) – sector
Pasonanca, Kilometer 7, Kabatangan, Dulian, ● Major components of the Philippine
Shanty healthcare delivery system (PHCDS) that
C) RHUs distribute health supplies constitute the context of CHN:
● In every province, city or municipality, there 1. Department of Health (DOH)
is a local health board chaired by the Local 2. Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA)
Chief Executive (mayor) 3. FOURmula 1 (F1)
A. Its function is mainly to serve as advisory 4. Millenium Development Goals/
body to the local executive and the Sustainable Development Goals
sanggunian or local legislative council on (MDG/SDG)
health-related matters 5. Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan (MTPDP)
2. National Levels
● The DOH is mandated as the lead agency in Department of Health (DOH)
health (CBQ) ● DOH, in its new role as the national authority
● It has a regional field office in every region on health providing technical and other
and maintains specialty hospitals, regional resource assistance to concerned groups as
hospitals and medical centers mandated by Executive Order 102
● It also maintains provincial health teams ● Functions:
made up of DOH representatives to the local A. Leadership in health
health board and personnel involved in CD B. Enabler and capacity builder
control specifically malaria and C. Administrator of specific services
schistosomiasis ● Its mandate is to develop national plan,
technical standards and guidelines on health

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

A. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ● 3 Goals of F1:

coronavirus (MERS-CoV): they A. Better health outcomes
immediately make new policies and B. More responsive health systems
protocols if this comes in the country C. Equitable health care financing
● Vision: The DOH is the leader, staunch ● The Four Elements of the strategy are:
advocate and model in promoting health for A. Health financing – the goal of this
all in the Philippines health reform is to foster greater,
better, and sustained investments in
A. Staunch advocate – should be firm and health
not bankrupt B. Health Regulation – the goal is to
● Mission: Guarantee equitable, sustainable ensure the quality and affordability of
and quality health for all Filipinos, especially health goods and services
the poor and shall lead the quest for ● Affordable medicine but still good
excellence in health quality
C. Health Service delivery – the goal is to
Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) improve and ensure the accessibility
● Goal: Health sector is the overriding goal of and availability of basic and essential
the DOH (to ensure affordable access to health care in both public and private
services of general interest). Support facilities and services
mechanisms will be through sound D. Good Governance – the goal is to
organizational development, strong policies, enhance health system performance at
systems, and procedures, capable human the national and local levels
resources and adequate financial resources ● According to Secretary of Health, F1 is the
● The DOH has come up with the HSRA that guiding philosophy and strategic approach of
included the following reforms: the DOH
1. Provide fiscal autonomy to government
hospitals Millenium Development Goal (MDG)
A. Ex: Financing ZCMC to meet the ● The concern is to improve people’s health is
needs of the community universal because there is a strong
2. Secure funding for priority public health correlation between health and
programs development
3. Promote the development of local ● Poor health is a consequence and cause of
health systems and ensure its effective poverty and underdevelopment
performance ● Poverty also breeds despair and turmoil
B. They should monitor needed ● The United Nations spearheaded the
equipment to ensure that these are formulation of the MDGs. These 8 goals are:
readily accessible when needed A. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
4. Strengthen the capacities of health B. Achieve universal primary education
regulatory agencies C. Promote gender equality and empower
C. Ex. FDA, healthcare research women
agencies, disease control and
D. Reduce child mortality
prevention center)
E. Improve maternal health
D. BFAD (Bureau of Food and Drugs)
F. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
5. Expand the coverage of the National
Health Insurance Program
E. PhilHealth – 60 years and above G. Ensure developmental sustainability
(senior citizens) are members H. Develop a global partnership for
F. Your coverage will be bigger when development
you are already a member before ● As of 2015, MDG ended
being a senior citizen ● January 2016 – an even more ambitious set
of goals to banish a whole host of social ills
FOURmula One for health (F1) by 2030
● Is the implementation framework for the ● “The 17 Sustainable Development Goals
health sector reforms under the current (SDGs) are our shared vision of humanity and
administration a social contract between the world’s

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

leaders and the people,” UN Secretary- ● Objectives of Health Sector (NOH) By

General Ban Ki-moon (Korean diplomat) said Cuevas et. al p. 27
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable A. Improve general health status of the
Development adopted unanimously by 193 population
Heads of State and other top leaders at a B. Reduce morbidity and mortality from certain
summit at UN Headquarters in New York in diseases
September ● Ex: Homemade oral rehydration –
● “They are a to-do list for people and planet, replace fluid and electrolyte balance
and a blueprint for success,” he added of the in the body. Does not cure diarrhea
177 goals and 169 targets to wipe out but is still helpful
poverty, fight inequality, and tackle climate o 6 tsp sugar
change over the next 15 years o 1 tsp salt
● The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable C. Eliminate certain diseases as public health
Development calls on countries to begin problems
efforts to achieve the 17 SDGs over the next ● Prevent Dengue
15 years. The goals address the needs of o Aedes Aegypti
people in both developed and developing o Dengue brigade
countries, emphasizing that no one should ● 3 As
be left behind. Broad and ambitious in scope. o Asin – cost-effective. Rock salt
o Alcohol – not cost-efficient
● Poverty and hunger are as one in MDG; these o Aseyte (oil) – used for cooking. Black
are separate in SDG (CBQ) D. Promote healthy lifestyle and environmental
● The agenda addresses the three dimensions health
of sustainable development: ● Exercise
A. Social ● Healthy diet
B. Economic ● Enough sleep
C. Environmental ● 4 o’clock habit (AM) of cleaning
D. As well as important aspects related to E. Protect vulnerable groups with special
Peace, Justice, and Effective Institutions health and nutrition needs
● Children – BCG for tuberculosis
Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan
● Seniors
(MTPDP) 2017-2022
● Pregnant women
● By President Rodrigo Duterte
● Spells out the priority strategies to meet the
Classification of Health Facilities
basic needs of the poor
(DOH A.O 2012-0012) By Famorca, pp. 187-188
A. To empower the poor and marginalized
B. Marginalized – IPs, LGBTQ, people with
Category A. Primary Care Facility
learning and physical disabilities, senior
● A first contact health care facility that
offers basic services including
C. Push for improved transparency and
emergency services and provision for
accountability in governance
normal deliveries.
D. Fuel the economy
● Ex: Health centers, infirmaries, and
● Specifically, growth shall be more
birthing lying-in facilities
inclusive by lowering poverty incidence in
the rural areas, more jobs shall be
Category B. Custodial Care Facility
created, making individuals and
● Provides long-term care including food
communities more resilient, driving
and shelter to clients. With chronic
innovation, and building greater trust in
conditions requiring ongoing health and
the government and in society
nursing care due to impairment or
reduced degree of independence in
NOH (National Objective for Health)
activities of daily living and clients in
● Is an important document that reflects
need of rehabilitation
the MDGs/SDG, MTPDP, HSRA, and F1 to
bring the health sector to its desired

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

● Ex: Custodial psychiatric facilities, drug

abuse treatment and rehab centers,
leprosia/sanitaria and nursing homes

Category C. Diagnostic/Therapeutic Facility

● Facility for the examination of human
body specimens from the human body
for the diagnosis, sometimes treatment
of disease, or water for drinking water
analysis. Test covers analysis of
● Ex: Laboratories, Radiologic Facility
(Xray, CT Scan, mammography, MRI,
Ultrasound, etc.)

Nuclear Medicine Facility (Nuclear radioactive

materials in diagnosis, treatment or research)

Category D. Specialized Outpatient Facility

● Performs highly specialized procedures
on an outpatient basis
● Ex: Dialysis clinic, ambulatory surgical
clinic, chemotherapeutic clinics/center,
cancer radiation facility, Physical and
Rehabilitation Clinic (PT)
● Other examples: Circumcision clinics,
vasectomy clinics for family planning
o Vasectomy will only be effective
after 40-60 ejaculations (within
3 months)
● Situation:
o There is a fire in an ambulatory
o First help ambulating patients
go out for more efficient
evacuation of patients

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

reliant people, capable of achieving an

acceptable level of health and well-being.
-It also recognizes the interrelationship between
health and the overall political, socio-cultural,
Week 4 and economic development of society.
Primary Health Care ● Ex. Tetanus in a neonate because of
practice of using ashes to dry up
WHO defines PHC as essential health care made umbilical cord
universally accessible to individuals and families
in the community by means acceptable to them Elements/Components of PHC
through their full participation at a cost that the
1. Environmental Sanitation
community and country can afford at every stage
2. Control of Communicable Diseases
of development.
3. Immunization against major infectious
- Cost-effective - best example: health diseases
center a. Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG)
and Hepatitis B for newborn
PHC was declared during the First International babies
Conference of PHC held in Alma Alta, USSR on b. Vitamin K before Hepa B to
September 6-12, 1978, by WHO. prevent bleeding of umbilicus
The Goal was adopted in the Philippines through c. BCG against TB
Letter of Instruction 949 signed by Pres. Marcos d. Primary complex – TB of
on October 19, 1979 and has an underlying newborns
theme of “Health in the Hands of the People by 4. Health Education
2020.” 5. Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and
Family Planning (FP)
DOH 6. Adequate food and proper nutrition
a. There are a lot of malnourished
A global leader for attaining better outcomes, a
competitive and responsive health care system,
b. PEM – Protein Energy
and equitable health financing.
Malnutrition (Marasmus and
Vision Kwashiorkor)
7. Provision of Medical Care and
Health for all in the Philippines Emergency treatment
Mission a. BEMONC – Basic Emergency
Obstetric Newborn Care
To guarantee equitable, sustainable, and quality 8. Treatment of locally endemic diseases
health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to a. Local sicknesses
lead the quest for excellence in health. b. Non-communicable diseases
Concept of PHC (e.g. cancer, diabetes)
9. Provision of essential drugs
Characterized by Partnership and Empowerment
of the people (core strategy) a. Maintenance drugs - diabetes,
● Work with and not for the client leprosy, hypertension
● “Client” instead of “patient”
4 As of essential health services that are
Strategies of PHC
community-based: accessible, acceptable,
available, affordable, and sustainable for both 1. Reorientation and reorganization of the
the community and government. national health care system with the
establishment of a functional support
PHC focuses on the responsibility for the health
mechanism is the support of the
of the individual, his family, and the community.
mandate of devolution under the Local
-includes full participation and active Government Code of 1991.
involvement of the community towards self- a. Devolution - decentralization or
delegation of powers from

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

central government to local national, intermediate and community

government levels.
b. Central government a. intra-sectoral
i. Executive, legislative b. intersectoral
and judicial 8. Emphasizing partnership so that the
ii. Law makers; their laws health workers and the community
leaders/ members view each other as
should be delegated to
partners rather than merely providers
other local governments and receiver of health respectively.
iii. Ignorance of law a. The community is our partner
excuses no one b. However, there should be a
2. Effective preparation and enabling termination phase
process for health action at all levels. The FRAMEWORK for meeting the goal of
a. Functional, available, and Primary Health Care is Organizational
accessible equipment strategy, which calls for active and
3. Mobilization of the people to know their continuing partnership among the
communities and identifying their basic communities, private, and government
health needs with the end in view of agencies in health development.
providing appropriate solutions
(including legal measures) leading to
self-reliance and self-determination.
4 Cornerstone/ Pillars of PHC
a. Include local leaders (ex.
Barangay Captain) 1. Active community participation
b. Let them identify their own 2. Intra and Inter-sectoral Linkages
problems and let them be the 3. Use of appropriate technology
ones to solve that problem 4. Support mechanism made available
c. Be sure their solutions are legal
4. Development and utilization of a. Ex. Case of Placenta accreta in
appropriate technology focusing on local the barangay: usage of barangay
indigenous resources available in and vehicle as an ambulance
acceptable to the community. 3 Levels of Health Care Services and the Two-
a. Medicinal herbs Way Referral System
b. Promote visiting the health
center A referral is a set of activities undertaken by a
5. Organization of the communities arising healthcare provider or facility in response to its
from their expressed needs which they inability to provide the necessary health
have decided to address, and this is intervention for a patient.
continually evolving in pursuit of their ● If midwife is incapable of handling a
own development. case, refer to the nurse, physician, or
a. i. Leaders of groups (e.g., hospital
farmers, tricycle drivers)
6. Increase opportunities for community May be:
participation in local-level planning,
management, monitoring, and a. Internal – occurring within the facility
evaluation within the context of regional from one personnel to another.
and national objectives. b. External – movement from one health
a. Always involve local leaders to facility to another; maybe vertical
give them responsibility and so (higher level of health facility) or
that they know horizontal (different catchment).
b. Kagawad is in charge of health c. Internal + External = Intra-sectoral
7. Development of intersectoral linkages
with other government and private
agencies so that programs of the health
sector are closely linked with those of
other socio-economic sectors at the

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

- ZCMC - training hospital

Internal Health Referral System A Pyramidal Health Structure


Rural 1
Barangay BHW
Station Health Station
Midwife 2
RHU Sanitary
Midwife Inspector 3

Rural Health
1. National Health Services, Medical
Centers, Tertiary teaching, and training
2nd Level hospital
Healthcare Facility 2. Regional health services and regional
medical centers and training hospitals
3. Provincial/ City health services or
3rd Level hospitals; Emergency/District hospitals
Healthcare Facility 4. Rural Health Unit (RHU), Community
Hospitals and HC, private practitioners/
Puericulture centers

3 Levels of Health Care External Health Referral

System Intra-sectoral Linkages – in the health sector,
the acceptance of PHC necessitated the
Primary Level of Care – devoted to the cities and
restructuring of the health system to broaden
municipalities and is the first contact between
health coverage and make services available to
the community people and the different levels of
health facility.
There is now a widely accepted pyramidal
- Health centers
organization that provides levels of services
- Include lying-in
starting with primary health and progressing to
Secondary Level of Care – rendered by specialty care. Primary Health Care is a
physicians with basic health training in district hub/center of the health system.
provincial and city hospitals; capable of basic
Intersectoral Linkages
surgical procedures and simple laboratory
examinations; serve as the referral center of PHC forms an integral part of the health system
primary health facilities. and overall social and economic development of
the community. As such, it is necessary to unify
- All hospitals in ZC except ZCMC
health efforts within the health organization
Tertiary Level of Care – rendered by specialists itself and with other sectors concerned. It
in medical centers, regional hospitals, and implies the integration of health plans with the
specialized hospitals, like the Lung Center of the plan for the total community development.
Philippines; served as the referral center of
Intersectoral linkages: sectors most closely
secondary health facilities.
related to health includes those concerned with:

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

● Agricultural at the community level with people

● Education as the driving force of development.
● Public Works D. 4th International Conference
● Social Welfare - The Jakarta Declaration on Leading
● Population control Health promotion into the 21st
● Local government century which is the output of the 4th
● Private sectors international conference on health
promotion held in 1997.
Two Levels of Primary Health Care Workers - Identified 5 priorities for action:
1. Village or Grassroot Health Workers – 1. Promoting social
refers to trained community health responsibility for health
workers, BHW, health auxiliary 2. Increasing community
volunteer or a traditional birth attendant capacity and empowering
or healer. (Non-licensed) the individual
2. Intermediate Level Health Workers – 3. Expanding and
general medical practitioners or their consolidating partnerships
assistants. Public Health Nurse, rural for health
sanitary inspectors and midwives may 4. Increasing investments for
compose these groups. (Licensed) health development
5. Securing an infrastructure
Health Promotion and Concepts for health promotion
A. 1ST International Conference E. 5th Global Conference on Health
- Almost 10 years after the Promotion (2000) June 5-9, Mexico City
declaration of PHC was signed, the - Examined the contributions made by
Ottawa Charter of Health Promotion health promotion in improving the
came out of the First International health and quality of life of people
Conference on Health Promotion in living in difficult circumstances.
November 1986. - It called for the strengthening of the
- The Charter defines health science and art of health promotion
promotion as “the process of and strengthening political skills for
enabling people to increase control health promotion.
over, and to improve their health.” F. 6th International Conference
- It identified 5 priority action areas: - The Bangkok Charter of Health
(1) building healthy public policy (2) promotion in Globalized World
creating supportive environment (3) which was adopted in this
strengthening community action (4) conference in 2005 focuses on the
developing personal skills and (5) need to address the determinants of
reorienting health services. health through health promotion.
B. 2nd International Conference Determinants of Health
- Held in Adelaide, South Australia in
1988 focused on health public policy 1. Income and social status
- 4 priority areas were identified: 2. Education
1. Supporting the health of 3. Physical environment
women 4. Employment and working conditions
2. Improving food security 5. social support network
3. Safety and nutrition 6. culture
4. Reducing tobacco and 7. genetics
alcohol use and creating 8. personal behavior and coping skills
supportive environments 9. health services and
for health 10. gender
C. 3rd International Conference Health Promotion is the process of
- Held in Sundsvall, Sweden in 1991 enabling people to increase control over
which centered on sustainable their health and determinants
development and equity in creating
supportive environments for health

1st Semester │S.Y. 2022-2023

This is done by strengthening individual

skills and capabilities and the capacity of
groups to change the social and
economic conditions that affect health. Levels of Disease Prevention
The Charter recognizes that organized 1. Primary Level Disease Prevention
and empowered communities are highly (prevent disease and harm before it will
effective in determining their own occur)
health and are making governments and - Directed towards individuals who
the private sectors accountable for the are at RISK of developing a disease
health consequences of their policies or those who are in the pre-
and ill practices. pathogenic stage.
Directed towards healthy individuals or - Deals with the removal of risk
populations, focusing on the prevention factors or using SPECIFIC
of the emergence of risk factors such as PROTECTION of individuals against
unhealthy lifestyle behavior. It is these risk factors.
applicable to the ff levels: - Examples: immunization, food
supplement, and malaria
- Individuals – deals with increasing chemoprophylaxis
the awareness of an individual on 2. Secondary Level Disease Prevention
the importance of a healthy lifestyle, (screening and detection)
providing education and its - Directed towards individuals in the
maintenance, and giving support for subclinical stage, asymptomatic and
him/her to sustain the change of symptomatic stage of disease; aims
behavior towards a healthy lifestyle to diagnose and treat existing health
and good personal habits. problems at the earliest possible
- Family – deals with soliciting time.
support from the family for the - Examples: screening, case finding,
lifestyle changes in the individual surveillance and treatment of early
member by changing their beliefs diagnosed disease, blood screening,
and practices as well testicular self-exam
- Community – deals with making 3. Tertiary Level Disease Prevention
healthy lifestyle behavior a norm in (treatment, disability, and
the community. rehabilitation)
- Society – a healthy society makes - Directed towards individuals in the
sure that: pathogenic stage of the disease;
A. The basic needs of citizens deals with the reduction of the
are met magnitude and severity of the
a. Presence of residual effects of communicable
hospitals, markets, and non-communicable disease.
and churches - Examples: rehabilitation of a post-
B. The dignity and rights of stroke patient, control of spread of
citizens are upheld and COVID-19 pandemic, rehabilitation
protected of patient with leg injury, alcohol
C. The talents and skills of its addiction support group
citizens are utilized for
- Environment – deals with the
promotion of proper environmental
sanitation and the reduction of
Examples: proper nutrition, regular
exercise, vector control, provision of
safe water supply and waste
disposal system


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