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Form a group of 5 members (your choice of co-members). Do the explain and

elaborate portion of Module 2 Unit 2. This is an ungraded activity. However, this is a
prerequisite to Task 4. Without this, your output for Task 4 will not be graded.




From the levels of evaluating visual art and the techniques of

seeing, you, as the viewer of the art, have a critical role in
interpreting an artwork. Your analysis and evaluation give the
artwork life.
However, it has been controversial if how much of the artist’s intention
should affect your analysis and evaluation of the art piece. To better understand
this, visit the link below and watch the video entitled “Who decides what art
means?” by Hayley Levitt.

In three to five sentences, explain in your own understanding this question:

“Who decides what art means?”
Without a general idea of what intention, the artist initially had would lead
to multiple theories of what their art could mean. On the contrary, it would assist
the audience with a narrower point of view on their works. However, the group
would like to clarify that art is very subjective. Although the artist's intention is there,
it does not necessarily mean it cannot spark another idea. Every art that exists
inspires and sparks the imagination.

From what has been discussed previously, answer the following


Examine the following picture carefully and determine what

level of
visual art analysis presents the following numbers. Answer using letters only.

A. Literal Description C. Formal Analysis E. Judgment

B. Comprehensive Feelings D. Interpretation
D 1. The creator used a sharp line to create chaos or destruction
surrounding the little child.
C 2. The most commonly used element of art is the use of only one
color, red.
A 3. This artwork contains a sad little boy with a bleeding nose and
holding a teddy bear.
D 4. The creator used this scene to show viewers awareness of what the
media can do to get a moving story.
E 5. This artwork is very powerful and will make you think because the
creator has provided a different perspective for his viewers about
the media.
D 6. The devastation surrounding the child, the blood on his face, and
his facial expression tells us the sad and uncomfortable
D 7. The creator used a bright red color to get the attention of observers
on the blood of the child's face and on Red Cross men who
wanted to help the child.
A 8. There were five people around who were looking straight at the
little boy.
B 9. The scene is disturbing because the people around her are not
helping the innocent and crying child.
E 10. This artwork has succeeded in achieving and obtaining the
standard of aesthetic theory and instrumentalism.
From the picture above, how did you use the following visual reading techniques?

1. Selection and Omission (What did you select and omit from the photo? Why?)
I “selected” the child since she was at the center of the picture upon which
my eyes laid their initial attention. I “omitted” the piled wood and the ruined
building behind the medics and media since they appeared faint and does not
easily attract the eyes.
2. Framing (What part of the picture did you frame? Why?)
The little girl amidst destruction and the media men recording the scene is
what the group would like to frame. At a glance, our eyes dart toward the girl at
the center, the fearful expression of an innocent girl assisted by the dark crimson
hues, the only color that contrasts everything else.

3. Arrangement (Do you think the arrangement of objects/symbols is correct?

I believe the placement of the objects and symbols is incorrect. The image has
very little symmetry. There are two people recording / taking shots of the child
from behind (one on each side and both at a lower stance), which could have
made the picture quite striking, especially on what is framed, if three people were
not positioned beside the man recording the child on the right side. Also, because
the child is in the foreground, she draws more attention; she should have been in
the center of the image. People respond to symmetry because it is pleasing to
the eye, and in my opinion, this was not incorporated in the positioning of the

4. Differentiation and Connection (What differences and connections do you

see between the images in the picture? Why?)
In the image, we see three subjects, mainly, a little girl, the team of rescuers,
and the photographer or possibly, a journalist. When a hazard hits a residential
area, disaster occurs. Thus, the setting seems to be along the wreckages of
buildings. The picture’s setting makes sense by presenting how the subjects can
connect to each other by meeting each other in the said location. In my
perspective, the image showcases the concept of what happens after a disaster
using the three subjects and a focal point. A young girl survives, a team of rescuers
finds and saves the little girl, and a journalist captures what has happened to the
little girl.

5. Focus (What part of the picture did you focus on? Why?)
The focus was on the injured child since the other people seemed to direct
their attention to the boy. It also led me to ponder what an injured child would be
doing in such a setting. Thus, the injured child becomes the focus.

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