Exercise System Implementation

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Amira is a new systems analyst, hired by Rizqa IT Services. She was just graduated from Universiti Utara
Malaysia. Mr. Nuqman, the senior systems analyst assigns Amira to handle the testing and maintenance
for a new inventory management system that is currently being developed by Rizqa IT Services. Amira is
very upset with the tasks that she receives from Mr. Nuqman. She has no experience and does not know
where to start. Knowing that Amira is struggling with the task given, Mr. Nuqman gives the following
notes: Amira feels happy once she read the notes. She is now feel confident to start her first task at
Rizqa IT Services.

Hi Amira ,

Don’t worry. You can do this. I would suggest a few recommendations for you to follow in
performing the testing and maintaining the new inventory management system. See if these will

1. You must perform all appropriate testing for the new system. Focus on the programme that
produces incorrect results. Hence, you need to prepare a complete test plan on the detailed
procedures on what kind of testing that you want to perform. Make sure the tests could spot logic
errors and do not forget to conduct an independent analysis during the testing.

2. Once you conduct your testing plan, keep this in mind. No system is 100% error free. There is an
occasion when errors go undetected until the system becomes operational. Some errors can be
corrected later.

3. When you are about to install the new system, identify the correct environment to support the
installation process.

4. As for the system changeover, keep in mind that this new inventory management system is
critical to the client’s company. As a result, they cannot bear any risks. However, this new system
is not compatible with the old one that is currently used by the client. Hence, the operating
environment could not support both systems. In addition, this new system cannot be separated
into logical modules.


(a) Briefly explain the reason for Amira to focus on the programme that produces incorrect results.

Whenever a program generates incorrect information, it is a significant problem for the

company and its reputation, and it will contribute to inefficiency in the company's work. As a
system analyst, it is their responsibility to remedy any faults or mistakes in the program.

(b) List a complete test plan on the detailed procedures that Amira must perform and its purpose.

 Unit testing - The testing of a single programme or module. The goal is to find and
eliminate execution defects that may cause the programme to terminate abnormally, as
well as logic mistakes that may have been overlooked during desk checking.

 Test data should contain both correct data and erroneous data and should test all
possible situations that could occur.

 Integration testing - The testing of two or more programs that depend on each other.

 System testing- A form of testing involving an entire information system and includes all
typical processing situations. During a system test, users enter data, including samples
of actual or live data, perform queries, and produce reports to simulate actual operating
conditions. All processing options and outputs are verified by users and the IT project
development team to ensure that the system functions correctly.

(c) Mr. Nuqman’s note stated that “No system is 100% error free. There is an occasion when errors
go undetected until the system becomes operational. Some errors can be corrected later”.
(i) Explain appropriate action should be taken by Amira if the error affects the integrity or
accuracy of the data.

Before implementing the system into the business model, Amira should rectify the issue.
The integrity and accuracy of data are critical components of a system and, if damaged,
may lead to disastrous and costly errors. As a result, financial losses and other business
hazards may be severe for the business.

(ii) Explain appropriate action should be taken by Amira if typographical error exists in the
user interface.

Amira should rectify the typographical errors in the user interface by typing the proper
word or characters. This will reduce the possibility of user misunderstanding while
interacting with systems. More specifically, such mistakes may mislead users into
executing incorrect instructions, resulting in failure to accomplish desired effects.
(d) Discuss TWO (2) environments that Amira needs to consider for system installation.

1. The system should be installed in a temperature-controlled area. This will avoid power
surges that may occur if the system overheats because of high temperatures. Therefore,
the system may fail, disrupting routine operations.
2. The system should be implemented in a humidity-controlled environment. Moisture
interaction with systems would have an impact on their operation. As a result, the
desired goals would not be met.

(e) Mr. Nuqman’s note stated that “As for the system changeover, keep in mind that this new
nventory management system is critical to the client’s company. As a result, they cannot bear
any risks. However, this new system is not compatible with the old one that is currently used by
the client. Hence, the operating environment could not support both systems. In addition, this
new system cannot be separated into logical modules”

(i) Suggest ONE (1) best option that Amira should consider for the new inventory
management system changeover. Justify your answer.

Amira should think about the old system's features. This will indicate if the old system
should be upgraded or discarded to allow for the full installation of the new system. The
conclusion of this consideration will give grounds for effectively executing the system.

(ii) Discuss TWO (2) justifications to support why other methods are not appropriate.

1. The operational environment cannot support both systems is inapplicable since

the operating environment may be readjusted to accommodate the new system
while discarding the old one. As a result, this component has a marginal effect
on the installation procedure.

2. The new system does not enable logical modules, which is insufficient because
systems are built to provide relevant modules that solely support client actions.
As a result, during installation, not all modules would create logic.

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