Final Project Report 18.11.2020

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Smart Irrigation System Using Solar PV

A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic

Supervised By
Ruhan Mahmud Shams
Asst. Professor
Department of EEE
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology (ADUST)

Submitted By
Md. Ali Akbar ID: 171-0436-211
Imran Hossen ID: 171-0527-211
Hafizur Rahman ID: 171-0440-211

Advising Semester: Summer 2019


November 2020
To our mother and wonderful family

Certificate of Approval
“Smart Irrigation System Using Solar PV”

Done under my supervision, meets acceptable presentation that is standard and can be
submitted for evaluation to the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering.

Date……………………. ………………………………
Ruhan Mahmud Shams
Asst. Professor
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
Plot #209, Sector #15, Uttara-1230

We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and to the best of our knowledge it
contains no materials which are exactly same which were previously published anywhere in
print or soft.

Date:……………………………… ……………………
Md. Ali Akbar
ID: 171-0436-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST

Date:……………………………… ……………………
Imran Hossen
ID: 171-0527-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST

Date:……………………………… ……………………
Hafizur Rahman
ID: 171-0440-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST

We are very grateful to almighty Allah at first for finishing my project successfully. I would
like to express our profound gratitude to our supervisor, Ruhan Mahmud Shams, Asst.
Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Atish Dipankar University of
Science and Technology, for his guidance throughout all phases of our project. I would like
to thank him for his cordial suggestion, which helped us to reach our goal. I would also like
to thank all our faculty members, Lab instructors of the Department of Electrical &
Electronic Engineering, Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology. The authors
are also grateful to Professor Abdullah Al Mamun, Head of the Department of EEE and all
respected teachers of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department for their co-
operation and significant help for completing the project work successfully.
Thank you all.


Md. Ali Akbar

ID: 171-0436-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST

Imran Hossen
ID: 171-0527-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST

Hafizur Rahman
ID: 171-0440-211
Dept of EEE, ADUST


In this project we analyzed the possibility of solar based irrigation system in Bangladesh. We
developed a dc based system and applied the solar power to a dc motor. A prototype system
has been developed. In this prototype system a dc motor has been used as a pump for
irrigation purpose. A soil moisture sensor used for detect soil moisture. There are a GSM
module which sent soil moisture status to the user, Arduino UNO used as a controller to
process all operation. Although this motor is of lower rating, but the concept can be used in
ac pump operated system fruitfully. If we use inverter at the output of the dc system, we shall
get ac output which can be applied to an induction motor based pump system.

Table of Contents
Page No
Certificate of Approval i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The irrigation system of Bangladesh 2
1.3 Motivation 2
1.4 Objectives 3
1.5 Scope of the Project 3
1.6 Methodology 3
1.7 Expected Result 4
1.8 Summary 4


2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Related Work 5
2.3 Automatic Irrigation system 5
2.4 Comparative Studies 6
2.5 Scope of Problems 7
2.6 Challenges 7


3.1 Introduction 8
3.2 Component List 9
3.3 Arduino UNO 9
3.3.1 Microcontroller IC ATmega328p 14
3.3.2 Power supply, inputs and outputs 15
3.3.3 Digital inputs and outputs 15
3.3.4 Analog inputs 16
3.4 GSM Module 16
3.5 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 19
3.6 Solar Panel 20
3.7 Relay 21
3.8 Relay Module 22
3.9 Soil Moisture Sensor 23
3.10 Buzzers 23

3.11 LED 24
3.12 Connector 25
3.13 Water Pump 25
3.14 Vero board 26
3.15 Resistor 26
3.16 LDR 27
3.17 Arduino software 28


4.1 Introduction 31
4.2 Advantage 31
4.3 Project Picture 33
4.4 Disadvantages 33
4.5 Costing 34


5.1 Conclusion 35
5.2 Main Limitations and Constraints 36
5.3 Scope for Further Developments 36
References 37
Appendix 38

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction
Bangladesh is an agricultural country with its 36 % GDP based on agriculture.64% of
employment is due to this reason. The national demand of electricity is 7500 MW but production
available is 6350MW. Almost 75% of Bangladesh’s 161 million citizens live in rural areas. In
2013 only anestimated59.6 % of the Bangladesh population is connected to the electricity grid.
In 2010, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics mentioned 90% access in urban areas and only 42%
access in rural areas. The electricity supply is not reliable supply does not meet demand.
However, as far as possible, load shedding is scheduled. and only 13.5% (760 MW) is used as
irrigational electricity. The need to irrigate agricultural land efficiently, economically and
sustainably is critical for food security. Costs for irrigation using diesel power are rising at >
10% per year.

As we realize that Bangladesh economy is one of the biggest creating economies of the world.
The rural part has its biggest commitment in the Bangladesh economy. To
accomplishmostextremeuseoflaborandtogetgreatestbenefitinagivenstipulatedthere is a need in the
up degree of different designing strategies that are being utilized today. In this manner keeping
up legitimate measure of water level in the dirt is one of the essential prerequisites to reap a
decent product for appropriate development. On the off chance that we discuss Bangladeshi
ranchers they are most noticeably bad hit by the starvation that happens because of
disappointment of yields relying on different dry season factors. The over usage of ground water
has radically lessened the ground water level over the most recent 15 years. So it is the need of
hour to use every last drop of water carefully so it can likewise be utilized by our coming ages
moreover. The advancement of our activities will achieve our objective of economical
improvement and additionally to remove the outflow of ozone harming substances to a base
dimension. As the name of our venture that is AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM with the

assistance of the Solar power is a stage to use some new building methods. This venture will be a
decent alternative for the little and medium agriculturists who endure each year since
disappointment of yields that occurred each year.

1.2 The irrigation system of Bangladesh

Comprises of three types of pumps, namely-
1. Shallow Tube Well(STW)

2. Deep Tube Well(DTW)

3. Low Lift Pump(LLP)

LLP and STW mostly use diesel and DTW is mainly operated by electricity. A solar powered
water pumping system initially costs more than a diesel or electric powered pump but requires
far less maintenance and labor. Comparing installation costs (including labor), fuel costs and
maintenance costs over 10- year period, it is observed that solar pump is an alternate choice.
Bangladesh situated between 20º34’ and 26º38’ North latitude, 88º01’ and 92 º 41’ East
longitudes east, with average solar radiation between 4 and 5 kWh/m2/day, is ideal location for
solar energy harvesting.

1.3 Motivation
In our daily life, water is essential for us. It is considered to be basic need of human beings,
animals, plants etc. water shortage is one of the biggest problem in the world. There should be a
solution in this kind of problem. It is no other than water conservation. We have alternative
methods developed for the conservation of water. Plants are also essential to human life. Plants
need water in order to make their food. Water is one of the basic needs for plant growth. But we
must consider such potential situations in watering our plants such as SOIL MOISTURE
SENSING WATER IRRIGATION watering too much, too little and of course, just enough for
us to sustain and maintain the plant growth. Keeping your plant properly watered is essential to
its health. An automatic water irrigation system project which can also be useful and be able to
the environment. This project design study to focus on soil condition of a certain grass/plantation
area and determine when the plants need to acquire adequate water. Soil moisture is an essential
in monitoring of plant growth. Soil moisture determines the water content of the soil. We will
develop a device that will determine the moisture level of the soil. It will help water irrigation
system and gives sufficient water for the plants to reach their full growth.

1.4 Objectives
 Develop a program for our project using a microcontroller that will process the data from
the sensor and control the whole irrigation system;
 It’s design on a low cost device for control the water pump automatically.
 It’s save farmers effort, water and time.
 The power to conserve the simple resources as well as giving excellent boost to the
production of the harvests is one of the main aims of incorporating such technology into
the agronomic land of the country.

1.5 Scope of the Project

A critical regard is the placing costs, since expense usually determine the probability and
viability of a project. The placing must be simple enough for a domestic Apply. The water saving
was also significant aspect, since there is a demand to minimize water loss and to minimize the
efficiency of water used. Finally, the potential for implementing the system at a larger scale
should be investigation.

1.6 Methodology
 Collection of book and internet information.
 The required components were purchased in the market.
 From this project we offer a new technology for the automation of the field of
agriculture. Also avoid the waste of water that occurs in the older irrigation system.

From this project we can reduce manpower. The project presents the waters of your plants here
automatically and regularly when you have avocation.

1.7 Expected Result
Irrigation system is simple and cheap for our project. It is more labor intensive and wastes water.
If water is brought into the system manually, this requires high labor input. On the other hand, it
is important to check the systems and to improve the production and avoid water loss on the
plantation. In addition, water costs and increasing water demands, gardeners need to be
concerned about conservation.

1.8 Summary
In this chapter, we discussed about our project Automatic irrigation System, where we briefly
discuss about project. At the last part of this chapter we discuss about our object, Future scope of
the work, methodology and project outline.

Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction
People have to learn small things before doing a big achievement. Success always depends on
hard work. We have done a satisfactory project that will be helpful. We completed our course, all
previous knowledge need to fulfill our project. Solar Based Automatic Irrigation System is a
development project for the farmers. We need to study and proper ideas about the system design,
embedded system, Electric Circuit design and Digital Electronics for better knowledge about
instrument of our project. We are very grateful to our course teacher. They make us understood
about basic knowledge of this course. We have done simple class project during that time. All
the knowledge, information, practice make us confident to complete this project.

2.2 Related Work

Before doing our project, we have seen some projects which is related with our project.

 Irrigation System
 Smart Irrigation System
 Herb Box Eco System
 Plant Watering System

2.3 Automatic Irrigation system

The irrigation system uses valves to activate and deactivate irrigation. These valves can be easily
automated by the use of controllers and solenoids. The automation of agricultural or nursery
irrigation allows farmers to apply the right amount of water at the right time, regardless of the
availability of work to activate or deactivate the valves. In addition, farmers who use automation
equipment are capable of reducing runoff from irrigating saturated soils, preventing irrigation at
the wrong time of the day, which will improve the yield of cultures ensuring adequate water and
nutrients when necessary. Automatic drip irrigation is a valuable tool for the exact control of soil

moisture in the production of highly specialized vegetables and is a simple and precise method
for irrigation. It also helps in saving time, eliminating human error in adapting the available
humidity levels of the soil and maximizing its net benefits. Irrigation is the artificial application
of water to the soil normally to help crops. In crop production it is mainly used in dry areas and in
periods of precipitation deficit, but also to protect plants against frost. Types of irrigation
superficial irrigation
 Localized irrigation
 Drip irrigation
 Spray irrigation

Conventional irrigation methods, such as air ducts, flood-feeding systems usually pierce the
lower leaves and stem from the plants. The entire surface of the soil Saturated and, often, it
remains wet long after the irrigation has finished. This condition promotes infections by leaf
fungi. Instead, dripping or dripping is a type of Modern irrigation technique that slowly applies
small amounts of water to the part of the root of the plant. Water is often supplied, many times
daily to maintain a favorable humidity condition of the soil and avoid moisture stress in the plant
with the proper use of water resources. Drip irrigation saves water because only the area of the
root of the plant receives moisture. Little perforation is lost if the appropriate amount is applied.
Drip irrigation is popular because it can increase yields and reduce water requirements as well as
work. Drip irrigation requires about half of the water needed by spraying or surface irrigation.
The low operating pressures and the flow rates give rise to reduced energy costs. It is possible to
achieve a greater degree of water control. Plants can be supplied with more precise amounts of
water. Disease and insect damage reduce because the plant foliage remains dry. Operating cost is
usually reduced. The bunds can continue during the irrigation process because the rows between
the plants remain dry

2.4 Comparative Studies

When we are thinking about farmer related project, we want to do something for farmer which is
helps our farmer and our farmers take this opportunity and they done their work very easily. So
we research about farmer’s related project and we find out some problem. We find out some

irrigation system which are not auto system. Some project have smart system which is control
smart phone but in that case farmer have to attend in land. But we want try such kinds of a
system which is controlled automatic. If any case farmer can’t go his land but irrigation will
continue according to need of land. So we develop that project.

2.5 Scope of Problems

We realize that Irrigation frame work is more work concentrated. Also, it squanders water.
Regardless of whether water is brought into the framework physically, this needs high work
input. With the end goal to realize that it is essential to check the frameworks and to enhance the
creation and dodge water misfortune on the manor.

2.6 Challenges
In our everyday life, water is critical to us. It is viewed as fundamental need of individuals,
creatures, plants and so forth. Be that as it may, now days, water deficiency is getting to be one
of the most serious issue in our nation. There ought to be an answer in this sort of issue. It is no
other than water protection. Farmers use their normal irrigation system. But in this system water
loss and time loss, so we solve this problem and easy to do this system.

We have some challenges that we complete our project. They are given below:

 Sensor detection of our project

 In the same time continues irrigation with various land
 We use best solar because of weather
 Better Performance

Chapter Three

3.1 Introduction
In this Chapter we are going to Explain about the system Design construction through Hardware
and development of software. In addition, the chapter elaborates the hardware and the software
stage by stage. All the operations of hardware and software are also included in this chapter. The
system design of the total project is shown in below Figure3.1.

Fig 3.1 : Circuit Diagram

3.2 Component List
 Arduino Uno
 Soil Moisture Sensor
 Relay Module
 Solar Panel
 Battery
 Sim Module
 Charging Circuit
 Booster Circuit
 Water Ppump
 Buzzer

3.3 Arduino UNO

Arduino Uno is one of the microcontroller boards manufactured by the Arduino and it is a
microcontroller board based on Atmel’s ATmega328P microcontroller. “Uno” means one in
Italian and the Uno board is the latest in a series of USB (Universal Serial Bus) Arduino boards
which is the reference model for the Arduino platform. The Arduino Uno board has a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, a reset button, 6 analog
inputs and 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs). It uses the
Atmega16U2 programmed as a USB – to - serial converter instead of FTDI USB – to – serial
driver chip which was used in all the pre-ceding boards. The board has 32 KB flash memory of
which 0.5 KB is used by boot-loader, 2 KB of SRAM, 1 KB of EEPROM and 16 MHz clock

Fig 3.3 (a): Arduino UNO

Reprinted from the Arduino Board Uno Figure 1 shows the Arduino Uno Board manufactured by
the Arduino in Italy. It can be powered via a USB connection or with an external power supply.
As can be seen in figure 1, pins A0 to A5 are the analog input pins, pins 0 to 13 are 14 digital
input/outputpins and the pins with a “~” sign can be used as digital pins PWM o can be used as
input or output pins by selecting the mode by using the function Pin-Mode() and then using the
function digitalRead() or digitalWrite() according to the ne-cessity. Pins 0(RX) and 1(TX) are

used for serial communication while pins 10(SS), 11(MOSI), 12(MISO) and 13(SCK) are used
for SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) communication. In addition to pin 0 and 1, a Software Serial
library allows serial communication on any of the Uno’s digital pin.

The microcontroller is a low-power CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 8-bit

microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
architecture. The powerful execution of instructions in a single clock cycle leads to the
achievement of 1 MIPS per MHz throughputs allowing the designer to optimize power
consumption versus processing speed.

Fig 3.3 (b): ATmega328P Microcontroller

Fig 3.3 (c): ATmega328 Microcontroller Architecture

Reprinted from Datasheet of ATMega328 the internal architecture of the microcontroller is
shown in Fig 2.3.3 (02). The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the microcontroller
which controls the execution of the program. The MCU (Microcontroller unit) consists of 4K/8K
bytes of in-system programmable flash with read-while-write capabilities, 256/412/1K bytes
EEPROM along with the 512/1K/2K bytes of SRAM. Along with this, the MCU consists of
many other features

 23 general purpose I/O lines and 32general purpose working registers

 flexible timer/counters with compare modes, internal and external interrupts and a serial
programmable USART
 A byte-oriented 2-wire serial interface, an SPI serial port, a 6-channel 10-bit ADC (8
channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages), a programmable watch-dog timer with an
internal oscillator and 5 software -selectable power saving modes.

The five, software selectable, power saving modes are idle mode, Power-down mode, Power-
save mode, ADC Noise Reduction mode and the Standby mode. As mentioned in section 2.1.2,
the CPU is the brain of the microcontroller which controls the execution of the program.
Therefore the CPU is able to access the memories, perform calculations, control peripherals and
handle interrupts. The AVR uses the Harvard architecture with separate memories and buses for
program and data to maximize the performance as well as the parallelism. The principle of
execution of instructions in the program memory is the single-level pipelining. The concept of
pre-fetching the next instruction while executing one instruction enables the instructions to be
executed in every clock cycle and the program memory is in the System Reprogrammable Flash

Fig 3.2.2 (d): Block diagram of the AVR CPU Core architecture

Reprinted from Datasheet of ATMega328, The block diagram of AVR CPU Core architecture is
shown in figure 3. The fast-access Register File contains 32 x 8 bit general-purpose working
registers with a single cycle access time which results in a single -cycle ALU operation. The
arithmetic and logical operations between the registers or between the constant and a register are
supported by the ALU. The status register is updated to reflect information about the result of the
operation after an arithmetic operation. The boot program section and the application program
section are the two main sections of the program flash memory. Stack stores the return address of
the program counter during the interrupts and subroutine calls which is allocated in the general
data SRAM. The size of the stack is limited by the total size and usage of the SRAM. The data
SRAM is accessible through five different addressing modes supported in the AVR architecture
while the stack pointer is read/write accessible in the I/O space. The memory spaces in the AVR
architecture are all linear and regular memory maps.

Microcontroller: Atmel ATmega328
Operating Voltage (logic level):5 V
Input Voltage (recommended):7-12 V
Input Voltage (limits):6-20 V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 8
DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
Flash Memory: 32 KB (of which 2KB used by boot loader)
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Dimensions: 0.70” x 1.70”

• Automatic reset during program download
• Power OK blue LED
• Green (TX), red (RX) and orange (L) LED
• Auto sensing/switching power input
• Small mini-B USB for programming and serial monitor
• ICSP header for direct program download
• Standard 0.1 spacing DIP (breadboard friendly)
• Manual reset switch

3.3.1 Microcontroller IC ATmega328p

Fig 3.3.1 : Microcontroller IC ATmega 328p.

The high-performance Microchip picoPower 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines
32KB ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1024B EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 23
general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, three flexible timer/counters with
compare modes, internal and external interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-
wire serial interface, SPI serial port, a 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channels in TQFP and
QFN/MLF packages), programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, and five software
selectable power saving modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts.

3.3.2 Power supply, inputs and outputs

Either Arduino is supplied with USB connection or with an external power supply
(recommended with 7-12V), outputs are going to have a continuous voltage due to voltage
regulators and stabilization capacitors present on the board. These power supply pins are:

 VIN: it is the input power supply that will have the same voltage that we are supplying
the Arduino with the external power supply
 5V: power supply of 5V, this voltage may come from VIN pin and a voltage regulator or
from the USB connection.
 3.3V: power supply that will provide 3.3V generated by an internal regulator, with a
maximum current of 50 mA.
 GND: grounding pins

3.3.3Digital inputs and outputs

Each of the 14 digital pins can be used as an input or output. Besides, each pin can supply or
receive a maximum of 40 mA and has a pull-p resistance from 20 to 50 kOhm. In addition, some
pins have specialized functions such as:
 Pin 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). They are used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) in TTL serial
 Pin 2 and 3. External interruptions. Pins in charge of interrupting the sequential program
stablished by the user.

 Pin 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. PWM (pulse width modulation). They form 8 output bits with
PWM with the function analogWrite ().
 Pin 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI (Serial peripheral
interface) communication.
 Pin 13. LED. There is a LED connected to the digital pin 13. When the pin value is
HIGH, the LED is on, and when the value is LOW, the LED is off.

3.3.4 Analog inputs

Arduino UNO has 6 analogical inputs, from A0 to A5, and each one offers abresolution of 10
bits (1024 states). By default, there is a voltage of 5V, but that range can be modified using the
pin AREF and using the function analogReference(), where the user introduces the DC external
signal he wants to use as reference.

3.4 GSM Module

A number of signal detecting devices are available in the market. These devices include:
 Ethernet Module
 Wifi Module
 Bluetooth Module
 SIM / GSM Module
All of the devices have their own advantages and disadvantages but we will be targeting that
particular device which best suits our requirement. There are certain features that should be
considered when choosing the GSM module for use. The features are
 Long Distance Coverage
 Function description
 Supply voltage: 3.5V - 4.2V
 Power consumption: sleep mode < 2.0mA, idle mode < 7.0mA
 GSM transmission (avg): 350 mA
 GSM transmission (peek): 2000mA
 Module size: 25 x 23cm
 SIM card socket: micro SIM
 Antenna connector: IPX
 Status signaling: LED
 Working temperature range: -40 do + 85 ° C
 Has high-performance
 Low Cost
This GSM module can easily achieve data. Its operating frequency is among the 900/1800/1900
MHz frequency band. In SIM800L signal transmit time of different devices stands at a 0.5
seconds interval so that the work load of SIM chip can be reduced substantially and more
sleeping time can be saved for GSM module. This module is set with serial interface, which is
easy to use and simplifies the overall design.

Fig 3.4 (a): SIM800L GSM Module

Fig3.4 (b): Schematic Diagram of SIM800L GSM Module

GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephony system that is
widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of time division
multiple access (TDMA) and is the most widely used of the three digital wireless telephony
technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA). GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it
down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at
either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band.

GSM/GPRS module is used to establish communication between a computer and a GSM-GPRS

system. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is an architecture used for mobile
communication in most of the countries. Global Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an extension of
GSM that enables higher data transmission rate. GSM/GPRS module consists of a GSM/GPRS
modem assembled together with power supply circuit and communication interfaces (like RS-
232, USB, etc) for computer. GSM/GPRS MODEM is a class of wireless MODEM devices that
are designed for communication of a computer with the GSM and GPRS network. It requires a
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card just like mobile phones to activate communication with
the network. Also they have IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number similar to
mobile phones for their identification. A GSM/GPRS MODEM can perform the following
1. Receive, send or delete SMS messages in a SIM.
2. Read, add, search phonebook entries of the SIM.
3. Make, Receive, or reject a voice call.
The MODEM needs AT commands, for interacting with processor or controller, which are
communicated through serial communication. These commands are sent by the
controller/processor. The MODEM sends back a result after it receives a command. Different AT
commands supported by the MODEM can be sent by the processor/controller/computer to
interact with the GSM and GPRS cellular network.

Fig 3.4 (c): Circuit Diagram for Arduino and GSM module Connection.

3.5 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

The 16 x 2 LCD drive is widely used in embedded system projects because it is cheap, easy to
access, and small and easy to interface. The 16x2 has two rows and 16 columns, which means
that it consists of 16 blocks of 5x8 points. 16 pins for connections in which 8 bits of data D0-D7
and 3 bits of control, that is, RS, RW and EN. The rest of the pins are used for the supply,
control of brightness and backlight In this article, we will pass the pin out of the Atmega328
chip. The Atmega328 is a very popular microcontroller chip produced by Atmel. It is an 8-bit
microcontroller that has 32K of flash memory, 1K of EEPROM and 2K of internal SRAM.

The Atmega328 is one of the microcontroller chips that are used with the popular Arduino
Duemilanove plates. The Arduino Duemilanove card comes with 1 or 2 microcontroller chips,
Atmega168 or Atmega328. Of these 2, the Atmega328 is the most advanced and advanced chip.
Unlike the Atmega168 that has flash memory program 16K and 512 bytes of internal SRAM,
Atmega328 has 32K flash memory and 2K internal SRAM memory. The Atmega328 has 28
pins. It has 14 digital I / O pins, of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 analog input pins.
These I / O pins represent 20 of thepins.

Features include:
 Good colorreproduction
 Verythin
 Lightweight
 Perfect sharpness at nativeresolution
 Excellentlongevity
 No screen burn-ineffect
 Do not flicker likeCRT

Fig-3.5.5: LCD display

3.6 Solar Panel

We know that a solar panel charges from the sun.

Features include:
 Infinitive sources
 It is Free-of-charge
 It does not cause any pollution
 It is low power consuming devices can be powered by solar energy effectively
 Solar panel Cleans energy
 It is cheap
 High intensity in summer season

Fig-3.5.6: Solar panel

3.7 Relay
A relay is an electromagnetic switch. It is utilized applications to turn on and a
circuit by a low power flag or where a few circuits must be controlled by one
flag. Which is Shown in Fig: 3.7

Fig 3.7: Relay

3.8 Relay Module
Hand-off is relating degree attraction gadget that is utilized to confine 2 circuits electrically and
interface them attractively. They horribly supportive gadgets and allow one circuit to alter
another though they're absolutely independent. They're ordinarily wont to interface relate degree
electronic circuit (working at an intermittent voltage) to relate degree electrical gadget that works
at frightfully high voltage. for instance, a transfer will assemble a 5V DC battery circuit to alter a
230V AC mains circuit. Hence silky low detecting component circuit will drive, say, a follower
or an electrical globule.

Fig. 3.6: Relay Module Fig3.7: Connection Diagram of Relay with Arduino

A transfer switch is partitioned into 2 sections: info and yield. The yield area envelops a
loop that creates attractive transition once smooth low voltage from AN electronic circuit is
connected thereto. This voltage is named the agent voltage. Unremarkably utilized transfers
are offered in a few setups of agent voltages like 6V, 9V, 12V, 24V and so forth the yield
area comprises of contactors that interface or disengage consequently. Amid an essential
hand-off there are 3 contactors: typically open (NO), generally shut (NC) and standard
(COM). At no reason express, the COM is associated with NC. When the agent voltage is
connected the hand-off loop gets invigorated and furthermore the COM changes contact to

3.9 Soil Moisture Sensor
As shown in Fig: 3.5.8 Soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content in soil. As we
realize that property and soil dampness must be aligned and may differ contingent upon natural
factors, for example, soil type, temperature, or electric conductivity. Then again, reflected
microwave radiation is influenced by the dirt dampness. Likewise, it is utilized for remote
detecting in hydrology and farming.[8]

Fig-3.5.8: Soil moisture sensor

3.10 Buzzers
Buzzers are sound components prepared incorporating a piezoelectric vibration plate in a plastic
box (resonator). The piezoelectric sounders are sonorous components that they generate are
suitable for use as input signals (including multi-tune tone, etc.) without built-in oscillation
circuits. This feature allows them to be used in a wide range of applications. It comes as the
SMD type, which is great for the assembly of small and high densities and the type of pin, which
can be used for general purposes. Piezoelectric buzzers are sonorous components that generate a
monotone using a built-in oscillation circuit. [3]

Figure: 3.4 Buzzers

3.11 LED
The LED is a light source that uses semiconductors and electroluminescence to create light.
There are two main types of light emitting diodes: LED and OLED. The LED is different than
the EL bulb because it uses a small semiconductor crystal with reflectors and other parts to make
the light brighter and centered on a single point. The OLED is very similar to that of the EL lamp
in design, using a flat sandwich of materials. It is different from LED light and EL because it uses
organic molecules in the light emitting layer.

Figure: 3.5 LED

3.12 Connector
Wire is typically encircled by outline the metal through an opening in a pass on or draw plate. A
wire is a single, for the most part tube molded, versatile strand or post of metal. Wires are used to
persevere through mechanical weights or power and media correspondences signals. The term
wire is moreover used even more unreservedly to insinuate a pile of such strands, as in 'multi
stranded wire', which is even more precisely named a wire rope in mechanics, or a connection in
power. Wire measures come in different standard sizes, as conveyed the extent that a check

Fig. 3.13: connecting wire

3.13 Water Pump

A small pump and a driver. A driver is to produce enough current for the pump, my application
wants a twig distance concerning one meter, and therefore this pump is enough. however if you
wish to create a system that wants an oversized spray vary, you will would like larger pumps, or
maybe a pressurized device to create the projectile even farther, like the watering system in an
exceedingly garden

Fig 3.12: Water pump

The pumping of water may be a basic and sensible technique, way more sensible than scooping it
up with one's hands or lifting it in a very hand-held bucket. This can be true whether or not the
water is drawn from a recent supply, emotional to a required location, purified, or used for
irrigation, washing, or waste treatment, or for evacuating water from AN undesirable location.
No matter the end result, the energy needed to pump water is a particularly exacting part of water

3.14 Vero board

Vero board is a strip board brand, a pre-formed copper strips plate material on an insulation
plate. Which is the generic name for a type of widely used electronic prototype plate that is
characterized by a regular (rectangular) hole of 0.15 mm (2.5 mm), with parallel copper lining
strips running in one direction on one side of the edge? Generally, it is also known as the original
Vero board product, which is a trademark in the United Kingdom, the British company Vero
Technologies Ltd and the Canadian company Pixel Print Ltd. When using the board, the jumps
are made on the slopes, normally near holes, to divide the strips into several electrical nodes.
With care, it is possible to break between holes to allow components that have two clues of pins
only to be separated by a position like row headers together forIDC.

Figure: 3.7 Vero Board

3.15 Resistor
A resistance may be a passive two-terminal electrical element that implements holmic resistance
as a circuit part. In electronic circuits, resistors area unit accustomed cut back current flow,

regulate signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active parts, and terminate transmission lines,
among different uses. High-powered resistors that may dissipate several watts of wattage as heat
is also used as a part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as take a look at masses
for generators. Mounted resistors have resistances that solely amendment slightly with
temperature, time or in operation voltage. Variable resistors is accustomed regulate circuit parts
(such as a volume management or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for warmth, light,
humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Fig 3.5: Resistor

3.16 LDR
A photo resistor is an active component that decreases resistance with respect to receiving
luminosity on the component's sensitive surface. The resistance of a photo resistor decreases with
increase in incident light intensity

Fig 3.5: LDR

3.17 Arduino software
The smart microcontroller unit named as Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino
software. There is no any requirement for installing other software rather than Arduino. Firstly,
Select "Arduino Uno from the Tools , Board menu (according to the microcontroller on your
board).The IC used named as ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes pre burned with a boot
loader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware

Programming software of this line follower is known as ARDUINO-1.6.8. This is open source
programming platform. The open-source ARDUINO environment makes it easy to write code
and upload it to the input/output board. Here we use ARDUINO-1.6.8 platform.
To configure software, we have to use ARDUINO -1.6.8 named arduino.exe

Fig 3.9 (a): Programming platform for ARDUINO

To configure this programmer with computer we need a USB cable then check serial port and
select the programmer from Aruino-1.6.8 platform such as,

Fig 3.9 (b): IDE configuration for ARDUINO UNO Programmer

Serial communication
It is used for the communication between Arduino and a computer or other
devices. Every Arduino board has at least one serial port. This ports
communicates thanks to the digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX), and with the
computer thanks to the USB connection.
It establishes the speed of data in bits per second (bauds) for the transmission
of data in serial communication.
It reads the data from the serial port.

It prints the data to the serial port as ASCII text
It prints the data to the serial port as ASCII text but it jumps to a new line.
It gives back the number of available bytes to be read by the serial port. It refers to data that has
already been received and is available in the buffer of the port.

Chapter Four

4.1 Introduction
The main objective of this project is to design a low cost device in order to control the water
pump automatically. This automatic irrigation system senses the moisture content of the soil and
automatically switches the pump when the power is on. A proper usage of irrigation system is
very important because the main reason is the shortage of land reserved water due to lack of rain,
unplanned use of water as a result large amounts of water goes waste. For this reason, we use this
automatic plant watering system, and this system is very useful in all climatic conditions. The
project is designed to develop an automatic irrigation system which switches the pump motor
ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of the soil. In the field of agriculture, use of proper
method of irrigation is important. The project uses an ARDUINO UNO open source
microcontroller which is programmed to receive the input signal of varying moisture condition
of the soil through the sensing arrangement. Once the controller receives this signal, it generates
an output that drives a relay for operating the water pump. An automation of irrigation systems
has several positive effects. Once installed, the water distribution on fields or small-scale gardens
is easier and does not have to be permanently controlled by an operator. There are several
solutions to design automated irrigation systems.

4.2 Advantage
 Highly sensitive
 Works according to the condition of the soil
 Adjust and forget the system
 Low cost and reliable circuit
 Total elimination of manpower
 You can handle heavy loads up to10A

Reduced labor: here no need many labor for working. Because it works automatically. Only one
labor is required in the system.

Life style will improved: since it works automatically .so no need check the water progress
again and again. The motor no need start and stop by any person. So the people can sleep
through the night and live relax with a family.

More timely irrigation: when the plants need water that time Irrigators with automation are
more inclined to irrigate, not when it suits the irrigator. It works perfect timely

Assists in the management of higher flow rates: the irrigation flow rate want to increase by the
many irrigators. They receive through installing bay outlets and bigger channels. Such flow rates
require an increase in labor as the time taken to irrigate a bay is reduced thus requiring more
frequent change over. Automation allows for these higher flows to be managed without an
increase in the amount oflabor.

Most perfect cut-off: when the sufficient water is delivered to the land then automatically cut-
off it. Automation of the irrigation system allows cut-off of water at the appropriate point in the
bay. This is usually more accurate than manual checking because mistakes can occur if the
operator is too late or too early in making a change of water flow.
Decrease nutrients and runoff of water: Holding compost on ranch has both monetary and
natural advantages. Mechanization can help keep manure on ranch by adequately diminishing
keep running off from the property.

Decrease costs of used irrigation vehicles: As the irrigator is not required to constantly check
progress of an irrigation, motor bikes, four wheelers and other vehicles are used less. Since we
can give water supply in right time so this reduces the running costs of these vehicles and they
require less frequent replacement.

4.3 Project Picture

Fig 4.3: Project Picture

4.4 Disadvantages
Cost: there are various costs like installing, maintaining automatic and purchasing cost.

Equipment Reliability: as an automatic system sometimes it does not work accurately failures
will occur. This is occurs by human error in setting and it’s maintain system. To collect any
excess runoff when failures occur by a re-use system is good insurance Maintaining channel

Increased: There is a need to expand support of channels and hardware to guarantee the
framework works accurately. Channels ought to be fenced to shield the programmed units from
stock harm.

4.5 Costing
Costing is always a vital issue to make any project. Price of electronics is not stable for a
developing country like Bangladesh, because Bangladesh never produces electronics parts but
import from other developed country and during import price depends upon the stock of foreign
currency. Average price of parts used in this project is given bellow,

Table 5.3: Price list of hardware used at Solar irrigation system

Sl. No Parts Name Qty Unit Price Total Price

1 Arduino Uno 1 Unit 550 550
2 LCD display 1 Unit 170 170
3 GSM Module 1 Unit 600 600
4 Battery 2 Unit 450 450
5 Solar Panel 1 Unit 350 350
6 LDR 1 Unit 10 10
7 Relay 1 Unit 380 380
8 Pump Motor 1 Unit 150 150
9 LiPo Battery 1 Unit 300 300
10 LED 4 Unit 3 12
11 Buzzer 1 Unit 15 15
12 Switch 1 Unit 45 45
13 DC Jack 1 Unit 12 12
14 Push Button 2 Unit 10 20
15 LiPo Battery Charger 1 Unit 80 80
16 5K Variable 1 Unit 5 5
17 Male-Female Connector 3 Unit 15 45
18 Vero Board 2 Unit 25 50
19 PVC Board 1 Unit 300 300
20 Others 1 Unit 100 100
Total 3644

Chapter Five

5.1 Conclusion
The primary applications for this project are for farmers and gardeners who do not have enough
time to water their crops / plants. It also covers those farmers who are water waste during
irrigation. The project can be extended to greenhouses, where manual supervision is far and few
in between. The principle can be extended to create totally automated agricultural gardens and
fields. Combined with the principle of rainwater harvesting, it could lead to enormous water
savings if applied correctly. In agricultural land with severe rainfall shortages, this model can be
successfully applied to achieve great results with most types of soil. Even commercial irrigation
systems come in several types. There are autonomous systems that come with glasses, water
tanks, etc. Water tanks are also available in different models and models. These systems may or
may not have timers. These systems take care of the water requirements of individual plants.
There are several plant watering systems that can care for a certain amount of plants at the same
time. These systems constitute water tanks, tubes that supply water from the tank to individual
plants and drips attached to the end of each tube. For a garden, there are available sprinkler and
dripping systems with timers. In some sophisticated, floor sensors are also used, so that watering
will be done, as long as the soil is dry. Although some of the irrigation systems work with battery
power, others use power from the network. There are also simple ones that work under gravity.
Each type of plant irrigation system has its own characteristics, which must be understood,
before investing in it.
The principle venture are for farmers and nursery workers who don't have bounteous time to
water their products or plants. It likewise satisfy those farmers who are inefficient of water amid
water system. The undertaking can be reached out to green houses where manual administration
is far and few in the middle. The standard can be stretched out to make totally robotized patio
nurseries and farmlands. Aggregate with the guideline of rain water collecting, it could prompt
huge water reserve funds whenever connected in the correct way. In horticultural land with
serious lack of precipitation, this model can be viably connected to accomplish incredible
outcomes with most kinds of soil.
5.2 Main Limitations and Constraints
The main factors where attention should be focused on irrigation practices based on water
resources and efficient for risk are the following:
 Preliminary evaluation of site specific conditions. Proper selection of soil moisture
 Selection of suitable sites, installation and maintenance of sensors. Correct interpretation
and use of soil humidity data

5.3 Scope for Further Developments

The automatic irrigation system is going to be very useful in the future. The components required
for this type irrigation system is moisture sensors, relays, and submersible type pump. The
automatic irrigation is supposed by sensing the soil condition as wet or dry. It is an effective use
of water in irrigation system. This is more effective for the farmers.
In future the advances in Nano innovation, the upgrades in shrewd framework and power gadgets
have a viable job in executing sun based vitality approaches. Our administration, Research and
labs, different sun based associations are endeavoring to make this sun oriented siphon set as all
agrarian field and easy to use. Give we a chance to have an expectation so that in one fine day all
ranch arrives in Bangladesh are furnished with sun powered siphon sets with SMS caution.
Rain firearm sensor can be included when it rains or surges and this shield the field and dodges
surges. Rain water collecting should be possible and this gathered water can be utilized to soak
fields. Hooters can be the point at which it gives alarm at different events, for example,
interference discovery, surges and so on. In Future we utilize IR sensors any protest going into
fields can be identified and cautioned.

[2] retrieved on8/4/2020
[3] retrieved on 15/4/2020
[4] retrieved on16/4/2020
[5] retrieved on
[6] retrieved on16/4/2020
[7] retrieved on 16/4/2020
[8] retrieved on 17/4/2020
[10] retrieved on17/4/2020




Programming Code: pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);

#include <Wire.h> pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);

#include<SoftwareSerial.h> pinMode(main, OUTPUT);

LiquidCrystallcd(A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5); pinMode(Solenoid, OUTPUT);

#define redLed 8 pinMode(backuplight, OUTPUT);

#define greenLed 9 pinMode(Exhaust, OUTPUT);

#define Buzzer 7 digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);

SoftwareSerialmySerial(10,11); digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);

#define main 2 digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);

#define Solenoid 3 digitalWrite(main, LOW);

#define backuplight 4 digitalWrite(Solenoid, LOW);

#define Exhaust 5 digitalWrite(backuplight, HIGH);

#define Sensor 6 digitalWrite(Exhaust, HIGH);

String number1 ="0170xxxxxx"; inputString = "";

String str=""; lcd.setCursor(4, 0);

char incomingByte; lcd.print("WELCOME");

String inputString; lcd.setCursor(1, 1);

void setup() { lcd.print("LPG Safety System");

intlpg_sensor = digitalRead(Sensor); delay(1000);

Serial.begin(9600); lcd.clear();}}

mySerial.begin(9600); void loop() {

lcd.begin(16,2); intlpg_sensor = digitalRead(Sensor);

if (lpg_sensor==LOW ) lcd.setCursor(4, 0);

{ lcd.print("No LPG");

digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW); lcd.print("Status: Safe");

digitalWrite(Buzzer, HIGH); sendSMS1("No LPG Detected");

digitalWrite(main, HIGH); }}

digitalWrite(Solenoid, HIGH); void sendSMS1(String msg)

digitalWrite(backuplight, LOW); {mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1");

digitalWrite(Exhaust, LOW); delay(100);

lcd.setCursor(4, 0); mySerial.print("AT+CMGS=");

lcd.print("Alarm:"); mySerial.print('"');

lcd.setCursor(1, 1); mySerial.print(number1); // number 1

lcd.print("LPG Detected"); mySerial.print('"');

sendSMS1("LPG Detected"); mySerial.println();

} delay(100);

if (lpg_sensor==HIGH ) mySerial.println(msg);

{ delay(500);

digitalWrite(redLed, LOW); mySerial.write(26);

digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW); delay(100);

digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW); lcd.clear();

digitalWrite(main, LOW); }

digitalWrite(Solenoid, LOW); void sendSMS2(String msg)

digitalWrite(backuplight, HIGH); {mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1");

digitalWrite(Exhaust, HIGH); delay(100);

lcd.clear(); mySerial.print("AT+CMGS=");

mySerial.print('"'); }

mySerial.print(number2); mySerial.println("ATE0");

mySerial.print('"'); lcd.clear();

mySerial.println(); lcd.print("Searching Network..");

delay(100); booleannet_flag=1;

mySerial.println(msg); while(net_flag)

delay(500); {mySerial.println("AT+CPIN?");

mySerial.write(26); while(mySerial.available()>0)

delay(100); {if(mySerial.find("READY"))

lcd.clear(); net_flag=0;

} break;}

void gsmInit() delay(1000);

{ }

lcd.clear(); mySerial.println("AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0");

lcd.print("Finding Module.."); delay(1000);

booleanat_flag=1; mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1");

while(at_flag) delay(1000);

{ mySerial.println("AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0");

mySerial.println("AT"); lcd.clear();

while(mySerial.available()>0) mySerial.flush();

{ }





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