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ISI2B3 - Pemodelan Proses Bisnis

Process Identification
Prodi Sistem Informasi – Fakultas Rekayasa Industri

01. Understand the application of business

processes at different organizational levels

02. To discussed the process identification

phase of the BPM lifecycle

03. Distinguished the two steps of process

definition, process architecture
definition and process selection
BPM Lifecycle Process

Process architecture

Conformance and
and Process As-is
As-is process
performance insights
insights discovery model

monitoring and Process
controlling analysis

Executable Insights
Insights on
process weaknesses
weaknesses and
model their
their impact

Process Process
implementation To-be
To-be process
process redesign
Process identification steps
1. Designation step
○ Enumerate main processes Process
○ Determine process scope Architecture

2. Prioritization step (aka Process selection)

Prioritize processes based on:
○ Importance
○ Health
○ Feasibility

After Davenport (1993)

menyeleksi proses berdasarkan
beberapa kriteria
- penting tidaknya
- kesehatan
- kelayakan

di jelaskan melalui portofolio

The aim of process selection is
to define criteria for assessing the performance of the identified business

This task builds on the observation that business processes differ in terms of their
importance and maturity. In order to define a solid basis for process selection, process
performance measures should be considered in combination with general criteria. The
advantage of process performance measures is that they can be used to plot the set of
processes as a process portfolio.
Selection Criteria
kepentingan terkait dengan
tujuan perusahaan

Health Feasibility

This criterion is concerned with assessing This criterion aims to render a high-level For each process, it should be determined
the strategic relevance of each process. judgement of the health of each process. how susceptible it is to BPM initiatives,
The goal is to find out which processes The question here is to determine which either incidental or on a continuous basis.
have the greatest impact on the processes are in the deepest trouble. Most notably, culture and politics. BPM
strategic goals of an organization. should focus on those processes where it is
reasonable to achieve benefits.
Dimensions of Process Performance
waktu untuk mengerjakan suatu
Each of the four performance dimensions TI M E proses dari awal hingga akhir
(time, cost, quality, and flexibility) can be
refined into a number of process
performance measures (also called key
performance indicators or KPIs). CO ST

A process performance measure is a

quantity that can be unambiguously
determined for a given business
process—assuming that the data to
calculate this performance measure is

Processing time

the time that resources, such as process

participants or software applications invoked by the Female
process, spend on actually handling the case.

Time Waiting time waktu tunggu proses eksekusi

Often the first performance dimension that comes to mind
when analyzing processes is time. Specifically, a very the time that a case spends in idle mode. Waiting time
common performance measure for processes is cycle time includes queueing time—waiting time due to the fact
(also called throughput time). Cycle time is the time that it that no resources are available to handle the case—
takes to handle one case from start to end. and other waiting time, for example because
synchronization must take place with another process,
with other activities, or because an input is expected
from a customer or from another external party
Cost biaya yang diperlukan
Another common performance dimension when analyzing dalam menjalankan
and redesigning a business process has a financial nature. proses
While we refer to cost here, it would also have been
possible to put the emphasis on turnover, yield, or

PERSPECTIVES ON COST • Operational costs can be directly related to the

outputs of a business process. A cost notion which
Fixed costs Variable costs is closely related to productivity is operational cost.
are overhead costs which are
A substantial part of operational cost is usually
are positively correlated with
(nearly) not affected by the labor cost, the cost related to human resources in
some variable quantity, such
intensity of processing. Typical producing a good or delivering a service.
as the level of sales, the Female
fixed costs follow from the use number of purchased goods,
of infrastructure and the the number of new hires, • Within process redesign efforts, it is very common
maintenance of software
etc. to focus on reducing operation cost, particularly
labor cost.
tidak dipengaruhi oleh dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya
banyaknya proses proses(semakin banyak pesanan
semakin besar)
The quality of a business process can be viewed from at least two different angles: from the client’s side and from the
process participant’s perspective. This is also known as the distinction between external quality and internal quality.


• The external quality can be measured as the client’s satisfaction • the internal quality of a business process relates to the process
with either the product or the process. participants’ viewpoint.
• Service level agreements (SLAs) precisely specify what is to be • INTERNAL QUALITY CONCERNS :
expected. On the other hand, a client’s satisfaction concerns the • the level that a process participant feels in
way how the process is executed standar waktu penyelesaian control of the work performed,
layanan purna jual
SPECIFIC MEASURES ARE USED TO CAPTURE • the level of variation experienced,
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: • and whether working within the context of the
business process is felt as challenging.
Churn rate Net promoter score
• It is interesting to note that there are various direct relations
The churn rate is calculated by defined in a range from 1 to 10, and
between quality and other dimensions.
dividing this amount by the captures how far customers would E.g : external process quality is often measured in terms of time,
number of all interactions. be willing to recommend a product or e.g., the average cycle time or the percentage of cases where
service. Specifically for services, it is deadlines are missed.
directly connected with the business
process behind it.
kualitas dilihat dari proses ketika pembuatan
kualitas dalam pemenuhan ekspektasi customer
kemampuan dalam bereaksi terhadap perubahan-perubahan

Flexibility can be defined in general terms as the ability to react to ANOTHER WAY APPROACHING
changes. These changes may concern various parts of the business THE PERFORMANCE DIMENSION OF FLEXIBILITY :
process, for example:
Runtime flexibility Build-time flexibility

1 The ability of resources to execute different tasks within

a business process setting Runtime flexibility
concerns the opportunities
to handle changes and
Build-time flexibility
concerns the possibility
to change the business

variations while executing process structure.
The ability of a business process as a whole to handle a specific business
various cases and changing workloads process. dapat merubah-rubah proses yang
kemudahan perubahan waktu
dapat terjadi sesuai dengan kebutuhan

3 The ability of the management to change the structure

and allocation rules

The organization’s ability to change the structure and
responsiveness of the business process to wishes of the
market and business partners.
[ Result ]
Process Portfolio
builds on the three criteria of importance, health, and feasibility.

process portfolio
Importance Health Feasibility
refers to the set of all processes in general, and more
The strategic importance of Health can be quantified by Feasibility requires an
specifically to their visualization by the help of different
each process can be calculating the difference assessment by the process
assessed by senior between the objectives and owner.
managers in reference to actual values for the major
the organization’s strategy. process performance
measures of each process.

Process Portfolio

Process selection
Process selection should prioritize processes in the left upper quadrant,
but also take feasibility into account.

Not too many processes should be selected for improvement for two

First, Second,
the temporal and financial having too many
resources of improvement improvement projects
teams are typically limited. running leads to complexity
of coordination, since
processes are often
Example of Process Portfolio
Develop and Manage Study Programs:
Importance 90%, Health
Schedule Develop and Manage 90%, Feasibility 40%.
High Manage Feasibility
Courses Study Programs
Student Market Study Programs:
Services Low
Market Importance 75%, Health
Study 80%, Feasibility 60%.
Programs Medium

Deliver Courses Schedule Courses:

Importance 95%, Health
30%, Feasibility 50%.

Manage Deliver Courses:

Facilities Importance 95%, Health
70%, Feasibility 30%.
Manage Student Services:
Poor Health Good
Importance 85%, Health
50%, Feasibility 40%.

Manage Facilities:
Importance 40%, Health
35%, Feasibility 70%
Hatur Nuhun!

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