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Pablo García, Rodrigo Ruiz y Rayan Amassnaou 4ºB

We start with joint movility:
Including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist
movements (changing side). Then we do head rotations
(from one side to the other, and also up and down). Thirty
seconds each joint (including the two sides).
Then we continue with the dynamic part of the warm up
consisting of two laps to the pitch (approximately 1 minute
each one), some dynamic exercises (5 minutes in total) and
a game (for activating the body that will last for 10 minutes).
We start with the two laps running at a 60% of intensity,
then we continue with the dynamic movements that have to
be done from one side of the pitch to the other in a
horizontal row, so that there are separations between the
partners which are:
Skipping or knees up, heels to the buttocks, walking rotating
arms swimming style, running backwards, moving laterally,
moving by crossing legs.
Then, we start with the game, which consists of one person
(the one who catches) trying to touch the others, if he
touches you, you have to hold hands and so on, making a
chain, when the chain has more than 5 people another one
must be created and staill do this until there is only one
player left without catching, who will be the winner.
For completing the warm up we must strech after the game
(5 minutes), calves, quadriceps, gluteus and adductors are
the most important ones and those who usually suffer the
Pablo García, Rodrigo Ruiz y Rayan Amassnaou 4ºB

As the class is aimed at soccer, now we will do an activity

related to this sport. We will need some balls that can be
kicked with the foot since we don't have many soccer balls.
We will divide the track into three zones (each of them will
be rotated) and a group will go to each one.
The first zone is focused on a very important area, which is
the pass (for this we will place ourselves in groups of four
and pass each other in an irregular order so as not to
always pass the same person, so we will train both legs),
the second it is technical (there will be two rows one in front
of the other and you will have to go controlling the ball to
the other row, when you are one meter away from reaching
the partner in the other row you give him a pass and the
other will go out with the ball towards the other row, you
have to rotate your legs so as not to always do it with the
same one) and finally, we will do a goal shooting exercise
(there will be two rows outside the area, one for each leg,
one of the teammates will be the goalkeeper and two
teachers will be placed each in a different profile to pass it
on to the people, they will hit the goal and immediatly
change profiles). Each post will last approximately 10
When we finished we will shoot two penalties each person
(one with the left and the other with the right and there will
be three goals as we only have one side of the pitch) this
will last 5 minutes aproximately.
Pablo García, Rodrigo Ruiz y Rayan Amassnaou 4ºB

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