Animal Science Syllabus

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MTB Course Syllabus

Data Structures and Algorithms

 Highlight only the important discussion;
 Use presentation to teach, persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill and
comprehendible teaching, and focus on your key message.
Day Topics
Day I I. Introduction
Saturday A. Economic utility derived from
B. Farm animals
C. Commonly used terms

Day 2 II. The Anatomy and Physiology of farm

Sunday animals
A. Commonly used terms
B. The Nervous system
C. The Endocrine system
D. The Cardiovascular system
E. The Lymphatic system
F. The Respiratory system
G. The Digestive system
H. The Excretory system
I. The Reproductive system
J. Body temperature regulation

Day 3 III. Animal Nutirtion

Saturday A. Classes of nutrients and their
i. Water
ii. Carbohydrate
iii. Fats
iv. Proteins
v. Minerals
vi. Vitamins
B. Growth and Maintenance
C. Feeds and nutrient sources

Day 4 IV. Genetics and Livestock Improvement

Sunday a. Important contributors to the field
of Genetics
b. The G x E interaction
c. Gene action
d. The Mechanics of Inheritance
e. The Mendelian Inheritance
f. Non-Mendelian Inheritance
g. Non-nuclear Inheritance
h. Genes in Population
i. Animal Breeding
j. Systems of Breeding
i. Selection
ii. Inbreeding
iii. Crossbreeding
k. Animal Reproduction and rate of
genetic improvement
Day 5 V. Slaughter, Processing and Marketing
Saturday of Farm Animalls
a. Selecting animals for slaughter
b. Handling prior to slaughter
c. Steps in general slaughtering
d. Meat and meat products
e. Milk production
f. Egg production
Day 6 VI. Poultry production
Sunday a. The chicken: classes, breeds &
b. Specialized fields in poultry
c. Poultry reproductive system
d. Brooding management
e. Growing management
f. Layer flocked management
g. System of broiler operation

Day 7 VII. Swine production and management

Saturday a. Breeds of swine
b. Production system
c. Management of the boar
d. Care and maintenance of sows
and gilts
e. Care and management of growing
finishing pigs

Day 8 VIII. Goat and sheep production

Sunday A. Sheep breeds
B. Goat breeds
C. Breeding and management
D. Feed resources and feeding
E. Housing and other facilities
IX. Beef cattle production and
A. Beef production systems in the
B. Beef cattle breds, breeding and
C. Beef cattle nutrition
D. Herd management
E. Housing and other facilities
X. Dairy production
A. Milk and milk products
B. Breeds of dairy cattle
C. Dairy cattle reproduction
XI. Carabao production & management
A. Types and breeds of water
B. Breeding
C. Care and management of
D. Management of bull\
E. Feeding systems
F. Animal health management

Correction or addition to this syllabus is highly acknowledge for the better review of
our future Agriculturist. Please give us notice if there are any suggestion and clarification.
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