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What is a Full Wave Rectifier?

A semiconductor device that is used to change the
complete AC cycle into pulsating DC is known as a
full-wave rectifier. This circuit uses the full wave of
the I/p AC signal whereas the half-wave rectifier uses
the half-wave. This circuit is mainly used to overcome
the drawback of half-wave rectifiers like low-
efficiency drawback.

Full Wave Rectifier Circuit

These rectifiers have some fundamental advantages
their half-wave rectifier counterparts. The average (DC)
output voltage is higher than for the half-wave rectifier,
the output of this rectifier has much less ripple than
that of the half-wave rectifier producing a smoother
output waveform.
Full Wave Rectifier Diagram

Full Wave Rectifier Theory

In this circuit, we use two diodes, one for each half of
the wave. A multiple winding transformer is used
whose secondary winding is split equally into two
halves with a common centre-tapped connection.
Configuration results in each diode conducting in
turn when its anode terminal is positive with respect to
the transformer centre point C produces an output
during both half-cycles. The advantages of this
rectifier are flexible compared to that of a half-wave
Full Wave Rectifier Theory

This circuit consists of two power diodes connected to a

single load resistance (RL) with each diode taking it,
in turn, to supply current to the load resistor. When
point A of the transformer is positive with respect to
point A, diode D1 conducts in the forward direction as
indicated by the arrows. When point B is positive in the
negative half of the cycle with respect to C point, the
diode D2 conducts in the forward direction and the
current flowing through resistor R is in the same
direction for both half-cycles of the wave.

The output voltage across the resistor R is the phasor

sum of the two waveforms, it is also known as a bi-
phase circuit. The spaces between each half-wave
developed by each diode are now being filled in by the
other. The average DC output voltage across the load
resistor is now double that of the single half-wave
rectifier circuit and is about 0.637Vmax of the peak
voltage by assuming no losses. VMAX is the
maximum peak value in one half of the secondary
winding and VRMS is the RMS value.

Working of Full Wave Rectifier
The peak voltage of the output waveform is the same as
before for the half-wave rectifier provided each half of
the transformer windings have the same RMS voltage.
To obtain a different DC voltage output different
transformer ratio can be used. The disadvantage of
this type of rectifier circuit is that a larger transformer
for given power output is required with two separate but
identical secondary windings make this type of full-
wave rectifying circuit costly compared to the FW
Bridge Rectifier circuit.
Full Wave Rectifier Output Waveforms

This circuit gives an overview of the working of a full-

wave rectifier. A circuit that produces the same output
waveform as the full-wave rectifier circuit is that of the
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier. A single-phase rectifier
uses four individual rectifying diodes connected in
a closed-loop bridge configuration to produce the
desired output wave. The advantage of this bridge
circuit is that it does not require a special centre-tapped
transformer, so it reduces its size and cost. The single
secondary winding is connected to one side of the diode
bridge network and the load to the other side.
The four diodes labelled D1 to D4 are arranged in series
pairs with only two diodes conducting current during
each half-cycle duration. When the positive half cycle
of the supply goes, D1, D2 diodes conduct in a series
while diodes D3 and D4 are reverse biased and the
current flows through the load. During the negative
half-cycle, D3 and D4 diodes conduct in a series, and
diodes D1 and D2 switch off as they are now reverse-
biased configuration.

Current flowing through the load is the unidirectional

mode and the voltage developed across the load is also
unidirectional voltage, same as for the previous two
diodes full-wave rectifier model. Therefore, the average
DC voltage across the load is 0.637V. During each
half-cycle, the current flows through two diodes
instead of just one diode, so the amplitude of the output
voltage is two voltage drops 1.4V less than the input
VMAX amplitude, ripple frequency is now twice the
supply frequency 100Hz for a 50Hz supply or 120Hz
for a 60Hz supply.

Types of Full Wave Rectifier

These are available in two forms namely centre tapped
full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier circuit. Each
type of full-wave rectifier includes its own features so
these are used in different applications.

• Centre Tap Full Wave Rectifier

• Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier

Centre Tap Full Wave Rectifier

This kind of rectifier can be built with a tapped
transformer through secondary winding where AB
tapped at the centre point ‘C’ & two diodes like D1, D2
are connected in the upper and lower portion of the
circuit. For signal rectification, the D1 diode uses the
AC voltage which appears across the upper side of the
secondary winding whereas the D2 diode uses the
lower of the winding. This kind of rectifier is
extensively used in thermionic valves & vacuum

Centered Tap FWR

The centre tap full-wave rectifier circuit is shown
below. In the circuit, the AC voltage like Vin flows
across the two terminals like AB of the transformer’s
secondary winding once the AC supply is enabled.

Full-wave Bridge Rectifier Circuit

A Bridge Rectifier full-wave rectifier can be designed
with four rectifying diodes. It doesn’t use any centre
tapping. As the name suggests, the circuit includes a
bridge circuit. The connection of four diodes in the
circuit can be done in the pattern of a closed-loop
bridge. This rectifier is less cost and smaller in size
because of no centre-tapped transformer.

FW Bridge Rectifier Circuit

The diodes used in this circuit are named D1, D2, D3
& D4 where two diodes will conduct at a time instead
of four like D1 & D3 or D2 & D4 based on the upper
half cycle or lower half cycle fed to the circuit.
Difference between Full Wave Rectifier
and Half Wave Rectifier
Based on different parameters, the difference between
the full-wave and the half-wave rectifier is discussed
below. The difference between these two rectifiers
includes the following.

Half Wave Rectifier Full Wave Rectifier

Half wave rectifier current only Full wave rectifier, both the
during the positive half cycle of Halves of the input signal is
the applied input, therefore, it Utilised at the same time of
shows unidirectional Operation, therefore it shows
characteristics. Bidirectional character.
This full wave rectifier circuit
This half-wave rectifier circuit Can be built with two or four
can be built using one diode Diodes.
The transformer utilization The transformer utilisation
factor for HWR is 0.287 Factor for FWR is 0.693.
The basic ripple frequency of the The basic ripple frequency of
HWR is ‘f’ FWE is 2f.
The peak inverse voltage of the The peak inverse voltage of the
half-wave rectifier is high with Full wave rectifier is double
the supplied input value. the supplied input value.
Voltage regulation of half-wave Voltage regulation of half
rectifier is good Wave rectifier Is better.
The peak factor of a half-wave The peak factor of this rectifier
rectifier is 2 Is 1.414.
In this rectifier, transformer
In this rectifier, transformer core Core saturation is not
saturation is possible Possible.
The cost of the HWR is less The cost of FWR is high.
In HWR, the centre tapping is In FWR, centre tapping is
not required Required.
The ripple factor of this rectifier The ripple factor of this
is more Rectifiers less.
The form factor of FWR is
The form factor of HWR is 1.57 1.11.
The highest efficiency used for The highest efficiency used
rectification is 40.6% For rectifications 81.2%.
The average current value of The average current of FWR
HWR is Imav/π Is 2Imav/π.

Characteristics of Full Wave Rectifier

The characteristics of a full-wave rectifier are
discussed below.

• Ripple Factor
• Form Factor
• DC Output Current
• Peak Inverse Voltage
• Root Mean Square Value of Load Current
• Rectifier Efficiency

The ripple factor can be defined as the ratio of ripple
voltage and the pure DC voltage. The main function
of this is to measure the existing ripples within the o/p
DC signal, so based on the ripple factor, the DC signal
can be indicated. When the ripple factor is high then
it indicates a high pulsating DC signal. Similarly,
when the ripple factor is low then it indicates a low
pulsating DC signal.

Γ = √(VrmsVDC)2−1
Where, γ = 0.48.

Form Factor
The form factor of the full-wave rectifier can be
defined as the ratio of RMS value of current and DC
output current.

Form Factor = RMS Value of Current /DC Output

For a full-wave rectifier, the form factor is 1.11
DC Output Current
The flow of current in both the diodes like D1 & D2 at
the o/p load resistor like RL is in the same direction.
So, the o/p current is the amount of the current in
both the diodes

The current generated through the D1 diode is Imax/π.

The current generated through the D2 diode is Imax/π.

So, the o/p current (IDC) = 2Imax/π.


‘Imax’ is the max DC load current

Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV)

Peak inverse voltage or PIV is also known as peak
reverse voltage. It can be defined as when a diode can
withstand maximum voltage within the reverse bias
state. If the applied voltage is higher as compared with
the PIV, then the diode will destroy permanently.

PIV = 2Vs max

DC Output Voltage
The DC o/p voltage can appear at the load resistor
(RL) and that can be given like VDC = 2Vmax/π.

‘Vmax’ is the max secondary voltage. The root mean

square value of the load current of a full-wave
rectifier is

IRMS= Im√2
Root mean square value of the o/p load voltage of a
full-wave rectifier is


Rectifier Efficiency
The efficiency of the rectifier can be defined as the
fraction of DC o/p power & the AC I/p power. Rectifier
efficiency indicates how efficiently converts AC into
DC. When the rectifier efficiency is high then it is
called a good rectifier whereas the efficiency is low
then it is called an inefficient rectifier.

Η = Output (PDC)/Input (PAC)

For this rectifier, the efficiency is 81.2% and it is
double as compared with a half-wave rectifier.

The advantages of a full-wave rectifier include the
• As compared with the half-wave, this circuit has

more efficiency
• This circuit uses both the cycles, so there is no

loss within the o/p power.

• As compared with a half-wave rectifier, the

ripple factor of this rectifier is less

• Once both the cycles employed in rectification

then there is not lost within the I/p voltage

• You can use four individual power diodes to

make a full-wave bridge, readymade bridge

rectifier components are available off-the-shelf
in a range of different voltage and current sizes
that can be soldered directly into a PCB circuit
board or be connected by spade connectors.
• The full-wave bridge gives us a greater mean DC

value with less superimposed ripple while the

output waveform is twice that of the frequency
of the input supply. Therefore, increase its
average DC output level even higher by
connecting a suitable smoothing capacitor
across the output of the bridge circuit.
• The advantages of a full-wave bridge rectifier are

that it has a smaller AC ripple value for a given

load and a smaller reservoir or smoothing
capacitor than an equivalent half-wave circuit.
The fundamental frequency of the ripple voltage
is twice that of the AC supply frequency 100Hz
where for the half-wave it is exactly equal to the
supply frequency 50Hz.
• The amount of ripple voltage that is
superimposed on top of the DC supply voltage by
the diodes can be virtually eliminated by
adding a much-improved π-filter to the output
terminals of the bridge. The low-pass filter
consists of two smoothing capacitors of the same
value and a choke or inductance across them to
introduce a high impedance path to the
alternating ripple component.
• The alternative is to use an off-shelf 3terminal
voltage regulator IC, such as an LM78xx where
“xx” stands for the output voltage rating for a
positive output voltage or its inverse equivalent
the LM79xx for a negative output voltage which
can reduce the ripple by more than 70dB
Datasheet while delivering a constant output
current of over 1 amp.
• It is the basic component to get D.C voltage for
the components which operate with D.C voltage.
One can describe its working as a full-wave
rectifier project.
• It is the heart of the circuit and it uses the diode
bridge. Capacitors are used to get rid of ripples.
Based on the requirement of D.C voltage.


The disadvantages of a full-wave rectifier include the

• It uses four diodes to design the circuit

• This circuit is not used whenever a small

voltage is necessary to be corrected because the

connection of two diodes can be done in series &
provides a double voltage drop because of their
inside resistance.
• As compared with the half-wave, it is

• The peak inverse voltage of the diode is high, so

these are larger and costlier.

• This rectifier is complex to place the centre tap

over the minor winding.

• The DC o/p is little because each diode uses

simply one-half of the secondary voltages of the

The applications of a full-wave rectifier include the
• This kind of rectifier is mainly used for
identifying the amplitude of the modulating
radio signal.
• In electric welding, polarized DC voltage can be
supplied through a bridge rectifier
• The bridge rectifier circuit is used in a power
supply circuit for different applications because
it can convert the voltage from high AC to low
• These rectifiers are used to provide the power
supply to the devices which function with DC
voltage similar to LED and Motor.

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