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Mechanical properties of high strength concrete that replace cement partly by using
fly ash and eggshell powder

Ashraf Teara, S.I. Doh

PII: S1474-7065(20)30387-9
Reference: JPCE 102942

To appear in: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

Received Date: 1 January 2020

Revised Date: 10 September 2020
Accepted Date: 6 October 2020

Please cite this article as: Teara, A., Doh, S.I., Mechanical properties of high strength concrete that
replace cement partly by using fly ash and eggshell powder, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (2020),

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International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete That Replace Cement

Partly by Using Fly Ash and Eggshell Powder
Ashraf Teara and S I Doh

Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Kuantan,
Pahang, Malaysia and


Global warming, climate change and greenhouse gases all these phrases are becoming an essential
and significant topic to talk about in media in recent moments. One of the main and most elements that
effect is carbon dioxide (CO2). Cement factories are the third higher producers of (CO2) after fossil fuels
and land-use change. Cement factories emit in the atmosphere roughly about 5-7% of the total volume.
Reducing the cement amount in concrete mixing is being a big challenge for researchers by replacing it
with materials that are considered friendly to the environment or as waste. Possibilities of using waste
materials for high strength concrete are the main aim for this research and to reduce the cement

amount in concrete. Making concrete by replacing cement with green materials have been affected
positively in our environment. Fly ash (FA) and eggshell powder (ESP) is the waste elements are using
in this research by replacing them partly with cement in concrete mix. The percentages of replacement

by weight are 5% and 10% of eggshell powder and 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of fly ash class F.
Property of all concrete mixes are tested for fresh and dried samples. Slump test, compressive strength

test, flexural strength test and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) had been done to all samples after curing
in water until the day of test. The best results were for two mixes. The mixes 5% ESP with 30% FA and

5% ESP with 40% FA got the highest results compared to other mixes. 58.9 MPa and 56 MPa are the
results for compressive strength, respectively. Replacing cement with green materials is possible to
make high strength concrete and reducing the use of cement up to 45% in weight.
Keywords: Cement, Fly Ash (FA), Eggshell Powder (ESP), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

1. Introduction

The consumption of cement to make concrete or other mixes include cement becomes higher every
year which will lead to draining the natural resources and also producing CO2 in the environment and
that is one of the main reason of climate change or global warming [1]. In Malaysia, there are eight
factories for cement productions, which can make roughly in total about 40.2 million metric tons for the
second quarter of the year 2017 [2]. Compere to worldwide, about 4.1 billion metric tons of cement had
been produced in the same year [3]. The construction industry is depending on the high usage of
concrete. The essential material to make concrete is cement; to make one ton of cement all most one
ton of CO2 will be generated during its production [4]. As a result, all the emissions emitted by cement
factories will be harmful to our environment, which leads to the ozone layer become thinner, and that
will negatively affect global warming. Reducing the amount of cement has come to be a massive
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

challenge to scientists and researchers to limit the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere and save natural

Management for solid waste in Malaysia is one of the most significant environmental issues; the
primary disposal method is landfilling to manage this continuously increasing. Stable waste future still
not sure if there are potentials for different methods or ways to control and to reduce this type of waste.
The difficulties related to the controlling of solid waste are complicated caused by several aspects such
as the quantity and structure of waste produced, fast growth of urban zones, finance matters, quick
technical improvement, moreover, limited energy and raw resources [5].

Cement is being replaced partly by numbers of waste materials such as palm oil fuel ash (POFA), slag,
rice husk ash (RHA), fly ash (FA), and eggshells powder (ESP). Replacing fly ash (FA) instead of
cement had a limitation, which is less than 50% [6]. Because of adding more percentage of (FA) in
concrete or mortar, the mix will be weaker and not fit the purpose of using them in construction

applications. The reason for fly ash is giving weak concrete could be the leak of calcium oxide (CaO) in
the chemical component, which lesser than cement has. Eggshells powder is rich in calcium oxide

(CaO), about 60% of the chemical component. For that fact, in this research, FA and ESP will be
replaced partly with cement to make a high strength concrete.
Fly ash manufactured from burning coal in the power stations for electricity or any rooms of burning
coal to produce energy and the fly ash exit out with exhaust gases. The highest amount of coal ash,
about 75-85%, is fly ash. It is a by-product of the combustion of pulverized coal [7].

It consists of amorphous fine powdery that predominantly spherically shaped (solid or hollow), mostly

glassy and is tan, grey, or black. Generally, the lighter the coal fly ash colour, the lower the carbon
content. Fly ash elements are generally spherical in shape and range from 0.5 µm to 100 µm in size.

Numerous studies have been conducted to study the beneficial use of coal fly ash. These, among
others, include the application of coal fly ash in agriculture, catalysis, and the buffering capability of this

material are also reported [8]. Coal fly ash is also known for its promising advantage as a filler material
for polymers. The incorporation of coal fly ash into a polymer matrix is related to the improvement in the
process ability of the polymer and properties such as tensile strength and heat-distortion temperature.
Compressive strength increases as the percentage of fly ash and Rice Husk Ash increases until the
cement is replaced (22.5 percent Fly Ash and 7.5 percent Rice Husk Ash) in concrete with the different
mixing ratios [9].

Eggshells are a waste product produced by the food industry in restaurants, poultry farms, and bakery
shops [10]; [11]. Egg production in Malaysia increased from 659,664 million tonnes in 2013 to 679,803
million tonnes in 2015. About 90% of these eggs were produced on 3200 farms located in Peninsular
Malaysia, with the remainder from farms located in East Malaysia [12]. The quality of lime in eggshell
waste is influenced dramatically by the extent of exposure to sunlight, raw water, and harsh weather
conditions. It is the fine-grained powder with a suitable proportion which is sieved to the required size
before use with the concrete mortal [13].

Eggshells have the possibility of manufacturing hydroxyapatite, and the main factor originates in bone
and teeth. Hydroxyapatite is an exceptional material used in bone repair and tissue regeneration. The
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

use of eggshells to produce hydroxyapatite will decrease the pollution result of the waste and the
following conversion of the waste into a highly valuable product [14].

Eggshell produced by chickens and other avian is considered useless mostly, but consequently, it has
value in biomedical applications. Eggshell considered being a rich source for calcium as carbonates
and oxides that qualify themes brilliant behoof of hydroxyapatite. Although eggshells are not the first
naturalist source for the synthesis of hydroxyapatite, it provides a cost-effective and renewable as well
as a sustainable source of biological HAP. Both hydroxyapatite and Nan hydroxyapatite is formed from
eggshells. These goods were proven by chemical analysis to achieve a similar function with
hydroxyapatite attained by other means, and they are confirmed to be biocompatible with mechanical
strength and durability to carry out the desired function. With this development, eggshell agricultural
waste has made a significant contribution to the production of biomaterials used in medical applications
[14]. Raji and Samuel found out that the strength was 38 MPa and 40.9 MPa, respectively, with up to
7.5 per cent of eggshell replacement at 7 and 28 days of curing. While the concrete control mix was

attaining compressive strengths 42 MPa and 49.5 MPa respectively under similar conditions. At 56

days of curing with eggshell and controlling concrete samples having 48.4 MPa and 51.6 MPa of
strength, respectively, the gap between the two sample strengths further decreased [15].

2. Materials Used in research

The main elements for making concrete are cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water.
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) used in this research is provided by YTL Cement, which is a local

Malaysian company. Table (1) shows the chemical composition of the OPC cement, fly ash, eggshells
powder and burned eggshells powder.

2.1. Superplasticiser

Superplasticiser is the design of a chemical compound for use as an agent for high connection of
Portland cement. The acrylic bond coat keeps its adhesive strength even under damp exterior

circumstances. It is excellent for connecting new concrete to remaining floors, walls, or other surfaces
such as metal or brick. This product has the technical characteristics of a high water reduction rate
(water-cement ratio), high slump resistance, and improves early strength. In this research, the PYE
Malaysian product has been used as a superplasticizer in all concrete mixing.

2.2. Fly ash

Fly ash is widely marketed in Malaysia. Fly ash is a by-product as well as an industrial mineral that has
different natural advantages. As a raw material, fly ash is characterized by its 'pozzolanic' in addition to
that, fly ash does not have any effect on the chemical composition of the mixture. Fly ash can be
categorised into two classes, class F and class C depending on the type of coal being burned [8].
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTMs) Classifies FA into the "C" and "F" grades. "Class
F" FA is generated primarily by burning anthracite or bituminous coal in which the combination of SiO2,
Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content exceeds 70%. Whereas "Class C" FA is created by burning lignite or
subbituminous coal containing a combination of chemical substances between 50 % and 70% [16].
Anthracite and bituminous coal typically class F fly ash and it contains less than 10% CaO, lignite or
sub-bituminous coal produces class C fly ash, and it contains more than 20% CaO [8]. The information
of components for the fly ash is fly ash 100%, Crystalline Silica (Quartz) more than 30%, Mullite
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

between 5- 30 %, and Hexavalent Chromium (Chrome VI) less than 1 ppm (supplied by Tanjung Bin
Power Plant Station in Johor).

2.3. Eggshells powder

Eggshells are a waste commodity that the food industry uses in restaurants, poultry farms and bakeries
[10], [11]. It consists of multiple mutually rising layers of CaCO3, the innermost layer-maxillary three-
layer develops on the outermost egg membrane and forms the foundation on which the palisade layer
comprises the thickest portion of the eggshell [13]. Eggtech Manufacturing Sdn Bhd supplied the
eggshells that used in this research. The eggshells cleaned with tap water after retrieving from the
factory and dried under sun for one day then dried in two different way fist way in oven at 105oC for 24
hours which been used for all 8 mix that had fly ash and eggshells powder, the second way is a new for
producing eggshells powder by burned it in furnace at 800oC for 2 hours this eggshells powder used
only for the optimum mixes. Then the eggshells will be processed with grinding to be a powder as a

partial cement replacement in this research. Figure (1) shows the time with temperature for the second
way for drying eggshells in the furnace at 800oC. Figure (2) shows the raw eggshells and eggshells

powder and also the burned eggshells powder.

2 hours
Temperature C


Temperature (C)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420

Time (Minutes)

Figure 1. Heating and cooling time for burning eggshells in the furnace at 800oC

Raw eggshells. Eggshells powder. Burned eggshells powder.

Figure 2. Three forms of eggshells.

Table (1) shows the chemical composition of Portland cement, fly ash, and eggshells powder. Chemical
analysis has been done in a central lab at University Malaysia Pahang. The results showed that fly ash
had lesser calcium oxide than Portland cement did. On the other hand, eggshells powder is rich with
calcium oxide, the same as Portland cement did. Burned eggshells powder analysis at University of
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Science Malaysia lab. The result of burned eggshells powder shows the percentage of Calcium oxide
(CaO) increased up to 97.25% compared to eggshells powder 62.35%.

Chemical analysis for Portland cement, fly ash, and eggshells powder.

Parameter Portland Fly ash class F Eggshells Burned eggshells

cement % FA % powder ESP % powder BESP %
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 21.8 38.11 0.61 0.14
Calcium oxide (CaO) 60.1 2.46 62.35 97.25
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 6.66 7.51 0.07 0.07
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 4.1 3.24 0.63 0.02
Sodium oxide (Na2O) - 0.22 - 0.25

Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.5 0.25 0.36 1.03
Potassium oxide (KO2) 0.25 0.54 0.22 0.07

Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) - 0.81 - -
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)
Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2)
Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) 2.5 0.28 1.32 0.14

Strontium Oxide (SrO) - 0.24 - 0.05

Barium Oxide (BaO) - 0.1 - -
Yttrium(III) Oxide (Y2O3) - 0.03 - -

3. Mixes Preparation

The raw materials that used in this study are locally available which included ordinary Portland cement
(OPC), river sand as fine aggregate, crushed granite as coarse aggregate, tap water, eggshells were
supplied from Eggtech Manufacturing Sdn Bhd and fly ash class F were supplied from Tanjung Bin
Power Plant Station in Johor that used as partial cement replacement at 5% and 10% for the eggshells
powder and 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% for the fly ash. Mixing of concrete carried out conforming to BS
1881: Part 125 [17]. Producing concrete for beams and cubes which required a large volume of
concrete for the rotating mixing mixer used in this lab work.

To obtain a uniform concrete mix, the following procedure adopted. The coarse aggregate fed first into
the mixer and then followed by the fine aggregate, fly ash, eggshells powder, and cement. In the
rotating state, the components mixed for 2 minutes to make sure the mixing ingredients mixed well
together. Subsequently, three-quarters of the total mixing water added to the mix and allowed the mixer
to rotate for 1 minute. After that, remaining water added to mix and allowed mixer for another 2 minutes
after that mixer stopped and concrete mix scraped in a drum. The mix cast into the moulds and
compaction of the concrete did, according to BS 1881: Part 125 [17]. Eleven different mixing types of
concrete mixed in this research, which included control mix and 10 other mixes, have fly ash (FA) and
eggshells powder (ESP) with cement. Table (2) shows the mixing design for the 11 types of concrete.
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Table 2
Mixing design for eleven types of concrete that start with normal concrete (NC) which is the control mix
and rest mixes are having fly ash and eggshells powder with different percentages.

Mix design Mix(1) Mix(2) Mix(3) Mix(4) Mix(5)

NC 20% FA 20% FA 30% FA 30% FA
0% 5% ESP 10% ESP 5% ESP 10% ESP
Water (kg) 136 136 136 136 136

Cement(kg) 400 300 280 260 240

FA (kg) - 80 80 120 120

ESP (kg) - 20 40 20 40

Sand (kg) 600 600 600 600 600

Aggregate(kg) 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

Superplasticiser(kg) 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27

*Fly Ash (FA), Eggshells Powder (ESP).


Mix design Mix(6) Mix(7) Mix(8) Mix(9) Mix(10) Mix(11)

40% FA 40% FA 50% FA 50% FA 30% FA 40% FA

5% ESP 10% ESP 5% ESP 10% ESP 5% BESP 5% BESP

Water (kg) 136 136 136 136 136 136

Cement(kg) 220 200 180 160 260 220


FA (kg) 160 160 200 200 120 160

ESP (kg) 20 40 20 40 20 20

Sand (kg) 600 600 600 600 600 600

Aggregate(kg) 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

Superplasticiser(kg) 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27

*Fly Ash (FA), Eggshells Powder (ESP), Burned Eggshells Powder (BESP).

For this research, full water curing proceeded, and all specimens kept in the water tank until the day of
testing. The water temperature should be around 24o±3oC. For the mechanical property of concrete
Tests conducted to determine the hardened concrete properties, include compressive strength (BS
1881: Part 116) [18], flexural strength (BS 1881: Part 118) [19] and ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPV)
ASTM C597 [20]. Results obtained for all the mixing types of concrete specimens at the age of 3, 7, 14,
28, and 90 days for compressive strength test and after 28 days for both tests of flexural strength and
UPV test.
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

3.1. Testing

3.1.1. Slump test

The primary goal behind the slump test is firstly to detect the concrete falling, secondly to gain
knowledge on enhancing the concrete mix in the laboratory, according to (BS 1881: Part 102) [21].
Slump test carried out to define the workability of the fresh concrete as should be with the requirement
that is around 75±25 mm.

3.1.2. Mechanical properties of concrete Compressive Strength test

Compressive strength of concrete is affected by several factors profoundly influence the volume and
consistency of the aggregate used, the water cement w/c ratio, the interface exchange region between

the aggregate and the cement paste. It is also based on the mixing method and some mineral
additions, especially fly ash and powdered eggshells. The results obtained in this study are the

compressive strength from cubes as per the procedures mentioned in BS1881:Part 116 [18]. The
compressive strength of the concrete is the essential properties, and it is generally assumed that
improvement of the compressive strength will improve its mechanical performance. However, particular
concrete in which the cement is partially or wholly replaced in mineral admixture, all the mechanical
properties are not directly associated with compressive strength and the effects of the same amount

different mineral admixtures on the mechanical properties of hardened concrete are not similar [22].
The cubes that used in compressive strength size are (100x100x100) mm3.
na Flexural Strength test

Flexural strength is one of the crucial elements that should be identified to ensure the structural

members have sufficient flexural strength to sustain the tensile load (BS 1881: Part 118) [19]. The size
of the beam is (100mm × 100mm × 500mm). The test of beams conducted at the age of 28 days after

curing them in water. Three specimens for each series of the concrete mixed design tested to provide
more accurate data. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPV)

UPV test is one of the non-damaging tests to check the quality of hardening concrete at the site or in
the lab. The theory of test is to measure the velocity of an ultrasonic pulse or throb by passing through
concrete elements. Testing equipment has the sender and receiver of the ultrasonic pulse by using
high-frequency waves in rang of 40 kHz up to 50 kHz. Therefore, depending on the results of the
velocity quality of concrete can be found. For the result 4.5 km/sec and higher concrete quality are
excellent, the result between 4.5 – 3.5 km/sec consider reasonable, the result between 3 -3.5 km/sec is
medium quality, and less than 3 km/sec is weak quality concrete [23].
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

4. Results and discussion

The results reported as an average of three tested specimens. All these tests investigated the
mechanical properties of all the mixing types of concrete.

4.1. Slump Test

Table (3) shows the slump test result for all mixes.

Table 3
Slump test results

Mix Mix(1) Mix(2) Mix(3) Mix(4) Mix(5) Mix(6) Mix(7) Mix(8) Mix(9) M(10) M(11)
(mm) 80 75 80 75 68 55 30 25 15 60 51

The slump test for the control mix (1) is in the required range, which is a truth slump. Also, for the mixes

(2), (3), (4), (5), (10) and (11) are in the range. Mix (6) considers the average slump. The mixes (7), (8)
and (9) are low slump because of the high replacement percentage, which is 50% and higher.
4.2. Compressive Strength Test
MPa Compressive Strength


50 3 Days

40 7 Days
30 14 Days

20 28 Days
10 90 Days
Mix(1) Mix(2) Mix(3) Mix(4) Mix(5) Mix(6) Mix(7) Mix(8) Mix(9)

Figure 3. Compressive strength results.

Figure (3) shows the results for compressive strength for 9 concrete mixes at 3, 7, 14, 28 and 90 days.
Mix (1) is the control mix that had cement without fly ash or eggshell powder. The most exceptional
results for compressive strength that are closed to the control mix were mix (4) and mix (6); the results
were 68.9MPa and 65.7, respectively, at 90 days. Both mix (4) and mix (6) results are less than the
control mix, but two of them obtained the requirements for high strength concrete, which is higher than
30 MPa. All mixes with 5% of ESP are better than all mixes; with 10% of ESP. Mixes 30% and 40% of
FA with 5% of ESP are the optimum mixes design for all days of testing.
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

MPa Compressive Strength

60 3 Days
50 7 Days
40 14 Days
28 Days
90 Days
Mix(1) Mix(4) Mix(6) Mix(10) Mix(11)

Figure 4. Compressive strength results for burned eggshells powder.

Figure (4) shows the result for the control mix with the mix (4), mix (6), mix (10), and mix (11). Burned
eggshells powder used for the optimum mixes to determine which is better for the replacement, so mix
(10) had 5% burned ESP with 30% FA and mix (11) had 5% burned ESP with 40% FA. Mix (10)
showed good results at an early period; however, in the 7, 14, 28, and 90 days gave less strength than
a mix (4). On the other hand, mix (11) gave smiler results at an early period to mix (6), but for the other

days of test results were lower than mix (6).

4.3. Flexural Strength Test


Figure (5) shows flexural strength results for all concrete mixes at age 28 days. The control mix had the

highest flexural strength, which is 7 MPa. The next highest results after the control mix were for mix (4)
and mix (6), which is 6.8 MPa and 6.5 MPa, respectively. These two mixes are lower than mix (1) but

still accepted results. The standard deviation for concrete flexural strength is up to 5.5 MPa ASTM C31
[24]. The other results, 5.7 MPa and lower than that. The lowest result was for the mix (9) about 4.6

MPa Flexural Strength (MPa)

Mix(1) Mix(2) Mix(3) Mix(4) Mix(5) Mix(6) Mix(7) Mix(8) Mix(9) Mix(10) Mix(11)

Figure 5. Flexural strength results.

International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

4.4. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPV)

Figure (6) shows the results of 11 types of mixing concrete. All mixes exceeded excellent quality result
with 4.5 km/sec and higher that is because all the mixes got above 40 MPa in compressive strength
test at 90 days, which means all mixes are high strength concrete. The control mix achieved 4.71
km/sec, which is an excellent grade. Moreover, mix (4) and (6) reached the highest results, 4.82 km/sec
and 4.8 km/sec, respectively. Mix (4) and (6) are the optimum concrete for the UPV test.

Km/sec Ultrsonic Pulse Velocity






Mix(1) Mix(2) Mix(3) Mix(4) Mix(5) Mix(6) Mix(7) Mix(8) Mix(9) Mix(10) Mix(11)

Figure 6. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test results


5. Conclusion

Replacing cement on concrete with 5% eggshells powder and (30% and 40%) fly ash can be
significantly beneficial for high strength grade concrete, which is up than 40 MPa for compressive
strength behaviour after 28 days of curing in water. Moreover, the flexural strength test for the optimum
mixes also obtained satisfactory results to consider it as useful concrete in terms of flexural behavior.
As well as, the ultrasonic pulse velocity test gave positive outcomes of the quality of the concrete,
which excellent grade. In conclusion, using eggshells powder and fly ash as a partial replacement in
high strength concrete possible and can be useful for the environment to reduce the use of cement and
keep the natural resources as well as decrease the emotion of carbon dioxide CO2 in our atmosphere
from the cement factories. Moreover, using waste materials rather than disposal in the land field and
keep the land clean.

• Acknowledgements

This research was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia
Pahang under grant number FRGS/1/2018/TK06/UMP/02/5 and RDU190151, A Study on Role of
Eggshell Powder and Fly Ash in the Hydration Activity of Blended Cement.
International Conference of Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering 2020 (SERIES2020),
April 6-7, Putrajaya, Malaysia

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• Replacing cement on concrete with eggshells powder (ESP) and fly ash (FA) can be beneficial
for high strength concrete.
• The optimum concrete mix percentage of replacement cement with ESP is 5% and for FA is
30%, and ESP is 5%, and FA is 40%.
• Compression strength results for optimum mixes were higher than 40 MPa, which is high
strength concrete grade.
• Flexural strength outcomes for the ideal mixes gave an acceptable strength according to ASTM
C31, which higher than 5.5 MPa.
• UPV test shows an excellent quality of all mixes. Reducing cement percentage in concrete
mixes will decrease CO2 emission.

Author Statement

Concrete is an essential element for the construction field. My research is related to materials
technology in specific replacing cement with waste materials to give satisfied concrete in
quality. Moreover, I worked with replacing aggregate with demolished building waste as
recycling concrete. Replacing cement with fly ash class F and eggshells powder will give a
high-quality concrete with acceptable results for high strength concrete.

I want to thank my supervisor Dr. DOH for his unlimited support and his guides to gain my
Ph.D. Also, I would like to thank all the staff in the civil engineering technology lab at
Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

This research was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Universiti

Malaysia Pahang under grant number FRGS/1/2018/TK06/UMP/02/5 and RDU190151, A
Study on Role of Eggshell Powder and Fly Ash in the Hydration Activity of Blended Cement.
Declaration of interests

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing for financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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