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Table of Contents
(P1) Discuss benefits and constraints ofidifferent network types and standards ......................................... 1
Network protocol .................................................................................................................................. 1
Purpose ofihaving a network .................................................................................................................... 1
File and data sharing- ............................................................................................................................ 1
Resource sharing- .................................................................................................................................. 1
Internal communications- ..................................................................................................................... 2
There are two main network types which are widely used ..................................................................... 2
➢ Peer to peer .................................................................................................................................. 2
➢ Client server .................................................................................................................................. 2
Peer to peer network-........................................................................................................................... 2
Client server network- .......................................................................................................................... 3
Cloud server- ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Cluster Server- ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Centralized server- ................................................................................................................................ 5
Virtualized server- ................................................................................................................................. 5
Network standards ................................................................................................................................ 6
TCP/IP .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Network standards ................................................................................................................................ 7
BAN (body area network)- .................................................................................................................... 7
IEE802.15.6 limitations.......................................................................................................................... 8
PAN (personal area network)- .............................................................................................................. 8
LAN (Local area network)...................................................................................................................... 9
MAN (metropolitan area network)- .................................................................................................... 10
WAN (wide area network) .................................................................................................................. 11
Limitations for WAN............................................................................................................................ 11
Explain the impact of network topology communication and bandwidth requirements (P2) ....................... 11
Bus topology........................................................................................................................................ 12
Ring topology ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Features ofiring topology .................................................................................................................... 14
Advantages ofiring topology ............................................................................................................... 14
Disadvantages ofiring topology........................................................................................................... 14

Star topology ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Features ofistar topology .................................................................................................................... 15
Advantages ofistar topology ............................................................................................................... 15
Disadvantages ofistar topology........................................................................................................... 15
Mesh topology .................................................................................................................................... 15
Features ofimesh topology ................................................................................................................. 16
Advantages ofimesh topology............................................................................................................. 16
Disadvantages ofimesh topology ........................................................................................................ 16
Tree topology ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Features ofitree topology ................................................................................................................... 17
Advantages ofitree topology............................................................................................................... 17
Disadvantages ofitree topology .......................................................................................................... 17
Compare common networking principals and how protocols enable the effectectivness of networked
systems(M1)................................................................................................................................................ 17
IPv4 ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
IPv6 ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
FTP ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
HTTP .................................................................................................................................................... 18
SMTP.................................................................................................................................................... 18
Discuss operating principals of networking devices and server types (P3) .................................................. 19
Switch- ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Router- ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Wireless access point .......................................................................................................................... 20
Firewall ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Content filter ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Modem ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Packet shaper ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Vpn concentrator ................................................................................................................................ 25
Server types ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Print server .......................................................................................................................................... 27
File server ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Web server .......................................................................................................................................... 28

Email server ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Networking software........................................................................................................................... 28
Client software .................................................................................................................................... 28
Server software ................................................................................................................................... 28
Client operating system ...................................................................................................................... 28
Server operating system ..................................................................................................................... 29
Discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software (P4) ................. 29
Workistations - .................................................................................................................................... 29
Network interface cards - ................................................................................................................... 29
Server- ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Interconnection devices -.................................................................................................................... 30
Connectors and cabling Leased line cable -......................................................................................... 30
Network media types -........................................................................................................................ 30
Software .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Commercial systems- .......................................................................................................................... 33
System bus .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Local system architecture ................................................................................................................... 34
Explore a range of server types and justify selection of server considering a given scenario (M2) ............. 35
Identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of a networking system (D1) ............... 37
Written step by step plan on how you are going to design a Local Area Network(P5) ................................. 38
Justification ofithe topology that is used for the networkiis bus topology........................................ 39
Blueprint of the networkisystem ........................................................................................................ 40
Justification ofidevices used for the networki .................................................................................... 40
2. Router- ........................................................................................................................................ 43
3. Cloud- .......................................................................................................................................... 44
4. Server- ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Internal connections ........................................................................................................................... 50
Install and configure network services and applications (M3) ..................................................................... 50
Document the test results and analyze them against expected results (P8) ................................................ 58
Email .................................................................................................................................................... 63
Produce a test plan evaluate the design for the requirements bandwidth(P6) ............................................... 64
Implement a networked system based on your prepared design(P7) ............................................................ 65

Group work ......................................................................................................................................... 65
Network design ................................................................................................................................... 65
a) Installing window server 2003 .................................................................................................... 65
a) Set the time zone ........................................................................................................................ 69
b) Configuring network adapter ...................................................................................................... 70
a) Installing active directory ............................................................................................................ 71
Create the domain .............................................................................................................................. 72
Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems (M4) ....................................................... 84
Implement monitoring and automation ............................................................................................. 84
Implementing a wireless router .......................................................................................................... 85
Discuss significance upgrades and security requirements in your network design : ........................... 85
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions(D3) ........................................ 87
References ................................................................................................................................................... 87

(P1) Discuss benefits and constraints ofidifferent network types and standards
What is networking? A computer network is the procedure
ofiexchanging information from one computer to another this
information is shared through nodes which are connected to each other
nodes are identifies as network addresses. data can be shared in two
ways it can either be wirele ss or wired for example WIFI oriusing a
cable. Different types ofinetworks
Network protocol
Network protocols are official standards and policies compromised
ofirules measures and forma ts that describe communication between
two or more devices over a network. Network protocol s govern the
end to end processes ofiappropriate secure and managed data or
network communi cation

Purpose ofihaving a network

File and data sharing-

when you don’t have a network and you will want to share files and
data you will have to save them on a floppy disk oria flash disk so you
can share them to the others and this is done physic ally but when you
have a network whether your network has one user or one hundred users
you can send files without a headache and without physically going with
a flash disk having a netwo rk makes file sharing very easy and
employees across all departments canicollaborate on docum ents and
even exchange background material and even makeiimmediate
additions and updates to single central customer database without
generating contradictory versions.
Resource sharing-
Having a computerinetwork also allows the sharing ofinetwork
resources such as printers, dedi cated servers, input devices and
internet connections. Shared resources can be targeted to delive r
documents or results directly to the office or department that needs
them. This makes it easier for the staffimembers who want to print
they have the convenience ofiprinting from their compu ter instead
ofisaving your work on a flash disk and going to the computer that’s
connected to th e printer.
Internal communications-
Computer networking also lets organizations to preserve complex
internal communications syst ems. Network email can be rapidly
delivered to all users, voice mail systems can be hosted via network
and made available system wide and collaborative
schedulingisoftware and program m anagement tools permit
employees to organize meetings and work activities that maximize
effici ency, while also notifying managers and co-workers ofiplans
and progress.
There are two main network types which are widely used

➢ Peer to peer
➢ Client server

Peer to peer network-

In a peer to peer network computer systems are connected to each
other via the internet files ca n be shared directly between systems on
the network without the need ofia central server. In a p eer to peer
network each computeribecomes a file serverias well as aiclient. The
only requireme nts needed to join a peer to peer network is to have
internet connection and software such as Li meWire, Bearshare and
many more. Once you are connected on a peer to peer network you
are able to search forifiles on other people’s computers.
Advantages ofipeer to peer network

➢ There is no need for an operatingisystem

➢ Does not need an expensive server because individual
workstations are used to access fil es.
➢ Ifione computer stops working, the other computers connected
to the network will contin ue working.
➢ Installation and setup is quite painless because ofithe built- in
support in modern operating systems.
➢ Much easier to set up doesn’t need specialist knowledge.
Disadvantages ofipeer to peer network
➢ Since each computer might be accessed by others it can slow
down the performance for t he user.
➢ Files and folders cannot be centrally backed up.
➢ There is little or no security besides the permission users often don’t need to
log on their workstations.

➢ Files and resources are not centrally organized into a specific
shared area they are stored on individual computers and might
be difficult to locate ifithe computers owner doesn’t have a
logical filing system.
Client server network-
This is a computer network which is centralized with a powerful
computer (called the server) is hub to which many less powerful
personal computers or workstations (called clients) are conne cted the
clients run programs and access data which is stored on the server.
Advantages oficlient server network

➢ All files are stored in a central location.

➢ Network peripherals are controlled centrally.
➢ Backups and network security is controlled centrally.
➢ Not limited to a small number oficomputers.
➢ Serverican be accessed anywhere across numerous platforms.
Disadvantages oficlient server network

➢ Technical staffiis needed to maintain and ensure that the

network functions professionall y.
➢ Server is expensive to purchase.
➢ Ifiany part ofithe network fails a lot ofidisruption can occur.
➢ Can become very expensive due to the need ofia server as well
as networking devices su ch as hubs, routers, and switches.
Cloud server-
This is a server that is built hosted and delivered through a cloud
computing platform overithe i nternet a cloud server can also be called
a virtual server. There are two types oficloud servers lo gical and
physical. Logical is when it is delivered through server virtualization,
physical is logic ally distributed into two or more logical servers but
the physical server is also accessed through the internet.
Advantages oficloud server
➢ By usingicloud infrastructure, you don’t have to spend huge
amounts ofimoney on purch asing and maintain equipment
therefore its much cheaper compared to the rest ofithe ser vers.
➢ Data security cloud offers many advanced security features that
guarantee that data is se curely stored and handled.
➢ Mobility cloud allows mobile access to corporate data via

smartphones and devices whic h is a great way to ensure no one
is left out.
Disadvantages oficloud server
➢ Loss oficontrol you’re are essentially trusting another party to take care
ofiyouridate you r trusting that they will maintain their data centers and
servers with the same care as you would some find the lack ofiin house
control ofithe server unnerving.
➢ Technical issues ifiyou experience any technical issues you have no choice
but to call yo ur hosted providers technical support for help because you
won’t be able to fix cloud co mputing issues in-house.
➢ Low connection does not work well ifithe connection is sluggish.
The quality oficloud c omputing servers is one ofithe most vital
contemplations before we decide to provide cloud computing
serveriservice providers. When the serveriis down or the
permorma is not good, we will be damaged because ofipoor
Cluster Server-
These are computers that are connected to each other and operate
closely to act as a single comp uter. The performance ofia cluster
server can match that ofian expensive computer or sometimes even
resulting in supercomputer capabilities. Basically clusteringiis the
connectivity ofitwo or more servers in order to make it work like one.
Advantages oficluster servers

➢ You can add resources to the cluster afterwards because they are completely
➢ Ifione serveriis down, you will be able to fix it while handing the
load to the otheriserver s that means that worked won’t be
➢ Simplified management: Clustering simplifies the management
ofilarge or fast rising sys tems.
Disadvantages oficluster servers

➢ The cost for clustering servers is very high because you need
really good hardware and a very good design.
➢ Since clustering is done on two or more servers monitoring them
and maintenance is ver y hard and time consuming.
➢ Sever clustering is not flexible because not all server types can
be clustered many applic ations do not support the clustered

Centralized server-
This is a server which acts as the agent foriall communications this
server stores both communi cations and useriaccount information.
Advantages ofia centralized server

➢ Normally network administrators are under a lot ofipressure to

keep machines up to date so having a central server control
means less IT management time and fewer admins wh ich means
it becomes cheaper in the long run.
Disadvantages ofia centralized server
➢ When having a central serveriin case there is fire or water
damage or an electric blackou t it then will cause a complete
failure ofia centralized network normally many centralize d
systems use backups in the same location therefore incase
anything happens even the b ackup will be destroyed.
➢ Ifisomeone had access to the server, they are able to add data
modify data and also delet e data.
➢ Ifithere are numerous requests the server can break down and no longer
Virtualized server-
Server virtualization is a virtualization method that includes dividing a
physical server into a nu mber ofismall, virtual servers with the help
ofivirtualization software. In server virtualization, ea ch virtual server
runs multiple operating system instances at the same time.
Advantages ofivisualized servers

➢ Faster server provision and deployment server virtualization

enables system provisioning and deployment within minutes.
➢ Greatly improved disaster recovery the biggest benefit ofiserver
virtualization is the capa bility to move a virtual machine from
one serverito another quickly and safely.
➢ Significant energy cost savings the migration os physical servers
to virtual machines allo ws you to consolidate them onto
feweriphysical servers.
Disadvantages ofivirtual servers

➢ Excessive RAM consumption since each virtual machine will

inhabit a separate area ofit he same.
➢ Countless use ofidisk space, since it takes all the files forieach
operating system installed on each virtual machine

➢ Management virtual environments need to be instantiated
(create examples on virtual ma chines), monitored, arranged
and saved. There are products that deliver those explanatio ns,
but this is the field in which they are the largest investments in
the area ofivirtualizati on.
Network standards
Networkingistandards describe the rules for data communications that
are needed for interopera bility ofinetworking technologies and
processes. Standards help in creating and maintaining open markets
and allow different vendors to compete on the basis ofithe quality
ofitheiriproducts w hile being compatible with current
OSI ia an ISO standard dor worldwide commumnication that defibes a
net working framework for implementing protocols in seven layers.
Control is passed from one layer to the next, beginning from the
application layer (7) down to Presentation Layer (6) down to Session
Layer (5) down t o Transport Layeri(4) down to Network Layer (3)
down to Data - Link Layer (2) down to Physical Layer (1) and back up
the hierarchy.
TCP/IP id the most commonly used network protocol worldwide and
all nodes connected to the Internet use it. TCP/IP consists ofithe 3 main
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol- TCP is a standard that
how to set up and keep up a system discussion by means o fiwhich
application projects can trade data. TCP works with the Internet
Protocol (IP), which ch aracterizes how PCs send packets ofidata to
each other.

Network standards
BAN (body area network)-
this is the interconnection ofimultiple computingidevices worn on or
implanted on a person’s b ody. Examples ofiBAN devices are
smartwatches, heads up display and also mobile medical de vices which
have sensors to monitor data like blood pressure, heart rate. The
network standard f or BAN is IEEE802.15.6TM this network standard
is designed to address and compensate for th e effects ofia body on
network performance.
Benefits ofiBAN (body area network)

➢ With the help ofibody area network and its standards its very

beneficial in the medical se ctor because it has sensor nodes
which help in monitoring health conditions each node is able
oficapturing physiological data it also helps in longiterm health
➢ Assists the communication between individual and machine.
➢ Used in military for security purposes

Disadvantages ofiBAN

➢ Battery life
➢ Wired network restriction between body movement
➢ Lack ofiintegration sensors

IEE802.15.6 limitations

PAN (personal area network)-

This refers to the interconnection ofiinformation technology
origadgets within the environment ofian individual the network
standard for PAN is IEEE802.15.

Advantages ofiPAN

➢ You don’t need any wires for personal area network you only
need Bluetooth to start sha ringidata to those devices
➢ Many devices can be connected to one device at the same time
➢ It’s very easy to

use no setup is required

Disadvantages ofiPAN

➢ Signal range is maximum 10 meters

➢ Slow data transferiBluetooth and infrared have slow data
transferirate compared to other network types
➢ PAN uses microwave signals in some digital devices it has a
bad effect on human beings like brain and heart problems

Limitations ofiPAN

Most Bluetooth devices, especially those that run on battery power, are
Class 2 Bluetooth devic es. Class 2 devices have a range ofiabout 10
meters, oriaround 30 feet.
Bluetooth devices work with the 2.4 GHz radio band, which is the same
unlicensed frequency u sed by many other wireless devices. Ifimany
devices in the same area are all using the same stre tch ofibandwidth, it
can lead to general network problems, as the signals collide and
information has to be resent
LAN (Local area network)
This is a group oficomputers and peripheral devices that share common
communication lines or wireless link to a server within a distinct
geographic area. Its network standard is IEEE802.11.

Advantages ofiLAN

➢ Easy and cheap communication data and messages can be easily

transferred over networ ked computers which saves a lot ofitime
and money.
➢ Software applications sharingiit’s cheaper to use the same
software overia network inste ad ofipurchasing separate
licensed software forieachiclientinetwork.
Disadvantages ofiLAN
➢ High set up cost you will need a lot ofihardware components
which is very expensive to purchase and a network technician
will be required for setting up a new network in an or ganization.
➢ Privacy violations the local area administrator has rights to
check personal data files ofie ach and every LAN user.
Limitation of LAN

Size ofiMAC address tables in the LAN switches (bridges). Ifithe

address table is full then it wil l not be able to learn more and will
flood the network each time with requests to learn the “new ” MAC
address. I doubt this is a real concern though; most systems likely can
have several thou sand addresses in their tables.
The practical limit is based more on the network
performance. Each switch andiend- station periodically (i.e.,
each minute, as Iirecall) issues network-
wide broadcast messages to determine the state ofithe network. At
some point this traffic will st art adding network congestion which
will impact the performance.

MAN (metropolitan area network)-

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects
operators with computer re sources in a geographic area or area
largerithan that covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but
smaller than the area covered by a wide area network (WAN). The
network standard for MAN is IEE802.6
Advantages ofiMAN

➢ You can send Emails for free on a MAN network

➢ MAN uses fiber optic which means is very fast
➢ MAN users can also share their internet connection

Disadvantages ofiMAN

➢ It’s very difficult to manage

➢ MAN cannot work on traditional phone copper wires
➢ MAN requires technical people for the set up
Limitations for MAN

Between 3 and 30 miles in diameter

WAN (wide area network)- This is a network that exists over a large scale
geographical area
Advantages ofiWAN

➢ Centralized data you won’t need to buy email files and backup
servers they can all resid e on head office.
➢ Global business everyone with computer skills is able to do business on the
➢ High bandwidth ifiyou get leased lines for your company then
it gives you a high bandw idth
Disadvantages ofiWAN

➢ WAN has more security problems

➢ WAN has a high setup cost
➢ WAN covers a lot ofiareas so fixingithe problem is normally difficult

Limitations for WAN

WAN has no limitations it can coverieven more than 1000kilometers
Explain the impact of network topology communication and bandwidth requirements
Network Topology is the diagram explanation ofia network
arrangement, connecting various no des (sender and receiver) through
lines of connection.
There are two types ofinetwork topology?
• Logical
This the capacity ofidata that can be transferred across and within a
network at a given time. a h igh bandwidth network is one which is
capable ofitransferring data much quicker than that ofia l ow
bandwidth one. It’s mainly achieved by simply types ofinetwork
cards and modems used an d cable used.

Logical topology

A logical topology is an idea in networking that describes the

architecture ofithe communication mechanism for all nodes in a
network. Using network equipment such as routers and switches, t he
logical topology ofia network can be vigorously maintained and
reconfigured. Logical topolo gies contrasts with physical topologies,
which refer to the physical interconnections ofiall devic es in the

Physical topology

physical topology refers to the interconnected structure ofia local area

network (LAN). The met hod employed to connect the physical
devices on the network with the cables, and the type ofica bling used,
all constitute the physical topology. This contrasts with logical
topology, which desc ribes a network's media signal performance and
how it exchanges device data.

Bus topology
Bus topology is a network type in which every computer and network
device is connected to sin gle cable. When it has precisely two
endpoints, then it is called Linear Bus topology.

Features ofiBus Topology

➢ It spreads data only in one direction.
➢ Every device is connected to a single cable
➢ Coax is also referred to as 10Base2 ofiwhich is mainly used in

the bus topology network Advantages ofiBus topology

➢ It is cost effective.
➢ Cable compulsory is least compared to other network topology.
➢ Used in small networks.
➢ It is easy to understand.
➢ Easy to enlarge joining two cables together.
Disadvantages ofiBus topology
➢ Cables fails then the entire network fails.
➢ Ifinetwork traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance ofithe network
➢ Cable has a limited length.
➢ It is slower than the ring topology.
Ring topology
It is called ring topology since it forms a ring as each computer is
connected to additional comp uter, with the last one connected to the
first. Precisely two neighbors for each device.

Features ofiring topology
➢ The transmission is unidirectional, but it can be made
bidirectional by consuming 2 conn ections among each
Network Node, it is called Dual Ring Topology
➢ Data is transferred in a consecutive manner that is bit by bit.
Data transmitted, has to pas s through each node ofithe
network, till the destination node.

Advantages ofiring topology

➢ Transmitting network is not affected by great traffic or by
addingimore nodes, as only th e nodes having tokens can
transmit data.
➢ Inexpensive to install and expand
Disadvantages ofiring topology
➢ Troubleshooting is problematic in ring topology.
➢ Addition or removingithe computers interrupts the network activity.
➢ Failure ofione computer interrupts the whole network.
Star topology
In this type ofitopology all the computers are connected to a single
hub overia cable. This hub is the central node and all others nodes are
connected to the central node.

Features ofistar topology
➢ Each node has its own devoted connection to the hub.
➢ Hub acts as a repeater foridata flow.
➢ Can be used with twisted pair, Optical Fiber or coaxial cable.
Advantages ofistar topology
➢ Fast performance with insufficient nodes and low network traffic.
➢ Hub can be promoted easily.
➢ Easy to troubleshoot.
➢ Easy to setup and adapt.
➢ Only that node is affected which has failed, rest ofithe nodes can work
Disadvantages ofistar topology
➢ Cost ofiinstallation is expensive.
➢ Expensive to use.
➢ Ifithe hub flops, then the whole network is stopped because all
the nodes depend on the hub.
➢ Performance is founded on the hub that is it depends on its size
Mesh topology
It is a point-to-

point connection to other nodes or devices. All the network nodes are connected to
each other.

Features ofimesh topology

➢ Completely connected.
➢ Robust.
➢ Not flexible.
Advantages ofimesh topology
➢ Each connection can transmit its own data load.
➢ It is robust.
➢ Fault is identified easily.
➢ Delivers security and privacy.
Disadvantages ofimesh topology
➢ Connection and configuration is problematic.
➢ Cabling cost is more.
➢ Bulk wiring is required.
Tree topology
It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to it creating a
hierarchy. It is also called hi erarchical topology. It should at least
have three levels to the hierarchy.

Features ofitree topology
➢ Ideal ifiworkstations are positioned in groups.
➢ Used in Wide Area Network
Advantages ofitree topology
➢ Allowance ofibus and star topologies.
➢ Increase ofinodes is possible and easy.
➢ Easily managed and maintained.
➢ Error discovery is easily done.
Disadvantages ofitree topology
➢ Deeply cabled.
➢ Expensive.
➢ Ifimore nodes are added maintenance is difficult.
➢ Central hub fails, network fail
Compare common networking principals and how protocols enable the
effectectivness of networked systems(M1)
IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the fourth revision ofithe Internet
Protocol (IP) used to to i dentify devices on a network through an
addressing system. The Internet Protocol is designed fo r use in
interconnected systems ofipacket-
switched computer communication networks. Used to connect devices
to the uses a 3 2-
bit numeric address and the number can range from 0 to 255(its written
in decimal form ofiwhic h it consists ofifourinumbers separated by

this is the updated version ofiIPv4 and also replaces the IPv4.
IPv6 is a routable protocol that is accountable for the addressing,
routing, and breaking ofipacke ts by the sending host.

IPv6 addresses use a 128-

bit IP address whereby its written in hexadecimal and separated by colons.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard system convention used to
exchange documents starti ng with one host then onto the next host
over a TCP-
based system, for example, the Internet. FTP is based on a customer
serveriengineering and uses isolate control and information
associations between the customer and server.

Hypertext TransferiProtocol (HTTP) is aniapplication-
level protocol used to ask for and transferisite pages between a server
and program. HTTP is the founding ofiinformation communication
for the World Wide Webi.

simple mail transfer protocol it’s a protocol used to send mails in a
dcp/ip network without this protocol we wouldn’t be able forward our
emails across networks it works carefully with mail tr ansfer agent.
SMTP offers a set oficodes that shorten the communication ofiemail
messages bet ween email servers.

Discuss operating principals of networking devices and server types (P3)
switch allows devices to communicate to each other. joins computer’s
together within one local area network. Switches connect multiple
devices on a network, similar to a hub.


the gadget that is used to interface a LAN with a web association is
called Router. Basically a r outer moves packets from one network to

Wireless access point

An access point is a device that creates a wireless local area network,
or WLAN, usually in an o ffice or large building. An access point
connects to a wired router, switch, or hub via an Etherne t cable, and
projects a Wi-Fi signal to a designated area. For example, ifiyou want
to enable Wi- Fi access in your company's reception area but don’t
have a router within range, you can install an access point near the
front desk and run an Ethernet cable through theiceiling back to the
ser ver room.

A firewall is a system designed to stop illegal access to or from a private
network. You can imp lement a firewall in either hardware or software
form, or a mixture ofiboth. Firewalls stop unaut horized internet users
from accessing private networks connected to the internet, particularly
int ranets.

Content filter
Content filtering is the use ofia program to screen and/oriexclude
access to web pages or email deemed offensive. Content filtering is
used by corporations as part ofitheir firewalls.

This a network device that both modulates and demodulates analog
carrier signals (called sine w aves) for encoding and decoding digital
information for processing. Modems achieve both ofith ese tasks
concurrently and, for this reason, the term modem is a combination

ofi"modulate" and "demodulate."

Packet shaper
The packet shaperiis a device that assembles in amongst the campus
network and the outside net work. All inward and outward traffic passes
through it. Its determination is to classify the traffic passingithrough,
and prioritize that traffic based on rules that we define.

Vpn concentrator
A VPN concentrator is a type ofinetworking device that delivers secure
creation ofiVPN connec tions and distribution ofimessages between
VPN nodes.

Server types

Print server
A print server is a computer that can process print-
related jobs on a network oficomputers. Print servers areiconnected to
a computer network in co mmand to serve the need for printing jobs
in a network that may containimore than one printer. A print server
usually allows users in a computer network to perform a printing job
without having to move files to the computericonnected directly to the
printer. Also known as printer server or network printer, (although the
latter is actually one ofithe properties ofithe print server)

File server
File server is a device that panels access to separately stored files, as
part ofia multiplier system, a file server is a computer attached to a
network that has the primary purpose ofiproviding a loc ation for shared
disk access.

Web server
A web server is a system that transports content or services to end
users over the internet. A we b server consists ofia physical server,
server operatingisystem and software used to ease HTTP

Email server
An email server, or simply mail server, is an application oricomputer
in a network whose only p urpose is to act as a virtual post office. The
server stores incomingimail foridistribution to local users and sends
out outgoing messages. This uses a client-
serveriapplication model to send and receive messages using Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (S MTP).

An email server may also be known as a mail or message transfer agent.

Networking software
Client software
A client software is a server that provides service in the system where
the client is located on an other system which is accessed by the

Ifithis software is not used in the system then the programs will not be
able to run, and the serve r will not be able to process any data.

A decent example oficlient software is drop box, Microsoft Azure and Oracle
Server software
Serverisoftware is a type ofisoftware that is intended to be used,
operated and managed on a co mputing server. It delivers and enables
the harnessingiofiunderlying server computing power for use with an
array ofihigh-end computing services and functions

Client operating system

This the system that works within computer desktops and various
portable devices. This system is dissimilar from centralized servers
because it only supports a single user. Smartphones and s mall
computeridevices are able to support client operatingisystems.

Server operating system

A server operating system, also called a server OS, is an operating
system exactly designed to r un on servers, which are dedicated
computers that operate within a client/server architecture to s erve the
requests oficlient computers on the network.
Discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant
networking software (P4)
Network devices
Workistations -
this is a computer devoted to a user or group ofiusers involved in
business or professional work. It contains one or more high
resolution displays and a faster processor than a personal compute
r. A workstation also has greater multitasking capability because
ofiadditional random access m emory (RAM), drives and drive
capacity. A workstation may also have a higher-
speed graphics adapters and more connected peripherals
Network interface cards -
A Network Interface Card (NIC) is a computer hardware component
that permits a computerito connect to a network. NICs may be used
for both wired and wireless connections.
A NIC is also recognized as a network interface controller (NIC),
network interface controller c ard, expansion card, computer circuit
board, network card, LAN card, network adapter or netwo rk adapter
Most new computers have either Ethernet capability integrated into the
motherboard chipset, or use an inexpensive dedicated Ethernet chip
connected through the PCIior PCI Express bus. A separate NIC is
generally no longer needed. If the card oricontrolleriis not integrated
into the mot herboard, it may be an integrated component in a router,
printer interface or USB device.
A serveriis a computer, a device or a program that is committed to
managing network resources. Servers are often known to be dedicated
because they carry out hardly any other tasks apart fro m their server
There are a number oficategories ofiservers, includingiprint servers,
file servers, network server s

Interconnection devices -
Interconnection devices are devices that are capable ofigiving
computers the ability to transfer data on a network. Examples
ofiinterconnection devices include the network interface card, net
work bridges, switches and routers. The network interface card (or
NIC for short) is the network adapter that all devices must have in
order to be part ofia network
Connectors and cabling Leased line cable -
A leased line, also known as a dedicated line, connects two locations
for private voice and/or da ta telecommunication service. A leased line
is not a dedicated cable; it is a reserved circuit betw een two points. The
leased line is always active and available for a fixed monthly fee.
Leased lines can span short orilong distances. They maintain a single
open circuit at all times, a s opposed to traditional telephone services
that reuse the same lines for many different conversa tions through a
process called switching

Network media types -

Network media is the genuine path over which an electrical signal
travels as it transfers from o ne component to another. The common
types ofinetwork media, includingitwisted-
pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, SPT, category 5, UTP, fiber optic,
Twisted pair cable -
A twisted pairicable is a category oficable finished by putting two
separate insulated wires com posed in a twisted pattern and
runningithem parallel to each other. This type oficable is widely used
in different kinds ofidata and voice infrastructures.
Coaxial cable -
Coaxial cable is a form oficopper cable particularly built with a metal
shield and extra compon ents engineered to block signal interference.
It is mainly used by cable TV companies to connec t their satellite
antenna services to customer’s homes and businesses. It is also
occasionally used by telephone companies to connect central offices to
telephone poles nearby customers
Fiberioptic cable-
An optical fiber cable is a type oficable that consumes a
numberiofioptical fibers bundled togeth er which are usually enclosed
in their individual protective plastic covers. Optical cables are use d to
handover digital data signals in the form ofilight up to distances
ofihundreds ofimiles with higher throughput rates than those
achievable via electrical communication cables.

STP cable-
STP stands for Shielded Twisted Pair. It’s a type oficopper telephone
wiring in which each ofit he two copper wires that are twisted together
are coated with an insulating coating that function s as a ground for the
wires. The extra covering in shielded twisted pair wiring protects the
trans mission line from electromagnetic interference leaking into or out
ofithe cable. STP cabling ofte n is used in Ethernet networks, especially
fast data rate Ethernets.
Category 5(CAT 5) –
Normally referred to as an Ethernet cable or LAN cable, a Cat 5 or
category 5 is a network cab le that contains ofifour twisted pairs
oficopper wire finished by an RJ-
45 connector. Cat 5 has a maximum length ofi100m, exceedingithis
length without the aid ofibri dge or other network device could cause
network issues.
This is cable that is normally referred to as unshielded twisted pair
cable these cables are comm only used in the computer and
telecommunications industry as Ethernet cables. Unshielded mea ns
no additional shielding like meshes or aluminum foil, which add bulk,
are used. UTP cables are often groups ofitwisted pairs grouped
together with color coded insulators, the number ofiw hich depends on
the purpose
Wireless networks are computer networks that are not connected by
cables ofiany kind. The us e ofia wireless network allows enterprises
to evade the expensive process ofiintroducing cables i nto buildings
or as a connection between different equipment locations

Mobile technology-
Mobile technology is a technology which is used for cellular
communication. Before there was no mobile technology to help people
communicate easily but nowadays people can easily comm unicate with
one another there are various mobile technologies for example there is
apple, Sams ung. With the technology nowadays you are able to
connect to wireless internet and Bluetooth y ou can communicate with
people easily on social media once you’re are connected to wireless i
nternet and you can easily share information over Bluetooth. There is
3Giand 4G
3G stands forithe third generation and 4G stands for the fourth
generation and 4G connection is much faster than a 3Giconnection.

802.2,802.3and 8025
These are standards
that include cables
Wireless standard for devices that have short range
ofiwireless connection 802.11
This is the wireless
standard for routers
3G and 4Gi
These are mobile technology standards

Network operating system-
This is a software that allows numerous computers to communicate,
share files and hardware d evices with one another. Previous versions
ofiMicrosoft Windows and Apple operating systems were not designed
for single computeriusage and not network usage.
Virus checker- This a component ofian anti-
virus software package that scans a hard drive for viruses and other
harmful items. These progra ms are made for various operating systems,
and scanning methods can be manual or automatic e xample ofithis anti-
virus programs are Kaspersky, vast antivirus.
A firewall is software used to keep the security ofia private network.
Firewalls block unauthori zed access to or from private networks and
are often employed to prevent unauthorized Web use rs or illicit
software from gaining access to private networks connected to the
Internet. Foriexam ple, firewalls are normally used in schools and
colleges to block students from accessing some s ites.
Commercial systems-
Commercial software is any software or program that is intended and
developed for licensing o r sale to end users or that assists a commercial
purpose. Commercial software was once conside red to be branded
software, but now a number ofifree and open-
source software applications are licensed or sold to end users. There
areivarious commercial sys tems here are few examples. Windows,
Linux, Mac os.
server os

The server operating system, is the software layer ofiwhich other

programs, or applications, can run on the server hardware. Server
operating systems helps enable typical server roles such as Web
server, mail server, file server, database server, application server and
print server.

client operating software

A client is a small computer that accesses a server through a network.

For example, in BSSL, an employee logs in to the client machine to
access the files and applications running on a server machine. The
client machine is running a client operating software.

System bus
The system bus is a pathway composed oficables and connectors
used to transmit data between a computer microprocessor and the
main memory. The bus provides a communication path for t he data

and control signals movingibetween the major components ofithe
computer system. The system bus works by combiningithe functions
ofithe three main buses: namely, the data, addres s and control buses.
Each ofithe three buses has its separate characteristics and

The system bus combines the functions ofithe three main buses, which are as
1. The control bus carries the control, timingiand coordination
signals to manage the variou s functions across the system.
2. The address bus is used to specify memory locations for the data being
3. The data bus, which is a bidirectional path, carries the actual
data between the processor, the memory and the peripherals.

Examples ofisystem bus

low pin count, IEEE196, IEEE-488 and high performance parallel interface
Local system architecture
Memory: a memory stores the data in the system or the network which
relies on the power and s ending this data to different components in
the computer like the network card.

Without the memory one will not be able to store any data in the
system and data will be displa yed in the system.

Examples ofimemories are: RAM and ROM

Processor: this is an integrated electronic circuit that executes the
calculations for running the co mputer, does the arithmetic and the
other functions executed by the OS.

Without the processor the following tasks cannot be done:

Clock speed
Capability to route instructions

in a certain time Examples

ofiprocessor: Xeon, Intel

CoreI7 and

I/O devices: an input output device are used for communicating with
the computeriwhere one is able to send and receive data from the

Without the I/O devices one will not be able to access any data or

operate in the system Examples ofiI/O device: modem, network

adapter, hard drives and touch screen.

Explore a range of server types and justify selection of server

considering a given scenario (M2)
A Web serveriis a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext
TransferiProtocol) to help the files that f orm Web pages to users, in
reply to their requests, which are promoted by their computers' HTT P
clients. Devoted computers and appliances may be referred to as Web
servers as well.

File serveriis a device that panels access to separately stored files, as

part ofia multiplier system, a file server is a computer attached to a
network that has the primary purpose ofiproviding a loc ation for shared
disk access.

Database server It is similar to data warehouse where the website

stores or keeps their data and i nformation. A Database Server is a
computer in a LAN that is devoted to database storage and r ecovery.
The database server holds the Database Management System (DBMS)
and the databas es. Upon requests from the client machines, it
searches the database for selected records and pas ses them back over
the network.

Virtualization server is a virtualization method that includes dividing a
physical server into a nu mber ofismall, virtual servers with the help
ofivirtualization software. In server virtualization, ea ch virtual server
runs multiple operating system instances at the same time.

Terminal service server also occasionally called a communication

server, is a hardware device o r server that provides terminals, such as
PCs, printers, and other devices, with a mutual connecti on point to a
local or wide area network (WAN)

Terminal services server a hardware device or serverithat allows one

orimore terminals to conne ct to a local area network (LAN) or the
Internet without the need for eachiterminal to have a net work interface
card (NIC) or modem. Terminals can be PCs, printers, IBM 3270
emulators or ot her devices with a RS-232 / RS-423 serial port interface.

I would choose the database server for the chosen scenario because
Database Serverigives new meaning to the word performance in the
client/server world. Performance developments are achi eved
primarily by reducinginetwork traffic, intelligently maintaining
database files, and providin g intelligent lock management. When
associated to otherileading serverisolutions, Advantage D atabase
Server offers exceptional performance without the overhead
associated with other SQL- based database management systems. The
cost will be it will cost around $499 dollars and the r eason why I
choose a database server is because for the given scenario being a
college having a database server will be helpful for looking for student
records. The Operating system requireme nt for the database server is;

a) English Windows 2003

b) English Windows 2008
c) English Windows 2008 R2
d) English Windows Server 2012 R2
e) Linux
Supported Database management systems
Microsoft SQL

Server 2012 SP2

Microsoft SQL

Server 2008 R2

SP2 Microsoft SQL

Server 2005 R2


32-bit and 64-bit English Microsoft SQL Server 2008, standard and enterprise
32-bit and 64-bit Oracle™ 10g Release 2 ( and higher),

standard and enterprise editions 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle 11g Release

1 and Release 2, standard and enterprise edition


Identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of a

networking system (D1)
A protocol is a set ofirules and procedures for communicating data.
Rules are defined for each s tep and process during communication
between two or more computers. Networks have to follo w these rules
to successfully transmit data.

The Ethernet is a local area network (LAN) set ofiprotocols which

serves the physical and data l ink layers. Ethernet utilizes a linear bus
or star topology. Ethernet served as the basis for the IE EE 802.3

The Ethernet deals with the low level Physical

and Data Link Layers. The Data Link Layer is

divided into two sublayers:

Logical Link Control (LLC). This sublayeriestablishes the

transmission paths between computer s or devices on a network.

Media Access Control (MAC). On a network, the network interface

card (NIC) has a unique har dware address which identifies a
computer oriperipheral device. The hardware address is used f or the
MAC sublayer addressing. Ethernet uses the MAC hardware
addresses for the source and destination for each packet transmitted.

Ethernet uses CSMA/CD when transmitting packets. The Carrier Sense

Multiple Access with C ollision Detection (CSMA/CD) is an algorithm,
foritransmitting and receiving packets over a co mmon network
hardware medium, by aiding in avoiding transmission collisions. The
network is checked for other transmissions; when the way is clear, the
computer transmissions can begin. I fia collision is detected the packet
is retransmitted later.

The topology that Iiwill use in the scenario will be bus topology.
Written step by step plan on how you are going to design a Local Area
BKACAD is a company specializing in providing information technology services. In the process of
development, the company is growing stronger and has a new branch.
The head office is in building A and the servers are located in the same building and most of the
administration, sales, human resources and management functions are supported in building A. The branch is
located in building B, has a limited number of employees. Both buildings are located in the same facility.
About the network:
The company's branch network has grown without proper planning. The LAN cabling in both offices is Cat5e
Ethernet. The office complex provides an Ethernet link between the two buildings.
The current network is a flat network design with minimal redundancy. A small wireless LAN is occasionally
used by several project managers with laptops and guests at Building B.

LAN(local area network)
A well-designed LAN will provide consistent, high quality service to
every device attached to the netw ork, no matter its size. Likewise, the
network must be able to provide continuous access to funct
ions such as printing and file sharing. To make sure the network is
fast, efficient and secure, all these aspects should be planned in
A Local Area Network provides connectivity to a relatively small
group ofiusers in a single buil ding, office oricampus. It also typically
connects to the global Internet through a gateway server
, which acts as the main defense against unauthorized access to
network resources. With all this in mind, the main consideration in the
early stages ofiLAN planning is what size it will be and what services
it will provide. While a LAN featuring ten nodes can be set up in as
little as one d ay, a larger network is a bigger undertaking.
Justification ofithe topology that is used for the networkiis bus topology
It is easy to connect a device to the network.
Ifithe computer or peripheral has the appropriate connection device,
then it can be easily added t o the network. The new device connects
to the linear bus topology and becomes part ofithe net work
immediately. For those who need a temporary network that can be
setup quickly, there isn ’t a better option that is available right now.
Ifiseveral users need mutual access to a printer, add ingithe printer to
the network meets that need immediately.
The failure ofione station does not affect the rest ofithe network.
Ifione computer or peripheral should fail when using bus topology, the
rest ofithe network is not affected by this change in performance. The
linear nature ofitheinetwork means that each unit t ransmits to the
backbone and that data is then available to the other units that remain
connected. This makes it an effective way to share uninterrupted
Extensions can be made to the network.
The size and scope ofibus topology is naturally incomplete. It can,
however, be extended quite e asily. Joining cable with a repeater or
connector allows for additional peripherals or computers t o be added
to the network. Although this can increase the number ofipacket
collisions that may occur, it is a simplified solution that can get
people up and working quickly and for a minimal o verall cost.
Multiple peripherals can be supported through bus topology.
Routers, printers, and other data devices can be connected to this
network in addition to comput ers or terminals. This can increase the
speed ofiproductivity because instead ofisending comman ds to a
centralized network, a command can be sent directly to the needed
peripheral. Since it’s a for a college multiple pheriphal devices will
be used therefore bus topology would work best.
Blueprint of the networkisystem

Justification ofidevices used for the networki

device Interfaces IP address Subnet Mask

Router 3 Gig0/0

Router 6 Gig0/0


devices IP address Subnet mask Default gateway






Mail server

DHCP server

DNS server

FTP server

1. PC-
This a machine or device that does processes, calculations and
operations based on instr uctions provided by a software or
hardware program. It is intendedito perform applications and
provides a variety ofisolutions by combining integrated
hardware and software co mponents.

2. Router-
This a device that examines the contents ofidata packets
transmitted within a network or to anotherinetwork. Routers
control whether the source and destination are on the same
network or whether data must be transferred from one network
type to another, which re quires summarizingithe data packet
with routing protocol header information for the new network

3. Cloud-
This is a type service where cloud computing resources and
substructure are used to ret urn and manage data and services
which is done over the internet.

4. Server-
A server is a computer, a device oria program that is dedicated
to managing network res ources. Servers are often referred to as
dedicated because they carry out hardly any other tasks apart
from their server tasks.

5. Switch- In the context ofinetworking a switch is a high-
speed device that receives incoming data packets and redirects
them to their destination on a local area network (LAN)

Internal connections
The devices used in the network use dissimilar types oficonnection
fromithe wired to the wirele ss which include the following cables
Fiberioptic cable
An optical fiber cable is a type oficable that has a number ofioptical
fibers bundled together, wh ich are usually covered in their individual
protective plastic covers. Optical cables are used to tr ansfer digital data
signals in the form ofilight up to distances ofihundreds ofimiles with
higher t hroughput rates than those achievable via electrical
communication cables.
serial cable
a serial cable used to transfer information between two devices using
a serial communication protocol
Install and configure network services and applications (M3)

- Step 1:

+ Use appropriate media to connect the network as shown in the topology.

+ Connect the devices depicted in the topology diagram, as well as any cables that are

- Step 2:

+ Reload and initialize the router and switch.

+ Initialize and reload these devices back to their basic configurations if configuration
files were previously saved on the router and switch.

Router 3 :

No shut the interface and ad ip address

Using service DHCP to automatic provide ip address

Using router rip to route all vlan can media through router


Configure router 6 similarly with router

No shut all interface

Ad ip address

using router rip to route 2 router

using DHCP to provide ip address automative.






DHCP server:

DNS server:

Mail server:

File Transfer protocol server:

Document the test results and analyze them against expected results (P8)

The above result shows that the packets sent are 4 and the received
packets are 4 so it means that ping i s working correctly.


The above result shows the default gateway address and the IP address for the
specific computer


The above result shows the IP address the subnet mask the default
gateway the DNS serves and the DH CP server.


The above result shows the tracing route from one IP to another

DHCP server

The above snippet shows the DCHP server working and giving a PC an IP address


DNS server

The name of the DNS server is
( The address is


The web server is working and its using the IPiaddress


Produce a test plan evaluate the design for the requirements

Implement a networked system based on your prepared design(P7)
Group work
Network design

a) Installing window server 2003

Step1: click new workstation

Step2: select typical and then click next

Step3: click disk image file then click browse and select window 2003 then click

Step4: enter the product key and type name

Step 5: then click next

Click finish

a) Set the time zone

Click start button and go to control panel and the select

time and date properties. As it show below set Time zone


b) Configuring network adapter

Click start and go to the control panel
Then Go to network connections then Local Area connection and Go to the

Click Internet protocol TCP/IP then click on properties again

Enter IP address

a) Installing active directory

Click start button and then click run then enter dcpromo

Click next

Create the domain
Enter domain and clink next

As it show below the screenshot that active directory is installed

b) InstallingiDNS server
Click added or remove role then Click DNS server then next and
afterithat enter Zone name Ke nya

As it show below DNS was installed successfully

c) Installing DHCP server
Click Added or remove and select DHCP server then click next

Then enter scope oshwal and click next

Enter IP address and End IP address and then click next

As it show below DHCP is installed

d) Adding file server

Click add oriremove role then select file server and then clickinext

Click next

Type the path to folder you want share or click browser to pick the folder and
Click window then new folder known it common pool then okay then click

As it show below file server installed

a) Adding groups in active Directory

This will allow the Oshwal College to manage their students

In order to add groups in ADstep one click Manage user and computer click and
Then oshwal
.lan then click user

the right click on

user Then new


Enter BTEC and then click okay

There are 2 main reasons for critical data loss: either there was no
backup or the media that was used failed to successfully capture the

To prevent this catastrophe from occurring we require clients to

maintain backups on the cloud, external hard drives, DVD-RW, etc.

Upon each visit, we verify that all ofiyour critical

information is being safely captured Anti-Virus Protection

and Spam Removers

We require our clients to maintain a

current version ofianti- virus
software and spam remover software

Systems will be automatically scheduled to receive updates and will

be scanned weekly for thre ats

The antivirus software will be incorporated into our client’s email

systems because the most co mmon method ofivirus transfer is from
incoming and outgoing emails

Firewall Protection
We also require that our clients have adequate firewall protection that
keeps personal data in an d hackers out

It makes your PC invisible on the Internet so that hackers can’t find it

Firewall programs also contain intelligent intrusion prevention
technology that blocks suspiciou s Internet traffic

Internal/External Component Cleaning

Dust is one ofithe leading causes ofihardware failure
All movingicomponents are thoroughly cleaned and

lubricated duringiservice visits All data cables are

checked to be sure they are securely seated on system

boards CD and floppy drives are opened, cleaned and

tested foridata transfer

External components such as keyboard, mouse, monitor and printers

areicleaned ofidust and deb ris and all cable connections are checked

Connections to surge protectors

or UPS are checked Software

Updates/System Optimization

Operating system updates and patches are downloaded and installed to

ensure that your system has the most current version ofithe OS

Internet browser software updates or upgrades are performed as

software changes become availa ble

Updated component drivers are installed as they become available or

are required by system cha nges

Hardware configurations are checked to be sure that they are

operatingiefficiently and without c onflict with other components

Defragiand scan disk maintenance programs are run to detect any

problems that your hard drive may have

Specialty error diagnostic software is run on other system components

to verify that they are in good workingiorder

Hard drive file organization is checked and any misplaced files are
moved to theiricorrect data f olders

Any temporary or unneeded files are

located and removed Network


Your computers and networks need regular care to perform at their

optimal level. Array monitor s networks on a daily basis. Havingithis
information allows us to proactively maintain your syst ems before

trouble starts.

We will make sure that your server is

running optimally. VPN


A VPN creates a secure “tunnel” by which you can access your

network remotely. Array can est ablish, manage, and support your
firewall services for you.

Router Management
Array will ensure your router is configured properly to optimize
network performance andiensur e critical business systems run.

Asset Management
Array will work with you to review your corporate assets and develop
a lifecycle plan for both s oftware and hardware. This process will
ensure that each member ofiyour team is working with the right
technology that will increase workforce productivity.

Perform auditing and mapping

Doing some auditing and mapping ofiyour network. Always have a
cleariunderstanding ofithe e ntire network’s infrastructure, for instance
the vendor/model, location, and basic configuration o fifirewalls,
routers, switches, Ethernet cablingiand ports, and wireless access
points. Plus, know exactly what servers, computers, printers, and any
otheridevices are connected, where they are c onnected, and their
connectivity path throughout the network.

During your auditing and mapping you might find specific security
vulnerabilities or ways in w hich you could increase security,
performance and reliability. Maybe you’ll run across an incorr ectly
configured firewall or maybe physical security threats.

Network backup is an essential part ofithe backup and recovery

process in an IT environment. It is naturally done using network
backup software, which classifies the network components to back up,
configures the backup schedule and copies the data to a backup storage.
Backups with having information backed up incase anything happens
to any ofithe servers and data is lost the data will be recovered then
easily through the backup.

Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems (M4)

Implement monitoring and automation
Due to an uptick in complexity ofimodern networks that operate at
higher layers within the OSI model, visibility into layer 7 data flows is
becoming increasingly important. When planning for your new
network, be sure that you have the necessary network performance
monitoring tools i n place to help you quickly identify and resolve
specific problems in a short amount ofitime. These tools help identify
common problems so the y can be easily resolved using proactive
automation techniques.

Increasing growth ofithe network, the switches and more ofiaccess

points will be added that hel ps the network to expand meaning your
business/organization also expand and the outcome ofiy our business

Upgrade the network switch

Once you upgrade your switch you conserve energy efficiency was not
a majoriconcern in the p ast, but network equipment manufacturers are
now paying more attention to the issue and install ingimore efficient
power supplies and fans. The improvements are usually not sufficient

to justif y replacing a switch but they are a bonus when upgrading
foriother reasons.

The decision to replace equipment should be made carefully even in

the best ofitimes. Current c onditions dictate extra diligence, but new
technology and applications can yield overall savings that make
upgrades worthwhile
Implementing a wireless router
The network is configured with a wired router with the latest and new
technology ofiwireless ro uters, you need not to have a USB or any
other means for the port and be involved in carrying d ifferent types
ofidevices foria file transfer, with the latest wireless connection, you
can easily tra nsfer your files from one source to another. Different
types oficlouds like OneDrive, Google Dri ve, iCloud are on your
devices these days where you can store as well as let other people see
yo ur files without having to have a single device for putting in a port,
sharing files and then remov ing it.

With the advancement ofiWireless routers, one does not need to have
any care or worry about t he surroundings, wireless routers whenever
they are able to work can give you a tremendous am ount ofispeed
without havingito have any wires attached to your device. All you
have to have is youridevice and you can move freely from one place
to the other, within the required range, wit hout having to worry about
anything, like the speed or the breakage oficonnection. You are give n
the option ofifree movement as well as the peace ofimind with the
latest technology ofiwireles s routers therefore students will be able
to use the PCs ofithe college from anywhere in the colle ge.

Discuss significance upgrades and security requirements in your network

design :
Upgrade the Firewall: A firewall provides protection for your network
by blocking unauthorized access while still permitting approved
communications. Make sure that you have one and that it is current,
meaning that everything is being automatically patched and updated
on a consistent basis. While you are at it, check that these updates are
being applied regularly to your firmware as well.

Emphasize Password Strength and Best Practices: Cybercriminals often

gain access to networks through hacking employees’ passwords. To
combat this, make sure your employees know the in s and outs
oficreating strongipasswords (ones that are lengthy, use multiple
characters, and are u nique to that account). A little education can go a
longiway in securingione oficybercriminals’ e asiest access point

Encrypt the entire network

You can also encrypt an entire network. One option is IPsec. A
Windows Server can serve as the IPsec server and the client capability
is natively supported by Windows as well. However, the encryption
process can be quite an overhead burden on the network; effective
throughput rates can drop dramatically. There are also proprietary
network encryption solutions out there from networking vendors,
many of which use a Layer 2 approach instead of Layer 3 like IPsec to
help with reducing latency and overhead.

Perform auditing and mapping

Doing auditing and mapping of your network. Always have a clear
understanding of the entire network’s infrastructure, for instance the
vendor/model, location, and basic configuration of firewalls, routers,
switches, Ethernet cabling and ports, and wireless access points. Plus,
know exactly what servers, computers, printers, and any other devices
are connected, where they are connected, and their connectivity path
throughout the network.

During your auditing and mapping you might find specific security
vulnerabilities or ways in which you could increase security,
performance and reliability. Maybe you’ll run across an incorrectly
configured firewall or maybe physical security threats.

Physically secure the network

Although often overlooked or minimized, the physical security of the
network can be just as crucial as say your Internet facing firewall. Just
as you need to protect against hackers, bots and viruses, you need to
protect against local threats, too.

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions(D3)
Subsequent to planning and building this Framework , i observed that this
framework is exceptionally valuable and powerful for the organization's activity .
Here are the audits that i give in the wake of buiding the framework:

helpful for use bu workers and supervisory crew in the organization

data is safer and more straightforward to make due

assist the chief with canning access data rapidly and anyplace , just there is the web

financial plan issue reasonable for a little and medium organization

fostering the framework in the future is conceivable

Available at: ComputerNetworkingNotes. (2018). Full Form of
Hardware and Networking Devices. [online] Available at:

point, t., n.d. [Online] Available at: ComputerNetworkingNotes.

(2018). Computer Networking Devices Explained with Function.
[online] Available at:
tutorials/computer-networking-devices- explained-with-function.html

reliability, n., n.d. [Online] Available at: Chapter 11 Network
reliability [online] Available at:


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