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Impact of Email Misunderstanding on Mission Accomplishment

Email miscommunication is a serious challenge to effective passage of information. I

once experienced it. During one of the vacations, I worked for an online delivery company in

my neighborhood. I was attached to the customer care desk where I was responsible for

handling online orders. One morning, I received an email from a customer requesting for the

company’s services. I replied with “Add. Please”, to request for the customer’s address.

Unfortunately, the customer misunderstood the message to mean that I demanded he made a

formal request for our services. He happened to be a short-tempered customer. For the next

few minutes, he sent several emails continuously, complaining of how we offered poor

services and how our customer care was poor. He even threatened to come to the offices in

person and report me to the manager. Luckily, I managed to apologize and explained to him

what I really meant by the email I sent him. I was glad the incidence did not end up badly.

However, it taught me the importance of taking care when drafting and reading emails.

Indeed, the impact of such misconceptions can be so severe. In some cases, relationships are

severed as a result of the misunderstandings. In business, missions remain unaccomplished

when mis-interpretation interferes with the information sharing process.

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