Branding Foundations

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Bhand g Fowndatios PACE

A braud can be eMOY mously

Valu able aseF ov yo
Cens umm e A
Comam BTaMd a omie
MMo rable
A gveat braud name bott d's tmeHve s
Cose is abo u reatimg a bramd

Bramd- A buomi se to con^um s

Mau tan
Build 4uccen Brauds -O Make iF authentho e Covisteuu

Gaive itt ulevance Com ut to braud

Brands ane bottha Atvaegic hau ial
Ston9 bYamd CYeateA custowmr oyalty

Bramds allow
ou set ugh pstes doY yow Þioduut
braud m its enrety
BMd oceys Dyme Bnaud
Deteamiue d
Expres Braud Build brand awaenen
behawiorc OY Vrues o brand
BMaMd akues -

Cems e u t witt cow valuea.
Baud Mmould be
BYamd DnveA - Bamd Atibuts Sey - exprenN=
.Fumetional oY emotiomal bemeitc
Phodu ct or whole compau
mg what to byau d
brand aveli techume
Degumgyou has
brands- Each brand starts alone $ Mo

nel ationMnib witu
ane asdociated witth a siuale
C o o y

Bam ded Houst


Au phoduchc
C wdividual brauds
Blmded Hous
Bramded house style with Cmuecte
*DmionA Bhau Persmal-OSmceity
Compekem ey Sopis ti cation G) Ruggeduen
ustome Bel'y - Bamd ung i makmg
delive. 3Tybes-
puomiCe abou e bents you 'n
RenyiF - A Þoduck's ySTal poyomauce.
O Fuucioua
OEconnmic Beuyits - MOnE oY Hme
Benirs that cave

Emo tfvnal Beugfts Fay eho logitd eegs you getrow


us g a oduct.

Pu chasmg stes-O Need ne coqni tíou Tulouatiou Aeahclu

Evalu atiou oalromahveS () Pun chase O Post þwr thase
bramds Delt v e
Stewaid - W a t c h eA ove o vgamisatns DATE
Bramd Commpi lau ce with kvaeHAtratégy (4)
Meins iHatives noF m
Develobmg Band PHoise : Value propeitiow

Desci be taiget audieuce Incude pimay beuit

clauum what braud deli veks
Choose a
a Mame
Creare Byand Ldeeutty Developmg
visual Loo Establui a Jeel
is distmctive $ uemorable
A gveat braud mame both
- L i + e m a l name Combme 2 wordA
CYeat bramd Mamee
Persoms Mame, Nuw non titenal Mame|Ex Apple, ony
Cneate visual ideu ti ty

Pro cwe distmct togo Y

Decide ou
vau a tons doY age Select eo lor balette

tog vapuie ide tity Idmt

Choose mage $photo style

De me Tanget Audi emce Touch poute

Need necog i tion
Tlo Ymahiou search Evaluate altvenatves Pwr chase
PosF pwiuase behaviou

Tus+iu Emp loyee Loyal t y - Tram team valu es $ noles

beh aviov Hive people who iF braud

T e a c braud -alig ned
role Apbom brand ehampion oY aMbamadors

the bvamd book Complete toy l brauds 4 he

elem euts Mit Braud book items valu es , powis es,
dived, posonas .ogo speciqfcatiou Logo lockus jor digt
Color þalette, FoM syles ypoa vashy age#
photog Yopy aidelin t4 Wi tumg style tone voice ete.
Linkmg bramd to pnoduct f setvicee deign

Iso late peormaMee a is

Ttst ma
Key eatwiesL e/ each deahwhe
Coare beu e t to brand d i v e s | conn e ch]

Cmnuni ation chanud - wuy m Who is owr

tange audieMce Whou
Who aae you c o M uui eatmq (4) Whee a e

cem (S) How ane ou Lom

U s e Scial Media eddectvely - 0 Encwne comm oU cok acroM
Kep voice i t g tone ceniste ) l m i t bostmg o
brand adm in is vatsrc s b e i d y p e i r c aite sole
yow a c k a g ung Shategy - Dedde key
iRem force pon hoM mg brans pHmise Cheue package E

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