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1. The act of _________ should be prohibited under any circumstances.

Everyone all has

equal rights to vote. (FRANCHISE) defranchisement: sự tước quyền vote
2. The boss ordered his staff to be ________ with each other in dealing with the
company's end-of-year burden. (LABOR) collaborative
3. It is such a _________ story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated
from Africa into Europe. (LUCK) hard-luck story
4. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to _________ the
murder case. (MYSTERY) demystify: làm rõ
5. The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough __________ policies.
(INFLATE) anti-inflationary: chống lạm phát
6. The woman detected her ________ conditions soon after she felt ill in her body.
(CANCER) precancerous: tiền ung thư / báo trước ung thư
7. I cast my eyes ________ and saw the geese flying in V-line. (HEAVEN)
heavenward: hướng lên trời
8. ________ programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while
being paid to work. (SERVICE) in-service: tại chức
9. It is inhumane to sell ________ limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or elephants,
in the market place. (MEMBER) dismembered: chặt (part of animals hoặc dead
10. He was regarded as a _______ winner as he beat his opponents in three straight sets.
(RUN) runaway: highly successful
11. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is
admittedly nothing more than a mere ________ (STOP) stopgap: cái đóng thế / dùng
12. A(n) ________ is implanted in the body to prop up the heart. (MAKE)
Pacemaker: máy đưa vào ngực để chỉnh speed của heart
13. She is ________ gorgeous in that gown. (DIE) drop-dead: đột tử
14. His behavior at the party was _________, which went beyond everyone's
expectations. (ERR) aberrant: khác thường
15. The advent of computers was one of the _________ milestones in the mankind's
history. (NOTE) noteworthy: remarkable
16. His condition was so serious _________ as he had to stay in hospital for a month.
(MUCH) inasmuch as: bởi vì
17. Pending the _________ of KFC, the manager had to catch up on a huge number of
backlogs. (TAKE) takeover
18. It is __________ to be waken up by the noisy music from the neighbor's house. (IRK)
irksome: annoying
19. Like many other __________ of my age, I dread to use hi-tech gears. (TECHNICAL)
Technophobe: người mắc hội chứng sợ công nghệ hiện đại
20. Bacteria derived from ________ disease can be contagious among people having
reciprocal contact. (MENINGES) meningitis: viêm màng não
21. The woman is getting older. She is now in the ___ year of her age. (LIGHT)
twilight years: những năm cuối đời
22. Chemicals are easily _______ if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a long time.
(ACTION) deactivated: vô hiệu hóa
23. The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the _______ goal. (SIDE)
offside: lỗi việt vị
24. The Earth is experiencing a major _________ in the climate. (HEAVE) upheaval: sự
thay đổi

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