Eee-235 - A1

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1. Objectives
2. Theory
3. Operating Principle for Amplifier
4. Dc Biasing
5. Circuit Diagram
6. Small Signal Analysis
7. Discussion
For each of Common Source (CS), Common Gate (CG), Common Drain
(CD) amplifiers

1.To show its operating principle

2. To perform dc biasing

3.Perform Small Signal Analysis to obtain

(a)Input resistance (Rin)

(b)Output resistance (Rout)

(c)Voltage gain (Av)

(d)Overall voltage gain (Gv)

For using MOSFET as an amplifier circuit, first of all ensure that the
MOSFET operating in saturation region. Because only saturation
region’s linear part can only amplify input signal as a distorting output
signal. The region of MOSFET cut off and triode are basically used for
switch. In Voltage Transfer Characteristic Curve (VTC) in fig.1 we can
see that the input signal is totally amplify when it operates in saturation
region linear part. But when input signal is much more then it goes to the
non-linear part of the saturation region. That’s why we get distorting
output signal.
For Amplifier circuit, we give VGS (Gate to Source Voltage) as an input
signal and take output from Drain to source Terminal V DS in Fig.1.

3. OpEraTIng prInCIplE
At first, we have to operate MOSFET at saturation region for amplify
the input signal. After that fixed the operating point at saturation region.
Without distorting to get output signal dc biasing is most important fact.
The device is basically biased at a point which is located middle of the
saturation region in liner part. This point is called operating point or Q
(Quiescent) point of MOSFET for an amplifier Circuit. To keep stable
Quiescent point for accurately amplify input signal, we have to stable
the Predictable/Desire dc Drain current ID.

It should be remembered that we have to connect certain capacitor

into input and output terminal of the Amplifier circuit. If not, the input
signal may change the dc biasing point of the MOSFET. The capacitor
value is selected such ac it acts as a short circuit for the ac signal and act
as an open circuit for the dc voltage. These capacitors are usually called
coupling capacitor.

The Common-Source (CS) Amplifier is the most used MOSFET

amplifier circuit. In this circuit, the source is grounded and the input
signal is applied to the Gate terminal and the Output signal is taken at
the Drain terminal.
In Common-Gate (CG) Amplifier circuit, the gate terminal is
grounded and the input signal is applied to the Source terminal and the
Output signal is taken at the Drain terminal.

In Common-Drain (CD) Amplifier circuit, the drain terminal is

grounded and the input signal is applied between Gate and Drain
terminal and the Output signal is taken from Source to Drain terminal.

4. pErfOrmanCE Of dC BIaSIng
(a) Biasing by fixing VG and Source resistance (RS) for Common-
Source (CS) Amplifier:
In this biasing, we have to apply fixed VG voltage at the gate terminal.
There is also a Source Resistance RS at a source terminal (Fig 4.1)

Let, the ID current flows through the drain to source terminal. Therefore,


Let, the ID current is increase due to the outside effect, the IDRS voltage
drop is also increase.

Therefore, VGS voltage must decrease because the applied voltage V G is

fixed. The decreasing of VGS is also decreasing the current ID because ID
depends on VGS.

Thus, ID current remain fixed.

Fig 4.1: Biasing by fixing VG and Source resistance (RS) for
Common-Source (CS) Amplifier.

(b) Biasing by Constant Current Source for Common-Gate (CG)

The most effective biasing of a MOSFET is that using a constant current
source. Here RG establishes a dc ground at the gate and represent a large
resistance to an input signal source at (Fig 4.2)

The constant current source is implementing by two transistor Q 1 and

Q2. Q1 transistor’s Gate and Drain terminal are shorted. So, it operates in
saturation region.

The current equation for Q1 transistor’s is

Here, the Drain Current is Zero. Another equation for ID1


The desire Current For biasing ID2 is

Which is depend on the value of ID1.

From ID1 and ID2 we get,

Fig 4.2: Biasing by Constant Current Source
for Common-Gate amplifier.

(C) Biasing by Drain to Source RG Resistance.

Hence, IG = 0, voltage difference at RDG is zero. And so VDS = VGS.from
the circuit, total supply voltage is:


We observed from the Equations, If ID will be increased, voltage across
at RD will increase. as VDD fixed, then VGS will decrease. Decrease of VGS,
the Fixed biasing current (ID) also decrease and it will come back its
fixed value. Thus, the fixed current remains same in this biasing. Here
RDG acts as negative feedback resistance or degenerative it
is also the effective way for biasing.

Fig 4.3: Biasing by Drain to Source RG Resistance.

5. CIrCuIT dIagram

Fig 5.1: Basic Circuit of CS-configuration

Fig 5.2: Equivalent Circuit of CS for small signal analysis

Fig 5.3 : Basic circuit of CG-configuration

Fig 5.4 : Equivalent Circuit of CG for small signal analysis.

Fig 5.5: Basic circuit of CD-configuration

Fig 5.6 : T-Equivalent Circuit of CD for small signal analysis

6. Small SIgnal analySIS
(a) Common-Source (CS) Amplifier
To find the input resistance (Rin), Output resistance (Rout), voltage Gain (Av) and
overall Voltage Gain (Gv) we have to draw the CS Amplifier circuit as well as
Equivalent circuit for CS configuration which are drawn Fig 5.1 and Fig 5.2.

From Fig 5.2,

Input resistance Rin = RG

Input voltage


Now the output Resistance,

Rout = r0||RD
id = −gmvgs

So, Output Voltage

v0 = −gmvgs ∗ (r0||RD||RL)

therefore, the Voltage gain

The Overall voltage gain,

(b) Common-Gate (CG) Amplifier
To find the input resistance (Rin), Output resistance (Rout), voltage Gain (Av) and
overall Voltage Gain (Gv) we have to draw the CS Amplifier circuit as well as
Equivalent circuit for CG configuration which are drawn Fig 5.3 and Fig 5.4.

From Fig 5.4,

Input resistance

Input Voltage

Vin = 𝟏

Saturation region current,

id = −gm ∗ Vin

The output resistance is


Output Voltage,

Vout = −gm * vin (RD||rL)

Voltage gain,
Av = −gm(RD||RL)
Overall voltage gain,
𝑽𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒈𝒎
Gv = = Av * Vin = Av * 𝟏
𝒈𝒎 𝑹𝒔𝒊𝒈
(C) Common-Drain (CD) Amplifier
To find the input resistance (Rin), Output resistance (Rout), voltage Gain (Av) and
overall Voltage Gain (Gv) we have to draw the CD Amplifier circuit as well as
Equivalent circuit for CD configuration which are drawn Fig 5.5 and Fig 5.6.

From Fig 5.6

Input resistance,

Rin = RG

Output Resistance:

Input voltage

Here, RG>>Rsig

That’s why we can

neglect Rsig. So,

Vin= Vsig

Output voltage

Voltage gain

Overall voltage gain,

Normally there are four types of biasing of MOSFET amplifier but
among them the constant current source biasing is most widely used and
best of them.

In Common – Source ( CS ), Common – Gate ( CG) and Common

– Drain (CD) amplifier circuit configuration, the common face
configuration is most widely used and popular.

Without distorting to get output signal we have to keep in mind that

the input signal must in a certain range. Otherwise we don’t get our
expectable output signal.

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