Patricia Crone, Did Al-Ghazali Write Mirror For Princes

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JERUSALEM STUDIES IN ARABIC AND ISLAM ‘Ebr Bord 8. Pes Cia) MI, Kes, § Sb The Max Schlesingn Memoria Fvndaton Boar Ayal, JB, ¥ Finan, MU. Kiser, Mon S Pies, Seka Shinar Bay Shamma, Lovin, A. Levin onus fr SA te st Pee MA. Ki, nit of sa ted Aten Stade, The Hee Univer, rae, nae Inte fan ond ican Stes a te Hebrew Univesity ‘The Max Schioesing Moi JERUSALEM STUDIES IN ARABIC AND ISLAM THE MAGNES PRESS¥THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY JERUSALEM kohler UST OF anmRE VATIONS ha Moana Be 6, am, r,t ST a i as Ne, Ab Jiu, bit A Seger 9 Cat 8535 ‘aU Sua ci nom cr aA Seater oe a, 21908 198 Sateadh mde aoe a ARS i at ap NaN Boy asa 9 Seat ame a, ha o6eS as sr Rita ml nr ner a am Hossa DID AL-GHAZALI WRITE, A MIRROR FOR PRINCES? On the authorship of Nasthar al-mulak* Patricia Crone a Profesor Kiser om hi svete binda~ ith eas fr having seed Pom the Joy is wehknown that there is irgepseudo-Ghaztion irate, and that ‘xen authentic works by a-Ghazal have attracted interpolations anda ‘ios by other hands That the Nahar aml, o "Book of Counsel or Kings, stout 6 lasted a specimen ofthis iterate ater thn a a8 authenis work was sugested a far back as 1919 by Garde and the ‘same opinion was fathered on Jun Zayn by Zakt Mubarak in 1928" In 1938, however, Huma responded to Mubarak’s spessions on his national riage with vigorous defence of the authenticity ofthe workin hit ‘tet theft ion ofthe Pesan text and since then all Westera scholars have accepted its asciption to al haz as correct. As wil be 1s ant Jt Grey, Manin a Pte Zora x ‘Sires oe ut ares Ay Mapa a eee i GW Samsmay Wa Toe habe of Wo Nero! wc Sn ef oa Aaa Se 959; mre ey, Le Yat, ae 2 WR cna al Ma 11,9310 2 Ma alg ns. Ca 9D,» 10, Asdog 1 Ma Zain econ i nn ff eh sas aye Ba Bea tt ind ay fof oa mee yam heey a ‘Sed tne ren cha te arr lowing ma ent Server ey scent fe vl tse coro, open Ui a a gh apa, Co Spun td eps Mar a St a eer aye Pye ce, at ashe ed Boa ‘en aap, «Rh ha oly hI He ean 15-7 ams emer | Insane 807. eh. ur smi ARS Lan, Ta Tay of King he Na mito Gh ae ny IS, Se od one a Oe 168 Pome seen, thee i in fct no question of dsmisns the entire work as eudo graphic. Its nonehess an od idea that at Ghazal shoul have writen 2 Fantenspiegel a religions scholar and ascetic hardy makes an obvious ‘ands forthe athorhip of a mor, lst ofall or oe which compe, {ey mores the existence ofthe caliphate. And by 1972 Huma’ hel had been seit by doubt. The Naat aml as he noted i is peice to fhe second edition ofthe Pera text, consit oft pars, The fist pert {snot a mimor for princes, but rater an exposition of the faith writen for ‘piace: this part held to be indisputably authentc* But he second part jist mitor, or more presiely a book of practical wisdom which pays panicularatention tothe at of goverment ad ti part he showed to ‘50 uncharacteristic of a-Ghaal in certain respects that he hesited 9 sccept the ascripon, though accept it he di in the lst ese. In what follows I shall argue that Hum was ight to ave dubs the second par ofthe Nasiat a ma sunqesionably he work of somebody ter than its putative autho. “The Nasihat alli (ena NM) is Pesan work composed for a ruler identified inthe Arabic iaition ss Mukarmed b. Malta (dct 1118), and in the Persian tation (insofar as this tradition identifies him tal a Sune (1157, Thee sre wo accounts of how al- Ghazal ame ‘rte, The ist unambiguously envisages its consisting of he fst part ‘only (hereer NMI), while the second secountapparenly enviar i 3 19, I La, a pide Gs, ac 7, te steal) owe pode FC ay" Oa {te fp Ox otc. eh est Se fat isa te ner wort Ro Bo Scot Sr ‘Sei nim tele Wd Sec ton ‘Bewon ay )s ansYat nya wh Nae wot ce un) Bat ae ae ee poy fe ‘Sian ne. Hoar Conny 6 Css Wg af me Maro te 9, 2 SE + SO har afi. et ea 1351 a) Gee YO, "Tors etl dn of he gut of he aoc Hu acim te eb AO a ne Pas a Bf Soe ad per orn wt wl) id aha wite a Mino fr Pics? 169 such and ahha does aot himself refer to a Fustenspleg! among bis Srtngs NM must have come to include a Furstenspge as earl a the ‘Seon haf te tel entry, when it was fist ranted into Arabi" fhe Arabic version (commoaly known as aT almasbik fina thnk) consis both pars ofthe work" and numerous later sours {thich refer t,o borow rom, NM must also have known it inthe form Ta which i exits ody.” Bat he wo prt oF NM have alo been preserved ‘Separate works. Tus several maniserpts contain NMI ip Pesan asa ‘Tork fits own uner the tite of Naha! l mal, while others contain Irn Arabic under ties such as Rival wal akdin* of Rlala a HMalitshah fe agaid™ (where Malksah is presumably 2 mistake for Muhammad Malikshah Conversely, one manussript contains che "a tame mre ec Seis pay ceecsaemcenoaat eeereeneacron gseron re oe ‘Facer der Deschen Mogodcho Getic 19, p43. Acting Sees SS Seo ees Fert erect rth a » RESR enao amyghMa tt Te oaenaoet eee aS eee SN eee ome eee Sine ate ae « Paste Sena 2 oi ree an Semantic 2 tees ~ Rata ee aa ea a s+ tar npn Cao tr te Bons, Chae 108) To tng SSS Sete ees SEEST See ioas ose ES ee reemn eae ae cena aaa (leo Wala me cb. 105; Ala Pc ito, = 10 Pome sssond prt of NM (eres NM in Arabica wok ots o4m, under the tile of aisRarghaynatsals wahayr asl” iy fac ‘om the coments ofthe two pars that they cannot have ergintad ths, and though both ae artes aLGharl even at carte mag ‘he atiibuion to nim ofthe second Part must be rected. NMI: the treatise on the faith NML is atte onthe ith which opens and closes with an aire to the "King of he as or King of Fast and Wes, “King ofthe Won ‘Sutan f the World." tris aretha well item work, Fai compared to tre with en rots and en branches, and the expan ondred according it stats with summary of the ten Toot, Le the es fundamena pois of the Sunat eee, proceeds o a dcunion othe on branches, the ten major waysin which th shoul show isla sion ‘more pes in the ction ofa ru, and concludes wth sation om at "wo sprigs which wate the eof uth, sight int the nature of ‘orl and anaenet of dat” The language simple and laid theoap out, but the se varies somewhat. Whereas the summary ofthe eed ac, the discussion ofthe Dobaviou of rues is ills and ephonaie ere mach ues made of stores tout Biblia gues and Maton aghe, ‘eto nd ates and numerous yng tributed fo them, an to the Prope, ar also adduced, though ew sf tem canonical sn none of tee ‘auipped with im Even oth thor never ons his head and he Section on the transitory nature of human lie the aphorsie mode of resentation abandoned the stories and sayings bing replaces by sting Pambles Poeuy is absent thoughout {8s plain hatte tes was wien bya profesional theologian with «considerable ef fr preening is subject fo lymen, and there ey 2 AP, add ky 93; ada, a. "NM 1 NOP al heat ts“ (Te pb ion mi he ot end tn a eat nee Se ‘eit a conan nce mt 5b ee ena Paci ae ‘i aon oe we en Sanya un shes a inde os ttre ae) Te tenho Eg 1» Nitin 519 612 Gee Sst ~ 1251 fms 9 eee "in te apy emus Zane a eae Seta toe Gran saat we eer Nae Did ab Gharal write Mla for Prices? im eon ole the slap ination was aL The se erly is Asoo sted tft enews te el ‘nize and hid) ween” Te apr sy oe me eon fay scm mance at i sb hci lps) the same sl in his dicuson of peecy the ame sec fe the eouvaraue, Mari whee mayo he ane sede Sings ae ctl” le gprs al tnorn nahn wctonia Hah somes on) eta Masi score Tn tno comin, tere i ete every ret to apt the scion Mh th mk bua om hr wing 0 te aor Stee aM inthe Kus et NMI cole har tind as atom of pass fom the Kim aod fr he ef si ai yan an) aon ‘Son Asin ve Murch ete erecting on te bey ‘montane rtd is etal ava ti ey ate Spo then. les sep whom Co wel aun a ‘Sagh he eve owe cn tn pb a eo stp pine ln 2o ot tit hve eying put ‘re orthem, On he ay of eget thy wat aed one Se Drea ila ot be thes wus or wicked, xine hee wl CF Wnt ate 2, sno same Sil by Lae lt Str" sha ape wih Cama rsa a a ‘ace ag nt a con sent) 1 Nova FA adigyes st AR. fe Ce 964 3. a ot. al ‘ie Se ear ine Bai, den 8, 2 Gah Sree 2% fal eatin pp. 6 ho Ray, of Cs Mosh A i aber a ra on pn 6 ‘ete te ator ifn 1 quem ese gt Sin wid some motions se acai he end i) Cope (Gara Pah the sp. 388 2% Sa 2 atl Pat p21 iy. 26 = 1 aeons ‘men Fh pnd te tea eR npg 9, cine ie a Yd ae, {Uh 86 css AICS Lato Nivel Pe Tey Sap 1 sty a m Pomme tse one nh i ale ie oe a nt ee, * They wil al be boop fh ma and aay es a ‘hots wi ey et foe ™ Tht nate cat aah Meee Pins we conn wo tote! Ths a op a Gn the ay of turecton wl what th a hg ey te a cr and they bade elon te rey stppse hives” Wipy we oO ma os‘Unat sll ae Ses a anew nv wa wire ee Sa thee” “Th which le shoal ecko Sno sets Kamin coven sn ttl wi ese o Msn at Bea as alos to So kins et ane Gs) Sg inoke nee ‘eater soncone who dst she hs pte seb es sur hil cal ante sal ewe om el fork il tl apo tc cmd eps ee stl aon wit te Ss, not ely ands os 1. ata eat iporans othe rte revanand snes verti n enon rponsy inguin aT dee ‘shin jn hin, thts" Hassle esse ‘ing mtu fn dng and bona aetna ‘iiesiaty ape pon hin.” Ande ol round ne one Teint ee te er hg Siu aaraamenea arene Son gi sWaare ra ater eee Sl ot ara ears eae ea 6 woman Mam an pscemn aia erg Dem ci ee serosa Saba sama ea scene FES ee wep a * Mn ay mn eo TSS SE ras Peg Bee ta Seen id ahha write a Miro for Pics? mm ero ala il eset him inthe way of justice an kp the ‘ange of bis ole fe in Ns min, Al thee recommendations ae in ‘pet sconce with those of the Musashi, bsaue, a e ae tol in [NM vey alm who meets kings should ive his ota advice, witout ‘suporesing the word of truth and without tering thee cone ast sare in thee granny." Like the Migashit, im sort, NMI i espe piece of Furtenermahmg, 904 Furcensplgel “To this mst beaded tat the author of NMI ata ienties he {ya a bis own work? and. also mentions book in which Bie ae “dsr he nature of hit ord eer ent, apse reference to the Thy” or Konia"? NMI, im other words ia rete writen in Ghazal’ le and spit on the basis of abGhazal’s works by Someone ‘sho identi himself asthe author of these works. It would thus be “nreasonae not oconcdetat the author of NMI i indeed a Gh, M2: the miror (Onensbly, NMP isa pratcal complement tothe spiral advice given in [NMI In fit if work writen fora illeent set of readers in git