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Friends before we proceed any further, let us first remember Almighty and

seek his blessings so that this tournament turns out to be an event that fosters
friendship and brotherhood! Friends kindly join your hands and close your eyes.
Lord almighty thank you for all the gifts you have given to us. We thank you
Lord, for the past, 25 years of glorious year of this tournament. It was truly your
grace that helps us make it so far! Help us to enter this event with love, Wisdom
and strength in our hearts. We pray that we would always look up to you in
awe…. And worship you from the depth of our heart. May we put into practice all
that we have learnt in our training and bring to mind all the skills and planning
from our preparation time. May each one of us be aware of your goodness in our
lives and may this goodness pour out of us as a witness to your endless grace.
Lord, you are, our inspiration, our guide and our protector. Our trust is in you
today and always. This, we ask in the name of our lord jesus Christ – Amen.
The year 2016 also marks the 178th anniversary of the foundation of the
missionaries of the saint Francis De Sales……… also known as the Fransalians. The
religious society of the M.S.F.S is responcible for the administration of St. John’s
High School.
Fr. Peter Mermier inspire us with his lovely message which says “The heart
of education is the education of the heart”. He always beleaved in the over-all
development of a child. Let us all pay homage to this great soul on this very
special day.
I request all the dignitaries to kindly come forward and garland the portrait
of Rev Fr peter Mermier to show our reverence to this grate man!
Thank you Gentleman!
Friends we have in our midst a very eminent personality as the Chief guest. He
is a known face to the St.John’s Family. He is none other then Rev.Fr. V.P. Syriac!
Fr.Syriac served St.John’s High School as the principal during the year 1996-1998.
Father Syriac is very passionate about football. He is an ardent lover of the game
and has always encouraged the game of Foolball in St.John’s. We are immensely
happy to have to with us father! I request the middle School Captain Moti to
Welcome Rev Fr. Syriac with floral Bouquet. Friends let’s have a huge round of
applause for Fr. Syriac. (2 nd page)
Fr. Gorge Kurical. ( is k bare me thoda likhdena shonu n to welcome him )
We also welcome the manager of our school, The Principal, The Vice-Principal and
the supervisor with flowers. Friends, Let’s give them a big round of applause.
The second book of Timothy in the bible, Chapter 2 verse 5 says “An
Athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rule”. Hence for fair
play during the tournament we have four refrees with us. Let’s have a huge round
of applause for the referees of the tournament.

The First match of 26th Fr. Peter Mermier Internschool Football Tournament is
between Nagpur Residency School and Gurunanak School. We welcome both the
teams. Thank You for your Participation!
We also welcome their coaches
Mr.___________________________of Nagpur Residency School and
Mr.____________________________of Gurunanak School.
Now i request our esteemed chief guest Rev.Fr. V.P. Syriac to Kindly come
Forward and say a few words.
Thank you Father for your words of encouragement.
Now I request our guest of Honor Fr. Gorge Kurical to kindly come forward
and say a few words.
Thank you Father for your words of encouragement.
We Would love to here what our mentor and motivator ---- our very ardent
principal Rev.Father Peter Dominic has to say on this special occasion . I request
Father Principal to kindly say a few words. (3 rd page)
Thank you Father!
Now I request the teams from Nagpur Residency School and Gurunanak
School to kindly take their position in the center of the field.
I request all the honourable dignitaries to meet the players and wish them
the best of luck! I also request the Chief guest Rev.Fr. V.P. Syriac to inaugurate
the 26th Fr. Peter Mermier Internschool Football Tournament by kicking the
Let’s have a thunderous round of applause for Nagpur Residency School and
Gurunanak School.Teams, play a tough game and not a rough one! Best of luck to
both the teams !
Thank you everybody and have a great day ahead!!!

(4th page)

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