A-019730-1635326717126-114203-W.M.supun Anjana Jayasinghe-Unit 6 Managing A Successful Research Project Reviewed - Reworded - 2021

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Mr. Denuwan Munasinghe Internal Verifier

Unit 06: Managing a Successful computing project
Researching and managing a IoT project (smart home, smart office)
Assignment title
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for Y/N
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions? Y/N
Does the assessment decision need

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Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)
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Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
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W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Higher Nationals – Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID

Unit Title Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

Submission Date
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1.Establish project aims, objectives and time frames based on the chosen theme

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 P3 M1

LO2. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge

to support the project

Pass, Merit & Distinction P4 M2 D1


LO3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions
drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3 D2

LO4. Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organisational performance
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 M4 D3

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Higher Nationals in
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory
information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before
mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply
(in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade.
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to
complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD
referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A
REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where I
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Student’s Signature: Date:

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Academic Year 2020/20212018

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Vulnerability Assessment - Management Information System Project

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research
and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a list of
references using Harvard referencing system.

Please note that this is an individual assessment and your report should include evidences to that you
have conducted a research to collect relevant data individually.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to
support the project.

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organizational performance.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Internet of Things (IoT) in an Information System Project

Research Topic: The IoT has already started to impact on the day to day interactions we have with
the gadgets in our home (smart homes) our office (smart buildings) and in the local environment
(smart cities). Explore the ways this may further impact individuals and society both positively and

You are expected to carry out a small-scale research in order to explore the ways Internet of Things
(IoT) may impact individuals in an organization and society both positively and negatively from the
standpoint of a prospective computing professional.

IoT has already started to impact on the day to day interactions we have with the gadgets in our
homes (smart homes) and offices (smart buildings) and in the local environment (smart cities). The
Internet of Things (IoT) is the term which refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects with
embedded sensors which can connect together via Internet allowing communication to occur between
these objects and many other Internetenabled devices and systems. The IoT is quickly becoming a
necessary aspect of people’s daily working lives. Physical items can now sense and collect data which
can be controlled through digital and smart technology. The IoT extends internet connectivity beyond
traditional devices like desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets to a diverse range of
devices that can utilise embedded technology such as security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic
appliances, lights, medical equipment etc. These devices, often called "connected" or "smart" devices,
can talk to other related devices (machine-to-machine (M2M) communication) and act on the
information they get from one another. Along with the many benefits there is also considerable
concern over the IoT which must be overcome in order to harness the power of this free flow of

This assignment focuses to enable you as a student researcher to explore the benefits of the IoT and
the most pressing challenges and how to overcome them within a defined period of time. The report
should include,

 A comprehensive project management plan

 Evaluation of data collection methods and data analysis tools and/or techniques should be

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

 Appropriate recommendations should be provided
 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organisational performance

You are required to complete the project within 3 months and the project plan and resources should
be finalized as per the requirement of the client.

TASK – 01
1.1 Define the scope of the project and devise aims and objectives of the IoT project that you are going
to carry out. You also should include a brief introduction to the selected company, explanation to
the project and other relevant information about research.

1.2 Produce comprehensive project plan including the following.

 Cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk, and resources management plan
 Comprehensive Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with clearly defined activities and
 Gannt chart to illustrate project schedule with realistic time allocated for each activity and
clearly defined deadlines for milestones.

TASK – 02
Carry out a research by applying appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and
critically evaluate the reliability, accuracy and the appropriateness of the research methods applied.
your answer also should include a critical evaluation of the project management process and a
justification to the selected research methodologies.

TASK – 03
3.1 Analyse research data collected to support your research project using appropriate tools, techniques
and critically evaluate how selected tools, techniques uphold authenticity and the accuracy of the
data collected.
3.2 Draw valid conclusions and recommendations from the research data analysed and communicate
your recommendations to the client through an action plan. The action plan should include a

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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justification to the recommendations suggested.

TASK – 04
4.1. Reflect on the project objectives and your own learning experience gained through following a
quality research and the project management process. Critically evaluate the ways in which the
research project carried out supports the organization to sustain its performance and to improve your
own learning and performance.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen
P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario. 6-7

P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, 6-9
time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide 9-11
timeframes and stages for completion.
M1 Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone schedule 9-12
and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives
of the project.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection
to generate knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and 19-20

quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and
M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research methods 31-32
D1 Critically evaluate the project management process and appropriate 40-42
research methodologies applied.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations
based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or

P5 Analyse research and data using appropriate 22-24

tools and techniques.
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a 37-38
result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful
M3 Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy 27-36
and authenticity to support and justify recommendations.

D2 Critically evaluate the research and data analysis tools used in the 27-36
project development stages..
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its
usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance
P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives 39-40 .
and own learning and performance.
M4 Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality 40-43
research to meet stated objectives and support own learning and
D3 Critically evaluate how the project supports sustainable39-41
organisational performance.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to who is my MSCP Lecture Mr.
Denuwan Munasinghe, for guiding and encouraging me to carry out this assignment
successfully. Without her guiding and encouraging, I would never been able to do the
assignment properly. He discussed the assignment, gave us a rough idea about assignment
and encourage us, so therefore I could do it easily while carrying out the assignment. For that
too, I am grateful to him.
Furthermore, I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents, sister and my
friends who helped me to complete my assignment on time. Thank you.

Student of ESOFT

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction to the organization...........................................................................................5
1.2 Background of the project/ project definition.........................................................................................5
1.3 Objectives of the research study.........................................................................................................6
1.4 Problem identification..............................................................................................................................6
1.5 Problem justification................................................................................................................................7
1.6 Project Deliverables..................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)......................................................................................................8
1.8 Gantt chart.........................................................................................................................................10
1.9 Hypothesis of the study..........................................................................................................................10
1.10 PERT Chart............................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................11
2.1 Short introduction to chapter two.......................................................................................12
2.2 Introduction............................................................................................................................................12
2.3 About company......................................................................................................................................12
2.4 IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS)....................................................................................................................13
2.4.1 Implementing Database management............................................................................................14
2.4.2 Implementing AI CCTV camera........................................................................................................15
2.4.3 Implementing smart trolley system................................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................18
3.0. METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................18
3.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................18
3.2. Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.........................................................................18
3.3. Research approach............................................................................................................................19
3.4. Research design.................................................................................................................................19
3.4.1. Research site selection rational.................................................................................................19
3.4.2. Population..................................................................................................................................20
3.4.3. Sampling.....................................................................................................................................20
3.4.4. Data collection methods............................................................................................................20
3.4.5. Instruments and Techniques to be used....................................................................................21

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

3.4.6 Method of data analyze.............................................................................................................23
3.4.7 Research role and ethics............................................................................................................24
3.5 validity...............................................................................................................................................24
3.6 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................26
4.0. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION.....................................................................................26
4.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................26
4.2. Data presentation..............................................................................................................................26
4.3. Reliability...........................................................................................................................................30
4.4. Correlation analysis...........................................................................................................................31
4.5 Regression analysis.................................................................................................................................32
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................36
5.0. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................36
5.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................36
5.1. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................36
5.1 Recommendation..............................................................................................................................36
CHAPTER SIX........................................................................................................................38
6.0. PERSONAL REFLECTION.............................................................................................38
6.1. Personal reflection............................................................................................................................38
6.2 Project outcomes...................................................................................................................................38
6.3 Own learnings and performances..........................................................................................................38
6.4 Project management process.................................................................................................................39

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Table of figures

Figure 1(work Breakdown S structure (Author Developed)............................................................................11

Figure 2 Gantt chart(Author developed)..........................................................................................................13
Figure 3 PERT chart(Author developed)...........................................................................................................14
Figure 4 Shakthi supermarket..........................................................................................................................16
Figure 5 database management.......................................................................................................................18
Figure 6 AI Camera...........................................................................................................................................19
Figure 7 SPSS Software.....................................................................................................................................24
Figure 8 Conceptual Framework(Author Developed)......................................................................................28
Figure 9 Survey of the research(Author Developed).......................................................................................30
Figure 10 Gender(Author Developed)..............................................................................................................30
Figure 11 Age(Author Developed)....................................................................................................................31
Figure 12 Civil Status(Author Developed)........................................................................................................31
Figure 13 Different Subject(Author Developed)..............................................................................................32
Figure 14 Work experience(Author Developed)..............................................................................................32
Figure 15 Awareness of IOT(Author Developed).............................................................................................33
Figure 16 Reliability statistics(Author Developed)...........................................................................................33
Figure 17 Correlations(Author Developed)......................................................................................................34
Figure 18 Model summary(Author Developed)...............................................................................................35
Figure 19 ANOVA(Author Developed)..............................................................................................................35
Figure 20 Descriptive(Author Developed)........................................................................................................36
Figure 21 Coefficients(Author Developed).......................................................................................................37
Figure 22 Histogram(Author Developed).........................................................................................................37
Figure 23 Section(Author Developed)..............................................................................................................47
Figure 24 Customer Shopping Cart(Author Developed)..................................................................................48
Figure 25 Customer AI Camera(Author Developed)........................................................................................48
Figure 26 Smart Trolley 1(Author Developed).................................................................................................49
Figure 27 Customer Database(Author Developed)..........................................................................................49
Figure 28 Smart Trolley 3(Author Developed).................................................................................................50
Figure 29 Smart Trolley 2(Author Developed).................................................................................................50
Figure 30 AI Camera 2(Author Developed)......................................................................................................51
Figure 31 AI Camera 1(Author Developed)......................................................................................................51
Figure 32 Database 1(Author Developed)........................................................................................................52
Figure 33 AI Camera 3(Author Developed)......................................................................................................52
Figure 34 Database 3(Author Developed)........................................................................................................53
Figure 35 Database 2(Author Developed)........................................................................................................53

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01


1.1 Introduction to the organization

Abstract Nowadays purchasing and shopping at big malls is becoming a daily activity in our cities. We can
see huge rush at malls on holidays and weekends. The rush is even more when there are special offers and
discount. The purchased products are put into the trolley by the customers. After total purchase one needs
to go to billing counter for payments. At the billing counter the cashier prepares the bill using bar code
reader which is a time-consuming process and results in long queues at billing counters. Our aim is to
develop a system that helps in shopping malls to solve the above mentioned challenge. The system will be
placed in multiple trolleys which are available in shopping malls. The system will consist of a RFID
reader. All the products in the mall will be equipped with RFID tags. When a person likes to purchase any
item they should put into the trolley, its identified code will be detected and the price of those products will
be stored in memory. For total purchased products, the individual costs for the each product will get added
to total bill. Then each product name and its cost will be display on LCD Screen. The overall purchased
details will be announced using headset. At last total purchased product has been confirmed by pressing
button, and then the details will be sending as data that will be transferred to PC and Customer mobile by
wireless RF& GSM modules.

1.2 Background of the project/ project definition

The Shakthi supermarket is situated in Galgamuwa road, nawagattegama. Individuals are constantly
innovating to meet their needs. Everywhere retailers are increasingly embedding RFID technology into
Shakthi supermarket products in order to improve the customers’ shopping experience, customer support
and develop new services for customers.

The advent of wireless technology along with the other communication techniques help in making e-
commerce very popular.RFID is a technology that uses radio waves to track , capture, identify and transfer
data efficiently and without human intervention. In this project , we discuss an innovative concept of RFID
based smart shopping and billing system. RFID-based system gathers data about a certain object without
touching it or seeing it stag and forwards the information to a host computer.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

The main goal is to provide a technology oriented, low-cost ,easily scalable, and rugged system for aiding
shopping in person. Each trolly will consist of a similar types of hardware with unique trolley address. The
developed system comprises of user interface and display unit (UIDU) and Billing and inventory
management unit (BIMU).

The customer will be able to scan the items themselves and the LCD screen on the shopping cart will keep
updating the total .then update the central database and cloudly stored this data. The data on the tag
include pointer to the central database within an RFID system. Anyone is scan to trolly items and their last
memories in the cloud storage and same output in the central database. People can use smart card to pay
the bill and also can pay online. The data be record in database and message to payment successful. RFID-
Readers are able to establish a channel of communication, read the tag and trace the movement of these
objects within the coverage area.

1.3 Objectives of the research study

1) How does the artificial intelligence camera save the time?

2) How does the database system management help to save the time?
3) How does the smart trolly save the time?

1.4 Problem identification

An innovative product with societal acceptance is the one that aids the comfort, convenience and efficiency
in everyday life. Purchasing and shopping at big malls is becoming daily activity in our cities. There will
be rush at these malls on holiday and weekend. People purchased different items and put them in trolley.
After completion of purchases, one needs to go to billing counter for payment. At billing counter the
cashier prepare the bill using bar code reader which is very time consuming process and result in long
queue at billing counter.

In this research project, we are implementing a system “RFID Based Automation Shopping Cart”
being developed to assist a person in everyday shopping in terms of reduced time spent while purchasing.
The main objective of proposed system is to provide a technology oriented, low-cost, easily scalable, and
rugged system for assisting shopping in person.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

1.5 Problem justification

In a world that is constantly evolving, there are many technologies that we can achieve. One of them is the
smart shopping cart we are talking about. Time can be introduced as the most important and special thing
in the current world of technology. That is, man has a limited time. Shopping is one of the things we do
every day. It takes a lot of time. From what we have outlined it can be greatly reduced.

We introduce smart shopping cart. All you have to do is put the items you want to buy in the trolley. There,
the required goods are auto scanned using RFID technology. All that information is updated in the central
database. The central database is located near the cashier. If we remove an unwanted item, it will also be
updated. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. That is
the most important point here. It can be paid through the shakthi supermarket app.

1.6 Project Deliverables

In the developing world, smart shopping carts, which are based on reducing time, will have a huge impact
on the human shopping environment, as everything can be done on its own. We have given a lot of
importance to our app and security. This is because in this developing world, cyber attacks are on the rise.
We used a lot of tools to fix it and secure our app. One of them used the protocol HTTPS (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol Secure).

What's more, while we were developing this, we also studied the action zones of humans. Not all
people are the same. Thieves can also come to shop. We study the ever-changing shapes of people with our
AI camera technology. That data; We do not forget to process and integrate into our technology. This can
be described as a complete technical package. This will also increase the security of the supermarket.

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

1.7 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to

be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. A
WBS is the cornerstone of effective project planning, execution, controlling, monitoring, and reporting. All
the work contained within the WBS is to be identified, estimated, scheduled, and budgeted.

Advantage of WBS

A well-designed WBS describes planned outcomes instead of planned actions. Outcomes are the desired
ends of the project, such as a product, result, or service, and can be predicted accurately. Actions, on the
other hand, may be difficult to predict accurately. A well-designed WBS makes it easy to assign elements
of the WBS to any project activity. A good WBS should exhibit the following characteristics:

Definable —can be described and easily understood by project participants.

Manageable —a meaningful unit of work where specific responsibility and authority can be assigned to a
responsible individual.
Estimateable —duration can be estimated in time required to complete, and cost can be estimated in
resources required to complete.
Independent —minimum interface with or dependence on other ongoing elements (i.e., assignable to a
single control account, and clearly distinguishable from other work packages).
Integratable —integrates with other project work elements and with higher level cost estimates and
schedules to include the entire project.
Measurable —can be used to measure progress; has start and completion dates and measurable interim
Adaptable —sufficiently flexible so the addition/elimination of work scope can be readily accommodated
in the WBS framework (visual-paradigm, n.d.).

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

Reduce Time Research Plan

Initiation Planning Executing Handover

Research finding,
Selecting Literature Data recommendation
the topic review collection and conclusion

Methodology Data


Figure 1(work Breakdown S structure (Author Developed)

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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1.8 Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes,
although they are particularly useful for simplifying complex projects. Project management timelines and
tasks are converted into a horizontal bar chart, showing start and end dates, as well as dependencies,
scheduling and deadlines, including how much of the task is completed per stage and who is the task
owner. This is useful to keep tasks on track when there is a large team and multiple stakeholders when the
scope changes (apm, n.d.).

Advantages of a Gantt chart

1) a visual display of the whole project,

2) timelines and deadlines of all tasks,
3) relationships and dependencies between the various activities,
4) project phases

Figure 2 Gantt chart(Author developed)

W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01

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1.9 Hypothesis of the study

H1 = There is a significant effect of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for saving the time of the
H2 = There is a significant effect of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for managing all the data to
save the time.
H3 =There is a significant effect of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) to identify the threats in
H4 =There is a significant effect of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) to changing the shopping
environment using smart trolley in supermarket.
H5 = There a significant effect of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for making a secure place in the
supermarket by installing the AI CCTV camera.

1.10 PERT Chart

Activities Description
Research initiation
A Refer the old research paper
B Finding the topic
C Gathering data
Project planning
D Recourse planning
E Recourse and requirement gathering
F Writing the
literature review
G Collecting data
H Analyze the data
I Write recommendation and conclusion
J Resenting the research report
Figure 3 PERT chart(Author developed)

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2.1 Short introduction to chapter two

In the IoT area, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a flexible and simple to use technology.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are commonly used to identify items. RFID sensors are in high
demand due to their efficiency and speed of scanning and detecting. It has a significant benefit over
barcode scanning technology in that there is no designated line of sight in RFID, but with barcode
scanners, the object is scanned only if it is positioned within a line of sight. The RFID scanning distance
may be readily changed to meet the demands of the user. Each consumer would be given a cart with a
unique RFID tag.

2.2 Introduction

Since the dawn of time, people have continuously conceived and created an invention to meet their
requirements. Regardless of the varied areas available, the primary cause for progress in innovation has
been in minimizing errands and making daily chores simpler and faster. Shopping is a key job on which
people have been observed to spend a substantial amount of time. We utilized a barcode system for this at
first, but after a few years, it began to have difficulties such as LOS (line of sight), growing queues, and so
on. To address these difficulties, a smart trolley idea using RFID technology was developed.

In, a report on the installation of an IOT (Internet of Things)-based automated trolley system was
published. Using an RFID module, a framework is used to shorten queues at a retail mall. When the item
falls into the trolley, the RFID reader will scan the RFID Tag attached to it. If the client needs to remove an
item from the cart, he should do so. The ejected item's details, such as name, cost, and total bill, will be
shown on the LCD, and the bill will be sent to the cashier via the Xampp server.

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2.3 About company

shakthi supermarket is located at galgamuwa road, nawagattegama. This was started in the year 2000. It
has 20 employees and 9 staff members. Due to its urban location, its workload has increased due to the
increase in the number of customers. As an alternative to this, the introduction of smart trolleys will enable
the consumer to purchase the required items systematically and systematically. It can manage time and
The main problem here is that consumers spend a lot of time. A good example of this is smart trolley
technology. The main advantage here is Freedom of Selection. Customers enjoy full freedom of selection
in supermarkets, Fixed Prices. Prices of all the goods at these stores are always fixed, Availability of all the
Goods of Daily Need etc.

Figure 4 Shakthi supermarket

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There are many benefits to implementing this package. This is a complete package that integrates with IoT.
Here we have also strengthened the security of the supermarket with the AI camera. With an AI camera we
can detect and tie people's faces. So we can analyze them with our powerful machine and if there are any
suspicious people we can pay special attention to them.


In today's technological age, most customers must wait in line for their groceries at the store because it is a
lengthy process. A Smart Shopping Cart based on the Internet of Things (IoT) is presented, which includes
RFID sensors, an Arduino microcontroller, a Bluetooth module, and a mobile app. This framework aids in
the automation of a simple and pleasant billing procedure. Shopping is carried out in two ways: according
to a predetermined list and at random. Our proposed algorithm calculates the quickest route to pick up the
items mentioned in various Walmart racks. Additionally, we offer a Cart-to-Cart communication technique
that allows a customer to exchange their shopping list with a co-shopper to enable parallel shopping using
two or more carts. These tools help you save time and money while shopping.

RFID sensors depend on wireless communication. One part is the RFID tag attached to each product and
the other is RFID reader that reads the product information efficiently. After this, each product information
shows in the Mobile application. The customer easily manages the shopping list in Mobile application
according to preferences. Then shopping information sends to the server wirelessly and automatically
generates billing. This experimental prototype is designed to eliminate time-consuming shopping process
and quality of services issues. The proposed system can easily be implemented and tested at a commercial
scale under the real scenario in the future (nternetofthingsagenda.techtarget, n.d.).

2.4.1 Implementing Database management

The database is a very important component. Because data has become an important part of the world
today. The database is used to store each other's data. Here is all the data about people's past data and new
data. New data is uploaded to the central database by wireless technology. Another thing is that they can

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use their old data to give us discounts etc. The database can also be uploaded automatically to verify that
we have paid. Having a database, we can also make payments through an online app.
Writing by hand takes a long time. Further, the accuracy may be reduced. So the database is a great
example of the modern world. Its accuracy is also very high. Books cost a lot when written by hand. Many
books need to be kept. It is also difficult to update when writing from books. This is very easy due to the
database. There are many benefits to easy to manage, easy to update, security of data. Considering all that,
we have decided to implement a database system (oracle, n.d.).

Figure 5 database management

2.4.2 Implementing AI CCTV camera

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that investigates whether we can train a
computer to think or, at the very least, learn. Speech recognition, voice-to-text dictation, picture
recognition, pattern recognition, and face scanning are some of the subsets of technology that strive to
mimic what people do. Well, these advanced cameras help to save time by smartly performing the requisite
image processing/enhancement in real time

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This performs a number of special functions. In order, face detection of persons can be done. Therefore,
thieves can be identified. You can also find lost items due to the use of video technology. It can be easily
found in case of kidnapping and money laundering. Therefore, we concluded that the AI camera is the
perfect fit for this supermarket. Here are the advantages of AI camera:

1. AI and image recognition will save time for the field team who performs merchandising activities

2. Retailers and FMCG managers will get accurate data and actionable insights with AI while driving
perfect stores

3. AI will let retailers and FMCG companies unlock the full potential of their retail strategies

After installing a CCTV camera system, they can be used in partitions. That is, a few selected sections for
the manager. That is, stores, etc. Customers have been allotted some shares etc. So it is easy to control.
However, this can save time and labor (smartcamera, n.d.).

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Figure 6 AI Camera

2.4.3 Implementing smart trolley system

The smart trolley is one of the technologies that is evolving day by day. Auto count when you put the item
you want to buy. When you think no, the count decreases. It has an LCD display. It shows everything.
Powered by an Arduno board. Below is what it contains.

Hardware and software components are included in the construction of the smart shopping trolley system.
The Arduino Mega 2560, Arduino UNO, RFID tag, RFID reader, LCD screen, buzzer, keypad, DC motor,

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L298N Motor Driver, and RF Receiver are among the hardware components. Proteus for schematic
simulation and Arduino IDE for capturing and loading computer code into a microcontroller are among the
software components, as is the native motherboard or IDE partition that runs on the computer.

The Arduino will be the central component of this project, as it will be used to perform all of the functions
and store the code. The keypad is connected to Arduino through eight digital pins and serves as an input; it
will be used to enter the desired limited amount (Sentence construction; unclear). The buzzer is linked to
pin A0 as an output. The product price is read using an RFID reader attached to SPI pins.The LCD is
attached to the digital pins and is used to show the user usage instructions. For each step, Proteus is used to
mimic the system. The completing shopping statement will be displayed on the LCD once the user has
completed their shopping.


3.1. Introduction

Introduction to the research approach of the training material, as mentioned in the title. In this section, the
author discusses the project's research strategy, research technique, research approach, data collecting
methods, sample selection, research process, data analysis type, ethical issues, and research limits in
greater depth. Publication research, interviews, surveys, and other research approaches, as well as current

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and historical data, may be used as part of the process. Approximately 10% of the dissertation is devoted to
this topic. Other work in the region is briefly described. Outlines broad concepts. Provides a theoretical
foundation for your own work. Outlines and describes your research issue as well as the hypothesis that
will be tested. Alternatively, it describes the study's major goal and goals. It establishes the primary
concepts. This chapter might be written last. The practical "how" of any piece of research is referred to as
research technique. It's about how a researcher plans a study in a methodical way to produce accurate and
reliable results that address the study's goals and objectives.

3.2. Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies

We may blend quantitative and qualitative research in our surveys to generate results that are both broad
and deep. Simply simply, quantitative data provides you with the figures you need to back up your
research's broad general conclusions. Qualitative data provides the intricacies and depth needed to fully
comprehend their significance. It's critical to grasp the variations between these strategies in order to
receive the greatest results from them in your surveys. Let's have a look at it.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is a type of market research that relies on open-ended and conversational contact to
gather information. Instead than focusing on "what" others think about you, this strategy focuses on "why."
Assume you operate an internet store that caters to a broad clientele. You do a demographic research and
discover that the majority of your clients are men. You'll naturally want to know why ladies aren't buying
from you. Qualitative research can assist you in determining this.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research methods are used to gather numerical data that may be utilized to calculate variables.
Quantitative data is organized and statistical, with objective and clear outcomes. It employs a grounded
theory approach that focuses on systematic data collecting and analysis. Quantitative research is an
approach that aids in the drawing of broad conclusions from research and the prediction of events. Surveys

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are an excellent instrument for quantitative research because they are inexpensive, versatile, and allow
researchers to collect data from a large number of people (g2, n.d.).

3.3. Research approach

Quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both approaches might be used in the research. The
quantitative technique was used in this study with the goal of collecting descriptive and evaluative data that
would be used to create a narrative and interpretative processes. Data is quantified and statistical
approaches are employed in data analysis in quantitative search. Its purpose is to provide findings that are
representative of the entire population. This research aims to determine what factors or anxieties are
impacting the Reach glossary shop in nawagathtegama. The quantitative methodology was used as the
research method in this study. Because the purpose of this study is to gather and transform data into
numerical form in order to do statistical computations and make conclusions.

3.4. Research design

3.4.1. Research site selection rational

Shakthi Supermarket is located at Galgamu Road, Nawagattegama.Therefore, people have to face some
problems with time. That’s why researcher selects this supermarket to obtain practical issues of the
supermarket. Although the researcher found out a lot of problems relate to the supermarket, the researcher
intended to identify the factors which affecting severely to the security system of Shakti supermarket
because it was the major problem to the industry. And also, the researcher thought it is very easy to collect
data relate to the situation of people have to face some problems with time. It is therefore intended to
manufacture smart trolleys based on these factors.

3.4.2. Population

I'm walking down the aisles, noting which items need to be replaced. Removing items that have passed
their sell-by date from the shelves Stacking shelves and display places, as well as refrigerators and
freezers. Ensuring that stock is rotated – moving items with the earliest expiration dates to the front. As
above mentioned about Shakti supermarket there are 20 workers currently employing in the hotel. Among
them 12 males and 8 females including 1 manager, 4 staff members, 2 supervisors and 3 operators. For

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sampling purposes, the researcher used a random sampling approach due to its capacity to represent the
elements of the entire target population.

3.4.3. Sampling

It is unlikely that the researcher will be able to collect data from all situations in order to answer the
study questions. As a result, a sample must be chosen. This article outlines the procedures for doing
sampling. Furthermore, because there are several types of sampling techniques/methods, the researcher
must be aware of the distinctions in order to pick the most appropriate sample method for the study. In
this context, this study also discusses several sample procedures and methodologies. In the literature,
there are seven basic forms of sampling for observational investigations of social behavior. The
appropriateness of these strategies for generating impartial data of various types varies significantly. The
following is a list of the most common applications for each technique: In this document, I've attempted
to highlight the primary advantages and disadvantages of each sampling method. Some approaches are
inherently biased when it comes to a large number of variables, whereas others are biased when it comes
to a smaller number of variables. The fundamental thing to consider when selecting a sampling method
is whether the approach produces a biased sample of the variables under investigation.

3.4.4. Data collection methods

The strategies and methods utilized in the study to collect data were discussed in this section. The
researcher will not have to spend time collecting data because he or she has chosen a quantitative
approach. The researcher employed both primary and secondary data to conduct the research for this
study. The structured questionnaire is used to obtain primary data. Secondary data was acquired through
corporate presentations, crime reports, threats reports, implantation (IOT) breakdown reports, and risk
reports by the researcher.

3.4.5. Instruments and Techniques to be used. Introduction to SPSS

SPSS is a Windows-based tool that allows you to enter and analyze data as well as produce tables and
graphs. SPSS can handle vast volumes of data and conduct all of the analyses discussed in the text, as well
as a lot more. SPSS is widely used in both the social sciences and the corporate sector, so knowing how to

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use it now can help you in the future. SPSS is often updated. Although this document was based on a
previous version, the differences should not create any issues. Andy Field's book is highly recommended if
you wish to learn even more about SPSS (Field, 2009, Discovering statistics using SPSS). Those of us who
have used software for years think that we know it all and don’t pay a lot of attention to new features. I
learned a huge amount from Andy’s book. It's essential to note that SPSS isn't the only statistical program
available; if you choose a job that needs you to work with data, you'll likely come across a variety of
others. Stata and SAS are two more often used statistics software (and there are many others). This class,
on the other hand, is all about SPSS.

Figure 7 SPSS Software Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a research tool that consists of a collection of questions or other forms of prompts
designed to gather data from a respondent. A typical research questionnaire has a combination of closed-
ended and open-ended questions. Long-form, open-ended inquiries allow the reply to expound on their
opinions. The Statistical Society of London created research questionnaires in 1838.The information
gathered from a data gathering questionnaire might be qualitative or quantitative. A questionnaire might
be provided in the form of a survey or not, but a survey must always include a questionnaire. In survey
research, the questionnaire is the primary tool for gathering data. It is, in essence, a sequence of
standardized questions, sometimes referred to as items, that follow a predetermined format in order to

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collect individual data on one or more specified themes. Questionnaires and interviews are sometimes
mistaken. In fact, the questionnaire entails a certain type of interview—a formal encounter in which the
dialogue is guided by the instrument's phrasing and order of questions. The questionnaire is frequently
delivered in a standardized manner, that is, to all survey respondents in the same way.

Advantages of questionnaire

Cost savings:

Compared with a face-to-face questionnaire delivered on site, over the phone, or by post, there are no
labour, paper, printing, phone or postage expenses to worry about with the online questionnaire, making it
a much more cost-efficient approach.

Reach people quickly:

With a wide choice of mediums with which to distribute your questionnaire, from emailing and texting it,
to putting a link to it on your website, or making it downloadable via a QR code, you can reach out and
gain feedback quickly from your respondents.


Thanks to the internet, it’s quick and simple to ramp up the audience for your online questionnaire and
literally target them anywhere in the world. All you need to do is send them a link to your questionnaire,
which could be executed through an automated email in a customer onboarding or lead nurturing

Respondent anonymity:

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Compared with other approaches including face-to-face and over the telephone questioning, the ability to
provide anonymity with an online questionnaire is a significant benefit, particularly when you are looking
to survey respondents on sensitive issues.

When anonymity is provided it immediately puts respondents at ease and encourages them to answer
truthfully, which is great when you’re trying to get a more honest and accurate picture of your subject of
investigation, such as when you’re surveying employees about your company culture.

Flexibility for respondents over where and when to complete their questionnaire:

The great thing about the online questionnaire, is that respondents can choose when and where they will
complete your questionnaire. With more time to fill-in your survey and even the flexibility to start it and
then come back to it at another time to finish it off, can help boost your overall response rates.

Data accuracy:

While methods such as face-to-face and over the telephone questionnaires require the interviewer to
process respondent answers, with the online questionnaire answers are automatically inserted into
spreadsheets, databases, or other software packages reducing the risk of human error and enabling
automatic validation of the data.

3.4.6 Method of data analyze

Data analysis is an important phase in the quantitative research process because it helps the researcher to
dig deeper into the structured data and reduce it to meaningful models that lead to rich data. Validity and
reliability testing, descriptive analysis, and correlation analysis are the main analyzing components in this
study. They Are Implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for Spreading, Implementing Internet of Things
(IoT) for Cutting, Implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for Sewing/Assembling, Implementing Internet of
Things (IoT) for Surface Ornamentation, and Implementing Internet of Things (IoT) for Internet
Communication by Online Mass Customization, according to the production efficiency sources.

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3.4.7 Research role and ethics

As a researcher, the author's job is to collect data through surveys and literature reviews. To arrive at a
conclusion, the data must be evaluated using acceptable methodologies. A questionnaire will be used to
collect information. To limit the harm to persons who participate in the study, the research must be
conducted ethically. The investigation's findings were published in moral and moral components and
confirmed by examining researchers and participants.

3.5 validity
Validity refers to whether or not all of the study's principles and applicable philosophies are accurately
measured. This is an interview of information resources (data) that accurately characterizes the study's
conclusion on what the research requires at full capability. Data was perfectly collected. The data was
meticulously collected by the researchers. The data for this study was collected using a Google form.

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3.6 Conceptual Framework

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Smart trolley

Saving the time AI camera

Central database

Figure 8 Conceptual Framework(Author Developed)

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4.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the analysis of this research work. In this chapter, the researcher discusses the
outcome of the investigations. Data analysis is defined as a process of cleaning, transforming, and
modeling data to discover useful information for business decision-making. The purpose of Data Analysis
is to extract useful information from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis.
A simple example of Data analysis is whenever we take any decision in our day-to-day life is by thinking
about what happened last time or what will happen by choosing that particular decision. This is nothing but
analyzing our past or future and making decisions based on it. For that, we gather memories of our past or
dreams of our future. So that is nothing but data analysis. Now same thing analyst does for business
purposes, is called Data Analysis. the researcher shows how to get to research goals through this study.

4.2. Data presentation

Survey of the research
Researchers can conduct research in multiple ways, but surveys are proven to be one of the most effective
and trustworthy research methods. An online survey is a method for extracting information about a
significant business matter from an individual or a group of individuals. It consists of structured survey
questions that motivate the participants to respond, The traditional definition of survey research is a
quantitative method for collecting information from a pool of respondents by asking multiple survey
questions. This research type includes the recruitment of individuals, collection, and analysis of data. The
people who had obtained an understanding of the research is 100% which can be seen in figure below. It
seems 100 out of 100 people have been aware of the research survey.

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Figure 9 Survey of the research(Author Developed)

The demographic makeup of individual respondents was revealed in the second section of the
questionnaire. The gender distribution of responders is depicted in the graph below. It shows that women
composed 20.3 percent of all responders, while men made up 79.7 percent.

Figure 10 Gender(Author Developed)

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The figure below shows that most of the respondents are under the age of 20. It represents 38.6% from the
sample. 22.7% and 16.9% of the respondents represent 31-40 years old and 41-50 years old.15% of the
respondents represent 21-30 years old. And age group of more than 50 only represents 6.8% from the

Figure 11 Age(Author Developed)

Civil status
The below figure shows composition of the sample according the civil status level. There are 90.3% of the
respondents are married whereas 9.7% of respondents are unmarried employees.

Figure 12 Civil Status(Author Developed)

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Employees who are expertise in different subjects
The figure below shows the number of employees who are expertise in different subject. Majority of the
employees represent 45% and who are following IT subjects. 25% employees represent Automotive
engineer and 15% represent other subjects. Civil Engineer, Programming and Biomedical Engineer are 5%

Figure 13 Different Subject(Author Developed)

Work experience
From the figure below shows composition of the sample according to the work experience. Majority of the
employees represent 50% who have more than 3 years’ work experience. Employees who are in internship
represent 10% of the sample. 10% employees represent 2 years work experience while 15% employees
represent 1 year work experience. 15% employees work more than 3 years.

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Figure 14 Work experience(Author Developed)

Awareness of IOT
The below figure shows composition of sample. According to the Kandyan reach hotel where are 80
workers making services to the guests. Among them 98.6% employees are aware of IOT whereas 1.4%
employees are not aware of IOT. Although majority of the employees are aware about the importance or
use of IOT.

Figure 15 Awareness of IOT(Author Developed)

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4.3. Reliability
In a range of corporate and industrial situations, the idea of dependability is applied. In general, the idea
of dependability is used when it is critical to obtain consistent results across time. When a manufacturing
process consistently produces the same outcomes within established boundaries, it is considered to be
dependable. A car, or any other sort of product, is dependable if it functions regularly and according to
specifications. Financial and other forms of data's credibility may be influenced by how they were
assembled and processed. Personnel are seen as dependable when they work regularly and meet
predetermined goals.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.629 4
Figure 16 Reliability statistics(Author Developed)

4.4. Correlation analysis

In research, correlation analysis is a statistical approach for calculating the link between two variables
and measuring the strength of the linear relationship between them. Simply defined, correlation analysis
determines how much one variable changes as a result of the change in the other. A high correlation
indicates a strong association between the two variables, whereas a low correlation indicates a poor
relationship between the variables.

When it comes to market research, correlation analysis is used to examine quantitative data obtained
through survey and live polling methodologies. They are attempting to determine the link, patterns,
major connections, and trends that exist between two variables or datasets. When an increase in one
variable causes an increase in the other, there is a positive correlation between the two variables. A
negative correlation, on the other hand, suggests that as one variable rises, the other falls, and vice versa.

Pearson Correlation RSM 1.000 .216 .185 .408
AIC .216 1.000 .219 .368
CDB .185 .219 1.000 .514
SCT .408 .368 .514 1.000

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Sig. (1-tailed) RSM . .003 .010 .000
AIC .003 . .003 .000
CDB .010 .003 . .000
SCT .000 .000 .000 .
N RSM 157 157 157 157
AIC 157 157 157 157
CDB 157 157 157 157
SCT 157 157 157 157
Figure 17 Correlations(Author Developed)

Model Summary
In a range of corporate and industrial situations, the idea of dependability is applied. In general, the idea of
dependability is used when it is critical to obtain consistent results across time. When a manufacturing
process consistently produces the same outcomes within established boundaries, it is considered to be
dependable. A car, or any other sort of product, is dependable if it functions regularly and according to
specifications. Financial and other forms of data's credibility may be influenced by how they were
assembled and processed. Personnel are seen as dependable when they work regularly and meet
predetermined goals.
4.5 Regression analysis

Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
Mod Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square F
el R R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .415 a
.172 .156 .34647 .172 10.621 3 153 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), SCT, AIC, CDB
b. Dependent Variable: RSM
Figure 18 Model summary(Author Developed)


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After taking into consideration the effects of the uncontrolled independent factors, Analysis of Variance, or
ANOVA in SPSS, is used to examine changes in the mean values of the dependent variable related with
the effect of the controlled independent variables. In SPSS, ANOVA is essentially a test of means for two
or more populations. In SPSS, an ANOVA must contain a dependant variable that is metric (measured
using an interval or ratio scale). ANOVA in SPSS requires one or more independent variables, all of which
must be categorical. Categorical independent variables are referred to as factors in SPSS ANOVA.

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 3.825 3 1.275 10.621 .000b
Residual 18.366 153 .120
Total 22.191 156
a. Dependent Variable: RSM
b. Predictors: (Constant), SCT, AIC, CDB
Figure 19 ANOVA(Author Developed)

Rearranging, ordering, and altering data to provide meaningful information about the presented data, i.e.,
converting raw data into a form that is easier to understand and analyze. Descriptive analysis is a sort of
data analysis that helps to explain, show, or summarize data points in a constructive way so that patterns
can develop that satisfy all of the data's conditions. It is one of the most crucial steps in the statistical data
analysis process. It provides you with a summary of your data's distribution, assists you in detecting errors
and outliers, and allows you to spot patterns between variables, preparing you for future statistical analysis.
According to the above descriptive statistics, many managers agreed to the questions on the google form
regarding the smart trolley system employing IOT.

Mean Std. Deviation N

RSM 4.8662 .37716 157

AIC 4.9236 .26654 157
CDB 4.9363 .24499 157
SCT 4.9236 .26654 157
Figure 20 Descriptive(Author Developed)


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Coefficients is a bivariate analysis that determines the intensity of association and the direction of the
relationship between two variables. The value of the correlation coefficient varies between +1 and -1 in
terms of the strength of the association. A value of 1 shows that the two variables are perfectly associated.
The association between the two variables will become weaker as the correlation coefficient value
approaches zero. The sign of the coefficient reflects the relationship's direction; a + sign indicates a
positive relationship, while a – sign indicates a negative link.

Unstandardized Coefficie 95.0% Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients nts Interval for B Correlations Statistics
Std. Lower Upper Zero- Partia Tolera
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound order l Part nce VIF
1 (Const 1.831 .703 2.604 .010 .442 3.220
AIC .110 .112 .078 .985 .326 -.111 .332 .216 .079 .072 .863 1.159
CDB -.057 .132 -.037 -.431 .667 -.318 .204 .185 -.035 -.032 .735 1.361
SCT .563 .127 .398 4.421 .000 .312 .815 .408 .337 .325 .667 1.499
a. Dependent Variable: RSM
Figure 21 Coefficients(Author Developed)


A histogram is a graphical representation that divides a set of data points into ranges defined by the user.
The histogram, which resembles a bar graph in appearance, condenses a data series into an easily
interpreted visual by grouping many data points into logical ranges or bins.

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A histogram is a data representation that looks like a bar graph that buckets a variety of outcomes into
columns along the x-axis. The y-axis can be used to illustrate data distributions by representing the
numerical count or percentage of occurrences in each column.

Figure 22 Histogram(Author Developed)

This chapter focuses on having a clear grasp of how the research was carried out and discusses quantitative
research design methodologies. In addition, Quantitative Methods covers research methods and strategies.
The advancement in science and technology is a persistent process. Latest gadgets and latest
technology are being designed and developed . This application is used in shopping malls for
assisting customers by saving a lot of time in buying commodities. In this project RFID is
used as safety access for the item which thereby enhances the surveillance performance. This
implementation initiates for an automated central billing system in shopping malls and
supermarkets. With this, shoppers no longer have to wait near counters for payment of bills
because of their purchased item information getting transferred to central billing unit. By this
billing process speed increases and becomes much more simpler. In addition to this
capability, the mechanism also assures recognition of cases of theft induced by fraudulent
consumers which makes the system more reliable and fascinating to both customers as well
as sellers. This will enhance the shopping experience to a new level.

Different variables like item cost, item name etc are continuously displayed on LCD attached
to the trolley. Thus we can say that automatic billing of products by using RFID technique

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will be a more feasible choice in the upcoming days and thereby operation becomes more
concise and systematic.
The correlation was then examined using Pearson correlation at a significance threshold of 0.01. We
looked at the central tendency and dispersion of the independent and dependent variables. Gradually,
regression analysis was used to determine the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on shakthi
supermarket's time savings in Nawagattegama.

5.1. Introduction

Retailing has grown in size, concentration, centralization, and sophistication. Retailers are well on their
way to gaining value-chain dominance. The development of strong retail brands, which produce long-term
consumer preference and loyalty and provide sustainable distinction amongst direct retail competitors, is
the next big challenge and opportunity for retailers.
The research focuses on the production of smart trolleys at the shakthi supermarket for the convenience of
the people and the measures to be taken to ensure that they are tailored to the needs of the customers and to
ensure their productivity. This chapter includes research findings, recommendations based on key findings
of this research, and research limitations identified by researchers. Conclusion Summarizes the overall
study with a special focus on data analysis to achieve research objectives. Lists research-based options
recommended by researchers to overcome problems and challenges associated with shakthi supernaket.

5.2. Conclusion

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We successfully implemented RFID tags for the smart trolley billing system in this article. Even if there
are certain difficulties with smart shopping, such as when objects cannot be detected due to tag orientation,
size, or form. The technologies that enable physical items to communicate are relatively expensive. These
are the flaws that have been addressed and overcome in this application. This smart trolley is affordable,
and the automatic billing amount will be presented on an LCD screen. We can implement an interior
navigation system in the future enhancements to locate the needed merchandise from the customer's
position. We've utilized a fairly modest range here. When it comes to the real-world implementation of this
prototype, an RFID reader can be supplemented by a high-range reader. Despite numerous new
breakthroughs in this field, enabling such applications remains a serious difficulty.

5.3 Recommendation

Electronic commerce has progressed to the point that it now offers ease, comfort, and efficiency in
everyday life. There are a lot of new stores popping up these days. A supermarket is a store where people
go to buy and pay for their daily necessities [1]. Many individuals waste too much time in the store when
shopping for groceries. They have no information about current specials / offers since there is no proper
means to pay bills, and individuals have difficulty picking items from a huge selection of products because
there is no suitable way to pay bills. The study's goal was to develop a smart trolley for a supermarket that
would allow consumers to profit from the system. In order to improve the functioning of a smart trolley,
techniques including loyalty accounts, image processing, recommendation, voice assistants, human
counting, and payment checkout alert systems are implemented. Each consumer is identified by their
loyalty card, which may also be used to gain access to the trolley. A camera and load cell are included in
the smart trolley, which will scan the goods, measure the weight, and show all of the data on the LCD
screen. It enables the client to get their purchase bill in a more convenient manner. To attract consumers
and assist them in making purchase decisions, a product recommendation system analyzes customer
demands and offers the best items to both new and existing customers. Customers will be able to ask
questions about locations, discounts, offers, and pricing via voice assistants, reducing the need for a
shopkeeper in the supermarket. If there are more than five people in line at the billing counter, the system
will advise the consumer to "move a speedy checkout counter," which keeps a safe space between clients
during a tense scenario (mvorganizing, n.d.).

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6.1. Personal reflection
The main objective of this project was to manufacture smart trolleys for the convenience of the
I know the exact sequence of doing a research project. Here is a smart shopping cart powered by RFID
technology. I also learned a lot about IoT. Gained all the necessary knowledge until the implementation of the
smart shopping cart. I also learned about the Arduno Board.
There was an ability to do something in the future as well as a new approach. Our weaknesses were identified. I
was able to find alternative ways to do something. I knew people's attitudes. There were good social connections.
Ability to face challenges. Ability to do any work anywhere. I was able to look at any issue analytically. Proved to
be a key element of any great work. There was self-confidence as well as the ability to take risks. The ability to
discover new information. A great help towards innovation.

6.2 Project outcomes

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This project was undertaken to gain some insight into the use of artificial intelligence to save time while
providing customer convenience under the existing consumer needs of Sri Lanka. The following are some
of the expected outcomes of the project.
1) Identify the current situation in Sri Lanka regarding supermarkets.
2) Identify problems in the supermarket sector.
3) Identify future problems in the supermarket sector.
4) Identify future technologies that can be used for the supermarket sector.

The main objective of our project is to save the convenience and time of the customers and to increase the
future productivity of the supermarket industry by using smart trolley for this purpose.

6.3 Own learnings and performances

The author was able to learn how to conduct a research project using the project management approach as a
result of the research project. The author also learned a lot about the Internet of Things (IoT) and how to
apply it. The author feels that the knowledge gathered via this study effort will benefit both his own career
and the productivity of the factory.

6.4 Project management process

Project management is the use of procedures, techniques, skills, knowledge, and experience to meet
particular project objectives within agreed-upon boundaries while adhering to project acceptance criteria.
Final outputs are bound by a certain timeframe and budget in project management.

The fact that project management has a final outcome and a fixed timeframe, as opposed to management,
which is an ongoing activity, is a significant aspect that separates it from just'management.' As a result, a
project manager need a diverse set of abilities, including technical expertise, as well as people management
and commercial acumen. . manage this complication The project manager will have a better chance of
controlling the project's results and managing the challenges if the project is divided into manageable,
interconnected parts; or processes. By dividing the project into different management processes, the project
manager will have a better chance of controlling the project's results and managing the challenges. It's
impossible to forecast everything, which is by design. In order to handle the many parts of a project,

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companies must consider a system emphasis. A systems approach takes a holistic perspective of a project's
environment and recognizes that the project is made up of a number of interactive components that work
together to achieve a common purpose.
Dividing your efforts into these five project management phases can help give them structure and simplify
them into a series of logical and manageable steps.

1) Project Initiation

The first phase of the project management life cycle is project initiation. This is where the project’s value
and feasibility are measured. Project managers typically use two evaluation tools to decide whether or not
to pursue a project:

Business Case Document – This document justifies the need for the project, and it includes an estimate of
potential financial benefits.

Feasibility Study – This is an evaluation of the project’s goals, timeline and costs to determine if the
project should be executed. It balances the requirements of the project with available resources to see if
pursuing the project makes sense.
Teams abandon proposed projects that are labeled unprofitable and/or unfeasible. However, projects that
pass these two tests can be assigned to a project team or designated project office.

2) Project Planning

Once the project receives the green light, project managers need a solid project plan to guide their team,
execute the project on time and stay within the budget. A well-written project plan gives guidance for
obtaining resources, acquiring financing and procuring required materials. The project plan gives the team
direction for producing quality outputs, handling risk, creating acceptance, communicating benefits to
stakeholders and managing suppliers.The project plan also prepares teams for the obstacles they might
encounter over the course of the project and helps them understand the cost, scope and timeframe of the

3) Project Execution

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This is the phase that is most commonly associated with project management. Execution is all about
building deliverables that satisfy the customer. Team leaders make this happen by allocating resources and
keeping team members focused on their assigned tasks.Execution relies heavily on the planning phase. The
work and efforts of the team during the execution phase are derived from the project plan.

4) Project Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and control are sometimes combined with execution because they often occur at the same time.
As teams execute their project plan, they must constantly monitor their own progress.To guarantee delivery
of what was promised, teams must monitor tasks to prevent scope creep, calculate key performance
indicators and track variations from allotted cost and time. This constant vigilance helps keep the project
moving ahead smoothly.

5) Project Closure

Teams close a project when they deliver the finished project to the customer, communicating completion to
stakeholders and releasing resources to other projects. This vital step in the project management life cycle
allows the team to evaluate and document the project and move on to the next one, using previous project
mistakes and successes to build stronger processes and more successful teams (kissflow, n.d.).

6.5 Purpose of the research

The goal of this research study was to examine the role private security service providers play in fighting
supermarket crime. To do this, the following was taken into account:
1) Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of security measures in the supermarket .
2) Assess whether current security measures are adequate

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3) Assess the type and extent of valuables stolen from guests in hotels.
4) Determine if supermarket have security policies and procedures.
5) Identify the role of stakeholders; supermarket associations, management forums, franchisees,
contractors and employees in relation to supermarket countermeasures. •
6) Investigate the causes of supermarket insecurities.
7) Investigate the role of the supermarket as a victim of crime in crime prevention.
8) Investigate the impact of economic losses suffered by supermarket as a result of crime

It appears that the researcher has been able to examine the role private security service providers play in
fighting supermarket crime.
Research skills:
1) identify problems that are hindering performance or the ability to complete tasks
2) Come up with viable solutions to those problems
3) Evaluate resources and the best way to utilize those resources to promote increased efficiency
4) Come up with new services or products
5) Identify the needs of a company’s target customer to better meet those needs through products and

Communication skills:

1) Have A Goal. First, you need to determine what you want your audience to do or get out of your
2) Listen. Good communication is never one way.
3) Adjust To Your Medium.
4) Stay Organized.
5) Be Persuasive.
6) Be Clear.

Cost control
As the researcher, by use of this research project, author have gained the knowledge on effective cost
control methods in production process.

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Risk management skills
1) Analytical risk assessment skills.
2) Problem-solving mantra.
3) Strategic thinking.
4) Financial knowledge and skills.
5) Regulation rigour.
6) Ability to build relationships.
7) Working under pressure.
8) Adaptable to new concerns and changing environments.

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Improving security
1. Yes
1 You had read the above Survey 2. No
description and you know what is
this research about?

2 What is your name?

1. Male
3 What is your Gender? 2. Female

1. 15 - 20
2. 21 – 30
4 What is your age? 3. 31 – 40
4. 41 – 50
5. 51 - 60

1. Married
5 Civil Status 2. Unmarried

Implementing Internet of things

A Reducing the time of customer Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
Do you think that installing AI
6 camera will save the time of
 Do you think Cart will save the
7 time of customers?

Do you think Database will save

8 the time of customers?

B Central Database Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

9 Do you think implementing the

database in your supermarket will
saver the time of your customers?
Do you think you will be able to
10 afford the cost of database
management in your supermarket
Are your employees supportive
11 after implementing the database
in your supermarket ?
W.M Supun Anjana Jayasinghe Managing a successful computing project Assignment No - 01
C AI Camera Strongly Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly
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agree disagree

12 Do you think that the AI camera

Figure 23 Section(Author Developed)

Figure 25 Customer AI Camera(Author Developed)

Figure 24 Customer Shopping Cart(Author Developed)

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Figure 27 Customer Database(Author Developed)

Figure 26 Smart Trolley 1(Author Developed)

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Figure 29 Smart Trolley 2(Author Developed)

Figure 28 Smart Trolley 3(Author Developed)

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Figure 31 AI Camera 1(Author Developed)

Figure 30 AI Camera 2(Author Developed)

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Figure 33 AI Camera 3(Author Developed)

Figure 32 Database 1(Author Developed)

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Figure 35 Database 2(Author Developed)

Figure 34 Database 3(Author Developed)

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