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Technical Seminar Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree







Under the esteemed guidance of


(Assistant Professor)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade)
(Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad )
Parvathapur,Uppal,Hyderabad-500 098


Aurora's Technological and Research Institute
(Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade)
(Affiliated to JNTU,


This is to certify that the Technical seminar report entitled POKA-YOKE has been
submitted by DUMPALA PAVANI bearing roll no 17841A0405 in partial fulfillment for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication
Engineering to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad during the
academic year 2020-2021.


Internal Guide Seminar Coordinator

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Head of the Department Director

Mr. M. Shravan Kumar Reddy Mr. Srikanth Jatla


I profoundly grateful to express my deep sense of gratitude and respect towards our guide
, Ms. Nuzhath Farhana, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
INSTITUTE, PARVATHAPUR, for her excellent guidance right from selection of
seminar and her valuable suggestions throughout the seminar work. I am thankful to her
for giving opportunity to work in the laboratory at any time. Her constant encouragement
and support has been the cause for us to success, in completing this seminar in the
college. She has given us a tremendous support both technical and moral front.

I am thankful to Mrs. M. Vaishnavi, Assistant Professor, seminar coordinator for her

valuable suggestions and support in completion of the seminar.

I am thankful to Mr. M. Shravan Kumar Reddy, HOD ECE seminar Review

Committee members for their valuable suggestions and support in completion of the

I am thankful to Mr. Srikanth Jatla, Director, AURORA'S TECHNOLOGICAL AND

RESEARCH INSTITUTE for the support during and till the completion of the seminar.

I extend our thanks to College Management for their support and encouragement for the
success of our seminar.

In today’s competitive world any organization has to manufacture high quality, defect free
products at optimum cost. The success of any industry depends on quality of their product.
During actual manufacturing of any product, different operations are carried out by
operators. The whole production depends on operator mentality and their interest in work
which ultimately causes silly mistake or errors by the operator. To avoid mistakes in
assembly line, poka-yoke mechanism plays an important role in manufacturing industry.
Kaizen and poka-yoke are implemented to enhance the overall performance to increase the
productivity. Why-why method of root cause analysis is used to eliminate the causes.The
study is aimed at providing process improvement ideas for existing bottleneck areas. The
long-term success of poka yoke gives output of saving time and can release work pressure
in the minds of workers.


S. NO Chapters Page No.

1.1 Overview 1
1.2 History 2
1.3 Poka-Yoke 2
1.4 Need Of Poka-Yoke 3
1.5 Technical Aspects Of Poka-Yoke Method 4
1.6 Uses 4


3.1 Poka-Yoke Methods 7
3.1.1 Shut Down Method 7
3.1.2 Control Method 7
3.1.3 Warning(Alert) Method 7
3.2 uses 8
4.1 Methods Of Obtained Poka-Yoke 10
5.1 Challenges and limitatons Of Poka-Yoke 11
5.2 Examples of Poka-Yoke 11
5.3 Examples with Figures 12


1.1 USB Cable 1
1.2 Cost and Zero defects relationship 3
2.1 Sensing object interrupts light 6
2.2 Vibration Sensor 6
4.1 Poka-Yoke system design 10
5.1 Poka-Yoke in Pluges 12
5.2 Poka-Yoke to prevent accidents 12
5.3Poka-Yoke in Valves to prevent back flow of blood 12
5.4 Poka-Yoke in Sockets 13
5.5 Poka-Yoke in Roller Coster 13


1.1 Overview
Nowadays,each and every company wants profit, high productivity,value in market.
There are slogans in most factories stating defect reduction targets,but the ultimate aim
should always be zero defects.”POKA-YOKE” is a vital factor in eliminating defects.Poka-
Yoke is a concept in total quality management which is related to restricting errors at
source itself.It deals with “Fool –proofing” or “Mistake-proofing”.A poka-yoke is any idea
generation or mechanism development in a total productive management process that helps
operator to avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka).Main aim of Poka Yoke concept is to make
whole system error proof that means no one can make mistake although some one want to
make mistakes intentionally.It eliminates the defects or faults.This term was coined by
Shigeo Shingo in 1960s for the part of Toyota Production System.The aim of Poka-Yoke is
to design the process so that mistakes can be detected and corrected
immediately,eliminating defects at the source .A methodical approach to build up Poka-
Yoke counter measures which consists in a three steps analysis of the risks to be managed:

1.Identification of the need

2.Identification of possible mistakes

3.Management of mistakes before satisfying the need.

These are the steps taken into consideration while thinking about implementation of poka
yoke system in any field because this methodology remains same at all the situations and

Figure 1.1:USB cable


Above fig 1.1 shows the concept of the Poka-Yoke System.In upper diagram,size of both
holes are same,therefore there may be mistake of putting positive terminal into negative
hole but on the other hand,in lower figure,the sizes of both the holes are different which
results in avoiding the misplacement of the terminal into wrong hole.


Poka-Yoke method was introduced by Shigeo Shingo in 1961, when he was one of
engineers at Toyota Motor Corporation. This method, in other words, is to prevent defects
and errors originating in the mistake. Shigeo Shingo, Born in Saga City, Japan, the
Japanese industrial engineer who distinguished himself as one of the world’s leading
experts on manufacturing practices and the Toyota Production System. It is therefore
started in Japanese organizations to implement a Zero Quality Control (ZQC). One of its
elements implementing the principle ZQC is Poka-Yoke method. The name Poka-Yoke
was established by Shigeo Shingo in 1963, it is translated as "resistance to errors" (avoid
(yoker) errors resulting from absence of mind (Poka)). The initial term was ‘baka-yoke’,
which means ‘fool-proofing’. This term ‘baka-yoke’ was dishonorable connotation.
Hence, the term was changed to poka-yoke, which means ‘mistake- proofing’.
In the course of repetitive operations which depend on vigilance or memory, Poka-yoke
massive time and release the mind of worker form stress. At each stage of the product life
cycle, in each process and its operations there is a possibility of errors. In the consequence
of errors the final product has defects and customer is discontented and disappointed. The
method Poka-Yoke is based on convenience that it is not acceptable to produce even very
small quantity of defective products. For the companies, production of products 100%
without any defects is not only a challenge, but necessity. Poka-Yoke method is a simple
technique which allows you to reach just such a production.



Poka-Yoke means 'mistake-proofing' or more literally – avoiding (yokeru) inadvertent

errors (poka). Poka-Yoke is any mechanism in a Lean manufacturing process that helps to
avoid mistakes. Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or
drawing attention to human errors as they occur.


Manufacturing defects or errors are always the key concerns of any manufacturing
industry. The success of any organization depends on the quality of product especially
right product produced. Poka- yoke refers to techniques that make it impossible to make
mistakes. When any organization decides to implement the lean manufacturing then one of
the objective is to reduce scrap because no one is interested to compensate extra inventory
on account of scrap. To increase profit percentage the cost pressures always become
headache for top management so they never accept continued mistakes like scrap, rework,
out of tolerance, etc. instead they are aiming to achieve value of zero in this segment.
When customers of any company buys product they rightfully expect defect free products
and conventional 100% inspection or statistical process control do not insure 100% defect-
free products. Hence there is a necessity to reach the root cause of any problem and
avoiding it, which gives us defect free product.
Poka-yoke is one of the presentations of “good kaizen”, or superior continual improvement
because of its preventive nature. A poka-yoke device or solution is any mechanism or idea
that either avoids the mistake from being made or makes the mistake easily detected at a
glance. The ability to find mistakes at a glance is important because, as Shingo states, "The
causes of defects lie in worker errors, and defects are the results of neglecting those
errors”. It follows that mistakes will not turn into defects if worker errors are discovered
and eliminated beforehand". He also adds to this that "Defects arise because errors are
made; the two have a cause-and-effect relationship. Yet errors will not turn into defects if
feedback and action take place at the error stage". It is therefore an effective approach to
apply mechanisms to prevent errors formation precisely at the moment they occur.


Fig.1.2:Cost of zero defects relation


Poka-Yoke technique can be applied both to prevent causes, which will result in
subsequent occurrences of errors and to carry out inexpensive control, determining
whether to adopt or reject the product. It is not always 100% probability elimination of all
errors, in such cases the task of Poka-Yoke methods is detection as soon as
possible.Analyze the process of product defects formation and its correction. It is
therefore the proposed method for reducing defective products by planning conditions
with requisite solutions in which error may not happen, or will be immediately visible
and captured.Shigeo Shingo has analysed in detail the process formation of defects and
errors from the source to effect. He said that mistake from the producer becomes defect
for the user. It should be therefore a maximum reduced and speed up action coupling
back, and so on :

 As earliest as possible signal error before it becomes the defect.

 Eliminate possibility of the occurrence error (inspection at source, verify the


conditions under which runs the operation in order to eliminate the possibility of
formation of error).

The Poka-Yoke is a technique for avoiding human error at work. A defect exists in either
of two states,the defect either has already occurred, calling for defect detection, or is about
to occur, calling for defect prediction. Poka-yoke has three basic approaches to prevent or
reduce defects: shutdown, control, and warning. The technique starts by analyzing the
process for potential.

1.6 USES

 Processing errors: Missing a process operation or not performing it according to the

standard operating procedure.
 Setup errors:Setting machine adjustments incorrectly or using the wrong tooling.
 Missing parts:Not all parts included in the assembly,welding or other processes.
 Improper parts/items:Wrong part used in the process.
 Operations errors:Carrying out an operation incorrectly; having the incorrect version
of the specifications.
 Measurement errors:Errors in machine adjustment,test measurement or dimensions of
a part coming in from a supplier.



The common device used in Poka-Yoke systems are:

1. Guide pin

2. Blinking light and Alarms

3. Limit Switches

4. Proximity switches(sensor)

1. Guide pin:

Guide pins are often used as a means of ensuring the accuracy with which machined parts
are stacked on top of one another. They may also be used as a means of correctly
aligning one component of a two-part system with the other.

The pin may actually come in the form of a bolt with a tapered end or even in the shape
of a bullet with the corresponding piece containing metal or plasticized grommets at
every contact point. The grommets would allow the guide pins to penetrate the secondary
component in order to ensure the accurate configuration of the two parts being put together.

2. Blinking light and alarm:

Modular design with sturdy housing for all indoor and outdoor applications in tough
conditions wherever machine status needs to be displayed and warning signals given.

3.Limit Switch:


A limit switch is an electromechanical device that consists of a actuator mechanically

linked with a set of contacts. When any object comes into contact with the actuator, the
device operates the contacts to make or break an electrical connection. Limit switches are
used in a different type of applications and environments because of their ruggedness, ease
of installation, and reliability of operation. Limit Switch can determine the presence /
absence, passing, positioning, and end of travel of an object. Limit switch were first used to
define the limit of travel of an object; hence the name "Limit Switch".

4. Sensor:

A sensor is a transducer whose purpose is to sense (that is, to detect) some characteristic of
its environs. It detects events or changes in quantities and provides a corresponding output,
generally as an electrical or optical signal; for example, thermocouple converts temperature
to an output voltage.

But a mercury-in-glass thermometer is also a sensor. Sensing devise are traditionally used
in poka-yoke.
i. Physical contact device
ii. Energy sensing device

(a) Photo electric Sensor

The transmitter and receiver of the thru-beam sensor and housed in different cases that are
separated from each other the Emitter(E) Transmits directly to the receiver(R). If object(O)
interrupt the light beam, the receiver voltage drop and function is initiated.The thru-beam
sensor are used to monitor production and packing lines to measure full state .


fig.2.1 Sensing object interrupts the light

(b) Vibration sensor

Page | 365 (b) Vibration sensor

Despite the advances made in vibration monitoring and analysis equipment, the selection of
sensors and the way they are mounted on a machine remain critical factors in determining
the success of any monitoring program.
Money saved by installing inferior sensors is not a prudent investment since the
information provided about the machine of interest often is not accurate or reliable. Poor
quality sensors can easily give misleading data or, in some cases, cause a critical machine
condition to be completely overloaded.

Fig.2.2 Vibration sensor




3.1 Poka-yoke methods :

The Poka-Yoke is an innovative technique for to keep away human error at work. A
defect or imperfection exists in either of two states; the defect either has already occurred
in that case calling for defect detection, or is about to occur in that case calling for defects
prediction. The technique starts by analysing the process for potential problems, identifying
parts by the characteristics of dimension, shape & size and weight, detecting process
deviation from nominal procedures and norms. Depending on the basic functionality Poka-
yoke has three types.

1. Shutdown Poka yoke

2. Control Poka yoke

3. Warning Poka yoke

3.1.1 Shutdown (Prevention) Method:

In shut down i.e. prevention method Poka-yoke devices checks critical process
parameters and shut down the process when a situation moves out of the tolerance zone, it
is indicates of a defective product has either been produced or is about to be produced. That
is well known note that prevention is always better than cure. By implementing shutdown
method we can assure about 100% defect free products. It has 0 % chances to produced
defective products, up to this level we can reliance on it. E.g. Use of fuse in the electric
circuit. When there is an short circuit then fuse is operated and cut down the supply of
electricity resulting in avoiding any further accidents.


3.1.2 Control method:

In control method Poka-yoke devices are regulatory in working which are installed
on process equipment and/or Work pieces which make it impossible to produce defects
and/or to flow a nonconforming product to the next process. As like shut down is an
method control method gives 100% defect free products. The control make certainty that if
there is any defect, it is not coming outside the production line and does not reach to the
E.g. To avoid any wrong job loading in reverse direction on machine we can provide work
rest for the job which will avoid wrong job loading.

3.1.3Warning (Alert) method:

This is the method which makes the operator conscious about something is going
wrong. The Mechanism or simple idea is generated in such a way that Poka-yoke devices
Indicates or show to a worker that a defects has been produced. When operators get such
warning then he must immediately interfere the process to correct the process responsible
for causing the defect. In case of irresponsible behaviour of operator irrespective of
getting warning notice the next products will continue the same defect and produce
nonconforming products. In short again warning (alert) method depends human nature and
behaviour. It is concluded that alert method gives 30% of the guarantee of good products.
Actually warning method tells about existence of defect but does not assure and does
not produce 100% quality. The common warning method are use of blinking light and use
of beeping sound as alarm alert. e.g. Beeping sound or flashing of light in ATM machine
after removing ATM card from machine to warn operator that he is safe and ensure that
card is not in machine. Once top management decides to implement TPM culture in
organization then to compensate for defect free products successfully one should follow
the methodology of Poka-Yoke.


3.2 USES

Step by Step process in applying poka-yoke:

1. Identify the operation or process.

2. Analyse and understand the ways in which a process can
fail. 3.Decide the right Poka-Yoke approach, such as using a,
 Shut out Type: Preventing an error being made or an
 Attention Type: Highlighting that can error has been
made. 4.Determine whether a
 Contact Method
 Constant Number or Counting Method
 Motion-Sequence Method
5.Trail the method and see if it
6. Train the operator, review performance and measurement success.




The methodology of poka-yoke are:

1. Identify Problem
2. Observation at workstation
3. Brainstorming for idea
4. Select best idea
5. Implementation plan and implementation
6. Monitor and sign off

Step 1: Identify problem

In this stage the complaints coming from the customers (Both internal and external
customer) are collected. The principle of standard is determined by considering various
criteria’s like number of complaints from the customer& PDI( pre dispatch classify), the
quantity of defects detected by quality control, materiality defects (their impact on the
customer, costs, implemented process) and then data is collected broadly. As per analysis
all results of the collected data company plans for developing poka -yoke system for the
selected problem. In this way in first stage the problem is selected.

Step 2: Observation at work stations

In this step the actual on site study of the problem is carried out. The causes behind the
problem are sort out by using fishbone diagram (fishbone diagram is cause and effect
diagram given by Japans management guru Ishikawa).The causes may be related to man
skill, machine, material or method accordingly the complete sorting is carried out.


Step 3: Brainstorming for Idea

This is a technique to capture all creativity and skills of employee’s. In brainstorming

session the problem under study is put forward to committee. Then study problem given by
all members and give various solutions to avoid that defect. As each person has one
uniqueness this step concludes with various solutions to avoid that defect. As each person
has one uniqueness this step conducts with various alternative for some problem.

Step 4: Select best ideas

After getting all various alternative solutions it is time to select best one out of all collected
solutions. Criteria for selection may be cost, problem create after istallation, time required,
changes in existing system, opportunity to develop new solutions, simplicity in operation
etc. By referring all selection criteria’s committee concludes With one best solution.

Step 5: Implementation plan and implementation

This step is concerned with implementation planning& installation. It deals with material
requirement, processing the material and finally manufactured mechanism is implemented
at actual working site.

Step 6: Monitoring and sign off

The produced products are checked for defects under study also the performance of poka-
yoke system is also monitored and project is shut downed.


fig-4.1 Poka-yoke System design

4.2 Methods Of Obtaining Poka Yoke

Poka yoke ideas are simple but creative in operation and generation. According to
Shingo [Shingo,1986],"Defects will never be reduced if the workers involved do not
modify operating methods when defects occur."

Following are some of the simple ideas (hints) to avoid mistakes: -

1) Using Shapes and Colors

2) Software Warnings and Reminders
3) Using Dialogue Boxes and Software Checks
4) Using Switches and Automatic Braking
5) Using Checklists
6) Visual Prevention Methods
7) Using Lights, Sounds, Signs and Barriers Etc.




5.1 Challenges and Limitations of Poka Yoke

As per up till discussion in the paper it seems that poka yoke is one of the best tool in total
quality management but we have to think about the obstacles and challenges against poka

1. Practical implementation of the mechanism or solution is not possible.

2. Process parameters don’t allow changing the existing system.
3. Sometimes the poka yoke is not cost effective.
4. Interdepartmental relations between production and quality depth are not good
so each one think that I don’t have to do anything with that issue.
5. Now also we are depending on statistical process control.
6. Expert advice is needed for new creative and challenging tasks .It may
happen that experts are not available with small scale industries and expert
advice is not economical for their financial health.

5.2 Examples of Poka Yoke

1. Spindle of CNC machine starts only after closing the safety door. If door is open
then machine will not run. It is shut down poka yoke to avoid accidents.
2. The guide pins are used in stamping dies for correct alignment of upper and lower
portion. If there is improper matching assembly of dies will not take place. It is shut
down poka yoke.
3. If we want to close any file in operating software (e.g. Microsoft Word) it asks for
save it or cancel dialogue box. This is warning system against by mistake closing of


file. It is warning poka yoke. corresponding pin in opposite or wrong way. It is

control poka yoke system.
4. To avoid parallax error in reading the measuring instrument small mirror is
placed below the moving pointer. By referring pointer and its mirror image we
can take proper reading. It is warning poka yoke.
5. The socket for USB on the computer is designed in such a way that we can’t
connect pen drive or any corresponding pin in opposite or wrong way. It is control
poka yoke system.

6. Pressure relief valves are used in hydraulic circuit to prevent damage to system due
to high pressure. In case of high pressure the excess oil bleed off through check
valve to the reservoir. It is control poka yoke system.
7. Check list is used to confirm that all sub components in assembly are assembled.
It is control poka yoke system.

Eg.5.1.Poka yoke in these pluges ensure

they can enter only in a certain way


Eg.5.2 This form mistake-proofing helps

Prevent accidents

Eg.5.3 Valves are an error-proofing example in nature that

Prevent back-flow of blood


Eg.5.4.This electric socket has used poka yoke in a cover to make it child-proof

Eg.5.5 Roller coasters have error-proofing devices for safety



To err is human nature so we can’t blame human being for each and every mistake. As like
err, Intelligence is also human nature so we can dominate preceding nature by next nature.
Poka yoke is just a face of that intelligence. We can avoid all the mistakes at the source
itself by using above mentioned methodology. About mistake proofing we can say that it is
a system for organizing work that eliminates any chances of error by new user is also. It
also allow user to function without mistake or prevent error that are about to occur. In
order to implement quality management system successfully each activity should aim
towards excellence.
Poka yoke is one of the most important tools in TQM (total quality management).
Efficacious poka yoke results in increased productivity with minimum waste (waste due to
rework, scraps) because we are sure about the quality of product, as mistakes are blocked
at source itself. There may be any practical limitations in poka yoke but we have to
overcome all that for achieving the aim of product manufacturing “Fault, Waste & Delay”
all of them zero. In one decision Poka-yoke (Mistake proofing) is launching preventive
actions for systematic movement on the success ladder of QMS with higher level of
performance and productivity of system with high quality products at minimum cost.


The response to the questionnaire may be limited by respondent’s knowledge about poka-
yoke. The person who has extensive knowledge about poka-yoke could only provide
correct response to the questionnaire; else, the outcome will be unreliable input data/poor
response rate. Despite these limitations, this study will provide a foundation to trigger
furthering poka- yoke research. Further research in this area is needed to develop suitable
training programs to teach poka-yoke concepts, train the employees, and transform them as
lean thinkers. This would help to foresee the firm’s operations, learn to recognize the
value-added and non- value-added activities. This new proposal has to be effectively
implemented, not only to industries, but also to reach the minds of young engineers.



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