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Componente Curricular: Inglês

8º ano do Ensino Fundamental II

Nome: _________________1_________________________________________ Turma:


Sequência didática 5
Ficha de atividades 5.4cd

Movie genres and reviews

1. Ache 10 palavras no passatempo abaixo relacionadas a cinema, e escreva-as no quadro a seguir.

Componente Curricular: Inglês

8º ano do Ensino Fundamental II

2. Leia a resenha do filme Hereditário, de Ari Aster, lançado em 2018.

Ari Aster wrote and directed this glossy horror film, which is so well crafted that for its first
three quarters it manages not to insult the viewer’s intelligence. An artist, distraught over her
mother’s death, joins a grievers’ self-help group, to which she reveals her mom’s and brother’s
histories of mental illness; another mourner invites her to a seance, and soon the heroine’s son
and husband are threatened by a malignant, unseen force. Excellent sound design, atmospheric
art direction, and crisp editing heighten the tension, and the CGI is mainly reserved for the
grand finale. Toni Collette is flawless in the lead role, and there’s fine support from Gabriel
Byrne, Alex Wolff, and Ann Dowd. Unfortunately, the denouement is a stunning
(Acesso em 30/06/2022:

Observe os elementos presentes em uma resenha e suas especificações e complete o exercício


Elementos de uma resenha

Introduction: general information about the movie (title, release date, main actors,
filmmakers, film company and filming budget).

Summary of the story: a short exposition of movie plot, characters and their

Analysis of the movie: analyze the movie plot and its elements, such as colors,
camera techniques, costumes, etc.

Opinion: give your point of view supported with examples and facts from the story.

Conclusion: Announce whether the filmmaker was successful in his/her purpose.

Componente Curricular: Inglês

8º ano do Ensino Fundamental II

A. Highlight on the Hereditary review above the 5 different elements. Use different colors to
differentiate each one.

Agora é sua vez! Você irá escrever uma resenha sobre um filme de sua escolha. Responda às
perguntas abaixo para começar a estruturar seu texto.

B. Title of the movie:

C. Title of the review:
D. Who are the main characters of the movie?

E. Short summary of the story?

F. What is the theme of the movie?

G. Who would like this movie? (audience)

H. What is your opinion about this movie? (Give examples)

I. Would you recommend the movie? Why or why not?

Componente Curricular: Inglês

8º ano do Ensino Fundamental II

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

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