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Who is the fictional character that you identify most with, and why?

Whenever we think of any fictional character, generally we get an image of a superhero in our
mind. A superhero is someone who has supernatural powers, He saves the world from various
enemies and tries to establish a good society. For example, we all are aware of Superman,
Spiderman, He-Man etc. They have different supernatural abilities like Superman can fly, and
Spiderman can jump from one corner to other. But there is one fictional Superhero who can do
everything whatever any specific superhero does. He has all the powers. He is made from
natural powers viz; Fire, Earth, Water and Wind. He is none other than “SHAKTIMAAN”. Every
90s Child is aware of Shaktimaan. As it was telecasted on National Television that too every
Sunday. The reason why it got so popular was that during the 1990s in India hardly there were
any famous shows for Children and along with that the availability of the media was not as easy
as it is today. So it was watched with a lot of enthusiasm and Children kept on talking about its
characters, the possible moves of villains and the expected action of Shaktimaan against them.
The famous villain characters were Tamraaj Kilwish, Dr. Jackaal, Saahab etc. They had only one
motive to create darkness in society by creating turmoil in society. Every time they kept on
sending various villains to make life difficult for society and Shaktimaan but every time they were
defeated badly. However, they kept on upgrading themselves by creating various masterplans.
This show faced several broadcasting issues when it was peaking. The broadcaster demanded
more money from the producer of that serial. This increase in price per episode created budget
issues for the producer and director. The sponsors were declining and it became unfeasible to
run the show from there on.

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