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1.What are the factors that bring diversity in the classroom? Explain each.

The factors that bring diversity in the classroom are race, socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity,
religious beliefs,

Race diversiy - “a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits.It means
understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual difference.

socio-economic status diversity - mix of students from different income levels, social backgrounds, and
in some cases, racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Gender diversity - equitable or fair representation of people of different genders

Etnicity diversity - identity related to a specific cultural or national tradition. It refers to the presence of
different ethnic backgrounds or identities

Religious belief diversity - is the fact that there are significant differences in religious belief and practice.
It has always been recognized by people outside the smallest and most isolated communities.

In order to ensure that each student in the classroom is gaining the maximum benefit, teachers have to
understand and treat each student as a unique individual. Doing so is the first step in fostering diversity
in the classroom.

2 . Based on the discussion, what teaching strategies may consider in student diversity? Why?

Based on the discussion the teaching strategies that may consider in student diversity is Encourage
active learning . Encourage active learning have a great impact on the students learning. It promotes
recall and deeper understanding of material, as students are engaging with the content rather than
simply listening to it. It helps to maintain student concentration and deepens learning towards critical
thinking. Active learning develop collaborative skills, encourage risk taking, and increase engagement.
Encouraging active learning helps students to achieve higher grades, based on their enhanced skills and
understanding. Because active learning encourages students to take a central role in their own learning,
it prepares them to be a bettter learner.

3 Cite two learning/thinking styles and multiple intelligences and explain it.

Kinesthetic - is a learning style in which the learner carrying out physical activities rather than listening in
a lecture or demonstration. Students who kinesthetic learner's best understand information through
tactile representation of information. These students are hands- on learners and learn through figuring
things out by hand. Kinesthetic learners are natural doers. They learn best when they process
information while being physically active or engaged. They tend to learn best when they are physically
active, or through learning activities that involve active participation.

Synthesists - They are the creative thinkers. They defined by their creative and curious nature. They love
to explore more abstract ideas. Synthesists are perceived being argumentative as they’re quick to bring
attention to opposing view. These creative thinkers are first acknowledging others’ ideas before
presenting alternatives.

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence - Students communicate through language. Students use words effectively.
These learners have highly auditory skills often think in words. They like reading or making stories. It
promotes linguistic learning as a valuable tool because it helps learner learn new things.

Logical / Mathematical - They are called " number smart ". Logical/ mathematical students enjoy
working with numbers . They can easily interpret data and analyze abstract pattern. They think in terms
of cause and effect.

4. Multiple Intelligences School Activities

1.Play The Matching Game

2. Conducting an interview

3. Playing soduko puzzles

4. Creating games that incorporate music

5. Role playing

6. Debating an issue with a team

7. Writing an auto biography

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