A Sudden Silence Eve Bunting May 14 Noah Snauwaert

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Test English

Datum: Teacher: K. Bulcke

Book: A Sudden Silence(Eve Bunting)

Name: Noah Snauwaert Class: 4a /15

Nr.: 32 > %

1)Who is talking in the fragment below ?

‘He wasn’t looking at me, he was looking at Cloe, swaying back and forth, his hands in the
pockets of his red blazer. ‘Hey ! You’re the looker who was in her that time with the deaf kid.
The one who racked up all the numbers ? Man, was that boy a whizz, or what ? I never saw
a more coordinated kid, and him as deaf as a dish.’
a)the manager of a surf shop
b)the manager of a record shop
c)the manager of a supermarket
d)the manager of a video arcade

2)There’s some new graffiti on the subway walls. Whose names are there ?
a)Bry’s, Cloe’s and Jesse’s
b)Bry’s, Jesse’s and Alexander’s
c)Bry’s, Jesse’s and Wilson’s
d)Bry’s, Cloe’s and Wilson’s

3)Bry couldn’t hear Jesse shout a warning before the car hit him, because …
a)a lot of loud music was coming from a beach party.
b)there was a lot of noise caused by the traffic.
c)Bry was deaf so he couldn’t possibly hear Jesse.
d)Bry was too far in front of Jesse to hear him.

4)When Jesse has finally traced Joseph Plum and his old Honda, he finds out that Joseph
can’t possibly have killed Bry. Why not ?
a)The car is the wrong colour, size and shape.
b)Joseph only drives his car on the beach.
c)The car has been in a garage because it’s out of order.
d)The car has no lights and it’s only driven in the daytime.
5)’He said they were walking through Laguna one day and she saw a beautiful old
handmade clock in an antique shop window that she wished she had for her room, and
Bry decided he couldn’t afford that, but he could sure make her a hand-tooled one.’
Who did Bry want to make a clock for ?
a)his mother
b)his grandmother
c)his girl, Cloe
d)one of his neighbours

6)Read these statements and choose which of the four possibilities is correct.
Statement I : Cloe said they could make posters asking if anyone saw anything on the night
Bry was killed.
Statement II : Jesse told Alexander that he wanted him to make a kind of police sketch of the
guy in the black jacket.

a)Only statement II is true.

b) Only statement I is true.
c)Statements I and II are both false.
d)Statements I and II are both true.

7)Whose room is described in the following passage ?

‘This place was worse than mine. Two surfboards lay in a corner. A wet suit was draped
across the dressing table mirror. I guess that was a dressing table underneath, though it was
so jumbled with stuff that it was hard to tell. There were fins and rubber boots and a weight
set and weights stacked any old way.

8) Which of the following summaries is correct ?

a)When Bry Harmon has been killed in a road accident, his brother Jesse tries to find the
drunken driver. When he finally discovers the killer’s identity, he feels he will be able to
forget all what has happened.
b)When Jesse’s brother Bry has been killed by a drunken driver, a search for the killer is
started. Jesse first suspects a young man, but when he finds out who really caused his
brother’s death, he ends his friendship with Cloe.
c)After Bry’s death, his brother Jesse tries to find the drunken driver with the help of the
police and some of his friends. The police find the killer and Jesse’s friendship with Cloe
consequently comes to an end.
d)After Bry has been killed by a drunken driver, his brother Jesse starts a search for the
killer. Jesse finally finds the guilty person after which he asks Cloe to be his girlfriend

9) Why does Jesse, in a way, feel guilty of his brother’s death ?

a)He walked in front of Bry, instead of walking behind him.
b)He feels he saved himself instead of trying to save Bry.
c)He didn’t warn Bry of the danger in time.
d)He allowed Bry to walk too close to the road.

10) ’I’d walked maybe fifty yards when I saw it. It was almost at the entrance to Del Mar, but
if I hadn’t been on this side of the wire I’d have missed it altogether. There’s a lot of junk
in here, mostly thrown from passing cars. There are old beer cans and wine cooler
bottles and fried chicken bones, black with ants.’ Jesse saw…
a)some car tracks.
b)a dirty glove.
c)one of Bry’s shoes.
d)a piece of paper.

11)Cloe says she hates liquor ‘more than anything else because it destroys’.
What is the reason ?
a)Cloe is a heavy drinker herself.
b)Cloe’s father is an alcoholic.
c)Cloe’s brother has alcohol problems.
d)Cloe’s mother is addicted to alcohol.

12)Where are Jesse and Cloe in the following part of the story ?
‘We sat close and quiet, watching the fireworks explode below us. Our boat drifted across
the darkness. The sky was filled with shooting stars, and I knew I’d never forget the magic of
this fourth of July night, here with Bry’s girl.’
a)in a boat close to the beach
b)on the veranda of the house where Cloe lives
c)on the cliffs overlooking the beach
d)in Cloe’s car on the road along the coast
13)Who was/were in the car that killed Bry on that fatal night ?
a)Mrs Eichler
b)Mr Eichler
c)Mr and Mrs Eichler and their children
d)Mr and Mrs Eichler

14) During the surfing competition at White Sands, Jesse meets Debbie Green and watches
the spectacle together with her.
Why does he leave Debbie in the course of the day ?
a)Cloe cuts her foot and he takes her to hospital.
b)He has spotted a guy he wants to question about Bry’s death.
c)He prefers the company of Cloe, who is also there.
d)It gets too hot to stay on the beach, so he goes home.

15)Who says the following passage to Jesse at the end of the novel ?
‘Everybody’s left with something to regret, Jesse. We just have to go on the best we can.’
a)his father
b)his mother
d)Mr Eichler

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