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Roll No.


Department of Applied Sciences
B. Tech. (SEM: II)
CT-1 Even Sem, 2020-21, May, 2021
Subject Name: Fundamentals of Mech. Engg. & Mechatronics Subject Code: KME-201T
Max. Time: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Faculty Name: Mr. Ujjwal, Mr. Sachendra

CO1: Understand the concept of stress and strain, factor of safety, beams
CO2: Understand the basic component and working of internal combustion engines, refrigerator and heat
pump, air-conditioning.

Note: Attempt all sections.

Section A
Attempt all questions. (2x6=12)
Q. Question Marks CO BL
A Explain Poisson's ratio (µ)? 2 1 2
B Define Shear stress and strain. 2 1 1
C What is the relationship between Young’s modulus of
Elasticity (E) and Shear Modulus of Rigidity (G)? Define 2 1 1
Elastic Limit.
1 D A heat pump is absorbing heat from the cold outdoors at 5°C
and supplying heat to a house at 22°C at a rate of 18,000 kJ/h.
2 2 1
If the power consumed by the heat pump is 2.5 kW, the
coefficient of performance of the heat pump is?
E How External combustion engine is different from Internal
2 2 1
combustion engine.
F Define Dry Bulb Temperature and Wet Bulb Temperature. 2 2 1

Section B
Attempt all questions. (6x4=24)
Q. Question Marks CO BL
2 Derive the relationship between Young’s modulus of Elasticity and 6 1
Bulk modulus of Elasticity.
A solid steel rod of 8mm in diameter and 600mm long is rigidly 3
fastened to the end of a square brass bar 30mm on a side and 450mm
long. An axial tensile force of 8kN is applied at each of extreme ends.
Determine the elongation of assembly. For steel, Es=200Gpa and for
Brass, Eb=90Gpa
Calculate the force P3, necessary for equilibrium if P1 = 150 kN, P2 =
220 kN and P4 = 160 kN. Also determine the net change in length of
the bar. Take E = 200 GN/m2

3 A rectangular bar 500mm long and 100mm x 50mm in cross section
is subjected to force as shown in fig. Determine the change in
volume of the bar? Take E=200 GPa and m= 0.25 6 1

Illustrate the working of Window Air Conditioner.
4 OR 6 2
Show the classification of IC Engine and illustrate working of 4-
stroke SI Engine.
Discuss the thermal efficiency of heat engine and COP of
refrigerator and heat pump in detail. Derive the relation of COP 5,6
between heat pump and Refrigerator
5 A Refrigerator system operating on reversed Carnot cycle produces 6 2
400kg/hr of ice at -50C from water at 300C.Make calculations for
(a) the power required to drive the machine,
(b) the heat rejected from the system
Take latent heat of freezing = 335kJ/kg, specific heat of ice =
2.1kJ/KgK, specific heat of water = 4.187 kJ/KgK.

Attempt all questions. (7x2=14)
Q. No. Question Marks CO BL
6 A bar 2 cm x 4 cm in cross-section and 40 cm long is subjected to an 7 1 3
axial tensile load of 70kN. It is found that length increases by 0.18 mm
and lateral dimension of 4 cm decreases by 0.0045 mm. Determine
(i) Young’s Modulus
(ii) Poisson’s Ratio
(iii) change in volume of the bar
(iv) Bulk Modulus
In an experiment, a bar of 30mm diameter is subjected o a pull of 60 kN.
The measured extension on bar length of 200 mm is 0.09mm and he
change in diameter is 0.0039mm. Calculate the poisson’s ratio and the
values of all the moduli (E,G,K) of the material.
Mention various methods of Refrigeration and illustrate any two methods
of Refrigeration.
7 OR 7 2
Describe Scavenging process. With the help of a line diagram, explain the
components of an IC Engine.

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