3-7 Ideas de Un Momento Historico

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1. Construction of the pyramid of the sun in Teotihuacan

To this day, the pyramid of the sun is one of the
most fascinating and enigmatic constructions in
the world, the beginning of its construction dates
back to the year I AD and is a reflection of the
splendor of the culture that settled there.
It is believed that the arrival of the settlers to this
city dates back to 100 BC. ; However, today the
data on the ethnic origin of its inhabitants and
the reason for their decline as a civilization as
well as the abandonment of the ceremonial
center are uncertain, wrapping this culture with a
halo of mysticism.
The pyramid of the sun and the entire
archaeological zone are under constant
investigation, even just a few months ago
discoveries were made that could completely
change the information that was had when
discovering that cultures such as the Mayan
lived there permanently, a fact that was
unknown completely before this discovery.
For these reasons, the construction of the
pyramid of the sun as a symbol of the civilization
that settled there and that is full of enigmas, is
one of the most interesting historical events in
2. Foundation of Tenochtitlán
In this important event in Mexico, legend
mixes with history. It is said that a tribe
arrived in what is now Mexico City guided
by the sign that their god Huitzilopochtli
had revealed to them: they had to settle
in the place where they saw an eagle on
a cactus devouring a snake.
Being a passage of history protected by
myth, there are no precise data on the
founding of the city, however it has been
established that it occurred around the
year 1325 or 1345.
This event is important because over the
years the capital of the Mexica became
the largest and most powerful of that time
in the world and dominated much of
Mesoamerica until the arrival of the
Spanish in Tenochtitlán. This fact is linked
to the arrival of Hernán Cortés to become
two of the most relevant episodes in the
history of Mexico.
3. The conquest
In January 1517, Hernán Cortés arrived
on the coasts of Yucatán to start an
expedition for exploration and trade;
However, upon arrival and after several
years of alliances, battles and
strategies, in 1521 what is known as
"The Conquest of Mexico" took shape
by defeating what at that time was the
most important capital: Tenochtitlan.
From that moment and officially, the
Mexica people formed the first territory,
which later with the conquest of the rest
of the cultures would be known as the
Viceroyalty of New Spain and which
would give rise to the mestizo Mexico
characterized by the meeting of these
two cultures.
For this reason, this event is one of the
most representative in the history of
Mexico, marking a before and after in
the life, culture and organization of the
4. The independence
of Mexico
Another historical Mexican event occurs almost
300 years after the conquest, and it is the
struggle for the independence of Mexico.
Led by priest Miguel Hidalgo, who summons to
take up arms on September 15, 1810, the fight
begins to end Spanish rule over Mexico and on
September 27, 1821 with the triumphant entry
of the Trigarante army, it is given by finished
this fight proclaiming independence.
However, it was until 1836 after several
attempts to reconquer, that Spain recognized
the absolute independence of Mexico.
5. Mexican
After 35 years of a dictatorial government
known as Porfiriato, the Mexican population
rises up in arms to achieve the overthrow of
President Porfirio Díaz, who under his
mandate achieved the economic growth of
the country but at the cost of the social
welfare of the most disadvantaged. sectors
that were already in great discontent. The
latter joined Francisco I. Madero's call to
take up arms, causing Porfirio Díaz to
resign and flee the country.
After this, when the elections were held,
Madero was the winner, generating the
discontent of other revolutionaries who did
not see in the new president a solution to
the demands of the majority of the settlers
mired in poverty, so the revolt did not it
would end until next year. assassination of
Francisco I. Madero, the succession of
Victoriano Huerta and his eventual
resignation due to the discontent of other
caudillos such as Francisco Villa and
Venustiano Carranza, who in 1917
promulgated the new constitution, putting an
end to this historical event in Mexico.

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