Muffles College Note For CXC

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Muffles College

P. O. Box 64, Orange Walk Town, Belize, C.A.

TEL: 322-2033 or 322-0302

October 24, 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian

The Ministry of Education has informed us that they will cover the entry, subject, local and SBA
fees for each one of our fourth formers to sit three CSEC examinations, including English A and
Mathematics. All Belizean secondary school students who register for the 2023 sitting of the
CSEC examinations will qualify for this grant. Furthermore, those who achieve Grades 1, 11 or
111 in a minimum of 3 CSEC subjects, including English A and Mathematics, will qualify for
assistance towards their tertiary education studies in Belize.

We are recommending that all our Fourth Form Students register to sit a minimum of three CSEC
examinations namely: English A, Mathematics and Spanish. The Spanish examination has an
oral fee of $15.00 that will NOT be paid by the Ministry of Education. Please note that the students
who would like to sit more than three CSEC examinations must get approval from their subject
teachers, and their parents must be ABLE to cover the cost of those additional examinations.

The below stated schedule indicates the fees for the 2023 Caribbean Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) Exam as well as the portion that the Ministry of Education will cover and the
portion that the parents would need to cover. We use the Cost for 3, 5, and 6 CSEC exams as

Fee Category Cost Cost of 3 CSECs Cost of 5 CSECs Cost of 6 CSECs

Entry (one time fee) $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Subject (per subject) $40.50 $121.50 $202.50 $243.00
Local Fee (one time fee) $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
Spanish Oral Exam (one time fee) $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
SBA (one time fee) $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
Total $206.5 $287.50 $328.00
Portion that MOE will pay $191.50 $191.50 $191.50
Portion that the Parents will pay $15.00 $96.00 $136.50

The deadline for registration for the sitting of the 2023 CSEC examinations is Monday, November
14, 2022. We are asking all parents to ensure that they meet this deadline since late entries are
strongly discouraged by the CXC Council. In fact, the late entry fee structure has been designed
in such a way to encourage the early submission of candidate entries and registration. The late
entry fee structure is as follows:
Fee Received Received Received
1– 23 January, 2023 24 January – 8 March 2023 After 8
March 2023
Late Entry $46.00 $76.00 $200.00
Amendments $46.00 $76.00 $200.00
(subjects and options)
Amendments $46.00 $46.00 $51.00
(personal details)

As you can see from the table above, after January 1, 2023, late entries and amendments will be
made however, an additional fee ranging from $46.00 to $200.00, will be charged. In order to
avoid paying these fees it is of outmost importance that your child meets the registration deadline.
Upon registering, students also need to register under their legal names - as stated in their birth
certificate. Therefore, any changes need to be communicated to us as soon as possible since
that name will also be used when we order their high school diplomas.

Any queries regarding payment should be addressed to our Accounts Department; please take note
that no credit is extended for CSEC exams. In due time the CSEC registration form will be sent
to you.


Mrs. Maria Urbina

Vice Principal, Academic Affairs

Kindly cut and return this portion of the note to your child’s Homeroom Teacher by Wednesday, October
26, 2022.


I parent of_____________________________________ of class __________________

acknowledge receipt of the note dated October 24, 2022.

Signature of Parent: ________________________________ Date: ______________

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