Ag Extension1

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INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the best answer

1. Communication comes from the Latin word______ which means “to make common”
a. Commnunis b. socious c. coursius d. sorcere
2. Communication is a process where a ______ sends a message to a receiver by means of some
channel to produce a response from the receiver.
a. Radio b. source c. television d. cellular phone
3. The term in communication that is referred to as the sum total of the individual’s experiences that
influence his ability to communicate is called
a. Field of experience b. common trait c. personality d. knowledge and skill
4. Communication is said to be effective when
a. The receiver’s response matches with the intention of the source
b. The source is intelligent
c. Feedback is given
d. Channel is made of modern technology
5. The traditional view of communication that needs to be changed in the context of extension is
a. One-way unicellular activity
b. Three-dimensional process
c. It is receiver-oriented
d. Multidimensional activity
6. Because of the continuous cycle, ever-changing nature of the communication process, it is viewed
presently as
a. Two-way, interactional activity
b. One-way unicellular activity
c. Resource-dependent activity
d. Static and slow moving process
7. The five basic elements of the communication process are source, message, channel, receiver and the
a. Effect b. technology c. network d. frequency
8. The message factor that refers to the symbols, the language used which could be verbal and non-
verbal is the
a. Message code b. message content c. message treatment d. message thought
9. The message factor that comprises the idea, the innovation or technology, the materials that are meant
to be expressed is the
a. Message code b. message content c. message treatment d. message thought
10. The message factor that has something to do with the arrangement, presentation and organization
code and content is called the
a. Message code b. message content c. message treatment d. message thought
11. The medium or means in communication by which as message travels between a source and receiver
is called the
a. Channel b. source c. station d. frequency
12. ______ is the information sent or fed back by the receiver intentionally or unintentionally to the source
a. Experience b. feedback c. news d. determination
13. The perceived believability of the source on the basis of his competence, trustworthiness and
dynamism is called
a. Homophily b. credibility c. integrity d. determination
14. _____ refers to the degree to which a receiver perceives the source as similar to him in certain
attributes such as age, language, etc.
a. Homophily b. credibility c. similarity d. integrity
15. One attribute of communication as a process which says that our response to message are bounded by
our experiences, needs, expectations and knowledge of those we communicate is
a. Dynamic b. systematic c. interaction with symbols d. meaning is personally constructed
16. The degree to which receiver is similar to source in some attributes is referred to as
a. Homophily b. heterophily c. hemiphily d. semiphily
17. The element in the communication process that creates a message that is also called the encoder is
a. Source b. receiver c. channel d. feedback
18. The element in the communication process that interprets the message is the
a. Source b. receiver c. encoder d. channel
19. Telephone, television and or radio are examples of what communication element?
a. Channel b. technology c. source d. encoder
20. Gatekeepers and opinion leaders are examples of
a. Media channels b. interpersonal channels c. influential channels d. community channels
21. The difference between what a receiver thinks, feels and dies before and after exposure to a message
is called
a. Purpose b. effect c. objection d. attention
22. A shift in the attitude opposite to that direction that is intended is known as
a. Conservation b. boomerang effect c. opinion change d. cognition
23. A type of communication effect that is characterized by the maintenance of the insisting attitude is
called a shift in an existing attitude to the neutral zone is called
a. Boomerang b. conservation c. reinforcement d. neutralization
24. A type of communication effect that is characterized by a shift in an existing attitude to the neutral zone
is called
a. Neutralization b. boomerang effect c. conservation d. reinforcement
25. The element of communication process that can be a sign or a symbol that has meaning to both sender
and receiver is called the
a. Channel b. source c. encoder d. message
26. Since the agent can have a chance of direct contact with clients and therefore getting first -hand
knowledge of the farmer and his situation, the most effected method to use are
a. Print media b. group methods c. information technology d. individual methods
27. ______ is the most common individual method, effective either for familiarization of the farm situation or
as a follow-up activity
a. Farm visit b. meeting c. demonstration d. group method
28. In general, effective teaching or communicating “how-to” information can be best done through
a. Result demonstration b. method demonstration c. radio computers
29. In a crisis, for example, livestock dying of FMD, the better method to inform people about it and its
positive solution is the
a. Campaign b. demonstration c. meeting d. discussion
30. “seeing is believing” is an age-old expression which is appropriate to
a. Method demonstration b. result demonstration c. object d. tour
31. The most effective method to find the reaction of people to issues like government programs or policies
is the
a. Group meeting b. print medium c, broadcast d. tour
32. ______ is an effective medium for campaigns and dramatizing local problems and situations
a. Popular theater b. radio broadcast c. news paper d. news item
33. _______ is effective in that it can be rerecorded and erased and therefore are reusable
a. Videotape b. tape recorder c. radio d. demonstration
34. Method of extension in which the client visits the extension agent in his office for a purpose is called
a. Personal appearance b. office calls c. tour d. discussion
35. _______ can be samples of plants or insect pests displayed or different seed varieties which exactly tell
what the topic is all about
a. Objects b. displays c. exhibits d. plants and animals
36. A very inflexible medium where a listener cannot record the message but is widely used in rural areas
through broadcast signal is the
a. Radio b. audiocassette c. T.V d. cable
37. A medium that is made from textured cloth or flannel that is hung or supported almost vertically is the
a. Film b. chalkboard c. flannelgraph d. exhibit
38. Medium used in extension that are exemplified by films, color slides, filmstrips and OHP transparencies
are referred to as
a. Traditional media b. projected aids c. printed media d. film
39. Those media used in extension communication exemplified by songs, dances, plays that convey
information in an interesting way are the
a. Printed media b. campaigns c. traditional media d. shows
40. The one that is used in extension where several media used in a coordinated way and over a period of
time to achieve and extension objective is the
a. Campaign b. caravan c. show d. display
41. An audiovisual aid used in extension that is suitable for notice boards inside and outside extension
offices, at demo plots or agricultural shows is the
a. Film b. chalkboard c. graph d. object
42. The media in which the signals are transmitted from a land-based transmitter, or by satellite or through
cables is the
a. Cable and T.V b. film c. show d. projector
43. _______ is that activity considered an extension method, which brings extension agents into contact
with clients whether in the market days, holiday celebrations or religious events.
a. Formal gathering b. informal contact c. demo d. lecture
44. A method that is used to convey information, which includes the performances of drama, singing and
dancing is called
a. Film b. popular theater c. telenovela d. exhibition
45. A method us to communicate agricultural information that uses dolls, small figures or images of animals
and people that also entertains is called the
a. Puppetry b. drama c. film d. play
46. As a process, the basic consideration of agricultural development is for
a. The country to become globally competitive
b. Agricultural resources to be more fully and rationally utilized
c. The agricultural sector to be at par with those in the industrial and other sectors.
d. The improvement of agricultural productivity
e. Sustainability
47. Agricultural development is manifested by
a. Increasing agricultural manpower
b. Modernization of the agricultural sector
c. Increased food security
d. Improvement in the efficiency of agriculture
e. Increased food sufficiency
48. Which of the following would be necessary condition for agricultural development to take place?
a. Change in the level of modernity of production inputs
b. Higher level of external inputs to agricultural
c. Change in access to productive resources
d. Improved level of agricultural production
e. Increase in cultivated area.
49. The new paradigm in agriculture is to look at farming as an/an
a. Way of life b. family tradition of uphold c. business d. good insurance when other occupation
fail e. art
50. Modern agriculture demands that farmers are
a. Their own decision makers regarding the farm activities
b. Up-to-date with their technologies
c. Science rather than tradition bound
d. Extensive adopters of external production inputs
e. Businessmen
51. The components of agricultural de elopement that will facilitate the attainment of its objectives are
a. Accelerators b. essentials c. fundamentals d. requisites e. elements
52. Which of the following is a wrong listing of the component of agricultural development?
a. Extension, production, marketing
b. Extension, governance, supply
c. Research, production, marketing
d. Extension, research, policy
e. Marketing, research, extension
53. Which of the following does not describe process?
a. It does not have beginning and an end
b. It is unidirectional
c. It is continuing
d. There are steps that are sequential
e. It is a method of doing something
54. Which is not an agricultural resource?
a. Water b. agricultural manpower c. air d. policies e. credit
55. One major concern of sustainable agriculture is survival because
a. Man expects to live longer
b. Food is no longer sufficient
c. Population grows exponentially
d. Many technologies (e.g GMO’s) are perceived to be threats to man and his environment.
56. Which of the following is an ecologically acceptable production practice?
a. Mono cropping b. planting along contours c. crop rotation d. heavy tillage
57. To achieve a “thriving economic and social order” requires changing production
a. Practices b. management c. structures d. inputs e. beliefs
58. Sustainability results to log term carrying capacity of regions which means that these areas will
a. Continue to be highly productive
b. Maintain their total agricultural land area
c. Exhibit a continuing modernization of agriculture
d. Experience no negative effects on the environment
59. The effectiveness of extension is best measured through its clientele’s behavior changes which are
a. Spontaneous b. random c. permanent d. voluntary
60. Extension is an intervention that is
a. Intentional b. experimental c. permanent d. voluntary
61. To induce change in its clientele, the extension agent’s tool is
a. Technology b. communication c. training d. institutional structure
62. One requirement in introducing interventions is
a. Cooperation of clientele b. strategic use of resources c. support of local officials d. sufficient
63. The first activity in extension agent work of intervening is
a. Informing people and local officials
b. Formulating objectives
c. Asking for budget
d. Organizing people in the intervenor’s agency
e. Deploying resources
64. In extension, the behavioral changes that the clientele must exhibit should satisfy their objectives but
must be according to the goals of the
a. Intervenor b. financial providers or benefactors c. local officials d. ruling elite
65. A veterinarian’s intervention that is directed towards sick animals is called
a. Medical b. expert’s c. specialized d. technical
66. When selecting an appropriate strategy to use in intervening , consider the
a. Cost of the strategy
b. Total manpower required to use the strategy
c. Objectives of the intervening agency
d. Intervenor’s familiarity with the strategy
67. Agricultural extension is a system of non-formal education because
a. It is not done by the people in the formal school system
b. It does not require a curriculum
c. It is graded non-formally
d. It is addressed to the “here and the now”
68. The focus of the agricultural extension is to assist the rural people to
a. Help themselves
b. Get as much education as possible
c. Get rich or better off
d. Use recommended technologies
69. The extension agent can provide rural people with the useful and practical knowledge only when he
(extension agent) understands rural people’s
a. Condition b. needs c. resources d. task environment
70. The agricultural extension agent’s task environment is at the same time
a. Economic, political, cultural and social
b. Technological, spiritual , social and cultural
c. Social, economic political and religious
d. Cultural, economic, technological, and political
e. Cultural, religious, social, economic
71. To attain improved level of living of rural people is conditioned by
a. Improvement in the overall economy
b. Peace and order in the community/country
c. Human resource development
d. Absence of calamities
72. Philosophy of extension is a synthesis of beliefs about life and a body of knowledge about
a. The out-of-school learner
b. The adult learner
c. The learner in general
d. The targeted learner of the extension being done
73. One’s view of life is based on his/her beliefs about what is
a. Good, possible and beautiful
b. Possible, noble and beautiful
c. Virtuous, beautiful and noble
d. Good, noble and beautiful
74. Philosophy of extension serves as the extension personnel’s
a. Guide to his actions
b. Standards of performance
c. Criteria for his decisions
d. Gauge for his extension programs
75. Philosophy of extension helps the extension agent in attaining
a. What he wants for himself
b. What is probable for his clientele
c. What is possible in relation to problems identified
d. What is necessary for framer’s life to be improved
76. When one’s actions are not according to one’s beliefs, the feeling that will be experienced is called
a. Affective resonance
b. Cognitive dissonance
c. Active-reactive resonance
d. Experimental imbalance
e. Effective resonance
77. When an extension worker makes a commitment to devote his time and talents for the upliftment of
economically deprive and disadvantaged communities, this is an expression of his
a. Vision b. mission c. goals d. philosophy d. objectives
78. Three of the four aspects of responsible well-being are
a. Developed capabilities, equity and sustainability
b. Equity, modernity, and developed capabilities
c. Productivity, sustainability, and equity
d. Equity, productivity and developed capabilities
e. Respect, sustainability and equity
79. Which of the following illustrates “livelihood security”?
a. Reliable access to adequate stocks, food and cash to meet basic needs
b. Ownership of agricultural land being operated
c. Sustained relationship between landowner and tenant
d. Permanency of employment as household help
e. Government support to production
80. The type of agriculture where the production of plants and animals is for the use of the family and not
for the market is
a. Sustainable agriculture
b. Extractive agriculture
c. Modern agriculture
d. Traditional agriculture
e. Participatory agriculture
81. The process of social and economic changes as a result of utilizing land, labor and capital is referred to
a. Modernization b. extension c. diffusion d. development e. participatory
82. The term for Extension in Spain is
a. Voorlichting b. forderung c, beratung d. capacitation
83. The term used for extension in Germany is
a. Penyuluhan b. vulgarization c. erziehung d. perkembangan
84. In which country is extension defined as simplification of the message to the common man
a. Austria b. Korea c. Dutch d. France
85. The meaning of extension as education is commonly used in
a. Austria b. Spain c. USA d. Indonesia
86. The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of the Philippines is also known as
a. Republic Act. No. 8435
b. Republic Act No. 8219
c. Republic Act No. 8315
d. Republic Act No. 8350
87. The term University extension is
a. USA b. Great Britain c. Japan d. China e. Australia
88. The father of university extension is
a. Charles Fuller Baker
b. Walt Rostow
c. James Stuart
d. Everett Rogers
89. The use of indigenous resources of knowledge is a practice of
a. Modern agriculture
b. Conventional agriculture
c. Sustainable agriculture
d. Traditional agriculture
90. This dimension is not a part of traditional agriculture
a. Human resources
b. Weather and Climate
c. Land and other Natural Resources
d. Infrastructures
91. The establishment of credit unions (Rural Bank of 1952) to provide production credit to the farers took
place under the term of President
a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Manuel B. Roxas
c. Elpidio Quirino
d. Ramon Magsaysay
e. Carlos P. Garcia
92. The Medium Term Agricultural Development Program was initiated by president
a. Carlos P. Garcia
b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Diosdado Macapagal
d. Corazon C. Aquino
e. Fidel V. Ramos
93. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program was a program of President
a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada
b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Fiderl V. Ramos
d. Corazon C. Aquino
e. Diosdado Macapagal
94. The Masagan 99 was a program of President
a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada
b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Corazon C. Aquino
d. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
e. Ramon Magsaysay
95. As President of the Philippines, he believed that research would address fully our rice problem and
could be the basis for a comprehensive solution
a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Diosdado Macapagal
c. Elpidio Quirino
d. Ramon Magsaysay
96. As a principle of sustainable agriculture, resources should be limited to what is absolutely necessary is
a principle of
a. Efficiency b. sufficiency c. consistency d. precaution
97. He was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines who was granted a loan of P75 M and
during his term, agricultural production increase sustainability.
a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Elpidio Quirino
c. Manuel Roxas
d. Ramon Magsaysay
98. Teaching method that cannot be improved by visual treatment
a. Telephone calls and radio programs
b. Personal letters and visits
c. Office calls and circular letters
d. Get acquainted and organizational visits
e. Interneighbor and organizational visits
99. Among the five senses, the most important in learning are
a. Touch and sight b. touch and smell c. sight and hearing d. smell and sight e. touch, smell and
100. Any device which utilizes the sense of sight in order to improve communication is known as
a. Primary Visual b. Displayed Visual c. Projected Visual d. Visual Aids e. Photograph and films
101. The classification of visuals is based on
a. Learning needs
b. Nature and use of visual materials
c. Type of audience
d. Methods of teaching
e. Audience and subject matter
102. Primary visuals are
a. Photograph including transparencies
b. Specimens and drawings
c. Forms, representatives, or reproduction of concepts or thing
d. Objects and models
e. Art works and symbol
103. They are powerful “attention getters” and “explainers” when used with news articles in
newspapers and magazines.
a. 0bjects b. photographs c. models d. graphs e. charts
104. The story that a picture tell refers to
a. The topic b. the title c. the content d. the caption in a newspaper e. the lead in the story
105. They are realistic replicas of real things
a. Objects b. specimens c. maps d. models e. symbols
106. It is a representative of a class or group of objects.
a. Pictures b. specimen c. maps d. models e. symbols
107. They are most useful with individual or group teaching methods.
a. Objectives and specimens
b. Films
c. Photographs
d. Television
e. Slides and filmstrips
108. They are flat representations of some portion of the earth’s surface
a. Graphic drawings
b. Pictures
c. Maps
d. Films
e. Posters
109. They are information supplied in tabular form to show sequence and relationships
a. Charts b. graphs c. line graphs d. statistical table e. bar graphs
110. They are the most accurate of all maps
a. Line graphs b. bar graphs c. pie graphs d. pictorial graphs e. b and c
111. They are important in showing trends and relationships
a. Graphs d. line graphs c. bar graphs d. pie graphs e. pictorial graphs
112. They are diagrams or lines representing numerical quantities intended for quick comparisons
and contrast of statistical information
a. Graphs b. line graphs c. bar graphs d. pie graphs e. pictorial graphs
113. Leadership is a group phenomenon, therefore it is
a. Concerned with a group of people having a problem
b. Specific to particular situations and a function of the situation
c. Concerned with a problem of a group and solutions to the problem
d. Dealing with a group and a leader
e. Dealing with a leader and problems of the group
114. They are essential to effective leadership
a. Knowledge of human nature and acceptance of the leader by the group
b. Empathy and intelligence
c. Self-confidence and a desire to assume leadership role
d. Knowledge of the area in which leadership will develop
e. A and D
115. Leaders who are enlisted and trained for specific job opportunities are called
a. Organizational leader
b. Activity leader
c. Program planners, council advisers, or committee members
d. Action leaders
e. Opinion leaders
116. One way to locate lay leaders is to conduct
a. Observations b. elections c. study and development meetings d. visits e. a and c
117. They are involved in advising and assisting the extension worker in the development of an
extension program
a. Opinion leaders
b. Action leaders
c. Activity leaders
d. Program planners, council advisors, or committee members
e. 0rganizational leaders
118. Which of the following is/are goals of AFMA
a. Poverty Alleviation and Social Equity
b. Global Competitiveness
c. Food Security
d. A, B and C
e. None of them
119. The stage of adoption process wherein the farmers would apply the technology on a large scale
in preference to old method
a. Awareness b. interest c. trial d. adoption
120. People participate in development programs and projects after they have been told of what is
going to happen or has already happened. This typology of participation is
a. Passive b. functional c. interactive d. cooperative
121. People participate in development programs and projects by providing the field but are not
involved in the experimentation or in the process of learning. This typology of participation is
a. Passive b. functional c. interactive d. for material things
122. When farmers knowledge level and attitude are being influence unknowingly this is called
a. Coercion b. manipulation c. exchange d. providing service
123. When power is exerted to the farmers to attain/reach their goal, there is
a. Coercion b. manipulation c. advice d. shared
124. A form of communication used in rallies and demonstration.
a. Interpersonal b. intrapersonal c. discussion d. shared
125. The Farmer’s analysis choice experiment approach was designed by
a. Rostow b. Contado c. Davide d. Chambers
126. The Phase III of farmers Scientist Training Program is
a. Testing and Adaption
b. Generation
c. Feedback
d. Transfer and Utilization
127. It promotes sustainable agricultural development in a corn-based production integrating crops
and animals production system in upland and lowland communities
a. FSTP b. IPM c. Farmer’s Field School d. Farming System
128. It is a system that is centered on providing farmers with relevant, clear and sensible advice,
which depends of two-way exchange of communication contacts between farm facilities, extension
workers, researchers and administrators.
a. Generalist b. specialist c. training and visit d. participatory
129. an extension approach wherein foreign advice is provided to local staff
a. general b. participatory c. project d. commodity
130. An extension approach practiced by DA-ATI
a. General b. participatory c. project d. commodity
131. The extension approach practiced by PhilRice
a. Participatory b. commodity c. general d. project
132. If upstream research is the responsibility of the national RDE network, downstream research is
the responsibility of
a. Regional RDE b. provincial RDE c. municipal RDE d. barangay RDE
133. An action which leads to desirable outcome is likely to be repeated in similar circumstances” is
the basic law of
a. Extension b. communication c. reinforcement d. encouragement
134. Recognition given by the people you respect is an example of
a. Rewards b. punishment c. reinforcement d. encouragement
135. People with perceive behavioral control will try to discover what they can do better if faced with
failure to obtain desired results. This behavioral control is
a. Self immunity
b. Self sufficiency
c. Self-efficiency
d. Self respect
136. Is an example of individual Method in extension
a. Farm and home visits
b. Fairs/exhibits
c. Campaigns
d. Field days
137. Is an example of Mass Media method in extension
a. Leaflets
b. Classes/seminar
c. Office calls
d. Model farmer
138. It is an example of Group Media method in extension
a. Tours/excursions
b. Indigenous Folk Media
c. Modern Information Technology
d. Informal contacts
139. Extension approach is the _________ of an agriculture system (FAO, 1988)
a. style of action
b. essence
c. doctrine
d. philosophy
140. They are the first persons in the locality who will adopt an innovation
a. Laggards
b. Innovators
c. Early adopters
d. Majority early adopters
141. A stage in adoption process wherein the farmer will week further information about the
a. Evaluation b. awareness c. trial d. interest
142. Diffusion of an innovation takes place if
a. The benefit of the idea are difficult to observe
b. It is possible to try the idea on a small scale first
c. The idea is impossible to adopt
d. The idea does not bring benefit
143. It is the total process by which an innovation spreads out among clients until a large number
have adopted it.
a. Intervention
b. Adoption
c. Diffusion
d. Evaluation
144. Reason for non-adoption of innovation by the farmers in the 1950’s.
a. Technology does not fit
b. Input constrains
c. Ignorance
d. Capital
145. An important point in an extension program which identifies the group of farmers to be reached.
a. Initial situation
b. Contents
c. Target group
d. Evaluation
e. Capital
146. The operational design by which a national government implements its extension policies
a. Extension method
b. Extension approach
c. Extension strategy
d. Extension policy
e. Extension principle
147. An extension program must determine the extent to which the desired program results have
been achieved and how will this information be used for improving extension. This part of the extension
program is being addressed by;
a. Initial situation
b. Contents
c. Target group
d. Evaluation
e. Methods
148. Is the success of an extension approach is measured by the total productivity of a particular
crop, this approach is
a. General extension approach
b. Commodity specialized approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Training and visit approach
149. Is the measure of success of this particular approach is farm people’s willingness and ability to
provide some share of the cost, individually or through their local government units, this approach is
a. General extension approach
b. Commodity specialized approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Training and visit approach
e. Cost sharing approach
150. An extension approach which is controlled locally, often by farmers association
a. Project extension approach
b. Participatory approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Educational institution approach
151. An extension approach wherein research results are tailored to meet the needs and interest of
local farming conditions.
a. Project extension approach
b. Participatory approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Training and visit approach
152. An extension approach includes a project management staff, project allowances for field staff,
better transportation, facilities, equipment, and better housing than regular government program
a. Project extension approach
b. Participatory approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Training an visit approach
e. Educational institution approach
153. Basic concept in extension which help rural people acquire knowledge, skills and attitude that
will help them effectively utilize the information of technology
a. Extension communication
b. Extension education
c. Extension system
d. Extension research
e. Extension management
154. An important role of extension in sustainable development is
a. Transferring technology
b. Promoting the use of external inputs
c. Marketing
d. Walking the learning path
e. Incentive system
155. Increasing private sector participation in the agricultural extension activities to improve the
delivery of services
a. Commercialization
b. Cost-recovery scheme\
c. Privatization
d. Revitalization
156. Basic concept in extension in which the delivery of extension services to the rural clientele or
farmers is being administered.
a. Extension communication
b. Extension education
c. Extension organization
d. Extension research
e. Extension management
157. Basic concept in extension wherein an organized and coherent combination of methods or
schemes to make rural extension affective in a certain area.
a. Extension approach
b. Extension strategy
c. Extension organization
d. Extension research
e. Extension management
158. Basic concept in extension wherein the structural and management set-up for the different
extension works.
a. Extension communication
b. Extension education
c. Extension organization
d. Extension research
e. Extension management
159. Basic concept in extension wherein schemes, methods or designs used in extension works to
achieve some goals.
a. Extension communication
b. Extension approach
c. Extension organization
d. Extension strategy
e. Extension management
160. Basic concept in extension wherein a modus operandi or an outreach activity or a university,
agency, NGO’S, or combined efforts of different entities for information dissemination or technology
a. Extension system
b. Extension education
c. Extension communication
d. Extension strategy
e. Extension management
161. The legal foundation of the whole cooperative extension work in the U.S.A is the
a. Morill Act of 1890
b. Morill Act of 1862
c. Land Grant Act
d. Smith Lever Act of 1914
162. The Land Grant colleges in the U.S.A were established through the
a. Morill Act of 1890
b. Morill Act of 1862
c. Land Grant Act
d. Smith Lever Act of 1914
163. The home extension service in the Philippines was funded in 1923 by Miss
a. Maria Y. Orosa
b. Eva Kalaw Katigbak
c. Helena Benetiz
d. Mecedes Conspecion
164. The Philippine adopted the Training and Visit system as a result of the appraisal of the country’s
agricultural extension service by the
a. World bank mission
b. Bell Survey mission
c. ASEAN mission
d. New Society Agricultural Task Force
165. The extension approach that is highly specialized and focuses on one export crop or one aspect
of farming is the
a. Commodity specialized approach
b. Project approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. General agricultural extension approach
166. The extension approach that is characterized by the traditional transfer of technology is the
a. Commodity specialized approach
b. Project approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. General agricultural extension approach
167. The extension approach where a project is implemented in a certain area and the planning is
controlled by the outsiders, the donor agency and the government is the
a. Commodity specialized approach
b. Project approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. General agricultural extension approach
168. The extension approach characterized by research and extension partnership and local people,
taking a systems approach to the farm or understanding the farm as a system is the
a. Project approach
b. General agricultural extension approach
c. Training and visit system approach
d. Farming systems development approach
169. The extension approach that is concerned with a broad range of agricultural concerns, shifting
its focus from time to time as village problems change or as needs arise is the
a. Project approach
b. General agricultural extension approach
c. Training and visit system approach
d. Agricultural extension participatory approach
170. The extension approach where beneficiaries or clients share some part of the costs is
a. General agricultural extension approach
b. Training and visit system approach
c. Agricultural extension participatory approach
d. Cost sharing approach
171. The ______ is an organized and coherent combination of extension methods and strategies
aimed at reinforcing the rules and regulation of the scheme.
a. Functional group approach
b. Technical change approach
c. Scheme approach
d. Target category approach
172. The ____ offers specific ideas or information to selected groups in a population rather than to
the whole farming population
a. Functional group approach
b. Technical change approach
c. Scheme approach
d. Target category approach
173. The ____ utilizes independent, self managed, and in most cases permanent organizations such
as the farmers associations or cooperatives in rural extension work
a. Functional group approach
b. Technical change approach
c. Scheme approach
d. Farmer’s organization approach
174. The _____ aims to work with particular groups of people joined together to achieve a shared
goal where change in behavior of group members is carried out by mobilization, organization, training,
technical and resource support\
a. Functional group approach
b. Technical change approach
c. Scheme approach
d. Farmer’s organization approach
175. The creation of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was the recommendation of the
a. World Bank Mission
b. ASEAN Mission
c. Philippine Congress of 1901\
d. Bell Survey Mission
176. The “death of Bureau of Agricultural Extension meant the birth of the
a. Local Government Unit’s extension division
b. Regional Consortium on Agricultural Extension
c. State Colleges and Universities extension centers
d. Agricultural Training Institute
177. The death of BAEX took place by virtue of
a. Executive Order (EO) 126
b. Executive Order (EO) 116
c. Executive Order (EO) 136
d. Executive Order (EO) 106
178. RA 7160 devolved the agricultural extension services of the Department of Agriculture to the
a. State colleges and universities
b. Local government units
c. Non-government organizations that are into extension works
d. Agricultural communities
179. Extension in Europe started with
a. Cambridge University
b. Trinity College
c. London University
d. University of Manchester
180. During the American regime, extension and research programs of the government were
implemented on April 30, 1903 with the establishment of
a. Bureau of Soils
b. Bureau of Agricultural Extension
c. Bureau of Agriculture
d. Bureau of Plant Industry
181. The U.S, agricultural extension work was formally instituted due to the extension programs of
universities and the establishment of
a. Land grant universities
b. Country agriculture centers
c. Model farms
d. Demonstration farm
182. Extension communication involves education because it is concerned with changes in ______,
skills and attitudes of its clients.
a. Knowledge b. opinion c. future d. behavior
183. The new name that replaced the agricultural Extension Bureau in 1963 that broadened the
scope of work that include increase in productivity of farms, and advancement of farmers etc, is the
a. Agricultural Productivity Commission
b. Agricultural Extension
c. Training institute for agriculture
d. Agriculture Productivity Institute\
184. _______set the beginning of extension work in the Philippines that served both as experimental
stations of the Spanish government and demonstration centers for farmers
a. Granja Modelos or model farm
b. Grandioso farm
c. Model Garden
d. Demo farm
185. The division that was considered the first formally organized government department
implementing extension and research program is the __________
a. Demonstration and Extension Division of the Bureau of Agriculture
b. Division of Science
c. Division of Horticulture
d. Division of Plant Protection
186. The agency formed out of the merging of the BAEX, the Phil Agricultural Training Council and
the Philippine Training Center for Rural Development is the_____
a. Agricultural Training Institute
b. Agricultural Extension Bureau Agricultural
c. Agricultural Advisory Centre
d. Farmer’s Training Centre
187. The name called to persons engaged in extension service or extension work such as farmer’s
cooperatives, rural credit, marketing and animal insurance is called_____
a. Farm adviser
b. Farm teacher
c. Extension educator
d. Extensionist
188. Effective communication means
a. There are no blocks or barriers in the communication
b. There is communication fidelity
c. Source of message ant its receiver are in homophily
d. Giving the message to the receiver
189. Which type of extension method requires a small group of experts or well-informed persons that
exchange ideas?
a. Brainstorming b. panel c. Philip 66 d. meeting
190. In the communication process feedback is
a. Channel-oriented b. message oriented c. source –oriented d. receiver-oriented
191. What teaching method would you use if you want the group to think and speak out freely and in
a spontaneous and unrestrained manner?
a. Panel b. symposium c. brainstorming d. meeting
192. The type of meeting that has for its purpose or reviewing a particular problem, suggesting a
number of solutions and deciding upon a course or action is the
a. Information meeting
b. Planning meeting
c. Special interest meeting
d. General meeting
193. Which of the following is not a subsystem of the extension delivery system?
a. Market subsystem b. Policy subsystem c.Technology subsystem d.User subsystem
194. According to MOSHER, the following are essentials of agricultural development EXCEPT
a. Markets for farm products
b. Education for development
c. Constantly changing technology
d. Transportation
195. Information extended through agricultural extension will be useful only if it
a. Enhances working relationships among farm people
b. Boosts morale of the poor and underpriviledged
c. Enhances efficiency of farmers
d. Improves the image of agricultural extensionists
196. The process used by agricultural extension in assisting farm people is characterized as
a. Advocacy b. educational c. manipulative d. propaganda
197. Which of the following in NOT an objective of extension?
a. Improve farming methods and techniques
b. Help farm people utilize information and technology
c. Influence policy makers re plight of farmers
d. Lift the social and educational standards of rural life
198. While extension is regarded as largely educational, it is a different type of educational from that
happening in schools and colleges because extension
a. Involves no coercion of any sort
b. Is free as it is fully funded by the government
c. Revolves around the farmers concerns only
d. Has no approve curriculum
199. The stage in the adoption process where mass media is the best source of information is the
a. Awareness stage
b. Interest stage
c. Evaluation stage
d. Trial stage
200. The stage in the adoption process where close friends and other farmers are best sources of
information is the
a. Interest stage
b. Trial stage
c. Evaluation stage
d. Adoption stage

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