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14th World Congress ofTFAC

Copyright © 1999 IFAC P-8a-04-4

14th Triennial World Congress, Beijing, P.R. China


Jing Wang and Liangdong Liu

Beijing Institute o/Control Engineering

p. 0. Box 2729
Beijing, 100080
P. R. China
Te!: (86-10)68745370,68378669

Abstract: This paper centers on the research of kinematic model of free-flying space
robot. From the system's extended total momentum (ETM), the generalized
expressions for the total momentum are obtained. By choosing different bodies the
corresponding kinematic models of free-flying space robot are obtained. In the end
some conclusions are drawn. Copyright © 1999 [FAC

Key words: Kinematics, Space Robot.

I. INTRODUCTION One major characteristic of space robot, which

clearly distinguishes them from grounded-flxed ones,
In space development and explorations in the future, is the lack of a fIXed base in space environment. If a
it is necessary for free-flying space robot to space atm is operated for a certain task, reaction
accomplish some extra vehicular activities such as forces and moments due to the arm motion disturb
retrieving, repairing and servicing activities instead position and attitude of the base body. Therefore, the
of astronauts (Dnbowsky and papadopoulos, 1993), conventional control method for ground-fixed robot
and free-flying space robot is expected to play an can not be adapted directly to the space robot.
important role in accomplishing precise and
dexterous missions ( Umetani and Yoshida, 1989). There are many studies on space robotics, but most
of them are based on the assumption that the base

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

body is stationary. Reaction wheel or reaction 2. EXTENDED TOTAL MOMENTUM

thruster is employed in them to maintain the attitude
of the base body in typical method of attitude control The space robot under study is assumed to be
of space robot. However, the ability of attitude consisting of n + 1 rigid body, connected by n
adjusting of reaction wheel is limited. When the revolute joints located at 01, 02, ••• , On, as shown
energy accumulated on the reaction wheel reaches in Fig 1.
the saturation limit, additional energy must be
removed. The employment of reaction thruster will Some definitions are given as follow:
consume excessive amount of attitude control fuel.
t i : the six-dimensional vector of twist, which is
As attitude control fuel is a nonrenewable and
expensive resource in space, the excessive use could defined as
greatly limit space robot's useful "on-orbit" life.

A free-flying space robotic system is one in which

the base body's attitude is not actively controlled
where CJ i and T/ are the three-dimensional vectors
during manipulator activity to conserve attitude
control fuel, in which case the base body will move representing the angular velocity and the velocity of
freely in response to the dynamical disturbances
the mass center of the i th body, C t , respectively.
caused by the manipulator's motion. The drawback
in kinematic problems of free-flying space is that,
For the end-effector, t e represents the twist of point
even the forward kinematics has remarkable
difficulty, moreover, much more difficulty will arise E on the end-effector.
in the inverse problem(Longman, et al.,1987; Vafa
M{: the 6 x 6 extended mass matrix of the i th
and Dubowsky, 1990). Umetani and Yoshida (1989)
proposed a generalized 10cobian matrix for free- body, given by
flying space robot. Others also derive the matrix
(Yokohji, et al., 1993; Mukhetjee and Nakamura, (2)
1992 ). In all those attempts, a body must be selected
first in order to derive the kinematics model. Then,
where m; and I; are the mass of the i th body
the velocities of the selected body are used to express
the total momentum of the system. Finally, the
and its 3 >< 3 inertia tensor about C;, respectively.
kinematic model is derived. The disadvantage of this
approach is that no generalized expression for the Whereas I and 0 are the 3 x 3 identity and zero
total momentum is available, because the expressions tensors, respectively.
for the total momentum are different in terms of h: the six-dimensional extended total momentum
different selected bodies, and it can not suggest a (ETM) of the system, which is defined as
suitable and more efficient choice of the body.

In order to overcome these problems, this paper

h=[:] (3)

analyses the total momentum again, and derives the where a and m are the three-dimensional vectors
generalized expression for the total momentum. By of total angular momentum and total linear
choosing different bodies, different kinematic models momentum about an inertially flxed point, 0 of Fig. 1 ,
are obtained. In the end, by comparing these different respectively. They are defined as
kinematic models some conclusions are drawn. n n
a.:::;: L.(I;ffi; + T j X mJ'J ), m = "Lmjr; (4)
j=~ ;=0

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

end-effector can be chosen.

03 Oi
02~ 0
/0 3.1 Kinematic Model Using the Base Body as the
Selected Body

From kinematic constrains, the generalized twist of

the space robot, t of (7), can be expressed as


where Ao and Do are the 6(n + 1) x 6 and the

6(n + 1) x n matrices, respectively. {} is the vector

o Inertial Frame
of the joint rates, i.e.,

Fig. I. A schematic diagram of space robot

where e (i = 1, ... , n) is the angular displacement


The 6 x 6 matrix Bp is dermed as

of the revolute joint located at OJ' Fig. 1.

From (6) and (8), h is then obtained as
where 1 and 0 are the 3 x 3 identity and zero
h = iolo + BMD/3 (10)
tensors, respectively.

where j (} is a 6 x 6 matrix, given by

From (3), (1), (2) and (5), the generalized expression
for the total momentum is obtained, given by
h = L: RiM,I} == BMI
10 is always nonsingular. This can be explained as

follows. For 9=0, then h = 10/0' Now, for

nonzero i o, it is physically impossible tor the

Mal, momentum to be zero. This physically signifies that

(7) the matrix i (} has no null space and is hence

invertible. Equation (IQ) is identical to

Equations between the twist of the base body and the
From (6), we know that if a body is selected, the total joint rates of the manipulator are written from
momentum h can be expressed by the velocities of kinematic constraints as
the selected body. Generally, the base body and the

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484


From (14) and (19), some conclusions can be drawn,

where J o and J m are the 6 x 6 and the 6 x n
matrices, respectively.
• If the base body's position and attitude are
From (12) and (13), the kinematic model of free concerned, the first approach is more
flying space robot is derived as convenient than the second approach. Equation
(12) shows how much the twist of the base body
effected by the arm. Equation (14) gives the
where relationship between the twist of the end-
effector and the joint rates of the manipulator,
i.e., the kinematic modeL

• If the twist of the end-effector is concerned only,

the second approach is more suitable and more
3.2 Kinematic Model Using (he End-effector as the
Selected Body efficient than the fIrst approach. It can be seen
clearly from (14) and (19). Equation (19) is the
From kinematic constrains, the generalized twist of kinematic model of free-flying space robot.
the space robot, t of (7), can be expressed as

• If the space robot is not effected by the external
environment's moments and forces, then the
momentum conservation principle is applicable,
where Ae and D .. are the 6(n + 1) x 6 and the
i.e., h =constant; if the space robot is initially
at rest, i.e., h =0. With the above two
6(n + 1) x n matrices, respectively.
assumptions, kinematic models of free-flying
space robot can be derived more simple.
From (6) and (16), h is then obtained as
This paper studies the kinematic model of free-flying
space robot. From the system's extended total
where momentum (ETM), the generalized expressions for
the total momentum are obtained. By choosing
le == BMA.. (18)
different bodies we get the corresponding kinematic
models of free-flying space robot. In the end some
I.. is always nonsingular, this can be explained
conclusions are drawn.

similar to ID. From (17), the kinematic model of

free-flying space robot is derived as REFERENCES

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Longman, R. W., R. E. Lindberg and M. F. Zedd
(1987). Satellite-mounted robot manipulators-New
kinematics and reaction moment compensation. The

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 6, 87-103.

Mukherjee, R. and Y. Nakamura (1992). Formulation
and efficient computation of inverse dynamics of
space robots. JEEE Trcms. on Robotics and
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Umetani, Y. and K. Yoshida (1989). Resolved motion
rate control of space manipulators with Generalized
Jacohian Matrix. IEEE Tram. on Robotics and
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Yokohji, Y., T. Toyoshima and T. Yoshikawa (1993).
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Vafa, Z. and S. Dubowsky (1990). On the dynamics
of manipulators in space using the virtual
manipulator approach. Journal of Astronautical
Sciences, 38, 579-585.

Copyright 1999 IF AC ISBN: 008 0432484

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