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Synthesis: Culminating Activity


1. Have you attended the recently concluded culminating activity? If yes, then proceed to
Q2, 3, 4. If no, then state your reason why then proceed to Q3,4.

I couldn’t attend the culminating activity because I got sick (symptoms were fever,
nausea, headache, and rashes) since June 14 and was going back and forth at the
hospital until June 22. I was going back and forth because I must do an antigen test so I
could book an appointment with my Ob-Gynecologist (because I’m also experiencing
prolonged menstruation). And when I met my doctor, I was asked to do a blood test and
ultrasound, then a follow-up checkup after her requests. Since then, I couldn’t do anything
but rest and only move when we’ll go to the hospital.

2. In the short span of time, how far have you known Sir Friend?

In the short span of time, I have known Sir Friend since the start of the Second
Semester. He’s a heartwarming and a very welcoming professor. He made sure to start
the class with us by making us feel comfortable in being active and cooperative during his
class. But other than building a good rapport with us, he also made sure that we learn a
lot from him and that we indeed learned. I also like how he remind us of every class
participation that we do, we must take a screenshot or proof of it so we can submit it.

3. Your personal message to Sir Friend either thanksgiving or apology letter.

Dear Sir Friend,

Thank you so much for being a kind and heartwarming person. I wish you good luck in
everything, Sir! I am glad that I get to know you and that I became one of your students.

Lynel T. Dela Cruz


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