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9. We hire our bicycle _______. A. by the hour B. by hours c. by an hour D.

for hours
by the hour theo tiếng
10. You can try asking Jim for help, but_______ any good. A. it won't do you B. it's
not doing you c. it wo n't be doing you D. it will do you
1. The school examination for eleven-year-olds was done_________ with some years
2. Tuck your shirt________ your trousers.
3. At first Tim insisted he was right, but then began to back ________
4. He is a solicitor________ profession
5. A huge crowd turned _________ in the pouring rain to cheer the president.
6. I don't like to make friends with the person who always runs_________ his old
7. They always close at six o 'clo ck ________ the dot.
8. It was late when we arrived and the party was ________ full swing.
9. He was___________ all accounts a very kind and gentle man.
by all account theo những gì thu thập được
10. Since 1 changed washing powders, my clothes have looked whiter and felt
softer_______ the touch.
1. Joining this project is a _____ . Just do it. (BRAIN)
no brainer điều hiển nhiên nên làm
2. There are a lot of_____ articles in this newspaper. Why not read it? (NEWS)
3. My cousin is a _____ person. He is aware of all the latest fashions and wanting to
follow them. (FASHION )
fashion-conscious yêu chuộng thời trang
4. The burglar gained entry to the building after_____ the alarm. (ABILITY )
5. Whatever happens, don't let this failure_____ you. (HEART )
dishearten làm mất tự tin tổn thương
6. Your carelessness may do _____ harm to people. (CALCULA TE )
incalculable rất lớn
7. The_____ listed for the pills meant that she couldn't take them because she may be
allergic to some of the chemicals in them. (INDICATE )
contraindications chống chỉ định
8. We were defeated because we were_____ . (NUMBER)
outnumbered đông hơn
9. It is _____ summer, but it's rather autumnal today. (THEORY)
10. This type of _____ screen enables drivers to have a clear view even when it is
smashed. (SHATTER)
shatter proof chống vỡstress
1. A. prerequisite B. necessity c. European D. synonymous
2. A. legislature B. repository c. magnificent D. mistake
3. A. argumentative B. psychological c. contributory D. hypersensitive
. A. consent B. obstinacy c. condolence D. equality
5. A. majority B. ceremony c. astronomy D. investiture
Crunning water
noun [ U ]
 /ˌrʌn.ɪŋ ˈwɔː.tər/ US 
 /ˌrʌn.ɪŋ ˈwɑː.t̬ ɚ/
water supplied to a house by pipes:
Some of these older houses still don't have running water.
Giữ miệng, không nói ra điều mà mình thực sự muốn nói (to stop yourself from saying
something that you would really like to say)
1. These days the castle is swamped with ________ of tourists. A. hordes B. cliques
C. mobs D. assemblies 2. By being rude to his superiors he is considered to have
__________ the mark. A. transcended B. outrun C. surpassed D. overstepped 3. I have
been back to the doctor three times and he still hasn't ____________ the reason for all
the pain I have been suffering from recently. A. indicated B. highlighted C. pinpointed
D. looked up 4. If you continue to ____________ debts at this rate, you will have to
declare bankruptcy eventually. A. save B. raise C. incur D. default 5. He
___________ a yawn as the actor began yet another long speech A. squashed B.
suffocated C. submerged D. stifled 6. I have tried every product on the market and still
I can't rid these curtains of the ___________ of cigarette smoke. A. fumes B.
fragrance C. stench D. aroma 7. Granddad would spend hours talking to us youngsters
around the dinner table ___________ about his happy younger days back east on the
farm. A. recalling B. reminiscing C. reminding D. memorising 8. The winning team
were roundly criticised by the local media for the way in which they had
___________ over the losing team. It was considered very unsporting. A. gloated B.
relished C. showed up D. dominated 9. I retired three years ago and didn't know what
to do with myself. Getting this dog has given me a new ___________ of life. A. burst
B. loan C. lease D. extension 10. As soon as the bomb was discovered by one of the
cleaning staff, the police had the area ___________ off and no-one was allowed
within two blocks of the cafe. A. fenced B. cordoned C. walled D. isolated KEY 1. A
2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B II. 11-20 GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 11. To be honest, Harry
has _________ than you have. A. been more helpful considerably B. been
considerably more helpful C. been more considerably helpful D. considerably been
more helpful 12. There are ________ words in English having more than one
meaning. Pay close attention to this fact. A. a large many B. quite many C. quite a lot
D. a great many Số phách 2 13. The doctor insisted that his patient ________. A. he
did not work too hard for three months B. take it easy for three months C. take it easy
inside of three months D. could take some vacations for three months 14. On being
told about her sack, _________ . A. her boss felt sorry for Mary B. Mary was shocked
C. Mary’s face turned pale D. all are correct 15. In no way _________ that people will
be prevented from organising peaceful protests. A. this law means B. means this law
C. does this law mean D. this law does mean 16. You can’t just demand _________,
you have to earn it. A. a respect B. any respect C. the respect D. respect 17. ‘Which of
these two men is Japanese?’ ‘_________ is.’ A. Both of them B. All of them C.
Neither of them D. None of them 18. I have never seen _________ before. A. such
good film B. so good film C. so good a film D. such good a film 19. Since they aren’t
answering the phone, they _________ . A. need have left B. can’t have left C. must
have left D. should have left 20. _________ to his brother’s graduation party, George
wouldn’t have met Mary. A. Had he not gone B. Hadn’t he gone C. If he has not gone
D. If he shouldn’t have gone KEY 11. B 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.C
20.A III. 21-30 PREPOSITIONS -PHRASAL VERBS Choose the best options to
complete the following sentences. 21. The service was slow and the bill was incorrect.
I put it ______ _______ poor management. A. down for B. in by C. in for D. down to
22. If you were giving a talk, would you want your colleagues in the audience rooting
______ you? A. on B. up C. for D. out 23. A couple of boys were _____________ in
the pool. A. impinging on B. larking about C. ploughing ahead D. floating out 24. We
were ____________ the task of writing a report of the college´s games. A. assigned to
B. taken over C. run up D. saddled with 25. He didn´t use his position on the council
to lord it ________ people. A. over B. upon C. for D. on 26. Anti-terrorist squad
officers _________ the area to search for possible bombs. A. sealed off B. set off C.
come through D. split up 27. Two men who had _________ in the container were
arrested when the police opened it. A. stowed away B. seen to C. broken off D. sat
around 28. As we were in an urgent need of syringes and other medical equipment, the
aid organization promised to deliver them the double. A. with B. in C. at D. round 3
29. The secretary dashed ___________ the weekly report to his director A. up B. off
C. of D. for 30. I __________ an important deal yesterday and she was so thrilled! A.
came across B. mucked up C. shot down D. gunned for KEY 21.D 22. C 23. B 24. D
25. A 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B IV. 31-40 COLLOCATIONS AND IDIOMS
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 31. There’s been a slight
improvement in his heallth, but he’s not out of the _______ yet. A. bush B. wood C.
hand D. reach 32. He’s unreliable at the best of times, but forgetting my birthday was
the last _______. A. drop B. breath C. straw D. despair 33. The government has been
forced into a ________ after the revelation of a cover-up. A. climbdown B. getaway
C. outbreak D. breakout 34. The workforce has been pared to the _______. A. quick
B. fruit C. ball D. bone 35. I don’t know if Ash would be right for the job; he’s a bit of
an unknown ________. A. quality B. qualification C. quantity D. identity 36. She now
says she didn’t really want the job that she failed to get, but I think it’s just ________.
A. a cup of tea B. an act C. full of beans D. sour grapes 37. Be realistic! You can’t go
through life looking at the world through _______. A. rosed-coloured spectacles B.
bright sights C. magnificent spectacles D. green fingers 38. Those were the ethnic
___________ we put people in then. A. dogholes B. pigeonholes C. boltholes D.
foxholes 39. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly ___________ this
morning. A. slow-witted B. far-reaching C. off-hand D. top-heavy 40. Searching for
one man in this city is like looking for a _________. A. salt of the earth B. sand in the
desert C. needle in a haystack D. drop in the ocean KEY 31.B 32.C 33. A 34. D 35. C
36. D 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. C
31. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the ________ of closing down.
A. verge B. hint C. edge D. threat
32. When it is very hot, you may _______ the top button of your shirt.
A. undress B. unwrap C. untie D. undo1. She ________ agreed to go with him to the
football match although she had no interest in the game at all. A. apologetically B.
grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly 2. Having lost her mother at an early age,
Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having to do absolutely everything for her
five brothers and sisters. A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse 3.
After the hurricane, all that was left of our house was a pile of _______. A. rabble B.
rubble C. ramble D. rumble 4. Fighting among rebel soldiers ________ last night and
a curfew has now been imposed on the city. A. enhanced B. aggravated C. heightened
D. intensified 5. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to
be both black and white ones, then the advantages of the _______ might well spread
in time to the hard-up. A. well-heeled B. big-hearted C. open-handed D. tight-fisted 6.
His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly
ever felt like working. A. adversity B. lethargy C. inepitude D. tactlessness 7. The
local authorities annually ______ between £50 million and £100 million on arts
projects. A. disperse B. disband C. disburse D. dispose 8. Julie felt unfairly ______
when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire staff team turned
against her. A prosecuted B. persecuted C. oppressed D. suppressed 9. Everyone was
living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a ______ heir
squandering his wealth. A. stingy B. miserly C. spendthrift D. penny- pincher 10.
Serena is still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant. A.
blissfully B. decorously C. jubilantly D. ecstatically KEY: 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6.
B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.A1. Everything looks very positive for the company, _____ the
current investors do not default on
their agreements.
A. assuming that B. whether C. whereas D. as if
2. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United
States _____.
A. as Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
B. rather than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
C. than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
D. more than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
3. ………………………..the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport
were horsedrawn.
A. With reference B. Akin C. Prior to D. In addition to
4. Suppose she _________ that outrageous story circulating around the office; she’d
be furious!”
A. has heard B. were heard C. would hear D. had heard
5. I’d rather you __________ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A. wouldn’t make B. didn’t make C. haven’t made D. hadn’t made
6. A new generation of performers, ____________ those who by now had become
household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than B. together with talented with
The sky darkened and there was a distant ____________ of thunder.
A. clap B. clang C. groan D. flash
2. Vietnam ____________ war against French colonial empire has gone down in
history as
one of the most epic, destroying the harrowing shackles of tyranny after nearly a
A. emancipation B. remission C. liberation D. salvation
3. Everyone was shocked to hear that a politician of his ____________ would
stoop so low.
A. credence B. stature C. guile D. affinity
4. A new treatment ______________, it became less prohibitive and more
effective to deal
with patients infected with tuberculosis.
A. tainted B. assorted C. repudiated D. effected
5. On 6th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing
thousands of
citizens and almost ____________ the city.
A. overruling B. annulling C. eradicating D. annihilating
6. His smirk suggested some vicious _____________, which terrified everyone at
the meeting.
A. subtleties B. allusions C. insinuations D. inertia
7. She was ____________ with guilt when she realized that the accident had been
her fault.
A. consumed B. ravaged C. devoured D. dazzled
8. That my brother ______________ boasts about his achievements is absolutely
A. inexorably B. incessantly C. intricately D. intrepidly
9. She lifted it over the fence and set off across the little meadow, _____________
and thoroughly enjoying it.
A. gathering B. collecting C. consuming D. firing
10. One of Kim’s secretarial works include taking the _____________ of the
A. gist B. crux C. minutes D. fundamentals
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D
6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C10. The dealer wanted £40 and I was only willing to pay £30,
but we finally agreed to..............the difference. A. drop B. decrease C. split D.
divide1. Call in and see our _______ of spring fashions today. A. selection B.
election C. production D. reputation 2. If you carry too much luggage, the airline
will charge an _______ baggage fee. A. extra B. additional C. excess D. over 3.
Modern farm animals are the result of centuries of selective _______ A.
reproduction B. cultivation C. mating D. breeding 4. One of the tigers has got
_______. Warn everyone of the danger. A. loose B. lost C. loosened D. escaped 5.
The city was under _______for six months before it finally fell. A. siege B. cordon
C. blockade D. closure 6. Digitally _______ messages can be delivered via cable
direct into our homes A. deciphered B. dialed C. numbered D. encoded 7. The
police said there was no sign of a _______ entry even though the house had been
burgled. A. broken B. burst C. forced D. smashed 8. The detective stood
_______behind the door waiting for the assailant. A. immovable B. motionless C.
lifeless D. static1. Reporters often investigate the lives of celebrities simply on the
_______ that they might discover something scandalous. A. upshot B. up-chance
C. off-chance D. off-shot 2. As a result of washing the jeans in very hot water, they
had ______ to a child’s size. A. faded B. shrunk C. reduced D. dwindled 3. Far
from finding the job too demanding, she seems to ______ the challenge it presents.
A. relish B. savour C. cherish D. luxuriate 4. He still suffers from occasional bouts
of a rare tropical disease which he ______ while on military service in Borneo. A.
gained B. infected C. incurred D. contracted 5. You look __________ ; what’s
wrong with you ? A. castdown B. downcast C. downpour D. downcrash 6. This
company needs ______ executives, men and women who are capable of taking on
a variety of roles, of multitasking of being polyvalent. A. versatile B. changeable
C. variable D. diverse 7. Since placing an advertisement in the local paper, we‘ve
been ______ with applications for the post. A. swamped B. bogged C. drowned D.
drenched 8. I ______ the interview by saying all the wrong things. A. bungled B.
jumbled C. stumbled D. bumbled 9. He shouts a lot, but as Shakespeare said: “
Much _________ about nothing” A. ado B. adding C. done D. noise 10. I gave
them ______ time to make a decision. A. spacious B. lavish C. extensive D. ample
Đáp án: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C B A D B A C A A D1. I don’t like the way that
Dennis is always trying to _____ trouble between us. A. dish out B. rub up C. stir
up D. spark out 2. Whenever there’s some fresh scandal about the royal family, the
public are always eager to ____ it up. A. flap B. lap C. swish D. gulp 3. Why
should we _______until we are 65 and then get nothing but a miserable little
pension that is impossible to live on ? A. slave off B. sweat away C. whip off D.
slave away 4. - Some of our students are very poor and can’t afford textbooks. -
Poor ! ______ ! They ‘ve all got portable computers. A. Come out of it B. Leave
off it C. Leave it off D. Come off it. 5. Peter was a quiet, studious child and the big
boys in the class used to _____ on him. A. rub B. pick C. crunch D. hit 6. Of
course Helen is upset at losing her job, but there is no reason to _____ on her
family. A. take it out B. take it off C. make it out D. rub it in 7. British Airways
announced that it would cut its workforce by 15% _____ scaling back services to
the Middle East. A. through B. on C. via D. whereas 8. We had to wait two and a
half hours for the next train so we went for a walk to ____ the time. A. stretch off
B. phase out C. patch off D. while away 9. They had to __________ on their
savings to buy the new car. A. fall in B. fall back C. fall into D. recur 10. They
____________ the solution quite by chance. A. struck upon B. hit upon C. struck
up D. hit off Đáp án: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C B D D B A A D B BWe work too
much. Our teacher keeps our noses to the ________ . A. stone B. mill stone C.
stonemill D. grindstone 2. He is a simple fellow. He usually wears his heart on his
_________ . A. arm B. sleeve C. face D. brow 3. Stop thatt ! It sets my teeth on
_________. A. edge B. hedge C. itch D. border 4. That’s a small ________ you’ve
caught; the big fish are still at large. A. frying B. pan C. pot D. fry 5. This is the
straw that breaks the _________ back. A. horse’s B. mule’s C. donkey’s D.
camel’s 6. Don’t worry, we leave no stone _________ to find your daughter. A.
unturned B. alone C. lone D. turnless 7. The juvenile delinquent was place on
___________ for a year. A. trial B. charge C. probation D. surveillance 8. After all
we ‘ve done, we’ll have to face _______ . A. The wall B. the music C.the song D.
the sofa 9. “ Do you know him?”. “ No, I don’t know him from _____ .” A. Eve B.
Adam C. Noah D. Cain 10. I soon got the ____________ of the new machine. A.
hang B. sway C. string D. Drift Đáp án: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D B A D D A C B B
A1. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ and so it was
abandoned. A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive 2. In any
transport system, the safety of passengers should be ______. A. paramount B.
eminent C. chief D. prime 3. It is expected that all members will ______ to the
rules of the club. A. comply B. concede C. conform D. compromise 4. We ______
a friendship the very first time we met. A. struck B. launched C. cropped D. settled
5. I left the company by ______, not because I was forced to. A. choice B. option
C. selection D. preference 6. He made a number of ______ remarks about my
cooking, which upset me. A. slashing B. stabbing C. chopping D. cutting 7. Recent
defeats have ______his confidence in himself as a player. A. undermined B.
disable C. impeded D. hampered 8.The truant was ______ from school for
unbecoming behavior. A. dispelled B. repelled C. expelled D. compelled 9. What
he did was the height of bad ______. A. manner B. conduct C. actions D. behavior
10. Her hands were swollen and wrinkle, but she still had her nails ______
regularly. A. manufactured B. manicured C. maintained D. managed KEY: 1. B 2.
A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B11. The doctor insisted that his patient
_____________. A. did not work too hard for three months B. to take some
vacation for three months C. take it easy inside of three months D. takes it easy
inside of three months 12. I’m not sure if the new tax is __________ good an idea
after all. A. much B. such C. so D. as 13. Nearly all of the reporters _______ the
press conference had questions _______. A. attend / ask B. attended / ask C.
attending / to ask D. attend / to be asked 14. I asked the tour representative for
help, but received none ______. A. whatever B. actually C. whatsoever D.
absolutely 15. ________ 90% of Asia’s people live in the eastern and southern
parts of the continent, which contain some of the most ______ regions in the
world. A. Almost/ thick-populated B. most/ thick-populated C. Almost/thickly-
populated D. most / thickly-populated 16. He kicked the ball ______ hard; and it
broke the window. A. a very little B. a small amount C. quite a little D. a little too
17. The rents in this area are ______ the highest in the city. A. far from away B.
away by far C. far and away D. far to away 18. I’m ______ my brother is. A.
nowhere like so ambitious B. nothing near as ambitious as C. nothing so ambitious
than D. nowhere near as ambitious as 19. They were ______ tempted to relieve the
shopkeeper of this three juiciest-looking apples. A. badly B. sorely C. powerfully
D. utterly 20. “Don’t worry about your sister. I’m sure she’s okay.” - “But it’s
unlike her ______ to me every week.” A. if she didn’t write B. if not writing C. not
writing D. not to write KEY: 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. D 19.B
20. A1. There was no ______________ in continuing; for him the race was over.
A. value B. worth C. point D. profit 2. Lisa attempted to ______________ herself
with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra work. A. ingratiate B. please C.
gratify D. command 3. He has an excellent ______________ as a criminal lawyer.
A. fame B. regard C. popularity D. reputation 4. She loved her little cat but showed
surprisingly little ______________ when she died. A. sentiment B. sympathy C.
emotion D. involvement 5. Would you like me to ______________ you another
slice of chicken. A. carve B. slash C. peel D. shave 6. The door hinges should have
been oiled to stop them ______________. A. squeaking B. screeching C. shrieking
D. squealing 7. The seller wanted £400, I wanted to pay £300, and we finally
agreed to ______________ the difference. A. divide B. split C. drop d. decrease 8.
You should ______________ at least three days for the journey. A. expect B.
allow C. permit D. accept 9. It is important to check the ______________ print in
any contract. A. little B. tiny C. small D. minute 10. The shop assistant said he
would check to see if he had any more copies of the book in ______________. A.
surplus B. supply C. stock D. store 11. It was not until she had arrived home
______________ remembered her appointment with the doctor. A. when she B.
that she C. and she D. she 12. ______________ was the day before yesterday. A.
The France’s Independence Day B. The day of the French independence C.
French’s Independence Day D. France’s Independence Day 13. Since he changed
professions, Scott’s yearly income has ______________. A. nearly tripled B. got
almost three times bigger C. almost grown by three times D. just about gone up
three times 14. Jane contributed thirty ponds, but she wishes she could contribute
______________. A. one other thirty pounds B. the same amount also C. another
thirty D. more thirty pounds 15. I would rather that he ______________ tomorrow.
A. visits B. will visit C. visit D. would visit 16. It is necessary that Mary
______________ him of the meeting tomorrow A. remind B. reminds C. will
remind D. must remind 17. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and
______________. A. the others are not B. another is inexperienced C. the other is
not D. other lack experience 18. The committee members resented
______________. A. the president that he did not tell them about the meeting B.
the president not to inform them of the meeting C. the president’s not informing
them of the meeting D. that the president had failed informing themselves that
there was going to be a meeting 19. John lost his job because he was rule to his
boss. He ______________ rule to his boss. A. must not have been B. should not
have been C. could not have been D. might not have been 20. You will see on the
map that the Public Auditorium ______________ north of the lake. A. lies B. lays
C. is lain D. is laid 21. One way to let off _________ after a stressful day is to take
some vigorous exercise. A. cloud B. tension C. steam D. sweat 22. Tom assured
me that he was going to come but he hasn’t _________ yet. A. turned round B.
turned in C. turned up D. turned on 23. I read the contract again and again
_________ avoiding making spelling mistakes. A. in view of B. in terms of C.
with a view to D. by means of 24. The government’s plans to reduce crime came
________for a lot of criticism from freedom groups. A. into B. out C. up D. in 25.
I was ________the impression that you like Indian food. A. under B. on C. in D. of
26. This is one of the exceptions ________the rule. A. into B. to C. of D. with 27.
The factory paid ________nearly a million pounds to their employees who were
injured in the explosion. A. off B. out C. for D. into 28. Before they open the new
factory, a lot of the young people round here were ________the dole. A. in B.
under C. on D. at 29. Mr. Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously not cut
________for teaching. A. off B. out C. into D. up 30. The farmhouse we stayed in
was completely ________the beaten track. A of B. out of C. off D. in 31. He
________ laughing when he realised his mistake. A. exploded in B. broke in C.
broke into D. burst out 32. He assured me he was ________ sure where the house
was. A. a bit B. quite C. rather D. very 33. We didn't arrange to me. It was
________ coincidence that I saw him. A. clear B. clean C. pure D. great 34.
Please! I'm trying to work here. Don't ________ my time with stupid questions! A.
abuse B. waste C. lose D. break 35. He had to go to the hospital because it was a
very ________ cut. A. deep B. heavy C. hard D. wide 36. Our neighbour is a very
________ smoker – he smokes two packets a day. A. heavy B. hard C. tough D.
strong 37. We managed to get up the steep hill only because our car is very
________. A. powerful B. hard C. aggressive D. strong 38. I don't know him that
well. He's only a ________ acquaintance. A. loose B. weak C. casual D. poor 39.
I'm an honest and ________ citizen. A. lawful B. law C. law-watching D. law-
abiding 40. Do you know where we are? If you ask me, we are ________ lost. A.
very B. rather C. totally D. absolutely
1. He cannot……………. ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what
was happening in his own department. A. Insist B. defend C. refer D. plead 2.
Employees who have a ……………….are encouraged to discuss it with the
management. A. Hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance 3. The
police have been ordered not to……….. if the students attack them A. Combat B.
challenge C. retaliate D. rebuff 4. In spite of his poor education, he was a
most……………… speaker. A. Attentive B. ambiguous C. articulate D.
authoritarian 5. Sparkling pools of water lay trapped among the rocks as the
tide……………. A. removed B. refilled C. retired D. receded 6. ………… through
the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale A. forage B. ravage C.
rummage D. salvage 7. They began constructing the bridge in 1960, but several
years………….. before the project was completed. A. elapsed B. advanced C.
proceeded D. progressed 8. People still haven’t ………… dangerous
pollution can be. A. remarked B. realised C. noted D. minded 9. Competitive
…………. is an essential requirement for success in the entertainment industry. A.
mind B. thought C. spirit D.soul 10.You must complete the Business……….….
course satisfactorily before you can progress to the third year. A. Morals B. Values
C. Rights D. Ethics KEY 1. D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 2.
STRUCTURES & GRAMMAR Choose the best option A, B, C or D. 1. He tried
to make out that the fake painting he had ______ genuine. A. to be B. being C.
been D. was 2. The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the ___________who
used to flock the libraries every evening. A. gradual reduction of readers B.
gradual readers reduction C. gradual readers of reduction D. reduction gradual
readers 3. Centuries of erosion have exposed ____ rock surfaces in the Painted
Desert of northern Arizona. A. in colors of the rainbow B. colored like a rainbow
C. rainbow-colored D. a rainbow’s coloring 4. The temperature_______takes place
varies widely from material to material. A. which melting B. at which melting C.
at which they melt D. which they melt 5. Legend _____________that Robin Hood
fired an arrow from his dead-bed and was buried where the arrow landed. A. tells
it B. says it C. makes it D. has it 6. A major problem in the construction of new
buildings _________. A. is that windows have been eliminated while air
conditioning systems have not been perfected. B. is they have eliminated windows
and still don’t have good air conditioning. C. is because windows are eliminated
but air conditioners don’t work. D. is dependent on the fact that while they have
eliminated windows, they are not capable to produce efficient air conditioning
systems. 7. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain ___________ by
now. A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left 8. _____________, the
catfish is prized for its taste. A. With ugly look B. As ugly looking C. Ugly
looking as it is D. As it is ugly looking 9. Mr. Gump supposes, _____________,
that he will retire at 60. A. like most people did B. as most of people C. like most
people do D. as do most people 10. On the battle field ______________________.
A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the tanks KEY 1.D 2.A
3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 3. PREPOSITIONS & PHRASAL VERBS
Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. This is the time
of the year when stores_____ their prices, so you can get good deals. A. mark on
B. mark through C. mark up D. mark down 2. You shouldn’t have sent Sebastian
that Valentine’s card. I think you’ve scared him_____ . A. back B. down C. off D.
through 3. His bad bahaviour was put……… his upbringing. A. down to B. with
C. off D. up 4. In the end, the detective managed to ______ down the dangerous
criminal. A. find B. track C. get D. hit 5. He is not exactly rich but he certainly
earns enough to ______. A. get through B. get by C. get on D. get in 6. The
robbers packed the money into a suitcase and ______ in a van that waited for them
in the street. A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off 7. The
weather was fine, and everyone was ______ the coast. A. going for B. making for
C. joining in D. seeing about 8. Learning English isn’t so difficult once you
______. A. get down to it B. get off it C. get on it D. get down with it 9.
Sometimes a postman ______ some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where
the letter should go. A. ran away with B. ran up with C. ran up against D. run
without 10. Beaches were ______ as police searched for canisters of toxic waste
from the damaged ship. A. sealed off B. cut off C. washed up D. kept out KEY 1.
C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 4. COLLOCATIONS & IDIOMS
Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. Peter is a
librarian but this job is not suitable for him because he has chances of traveling
______. He should be a tour guide. A. in a mind B. on the head C. on the brain D.
in the heart 2. I think people who help the old, poor, sick and homeless are ______.
A. the sugar of the sea B. the salt of an ocean C. the salt of the earth D. the sugar
of the ocean 3. The teacher ______ when she knew that more than ten students
cheated in her test. A. angry B. crazy C. hit the roof D. beat the desk 4. We don’t
want to continue our business any longer. All the goods will ______ so that we can
close at the end of this month. A. be sold out B. be solved thoroughly C. go for a
song D. go with colour 5. He looked ___ at the security guard of the supermarket
when this man asked him to open his bag. A. daggers B. angry C. up to D.
attentively 6. Don’t be angry with Sue. All that she did in good______ A. hope B.
belief C. idea D. faith 7. I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school
by ______. A the hair of my head B. the skin of my teeth C. the nail of my finger
D. the skin of my heels 8. The sixth time he called me at night was the ____ A. last
cause B. last straw C. touch and go D. hot air 9. I do not think there is so much as a
____ of truth in that rumor. A. crumb B. speck C. grain D. pebble 10. ____ the
public concern about the local environment, this new road scheme will have to be
abandoned. A. As regards B. In the event of C. In view of D. However much KEY
1.C 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C
Verbs of MOVEMENT: Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
1. The drunken soldier was ……………….. crazily from one side of the street to
the other.
a. Marching b. racing c. staggering d. scrambling
2. George suddenly ……………….. into the room waving a telegram.
a. Dashed b. slang c. rambled d. arrived
3. Sue found it very difficult to ……………….. the busy street.
a. Pass b. overtake c. surpass d. cross
4. Passengers who wish to ……………….. at the next station should travel in the
front four coaches.
a. Leave b. alight c. get down d. descend
5. The runner with the injured foot ………………..across the finishing line.
a. Limped b. trundled c. scrambled d. flashed
6. Kate spent the morning ……………….. along the sea-front.
a. hiking b. rambling c. strolling d. crawling
7. Harry ……………….. along the landing, trying not to make any noise.
a. Strode b. tiptoed c. trudged d. filed
8. The road was icy, and I ……………….. over.
a. Slid b. skidded c. skated d. slipped
9. I managed to ……………….. up behind the burglar before he noticed me.
a. Creep b. slink c. strut d. wriggle
10. After the meal we ……………….. over our coffees for an hour or so.
a. Loitered b. staggered c. lounged d. lingered
V/ IN: Complete each sentence with the most suitable word from the list. Use
each word once only.
Advance comparison doubt practice sympathy
Charge detention earnest response way
1. All the pupils who misbehaved have been kept in …………………..
2. I’m not joking. I’m speaking in …………………..
3. Your rent is, of course, payable in …………………..
4. The bus drivers are on strike, and the railway workers have come out in
5. This city makes London seem quite small in …………………..
6. It’s a depressing book, but I enjoyed it in a …………………..
7. Everyone else is away, so I am in ………………….. of the office.
8. Theoretically term ends as 4.00 on Friday, but in ………………….. everyone
leaves at lunchtime.
9. If in ………………….., do not hesitate to contact our representative.
We have decided to show the film again in ………………….. to public demand

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