Flash Flooding in Spain Geomorphological

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Water and Environment Journal.

Print ISSN 1747-6585

Flash flooding in Spain: geomorphological approaches

supporting flood frequency analysis, and the implications
for the design of structures
Alma López-Avilés MCIWEM
Development Control Engineer/Climate Change Policy Advisor, Environment Agency

Keywords Abstract
dating; flash flooding; flood frequency; fluvial
Conventional methods for the estimation of flood frequency are generally
deposits; geomorphological; hydraulic;
hydrological; return period. based on the statistical analysis of data series resulting from the measurement
of water levels at specific locations, which are translated into discharges (m3/s)
Correspondence using standard stage/discharge relationships. Subsequently, these gauged flows
Alma López-Avilés, Development are used to identify the largest flood event experienced by a river or catchment,
Control Engineer/Climate Change Policy and to produce growth curves used in the estimation of the return periods of
Advisor, Environment Agency, Swift House, specific flood events, as well as in the calculation of discharges for specific
Frimley Business Park, Firmley, Camberley,
required design events (e.g. return period 1 in 100 year). In areas where
Surrey, GU16 7SQ, UK.
gauging data records are scarce, and/or the data series are short or interrupted,
Email: alopez_aviles@environment-agency.
gov.uk geomorphological interpretation of the physical environment, dating of fluvial
deposits and flooding episodes and hydraulic reconstruction of past flood
CIWEM 2005 Young Author’s Competition, 18 events can be used as complementary tools aiding conventional hydrological
May 2005, Imperial College, London, UK. and flood frequency analysis methods. This paper will discuss the undertaking
of this approach in the Guadalope Catchment in northeast Spain. It will
doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2006.00063.x examine the findings in relation to the inadequate design of existing structures
such as dams, spillways, canals and reservoirs, and will also look at the potential
risks associated with flooding at present.

Introduction first stages of the design of structures such as large dams

by improving safety factors. The following sections of this
There are more than 1200 large (4 15 m high) dams in
paper will describe the research methods used in the
Spain, which generate 12% of the country’s electricity
Guadalope Catchment, and will discuss the main findings
(World Commission on Dams 2000). Furthermore, the
in relation to the risks associated with the poor safety
supply of water to towns and villages is largely dependent
factors of recently constructed dams.
on water stored in reservoirs built behind these dams.
Like in many other parts of the world, in Spain,
gauging and rainfall data series are often short or incom-
plete, especially in the more remote mountainous areas Research area and methods
where large dams and reservoirs are located. Further-
more, catchment characteristics and the typically Medi- The Guadalope Catchment
terranean rainfall pattern in many regions of eastern and The Guadalope River flows northward from the uplands
southern Spain make the prediction of flooding events of of El Maestrazgo in northeast Spain to the Ebro River
specific return periods a difficult task. A combination of basin. The main tributary of the Guadalope is the Ber-
steep slopes, low vegetation density, narrow bedrock gantes River, which joins in from the southeast part of the
channels and the antecedent conditions of many catch- catchment (see Fig. 1). The drainage area of the Guada-
ments, together with high-intensity localised rainfall lope basin is 3892 km2, with the Bergantes sub-basin
episodes lead to high-velocity large-magnitude flash accounting for 1221 km2 of the total area. The upland
flooding along many Mediterranean basins. part of the catchment is set on highlands of the Iberian
In addition to gauged data analysis, unconventional Range, where the topography, adverse climate, precarious
approaches to flood frequency estimation can help in the communications infrastructure and lack of employment

Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation 
c 2007 CIWEM. 217
Flash flooding in Spain A. López-Avilés

Reservoirs 5°W Pyrenees

Zaragoza Eb
Meteorological Ibe ro
stations Ra ian
Gauging stations


0 250

Mequinenza km

Vivas River

Station 99




i ve
j .R
o R

A ~

r a Alcaniz
g ó E. Estanca

rra n a Ri ver
n Station 15




Mata ~

Station 201 Torrevelilla


M. Matas Calanda

Gallipuen Castellote

i d
Station 100 Cerollera
Study Site

Station 106

l a
Santolea Station 31
Station 30

t a
M. Jarque
C. Almuden Aliaga



Station 88 es R
ive r Morella Vella
V. Pinares
S Iglesuela o
0 10 20 30 km ier zg
ra del tra Mediterranean Sea
Fortanete Maes

Fig. 1. Location map of the Guadalope Catchment, including gauging and rainfall stations. A. Regallo, Arroyo Regallo; C. Almuden, Cuevas de Almuden;
E. Estanca, Embalse de la Estanca; M. Jarque, Mezquita de Jarque; M. Matas, Mas de las Matas; V. Pinares, Villarroya de Pinares.

have driven local populations away towards more eco- near its confluence with the Ebro River in Caspe – see
nomically developed parts of the region or country. Fig. 1), and the short length and poor quality of
By European standards, the density of population in the gauging records, it was considered that a compilation
Spain is quite low (i.e. approximately 40 million people of historic information on flood events would help
live in the second largest country in Western Europe, thus to build the scenario regarding flooding within the
approximately 79 inhabitants/km2). Spain is also consid- catchment.
ered to be the second most mountainous country in Flood History Databases (Comisión Técnica de Inunda-
Europe (World Bank 2004). Some areas of the Iberian ciones 1985) for the region as well as historic documents
Range are among the less populated and less developed held in local libraries were consulted in order to obtain
parts of the country. It is in these mountainous areas that references about exceptionally large rainfall or flood
many dams and reservoirs have been built, and where events experienced within the Guadalope Catchment.
gauging and rainfall data are scarce and series are often These references were recorded unsystematically in a
incomplete. variety of documents, and therefore it is acknowledged
that a greater number of significant flood events might
have occurred within this basin, but could have been
missed in the search. Furthermore, interviews with el-
Given the few gauging stations available in the catch- derly members of local communities who had witnessed
ment (i.e. Station 30 on the upstream part of the Guada- recent flood events were conducted to provide supple-
lope, Station 31 on the Bergantes, Station 15 on the mentary information to historic documents. This compi-
Guadalope in Alcañiz and Station 99 on the Guadalope lation of historic information on past flood events helped

218 Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation 
c 2007 CIWEM.
A. López-Avilés Flash flooding in Spain

in the flood frequency analysis process by extending the

data series.
Simultaneously, a bedrock-controlled reach of the Ber-
gantes River (see Fig. 1) was selected as representative of
the characteristics of this subcatchment, and thus where
detailed geomorphological analysis, hydraulic reconstruc-
tion and dating of deposits were to take place. The
characteristics of this study area and its sedimentation
regime are described in more detail in López-Avilés et al.
(1998) and López-Avilés (1998).
A number of geomorphological units (e.g. fine deposits,
gravel terraces, bars, bedrock benches) were identified,
and sediment samples were taken for dating of the
respective units, aiming to interpret incision and aggrada-
tion cycles in relation to dominant climatic conditions.
Sediment dating techniques included: (a) 14C analysis of
organic matter contained within slack-water deposits,
(b) dendrochronology of trees growing on the floodplain
(i.e. establishing the age of these trees assumes a mini-
mum age for relevant floodplain sedimentary gravel
units, and therefore a minimum period since the last time Heights (m)
a large flood event affected the specific units) and (c) 40– 45
luminescence (infrared-stimulated luminescence – IRSL) 46– 50
dating of sediment grains (mainly feldspar and quartz) 56– 60
showing the last time that these deposits were exposed to N
light before being buried by a flood. Luminescence meth- 66 –70
ods measure the radiation accumulated in the minerals Flow direction
once they were buried. 0 100 m
The study site was surveyed and mapped in detail (see
Fig. 2), and hydraulic reconstruction of flood conditions Fig. 2. Geomorphological units identified and surveyed at the study site.
derived from high water marks (slack water deposits,
debris) at specific locations was undertaken at relevant lated for the various locations using a number of methods.
cross-sections (see Fig. 3). The purpose of this exercise For further details, see Chapter 5 in López-Avilés (1998).
was to estimate the order of magnitude of known flood Velocities and flow discharges were calculated at spe-
events that either predated gauging stations or were not cific cross-sections to match the level of dated sediment
measured at the existing ones, but for which historic and/ deposits or high water marks as illustrated in Fig. 3.
or geomorphological evidence was available. Therefore, detailed surveying of channel slope (long
The hydraulic reconstruction of past flood events in- profile) and cross-sections of the channel and floodplain,
volved the calculation of flow velocities and discharges as well as grain-size analysis for the estimation of rough-
using standard formulae (i.e. continuity equation with ness coefficients, were undertaken (see Figs 2 and 3).
Manning’s velocity and roughness coefficient): This approach to reconstruct the hydraulic parameters
involves assuming that aspects such as channel geometry
Q ¼ wdV ; ð1Þ and roughness have not changed significantly over time.
This is believed to be the case for the time period studied,
where Q is the discharge in m3/s, V is the mean velocity, w
given that the reach described in this paper is a bedrock-
is the mean channel width and d is the mean depth equal
controlled reach, where major modifications to the chan-
to the cross-sectional area divided by bankful width:
nel geometry would necessitate longer geological times.
Furthermore, it must be emphasised that the intrinsic
V ¼ R2=3 S1=2 =n; ð2Þ
uncertainties associated with this assumption would be
where V is the mean velocity in m/s, R is the hydraulic significant for very detailed modelling and/or design in
radius equal to the cross-sectional area divided by the the studied reach, but they are considered acceptable for
wetted perimeter, S is the average water surface slope and the purpose of this study, which is to estimate the order of
n is the Manning’s roughness coefficient. This was calcu- magnitude of past flood events.

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c 2007 CIWEM. 219
Flash flooding in Spain A. López-Avilés

(a) (b)
Cross-section 7
Cross-section 9

Height (m)
Cross-section 8
Cross-section 6 7 14C
Cross-section 7
sample IRSL sample 2
Cross-section 5
0 50 100 150 200 250
Channel width (m)
Cross section 7 at reach C and location of 14C
and IRSL sample 2.
Cross-section 4 70
4 Cross-section 4

Cross-section 3 60
3 Height (m) IRSL sample 3
Cross-section 2

2 F G
Gravel units on floodplain
Cross-section 1 0 50 100 150 200 250
N 1
Channel width (m)
0 100 m Cross section 4 at reach A and location
of IRSL sample 3.

Fig. 3. Cross-sections along the studied reach of the Bergantes River (a), and detailed sections showing the levels of sediment samples dated (right).
IRSL, infrared-stimulated luminescence.

Discussion important repercussions on the flooding patterns of the

Guadalope and Bergantes Rivers.
Hydrology of the Guadalope Catchment
Spatially, the catchment is characterised by a dual
The available rainfall data collected in various stations pattern of precipitation, with the Bergantes subcatchment
across the Guadalope Catchment (see Fig. 1) were ana- being most affected by an Autumn peak due to highly
lysed and compared spatially. Figure 4 illustrates the poor seasonal precipitation, and the Guadalope subcatchment
quality of data with numerous interruptions to the data experiencing a main annual peak in Spring and a second
sets (Fig. 4, see graphs a 0 and b 0 ), and the irregularity, peak in Autumn.
both in time and space, of the rainfall across the catch-
ment. Graph a–a 0 represent rainfall patterns in the down- Flooding pattern in the Guadalope Catchment
stream part of the catchment, whereas graph b–b 0 The very intense and localised nature of some rainfall
illustrates the situation for the upstream highlands. Over- episodes experienced in the area, especially in the Au-
all, the data available show great disparity in terms of the tumn, together with the steep slopes, sparse vegetation
total rainfall in different years. The interannual differ- and impermeable bedrock substrate, give rise to very
ences in the monthly mean recorded are also obvious, sudden increases in flow, which can go from less than
which indicate a highly irregular pattern of precipitation 10 m3/s to more than 650 m3/s in 24 h, and that can reach
in the area and suggest that sporadic, possibly infrequent instantaneous peak discharges above 1000 m3/s.
but highly intense rainfall episodes occur some years This appears to have been the case in October 1967,
that affect the monthly mean rainfall recorded. This has where a sudden ‘flash flood’ was recorded at Stations 31

220 Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation 
c 2007 CIWEM.
A. López-Avilés Flash flooding in Spain

(a) Monthly mean rainfall at Alcaniz (a')

(1929 –34/1958 –76/1983–94) Total annual rainfall at Alcaniz
200 (1929 –34/1958 –76/1984–86/1988–94)
175 Average pp 700
Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm)
150 Minimum
125 500
100 400
75 300
50 200
25 100
0 0

(b) Monthly mean rainfall at Castellfort (b') Total annual rainfall at Castellfort
(1929 –32/1946 –71/1994) (1930/1932/1950–52/1955 –71/1994)
250 1000
Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm)
200 Maximum 800
175 Average pp
150 Minimum
100 400
50 200
0 0

Fig. 4. Monthly mean rainfall and annual rainfall data series recorded in Alcañiz (downstream in the Guadalope Catchment) and Castellfort (uplands).

and 15 on the Bergantes and Guadalope Rivers, respectively

(a) Catastrophic flood recorded in the Bergantes River
in October 1967, gauged at station 31 (see Fig. 5). Other flash-flood events have been recorded in
700 the catchment, but the highest instantaneous peak dis-
Discharge (m3 s−1)

charge measured in the catchment was that of 1560 m3/s
recorded on the Bergantes River in October 1967.
300 The magnitude and unpredictable nature of these sud-
200 den events highlights the problems faced, not only in terms
100 of and the lack or shortness of flood warning periods, and
0 therefore the catastrophic effects that can be experienced,
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Days but also in terms of the accuracy of the records, mainte-
nance and operation of gauging equipment, and therefore,
(b) Catastrophic flood recorded in the Guadalope River the difficulties in maintaining a continuous record.
in October 1967, gauged at station 15
700 The flash flood experienced in Mas de las Matas in
Discharge (m3 s−1)

600 August 1996 (see Fig. 6) illustrates the problems described

500 above. No warning was available for this localised event
that affected the village’s centre and numerous infrastruc-
ture, as well as the local economy (i.e. the annual fruit
100 harvest was lost). The flood event was not recorded as the
0 stream running through the village is only a small un-
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
gauged tributary of the Guadalope River.
The difficulties in estimating potential high flows and
Fig. 5. Flood event of October 1967 recorded on the Bergantes River their return period based on gauged data have resulted in
(station 31) see (a), and the Guadalope River in Alcañiz (station 15)
great uncertainties when assessing the risk of flooding for
(downstream part of the catchment) see (b); bars represent mean daily
existing settlements, and more importantly, when plan-
discharges recorded at gauging stations 31 and 15.
ning and building new infrastructure. Therefore, it is
believed that the risks have been underestimated and

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c 2007 CIWEM. 221
Flash flooding in Spain A. López-Avilés

Fig. 6. Sequence shows a dry channel through Mas de las Matas, and the flash flood of August 1996 at the same location, plus postevent damage on
the site.

Table 1 Specifications of dams and reservoirs in the Guadalope Catchment

Maximum outlet Designed/modelled instantaneous
Name of dam Reservoir storage discharge at maximum discharge discharge
and reservoir Location capacity (Hm3) spillway (m3/s) (m3/s) recorded (m3/s)
Gallipuen Upstream on tributary of Guadalope 3.5 250  
Santolea Upstream on Guadalope 54 1156  
Calanda Confluence of Bergantes and Guadalope 54 1425 1250 1560
Caspe Downstream on Guadalope 78 1560  
Mequinenza On Ebro at confluence with Guadalope 1530   

Data not available.

Hm3 is cubic hectometres (1 Hm3 = 1 000 000 cubic metres).

poor safety factors have been included in the design of As illustrated in the above table, the outlet capacity of
some structures as described in the following section. the Calanda dam’s spillway is smaller than some of the
These difficulties have also been transferred to policy registered flows in the upland part of the catchment
making and drawing regulations in the area. (i.e. 1560 m3/s recorded at the confluence of the rivers
Bergantes and Guadalope). This suggests that potential
risks exist that are associated with the possibility of high-
Dams and reservoirs in the Guadalope Catchment magnitude flood events re-occurring in the catchment.
Table 1 illustrates the specifications of the most important On such occasions, the outlet capacity of the Calanda
infrastructure (dams and reservoirs) regulating the flow dam’s spillway might not be able to accommodate the
regime in the Guadalope Catchment. Locations are shown volume of flow necessary to empty the reservoir in time.
in the area map: Fig. 1. This could lead to failure or overflowing of the Calanda

222 Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

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A. López-Avilés Flash flooding in Spain

Table 2 Sediment samples location and dates provided by infra-red stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and 14C techniques
Location in metres above Dates in thousands of years before present Technique
Unit Type of sediment material the current channel bed (ka BP) for older dates, AD for most recent dates used
Pleistocene terrace Gravels and fines 4 37.8  4.2 ka BP IRSL
Holocene fill terrace Fine sediment 7 9.6  1.6 ka BP IRSL
Fine deposits on Island Fine deposits embedded on 10 Dated between 1395 and 1545 AD IRSL
unit bedrock substrate
Slack-water deposits Fines deposited in alcove 8 Dated late 1950s or late 1980s AD C
within a gravel terrace

Pleistocene: 1.8 million to 11 000 years ago and Holocene: last 10 000 years; AD (Anno Domini) to signify the Christian era: years after Christ was born.
BP refers to years before present, this being 1950.

dam, and to a situation similar to that at the Gallipuen possible sources of error with Luminescence techniques
and/or Santolea dams, upstream, with the worse-case as a number of assumptions have to be made, such as that
scenario being the possibility of a break ‘in cascade’ of the flood event occurred during day-time clear waters (in
these dams. order for date to reflect the last time, sediments were
The Caspe dam was designed with this in mind and exposed to light), and that no subsequent scouring or
having been constructed at a later date, the spillway minor reworking of material has taken place (see López-
capacity can accommodate flows comparable to the ones Avilés et al. (1998) and López-Avilés (1998) for more
registered in the 1967 event. Furthermore, in the case of details).
the Calanda dam and reservoir, this structure is located The 14C date illustrated in Table 2 provides a maximum
immediately downstream from the confluence between age of deposition for these sediments, and reflects the
the Guadalope and Bergantes Rivers (see Fig. 1). This effects of the period when 14C atmospheric content
makes the Calanda dam the most vulnerable of the increased rapidly as a result of widespread testing of
catchment, as it can be directly influenced by extreme nuclear devices. Peak concentrations were recorded in
flood events from either tributary. Additionally, unlike 1963; thus, the two possible dates shown in Table 2
the Caspe reservoir, the Calanda dam is located in the indicate 14C content on either side of the curve for which
upland part of the catchment where gradients are still the peak is placed around 1963.
fairly steep, which means flow velocities here can be high. Despite the uncertainties, it is considered that these
These factors, together with the unpredictability of dates provide additional useful information about the
storm events that can lead to localised flooding in the flooding mechanisms, flooding intensity and, to some
region, have led the relevant authorities to operate the degree, the regularity of high-magnitude flooding in this
Calanda reservoir at a lower than designed capacity at all region. In particular, this is the case with the two most
times in order to compensate for the design’s poor safety recent dates. These suggest that flood conditions were of
factors. This decision has been taken using the precau- such magnitude sometime between 1395 and 1545, and
tionary principle and in trying to minimise the risks to the again in the 1950s or 1980s, as to have resulted in
downstream areas of the catchment in the event of failure sediments being deposited at heights between 10 and 8 m
or overtopping of this dam. above the current bedrock channel bed. Reconstruction of
the hydraulic conditions in these situations was under-
taken in order to estimate the order of magnitude of the
Dating of sediment deposits and hydraulic
flows necessary to have deposited fine sediments up to
the described levels (see Fig. 3 and the method described
Dates obtained from the dating of fine sediment deposits in ‘Methods’). The results of this exercise are shown in
using luminescence (IRSL), as well as 14C techniques are Table 3.
illustrated in Table 2. Luminescence methods have also The following four points summarise the interpretation
been used to date Quaternary deposits in this catchment of results obtained from the hydraulic reconstruction:
by Fuller et al. (1996). The resulting dates from this (a) Very high-magnitude flood events have been experi-
research were compared and are in agreement with those enced in the Bergantes River, and thus within the Guada-
previously obtained in the Guadalope Catchment. lope Catchment, in the recent past. This is corroborated by
The dates obtained for these deposits include a margin gauged data (e.g. 1967 event), and historic, field and
of error that can be substantially large for older Pleisto- photographic evidence.
cene deposits. This reflects some of the intrinsic problems (b) For flood water levels to reach the level of the Island
associated with dating old materials. There are other Unit (see Fig. 3, bottom right) while the two channels

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Fig. 7. Location of alcove (a) and slack-water deposits (b) dated by 14C. For reference the river flows from top to bottom (901) in the far left part of (a).
The white dot to the centre-right part (a) is a person standing outside the alcove.

Table 3 Discharge estimates obtained via hydraulic reconstruction within the Guadalope Catchment was used to extend the
Discharge catchment’s flood data series. Subsequently, a basic calcu-
Unit name estimates in m3/s lation of the (RI for flood events above specific magni-
Holocene fill terrace dated 9.6  1.6 ka BP 2000 tudes was undertaken using the following equation as
Fine sediments on Island unit dated 7500 described in Bull (1998):
1395–1545 AD
Slack-water deposits dated of 1950s or 3600 RI ¼ n þ 1=m; ð3Þ
1980s AD
where n is the number of years of record and m is the
Gravel units on current floodplain 30–250
rank, 1 for the largest flood.
ka BP for thousands of years before present (1950). The approach is based on standard statistical flood
AD,Anno Domini. frequency analysis methods, which vary according to the
flood distribution graphical representation, but that are
around the island are flowing at full capacity, extremely based on a function of T is the return period or RI, n is the
large discharges (up to 7500 m3/s) are required. This is number of values and m or r are the rank from top. In this
considered less likely than the alternative, which could case, the flood-frequency approach used was only applied
involve the secondary channel being obstructed by debris, to the identified dated flood events that fell within a
thus blocking flow passage through this channel during period of time considered as ‘historic’ comprising the last
peak flows, and rerouting the flow over the Island unit. 200 years as a maximum, and not to older geomorpholo-
(c) The discharge obtained for the slack water sediments gical events. This is due to the fact that the method
is thought to overestimate the flow necessary to deposit assumes a continuous data series for a determined num-
material in an alcove that is located on the outside of a ber of years (n), which is not strictly accurate for anecdo-
sharp (901) meander (see Fig. 7). This is due to the fact tal evidence – whether documented or field-based.
that uniform steady flows across the cross-section at this Large flood events examined in this paper were as-
location are unlikely. sumed to have been above 100–150 m3/s for them to have
(d) The gravels and boulders laying on the current flood- been recorded as ‘extraordinary’ in historical sources,
plain (see Fig. 3c) are reworked regularly as indicated by testimonies and in the field. Even though the events
that lack of any vegetation, lichens, etc., which suggests presented in this paper were not recorded systematically,
that discharges between 30 and 250 m3/s are experienced it has been considered that it is acceptable to assume a
in the Bergantes subcatchment frequently. continuous data series for the unusually large flood
events experienced during historic times. However, many
more events might have occurred in the area, for which
Recurrence interval (RI) of flood events
information has been missed or was not recorded. There-
Following the exercise of estimating discharges for past fore, it must be noted that the RIs estimated in this paper
flood events, and as stated in previous sections, all historic represent a minimum return period for historic large flood
information as well as field evidence of past flood events events.

224 Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

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c 2007 CIWEM.
A. López-Avilés Flash flooding in Spain

However, the further back into the past (i.e. for geo- 1 in 50 years in the Bergantes River. However, if the 14C
morphological events), the larger the uncertainty about date of the 1950s or the 1980s – obtained from deposits
whether flood events for which evidence/records are not located within the study site – is included in the frequency
available might have occurred in between known flood- analysis, the suggestion is that flood events of an order of
ing episodes. Therefore, the data series cannot be assumed magnitude larger than 1000–1500 m3/s can occur even
as continuous, and thus, no attempt has been made in this more frequently in the Bergantes Catchment (i.e. RI up to
paper to analyse the possible return period for these 1 in 25 years). This is corroborated by geomorphological
geomorphological events, as the results could be mislead- evidence of very large flood events that have occurred in
ing. The data associated with older geomorphological the Bergantes Catchment in the past (see Tables 2 and 3).
events shown in this paper are presented as further
evidence that large catastrophic flood events do occur in
the Guadalope–Bergantes Catchment.
The method used in this research shows how to extend (1) Given that large flash-flooding episodes appear to be
the length of conventional gauged data series by adding more common in the Bergantes Catchment than pre-
historic and field evidence of past large flood events. It viously thought, and as these flood events seem to be
also illustrates how it can be useful to investigate historic responsible for most of the geomorphological work in the
evidence of large-magnitude floods before designing valleys, it is recommended that any new structures
structures, especially if the available gauging and rainfall planned within the Guadalope–Bergantes Catchment
records are not very long. However, the results have to be should be designed accordingly. Inadequate design of
treated with caution and can only be seen as an attempt spillways for dams and reservoirs may potentially lead to
to estimate minimum RIs for historic flood events based failure or under-capacity to empty reservoirs, which may
on a series of assumptions. in turn have catastrophic effects on the local infrastruc-
The results from this exercise as well as the main ture and economy. The area’s transport system including
conclusions of this research are described further in the roads, railways and bridges runs parallel and across water-
following sections. courses, especially in the most mountainous upper part of
the catchment. Additionally, the cooling system of the
thermal power station of Andorra depends on water
Summary of results supplied from the Calanda reservoir via a canal that flows
The main conclusions from this research indicate that parallel to the Guadalope River. Therefore, the lack of
very high-magnitude flood events have been experienced water supply caused by damage to either the canal or
by the Bergantes River in historic times. This type of reservoir would have significant repercussions.
flooding is believed to be more frequent than previously (2) Flooding by failure or overtopping of dams, and the
thought in this catchment. This has been corroborated by potential risk of a break of dams ‘in cascade’ would also
gauged data recorded both on the Guadalope and Ber- have important repercussions for the local economy. The
gantes Rivers in the last few decades, and by the rainfall damages would be derived from direct impact on the area’s
pattern of the region, which is characterised by sporadic agriculture, farming and mining (coal) activities, and
localised and very intense rainfall events. indirectly, due to the transport disruptions caused. The
Regarding the functional floodplain of the Bergantes potential damages derived from loss of life, and the
River, estimates of past discharges calculated using stan- devastating effects on human settlements are incalculable.
dard formulae (see ‘Methods’) suggest that discharges (3) Geomorphological approaches such as the ones de-
between 30 and 250 m3/s are required to rework the scribed in this paper can help to improve safety factors for
active floodplain. By comparing these magnitudes with dams and reservoirs at the design stage, by estimating
gauged data for the Bergantes River, it is estimated that historic flood magnitudes to complement gauged data
reworking of the active floodplain takes place every year series. This principle can be applicable elsewhere in the
or every other year. world, and the approaches used in this area of Spain can
Following basic analysis of RIs for flood events of be used wherever evidence of past flood events is docu-
specific magnitudes (see Eq. 3), the 1967 event (known mented either in written or oral form, photographic form
to be above 1500 m3/s according to gauging station in- or as field (geomorphological) evidence (e.g. slack-water
formation) was ranked alongside known events recorded deposits, high water marks, etc.).
for this area as far back as 1945 (approximately 1000 m3/s (4) However, the sources of information and dating
downstream from the study reach). Based on the data techniques used to extend the available data in this area
available, magnitudes of a similar order to that of the 1967 of Spain might vary in other parts of the world depending
event are believed to have a minimum return period of on the available evidence and type of environment, as

Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation 
c 2007 CIWEM. 225
Flash flooding in Spain A. López-Avilés

there are limitations in the use of some of the techniques. The views expressed in this paper are exclusively the
For example, trees and other organic debris associated author’s views based on knowledge of the area, empirical
with high flows and flood episodes can be dated using evidence and methods used world-wide. They do not
dendrochronology and 14C techniques, but might not be represent the Environment Agency’s views. The material
available or suitable under conditions of regular or re- used in the paper includes original research by the author
peated slow-onset flooding. The presence or not of lichens constituting part of her doctoral studies.
can be used to determine the time elapsed since the last
high-flow episode at specific locations. The existence or
not of documented or witness evidence and its quality will
determine whether this can be used to extend data series. Bull, W.B. (1998) Floods; Degradation and Aggradation. In
Furthermore, some techniques such as luminescence Baker, V.R., Kochel, R.C. and Patton, P.C. (eds). Flood
dating of sediment deposits are known to work better in Geomorphology Chapter 8, pp. 157–166. New York.
semi-arid environments where the water content within Comisión Técnica de Inundaciones. (1985) Estudio de
Inundaciones Históricas: mapa de riesgos potenciales de la
sediments is more regular for longer periods than in
Cuenca del Ebro. Vol. IV–VIII. Comisión Nacional de
highly seasonal climates such as that of the UK. This
Protección Civil, Spain.
makes luminescence techniques less suitable in temperate Fuller, I.C., Macklin, M.G., Passmore, D.G., Brewer, P.A.,
environments, and indicates that a degree of good judge- Lewin, J. and Wintle, A.G. (1996) Geochronologies and
ment is required from the professional as to the selection Environmental Records of Quaternary Fluvial Sequences
and adequacy of the approaches to use. in the Guadalope Basin, Northeast Spain, Based on
Luminescence Dating. In Branson, J., Brown, A.G. and
Gregory, K. J. (eds) Global Continental Changes: The Context of
Palaeohydrology, pp. 99–120. The Geological Society, London.
Acknowledgements López-Avilés, A. (1998) Flood regime and Quaternary
This paper would not have been possible without the sedimentation style in the Guadalope Basin, Northeast Spain.
eternal support and help of my husband Yacob, to whom I PhD Thesis, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS, UK.
am always grateful. I also thank my PhD supervisor López-Avilés, A., Ashworth, P.J. and Macklin, M.G. (1998)
Professor Phillip Ashworth, my dear friend Jose Antonio Floods and Quaternary Sedimentation Style in a Bedrock
Controlled Reach of the Bergantes River, Ebro Basin,
Benavente for his help and guidance while working in
Northeast Spain. In Benito, G., Baker, V.R. and Gregory, K.J.
this region of Spain, and my parents for the number of
(eds) Palaeohydrology and Environmental Change, pp. 181–196.
trips they have taken to the Northeast of Spain over the Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK.
years and their help in collecting field data. I am also very World Commission on Dams. (2000) Dams and Development:
grateful to Alfredo Gasión, the local photographer of Mas A New Framework for Decision Making. Earthscan, London.
de las Matas, for allowing me to use his photographs of World Bank. (2004) World Development Report. The World Bank,
the 1996 flood event. Washington DC.

226 Water and Environment Journal 21 (2007) 217–226 

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation 
c 2007 CIWEM.

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