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Cuadernos de Neuropsicología /

Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology

E-ISSN: 0718-4123
Centro de Estudios Académicos en

Maia, Luis
Cuadernos de Neuropsicología / Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology, vol. 4, núm.
2, -diciembre, 2010, pp. 132-160
Centro de Estudios Académicos en Neuropsicología
Rancagua, Chile

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Cuad. Neuropsicol.
Neuropsicol. Vol.Vol.
4 Nº4 Nº 2; 132 – 160
2; Diciembre 2010 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia



Luis Maia1


We study the results of a descriptive and exploratory study, with the intent to
understand the results of a 21 male schizophrenic patients interned in a
Portuguese Mental Health Care Centre, evaluated with neuropsychological
test. We tried also to link these tests with variables such as schooling, family
contact or lengh of internment. The assessment instruments were: Digits
Series and Vocabulary Task, both from WAIS, Raven Progressive Matrices,
Rey’s Complex Figures, Luria’s Series Neuropsychological Screening, Clock
Task - Neuropsychological Screening and Visual Search and Attention Test.
Results show that there is not an attention deficit clinically significant, even
that data suggests light attention affection; also variables like family contact
and schooling appear as protective factors of memory and also seems to be
important for the planning / organization functions.

Key words: Schizophrenia, Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, Psychological

assessment, WAIS, Raven Progressive Matrices, Rey’s Complex Figures, Luria’s Series
Neuropsychological Screening, Clock Task - Neuropsychological Screening

PhD Clinical Neuropsychologist, (USAL - Spain), Auxiliar Professor - Beira Interior University.
Contacto: 132
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia




Luis Maia2


Avaliámos os resultados de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, com o

intuito de entender os resultados de 21 pacientes esquizofrénicos
masculinos internados num centro português de cuidados de saúde mental,
avaliados com testes neuropsicológicos. Procurámos relacionar estes testes
com variáveis como escolaridade, contacto familiar ou duração do
internamento. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram: Série de dígitos e
vocabulário da WAIS, Matrizes progressivas de Raven, Figura Complexa de
Rey, Séries gráficas neuropsicológicas de screening de Luria, Teste do
Relógio e Teste de busca visual e atenção. Os resultados dos testes sugerem
que não se verifica um défice de atenção clinicamente significativo, mesmo
que os dados sugiram ligeira disfunção; variáveis como contacto familiar e
escolaridade aparecem também como factores protectores da memória e
parecem também ser importantes para o panejamento / funções executivas

Palavras-chave: Esquizofrenia, Neuropsiquiatria, Neuropsicologia, avaliação

psicológica, WAIS, Matrizes Progressivas de Raven, Figura Complexa de Rey, Séries de
screening neuropsicológico de Luria, Teste de screening do Relógio

PhD Clinical Neuropsychologist, (USAL - Spain), Auxiliar Professor - Beira Interior University.
Contacto: 133
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia



Luis Maia3


Se analizan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, con el

propósito de comprender los resultados de 21 pacientes esquizofrenicos
varones, evaluados con pruebas neuropsicológicas, internados en un
centro portugués de salud mental. Se busca relacionar estas pruebas a
variables tales como escolaridad, contacto familiar o duración de la
internación. Los instrumentos del evaluación fueron: serie de dígitos y
vocabulario del WAIS, las matrices progresivas de Raven, las figuras
complejas de Rey, La serie gráfica neuropsicológica del screening de
Luria, el Test del reloj y el test de búsqueda visual y atención. Los
resultados de las pruebas sugieren que no hay un déficit de atención
clínicamente significativo, aunque sugieren un defecto ligero de la
atención. Las variables como contacto familiar y escolaridad aparecen
como los factores protectores de memoria y también parecen ser
significativos para las funciones de ejecutivas del cerebro como son la
planificación y organización.

Palavras-chave: Esquizofrenia, Neuropsiquiatria, neuropsicología, evaluación

psicológica, WAIS, Matrices Progresivas de Raven, Figura Compleja de Rey, Screening
neuropsicológico de Luria, Test del Reloj

PhD Clinical Neuropsychologist, (USAL - Spain), Auxiliar Professor - Beira Interior University.
Contacto: 134
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Based in our experience with (Fioravanti, Carlone, Vitale, Cinti &

psychotic and particularly Clare, 2005). Some authors propose a
schizophrenic patients, the idea that clear relation between the executive
the lack and slowing of cognitive and functions deficits (related with
affective experience showed in the malfunction of frontal lobes) and
majority of psychiatric diseases, is poor critical, which in extreme
usually contrasted with what we call condition could be characterised as
the “particular schizophrenic mind”: anosognosia, available by a plethora
a mind disturbed by undesired of neuropsychological tests (Kasapis,
realities, as a result of a summation Amadro, Yale, Strauss & Gorman,
process of abnormal experiences 1995; Lysaker & Bell, 1997; Marks,
(Maia, 2002). The well known Fastenau, Lysaker & Bond, 2000).
differentiation of “positive” and That is why we want to know the
“negative” symptoms proposed by performance of a group of patients
Crow (1980), allowed a body of diagnosed with schizophrenia in a
investigation on how schizophrenia series of neuropsychological
could be characterized as a disease instruments and relate this
of several faces, as well stressed performance to social variables such
about its heterogeneous classification as education, family contact and
(Cohen & Docherty, 2005; Bruno, duration of hospitalization

Since the works of Siedman,

schizophrenia has been METHODOLOGY
characterized as a neurobehavioral
pathology (Siedman, 1983, 1990; In our clinical sample, we study the
Siedman, Cassens, Kremen & Pepple, results of a descriptive study yielding
1992; Kremen, Seidman, Pepple, an exploratory approach, with the
Lyons, Tsuang & Faraone, 1994). As intent to understand the results of a
reminded by Heaton, Gladsjo, given sample of schizophrenic
Palmer, Kuck, Marcotte & Jeste patients, when presented to a
(2001) a large prevalence of established variety of neuro
neuropsychological deficits in psychological tests, and how their
schizophrenic patients are well performance oscillate when we
documented, varying from mild consider the variables of the study.
deficits to frank dementia. The sample is constituted by 21 male
schizophrenic patients, interned in a
Several different types of Portuguese Mental Health Care
neuropsychological deficits as been Centre, with the diagnosis of
pointed out: Kraepelin (1896) & Schizophrenia Paranoid Type (DSM-
Bleuler (1911) (In Monteiro & Louzã, IV, 1995). The assessment
2007) already stated a deficit in instruments were: Digits Series and
social skills, reading, attention, Vocabulary Task, both from WAIS
making choices, keeping thought (Almeida, 1996), Raven Progressive
track, amongst others. Alterations in Matrices (Simões, 1994), Rey’s
memory, intellectual quotient, Complex Figures (Edipsico, 1995),
attention, language and executive Luria’s Series Neuropsychological
functions have been also reported Screening (Luria, 1973), Clock Task - 135
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Neuropsychological Screening From the 4 subjects that attended

(Royall, Mulroy, Chiodo & Polk, high school, only 1 has graduated
1999) and Visual Search and (4.8%). Two subjects (9.6%) were
Attention Test (VSAT - Trenerry, inscribed in College education (with
Crosson, DeBoe & Leber - 1990). We no conclusion) and 1 subject (4.8%)
do not choose a battery of only does not have any academic
neuropsychological tests evaluation, education.
but a set of tests of some batteries
that we believe to be robust enough
to measure the specific dimensions. Regarding to profession before
institutionalization, 47.6% (10
subjects) presented a professional
active life. To the rest of patients,
hospital records don’t allow to
perceive if and what the profession
Sample was 21 patients. All subjects that patient had before to get sick
had ages between 35 and 50 years of (Table II).
age, all where male, and had an
history of internment not superior to
15 years (average years of internment
Table I
is 12 years, and the mean for social
Sample Characteristics
contact or having a visit from a
relative or friend is one contact every
three months). Variable n %
Age by group
The principal characteristics of the 34-40 11 52.4
sample are described in Table I and 41-45 3 14.3
II. Ages varies from 34 years
(minimum) and 50 years (maximum); 46-50 7 33.3
the majority of subjects are between Marital
34 to 40 years of age (52.4%). The condition
majority is not married (61.9 %), 3
are married (14.3%), 1 is divorced Single 13 61.9
(4.8%) e 1 is widow (4.8%). The Married 3 14.3
majority has not sons (66.7%); 5
Widow 1 4.8
admitted to have t least on son
(23.8%) and 2 do not wanted to Divorced 1 4.8
reveal (9.5%) (Table I). The subjects Unknown 3 14.3
present low levels of official
academic instruction (Table II); we Paternity
have 42.9% (9 subjects) with four With kids 5 23.8
years in school; two subjects (9.5%)
attended 6 years in school, and 3 No kids 14 66.7
subjects (14.3%) concluded 9 years. Unknown 2 9.5 136
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Table II
Academic level & Professional
Activity Digits Series from Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale (WAIS) –
immediate memory is measured by
Variable n % the quantity of evoked digits in the
Scholar Level right order (forward and backward);
Vocabulary from WAIS: verbal
Till 4 years in 9 42.9 memory is measured by the quantity
school of correct definitions when
5 to 6 years in 2 9.5 confronted with particular words;
school Raven Progressive Matrices: visual
and spatial coordination functions
7 to 9 years in 3 14.3
from the executive cognitive
machinery; Rey’s Complex Figures:
High School 3 14.3 access perceptive activity (in copy)
frequency where the subject has to organize
High School the reproduction of a set of complex
Concluded 1 4.8 stimulus parting for a given visual
model - visual memory is evaluated
College by the ability to reproduce the
frequency 2 9.6 original sample of Rey’s figure;
Without school 1 4.8 Luria’s Series Neuropsychological
history Screening: assess operative cognitive
functions (executive frontal
functions); Clock Drawing Task -
Neuropsychological Screening:
Profession assess operative cognitive functions
before (executive frontal functions); Visual
hospitalization Search and Attention Test (VSAT):
assess attention levels in conditions
Public Server 2 9.5 of distractive evaluation.
Constructer 2 9.5
Factory 2 9.5 PROCEDURE
Student 1 4.8
Data were collected in the mental
Newspaper seller 1 4.8
hospital after being guaranteed the
Carpenter 1 4.8 informed consent (patients were
Graphic designer 1 4.8 chosen by their clinical reports and
the assistant doctor assured all the
Unknown 11 52.4 introduction, contact and evaluation
process, realized by us - Luis Maia). 137
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

To all subjects where explained the In Figure I we can see Rey

objectives of the process and the reproduction performance of a 69
possibility to leave the process at any years old patient, with a very low
time. As one of the major exclusion academic level (one year in school).
criteria, patients should not be in an Also, this patient has been
active psychotic break up. institutionalized for about 30 years in
a psychiatric hospital yard. As we
can see, the reproduction is
RESULTS characterised by a reduction to a
familiar scheme, and we can also
Results have been divided in two find a rotation effect, which facilitate
sections, beginning with the specifics the reduction to a familiar scheme.
performances to address the overall We can also see that the draw is very
results. First we present the test poor and even with concrete – child
results and, secondly, the dimensions characteristics.
results (Attention, cognitive structure,


The results have been organized

according to each of the tests used in
order to facilitate understanding.


Rey-Osterieth Complex figure test is

generally accepted as one of the most
widely utilized neuropsychological
tests in order to evaluate visual
spatial construction along with
nonverbal memory skills, not only in
clinical patients and also in normal Just for curiosity it is interesting to
populations (Shin, Kim, Cho & Kim, note that, after the accomplishment
2003). In general, 38% of the of the entire test (copy and memory),
patient’s present have normal results. the patient was asked about what he
The summation of these data with the have drawn. He firmly stated that he
performance of the patients in Rey only done what we have asked him
Complex Figure, where 80,9% had to do “...I’ve only copy this drawn...”.
reached results equal or inferior to Even with the model in front of him,
percentile 30 (notice that 42,9% of in order to compare the model and
the total are placed below of its reproduction, the subject
percentile 10); as well as 19.1% was continues stating that “...The draw is
not capable of realize the test at all, fine!! There is nothing wrong with
having alleged incapacity to organize it!...”.
the stimulus. 138
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

This characteristic is very common in This pattern seems to gain some

this type of patients, that seems to strength when we analyze carefully
present lack of insight and the performance of subject
anosognosia (a condition in which a represented in figures V-VI, a 48
patient, after suffered a given brain years old schizophrenic patient, and
dysfunction, seems unacquainted or third grade in school with 15 years of
denies the existence of a deficit): this institutionalisation in a psychiatric
type of deficit makes most of the yard.
patients present more erroneous
answers, although with a higher level
of certainty when compared with
other clinically impaired subjects.

We can observe a very similar

process in Figure II, although in a
very opposite side. As we can see,
the reproduction is characterised by a
reduction to a familiar scheme, and
we can also find a rotation effect,
which facilitate the reduction to a
familiar scheme. Nonetheless, this
time, the picture is very rich in details
(is almost impossible do not
recognize a fish-like or a rocket-like
figure). That is to say: these patients, The analysis of figure III & IV allow
seems to incorporate their own us to put on the table another
reality and reproduced an internal particular characteristic of some
schema from internal cognitive patients. Sometimes, the fact that in
schemes, more than just copied a the reproduction phase in the Rey
model, as they were asked to do. The Copy, some patients do it very well,
difference is must probably at levels do not assure a good performance in
of variables that differentiate the two memory phase. In figure III we can
schizophrenic patients. The first one observe the reproduction by copy of
is very old, with very low education a 37 year old patient, fourth grade,
and interned for almost an eternity; and with 15 years of
the second one is 39 years old, institutionalization. Nonetheless,
reaches the fourth grade and has only after three minutes, his ability to
been institutionalised “only” by the recall the required information is
last 13 years. We can postulate that almost inexistent (Figure IV). As we
the youngest patient is not so will discuss later, again, sometimes, a
mentally deteriorated and, by that, good capacity to reproduce a
his mind is more characterized by complex set of stimulus by copy do
what we call the undesired realities in not assure that the ability to
schizophrenia. reproduce them by memory is
maintained. 139
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

The example showed in figure VI

represents the memory performance
of a paranoid schizophrenic patient.
Pay attention in strong distortion
regarding the original model (already
noted in the copy process – Figure
V). It clearly seems that if in the copy
process, the patient already presented
a strong difficulty to maintain the
copy product accurately, in the
memory task, he presents a clear
confabulation; or what some authors
denominate as knowledge corruption
(Moritz & Woodward, 2006). This
term is related with an aberration in
meta-memory, when patients
embrace false information with tough
certainty. According to Moritz & LURIA’S GRAPHIC AND DIGITS SERIES
Woodward (2006), this abnormality
in meta-memory is thought to stem
from poor memory accurateness in These tasks evaluate high cognitive
concurrence with impaired executive functions (“pre-frontal
discrimination of correct and tasks”) at the level of stimulus
incorrect judgments in terms of organization (e.g. select a goal,
assurance and could contribute, if we planning, monitoring, evaluate, etc.);
establish a bridge with psychiatric attentional deficits, bradiprhenia (that
clinical reality, to the emergence of may be related with
delusions and according to Garety & pharmacotherapy, obsessive and
Freeman (1999), aberrations in perfectionist styles, etc.) as well as
logical thinking. perseverations (Maia, 2002). 140
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

As will be discussed further, CLOCK DRAWING TEST

performance in Luria Graphic series The use of Clock drawing test has
is characterized by some particular been proposed as a good screening
nuances. In figure VII (note that is test in several neuropsychiatric
the same patient in figure I) we see disorder, and particularly in
that our 69 old patient presents the schizophrenia (Bozikas, Kosmidis,
same pattern of reducing the task to Gamvrula, Hatzigeorgiadou, Kourtis,
reproducing a familiar schema Karavatos, 2004), not only in
(Again, it seems very plausible to inpatients but also in patients not
state that the subject forgot the institutionalized.
instruction - “please, copy this
pattern till the end of the page”).
As stated by Shulman (2000), the
clock-drawing test meets clear
criteria for a cognitive screening tool.
It taps into a broad variety of
cognitive abilities as well as
executive functions, is fast and
simple to administer and score with
tremendous acceptability by subjects,
and according with the author “...the
clock-drawing test is complementary
to the widely used and validated
Mini-Mental State Examination and
should provide a significant advance
in the early detection of dementia
and in monitoring cognitive
change...” (p. 548).

In figure VIII we can observe a slight

attentional deficit and in the Figure IX
we can observe a more sever signal,
called perseveration. 141
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Although we didn’t find any In a study carried by Heink, Vainer-

statistical significant differences to Benaiah, Lahav & Drummer (1997),
demonstrate that, concerning to the were they evaluated the performance
accomplishment of the clock drawing of long-term institutionalized elderly
test, it is verified that the majority of schizophrenics showing that the
citizens (42, 9%; N = 9) presents clock drawing skills of a significant
results clearly disorganized and 19% section of these patients were
(N = 4) presented medium impaired, and they concluded that
disorganized results.In the next these results should be attributed not
figures presented we can see that our only to cognitive deficits but also to
patients tends to have a strong non-cognitive (psychiatric state)
difficulty in organize the stimulus in factors and time of disease.
the proper clock site (Figure X) and
sometimes the performance is really In another study with 21 elderly
disorganized Figure XI. schizophrenic patients ('graduates')
and 21 Alzheimer Disease patients
matched for gender and education,
and cognitive impairment confirmed
by a Folstein mini-mental state
examination (MMSE) score of 18-23
(Heinik, Lahav, Drummer, Vainer-
Benaiah & Lin, 2000), even though
schizophrenic patients and
Alzheimer Disease patients had
similar total scores on the clock
drawing test, they differed on specific
test items related to spatial/planning
deficit and preservation. These types
of errors are very common in patients
with affection of frontal lobes, as
seems to be the case of
Schizophrenic patients. 142
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Particularly related with slowness However, will or not be able to exist

and inattention deficits in another factor, that not attentional
performance in Clock Drawing were deficit, behind of such low results
presented as related with negative with a so high incidence in this
symptomatology in schizophrenia sample?
(Kim, Jun, Kwon, Jeong, Hwang &
Shim, 2007).
As we can see in the figure bellow
(XII), the patient completed few
stimulus (23) and committed 5 errors.

Woodward, Whitman, Arbuthnott,

Kragelj, Lyons & Stip (2005) presents
the idea that could support these
findings in VSAT. They state that the
study of visual search speed in
schizophrenic patients has
established that when more than one
object’s characteristics are displayed
so that the subject could evaluate the
entire picture, amongst some
distracters, then the search speeds
would be increased with the number
of distracter items. At the same time,
VISUAL SEARCH AND ATTENTION TEST in the last decades a dysfunction of
In this test, we can found several eye tracking, an oculomotor reaction
characteristics of Stroop effect, being created by visual movement signals
the general errors usually related with have been strongly suggested as
a reply conflict, error of reply, or being in the bases of visual
selective attention (Lezak, Howieson difficulties and, as stated by Chen,
& Loring, 2004). In fact, on VSAT, Bidwell & Holzman (2006) and
100% of the subjects meet below Chen, Bidwell & Norton (2006), not
percentile 6; more specifically, simply in schizophrenic patients but
90.47% meet in percentile 1. also in their relatives. 143
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Obviously, considering the age of RESULTS IN TERMS OF MAJOR DIMENSIONS

this patient (69), as well as the long ASSESSED
history of institutionalisation (30
years), the conjugation of these two Attention deficits in this
factors (age and visual functions) schizophrenic patients sample In
could play a role in these typical terms of VSAT frequencies, separated
deficits in schizophrenic patients, as by categories, all patients are below
proposed by Bidwell, Holzman & percentile 6, compared with normal
Chen (2006). aged subjects.

Raven TestResults in the Raven test We observed that 90.47% (19

were 100% below the percentile 25 subjects) are in percentile 1. We
and allow us to accept that, in this cannot find negative relation
sample of patients, the organization / between VSAT and social Contact (r=
planning capacities (pre-frontal .22; p = .33). According to attention
activity), are clearly misfunctional. deficits measured by Luria’s Series,
we cannot again find any significant
relationship with social contact (U =
RESULTS REGARDING THE COMPARISON 49.5; p =. 85). We do not find any
OF EVALUATIONS relationship between VSAT and
Scholar level obtained in the exterior
Of the related statistical analyses, is of the hospital (α2 = 4.99; df. = 3; p =
not evidenced any significant results .17). Also, we do not find any
that show that subjects who have relationship between VSAT and
lower results in VSAT are also the Scholar level obtained in the interior
ones that presents malfunction of of the hospital (U =28.5; p = .20).
attention in the Digits (U= 37.00; p = The differences found in the VSAT
0,28). In the same way, it was not and bradiprhenia in Luria’s Series
found statistics significance shows that the patients that presents
differences between the results of the lower results in VSAT also presents
inverse Digit-order and the Luria- bradiprhenia in Luria’s Series (U =
attention (U= 38.00; p = 0,297). We 4.00; p = .021). When we compare
found a strong correlation (>.90) the time spent in the resolution of
between the times of VSAT and Luria’s Series, we do not
accomplishment of the Rey Complex find any significant statistical
Figure (Copy) and Matrices of Raven difference (U = 18.50; p = .39).
Subjects that present less
bradiprhenia in Luria’s Series are the
one that spend more time in Rey’s
copy (U = 3.00; p = .02). The same is
for Rey’s Memory (U = 3.00; p =
.02). The same relation is verifiable
regarding Luria’s Series and Raven
Progressive Matrices (U = 7.00; p =
.04). 144
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia



In the CDT there are no statistical In Digits task almost half of the
differences considering the three patients presented results bellow the
possible forms to characterize its average (47.6%, n=10). Of all
realization (“good/normal” – n=8, 38 subjects 38 % (8 subjects) are in
%; “mildly disorganized” – n=4, normal range and 14.8% (3 subjects)
19%; and “clearly disorganized” – are above the average. In Vocabulary
n=9, 42.9% - α2 = 1.33; df. = 2; p task 57.1% of patients (12) presented
=.51). results bellow the average, and the
rest of patients are inside the average
range (42.9%; n = 9).
In Rey’s copy task we found that
42,9% present results inferior to
percentile 10; 14.3% are in The correlations between Digits,
percentile 30; 5 subjects (23,8%) Vocabulary and Social contact were
where not able to accomplish the all lower than p = .01 (positive
task due to strong difficulties in significant correlation).
organize and trace a plan to star the
task. Only 3 subjects (14.3%)
achieved results superior to We found the same tendency when
percentile 80. consider the Digits – WAIS results
and social contact (r = .620; p = .01).
In Rey’s memory task, only 5 subjects
Subjects that obtain medium levels in (23.8%) where not able to finish it.
the ability to present planification From the rest (71.2%), only 2
and cognitive structure (CDT, Rey’s subjects presented results in
copy, etc.) presents greater social percentile 50 and 70. All other
contact (α2= 8.504; df. = 2; p = .014). subjects scores in / or above
We do not found any relation in percentile 10 (62%). Rey’s memory
Rey’s copy task and levels of Social task is not statistically correlated
Contact (r = .27; p = .22). We do not either with Digits or Vocabulary tasks
found any relation in Rey’s copy task from WAIS.
and external scholar activity (α2 =
4.32; df = 3; p = .22). We do not
found any relation in Clock drawing We also verify that patients with
and internal scholar activity (U = 39; higher levels of academic education
p = .638). Subjects that spend more presents better results in Rey’s
time in Raven Matrices also presents memory task (α2 = 9.279; df = 3; p =
better results in the Raven and Rey’s .026). There are no significant
copy task. In Rey’s copy, those who correlations between total time of
spend more time achieve better institutionalization and any other task
accomplishment in this task. Digits related with this function.
were not related with VSAT, and time
of institutionalization. 145
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

DISCUSSION (Clock and Rey-copy) and internal

scholarship (Clock and Rey-copy), do
not demonstrate significant
In this study we looked for to differences, for what, in this sample,
understand if the deficit in the it is not to foresee that they are
capacity of structuring of high determinative for the biggest capacity
cognitive operations were presented of functional structuring to the level
with a bigger incidence how much of the planning/organization of pre-
lesser it was the contact with the frontal functions.
family. Regarding to the results, these
are presented of difficult In this study we also inquire if we
understanding: in fact, significant could identify clinically significant
differences exist between the deficits in attention in the
structuring / planning ability schizophrenic patients of the sample.
measurable for CDT, and the amount A first analysis could lead to accept
of socio-familiar contact. this hypothesis. In fact, on VSAT,
100% of the subjects meet below
We can accept the hypothesis that, percentile 6; more specifically,
being the variable of total social 90.47% meet in percentile 1.
contact an important and However, will or not be able to exist
determinative variable in the results another factor, that not attentional
gotten to the level of the deficit, behind of such low results
planning/structuring of the higher with a so high incidence in this
operative functions, this relation is sample?
not linear at all, that is, we can not
say that the bigger is the social In schizophrenic patients, in what
contact, the better will be the results respects the low performances in
of subjects in the related test. tests that require psycho-motor
activity, the secondary effect of
medication (essentially neuroleptics,
However, we can affirm that, the
Mata, Pérez-Nievas, Beperet &
lowest levels of social contact (till 10
Psicost Group, 2000) have been
days in the last 3 years) correspond to
presented as eventual causes for this
unstructured levels of the related skill
exactly low income (Palmer, Heaton
of planning and cognitive structuring;
& Jest, 1999). There are indications
and, if we consider the two other
that neuroleptics could provoke
groups of results jointly, we can
accented motor slowing, having as
verify that subjects that present levels
base the dysfunction of cerebral areas
of social contact that goes of 21 to 75
on the base of initiative taking
days in the last three years, are those
(Casey, 1995). In the same way,
that presents medium or good/normal
results in this skill. All the other
variables considered in this analysis: he was in a Mental Institution, and with internal
social contact (compared with the scholarship we characterize the scholar activity
inside the mental institution. Some patients keep
Rey-copy), exterior scholarship4 studying and attending classes inside the mental
institution, and this Graduation is recognized by
With exterior scholarship, we characterize the the Portuguese government.
scholar activity that patient have attended before 146
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

motor abnormalities are frequent in Of the related statistical analyses, is

Schizophrenia and can be supported not evidenced any significant results
by the malfunctions of the striatum or that show that subjects who have
basal ganglia (Sullivan, Fama, Shear, lower results in VSAT are also the
Cahn-Weiner, Stein, Zipursky & ones that presents malfunction of
Pfefferbaun, 2001). attention in the Digits (U= 37.00; p =
0,28); this would be a strong
argument in favour of the clarifying
Thus, in the anticipation of the
necessity to skirt these effect of the paper of the attentional deficit based
neuroleptic as explanation for on low results in VSAT (once the
eventual results, we looked to use digits do not involve the graphical
instruments where at least one of accomplishment, not being,
therefore, expectable to suffer a
them did not measure attention from
a test where the motor process from “motor” slowing, as
accomplishment of a given task were stated before).
necessary, trying to neutralize the
effect of the motor slowing in the In the same way, it was not found
result of the tests. statistics significance differences
between the results of the inverse
So, beyond the VSAT (a specific test Digit-order and the Luria-attention
of measurement of the attention) and (U= 38.00; p = 0,297) in such a way
of the Luria series, both requiring that we could say that subjects with
graphical accomplishment, we also attentional deficit in the Luria task,
used the digit series from WAIS, were also the ones that had worse
whose evocation of the series in results in the inverse Digit-order.
inverse sequence not only implies According to interpretative manual of
immediate memory as well as the VSAT (Trenerry, Crosson, DeBoe,
maintenance of the related series in Leber, 1990), if the low performance
the field of the attention, assuring the is verified in subjects that give few
absence of the graphical errors or any at all, as is the case of
accomplishment component. Thus, it the subjects of this sample (which
would be interesting to compare the makes that they fill few lines in the
accomplishment in the inverse order test), is most likely that the same is
of the digits with the VSAT, and still due to bradiphrenia and not for
with the Luria-attention. attentional deficit, once that in this
last malfunction we meet a standard
Once normative data is not given for accomplishment different from the
ones found on this sample: that is,
the Portuguese population, we
considered solely the inverse order of subjects with attentional deficit tend
the series of digits, with implication to fill many lines with many errors,
of the attention, mattering then to provoked clearly for the attenttional
look to correlations between this sub- deficit itself.
test and the accomplishment in the
VSAT and the Luria-attention. 147
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

The fact that we found a strong hypothesis of finding a clinically

correlation between the times of significant attentional deficit in this
accomplishment of the Rey Complex sample of schizophrenic patients,
Figure (Copy) and Matrices of Raven, once the low results in the VSAT can
with the results found in the same better be explained by the slowing in
ones, reflect exactly this slowing the graphical execution, being this,
process, that is, the subjects that very probably result of the
spend more time are the ones that neuroleptic medication. However,
have better results, that allow us to conjointly, the data of the study leave
estimate that if, as in the VSAT, the to foresee a certain attentional deficit,
subjects were forced to accomplish a being these results in accord with
given time, the results would be Comvit et al., 2001, that
clearly inferior, for the limitation of demonstrates malfunctions of pre-
time (would be interesting to attribute frontal lobes in schizophrenic
a limited time of accomplishment, as patients, in studies of cerebral
the used for normal population: T imagiology, even tough the statistical
score for time = 10). results do not allow, by itself, support
the hypothesis formulated in the
Making, however, a more qualitative direction of attention deficit as a
analysis of the results, it is verified category of diagnosis in the DSM-IV.
that the performance of the subjects
in the Luria Series, the Digits Series
Data analysis of this study allows us
presents results that suggest a slight
to state that, in this specific sample of
attentional compromise. In fact, in
schizophrenic patients, there is a
the series of digits in inverse
clear malfunction of mnesic skills.
sequence (Backwards), only 5
Thus, in each one of the three tests
subjects (23,8%) obtain average,
where the memory is directly
results even though they have not
measured, the majority of the patients
standardized notes, corresponding to
present results clearly below the
make right half of the digits in the
average compared with normal
series in 9 possible digits.
population data. However, the very
low results in the reproduction for
Also in the Luria Graphic Series, the memory in Rey Complex Figure,
attentional error seems not to be have, in part, to be understood as
related with the graphical precipitated for the great amount of
accomplishment properly said, but to patients that, yet at the copy moment
the fact of the patient can not keep in (abnormal codification of the
the attentional field the rule that stimulus) had a very compromised
states that, after drawing the two performance, thus influencing the
stimulus with given characteristics, reproduction for memory. The fact of
must initiate other given different finding a strong positive correlation
stimulus, coming back to draw the between results of the Vocabulary
others two previous stimulus. These Test (verbal memory) and Digits
subjects change the stimulus; (immediate recall memory) come to
however they do not respect the rule strengthen de compromised mnesic
of quantity (2+1+2+1, etc.).However, functions in these patients.
it seems most coherent reject the 148
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

These results are in accord with an the last internment also seems to be
important study of Aleman, Hijman, determinant in the results gotten in
Haan & Kahn (1999), which carried the task of the memory in Rey
through a meta-analysis of 70 studies complex figure, where the highest
that demonstrate to exist memory indices of scholarship correspond to
deficit, either of long term or short higher results in Rey memory task.
term in schizophrenic patients. Thus, the level of pertaining to school
According to authors this deficit of activity and the contact with the
memory would be exactly family/society during the internment,
independent of the age, medication, seem to be, in this specific sample of
duration of the illness, social status of schizophrenic patients, protection
the patient, severity of the pathology factors for dysfunction in this skills.
or presence of positive symptoms At the same time, being the memory
(see Elvevbag, Weinberg & Goldberg, a very sensible skill to the effect of
2001; Hill, Ragland, Gur & Gur, training, the fact of the subjects with
2001). higher levels of academic
experience, seems to produce better
performances in memory tasks,
To this respect, the attribution of the demonstrating the importance of
joined deficits to the direct collateral developing programs of occupation
effect of the neuroleptic medicine and maintenance of the most
must be evaluated in a careful way, possible active life, even in situations
once several investigations (Cassens, of long internment. Lubow, Kaplan,
Inglis, Appelbaum, & Gutheil, 1990) Abramovich, Rudnick & Laor (2000),
suggest that the effect of neuroleptic developed a study were a visual
medication may progress in two search task was used to evaluate
directions: some aspects of the motor attentional function in a varied
capacities (that could explain the grouping of schizophrenic patients
slowing verified in the and in normal controls. Subjects have
accomplishment of the tests that to identify the presence or absence of
involve graphical execution) and a single character obtainable from
monitoring skills can be affected consistent distracters. The Response
adversely, but other aspects, as the Time (RT) was examined as a
resolution of problems and the function of preceding practice with
attention can be optimized or to stay target, distracter, or both. On each
unchanged. Thus it seems verifiable trial, targets and/or distracters were
that in this sample of schizophrenic, either original or recognizable, and
memory, as a whole, appears to be the schizophrenic patients showed a
affected. slower performance than controls in
all conditions. The authors state that
When related the data in the different these results propose that the Latent
used tests of memory we verify that, Inhibition effect is in reality
for example, the total time of socio- associated to the processing of
familiar contact in the last the 3 years extraneous stimulus, and that
is clearly correlated with the results schizophrenic patient’s process it
in the Digit Series. In the same way, differently when compared to
the level of scholarship previous to controls. 149
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Lee & Cheunga (2005), showed in a clinical data, as well as in well

study where they examined if documented and replicated sources,
subjects with schizophrenia give us other studies suggest spatial working
an idea about visual-perceptual memory deficits in schizophrenia
difficulty and whether singular (McDowell & Clementz, 1996).
mechanism of attention, namely
sustained attention, selective
attention, switching attention and Broerse, Holthausen,Van Den Bosc &
attentional control processing, relate Den Boer (2001), stressed the
to the visual-perceptual function of necessity to comprehend the usual
patients with schizophrenia. Amongst idea of impaired frontal function in
other tasks they used the Hooper schizophrenia. They stated that
Visual Organization Test with 47 neuropsychological studies
patients diagnosed with demonstrate marked and diverse
schizophrenia and 47 normal frontal deficits although some studies
controls. The results corroborate the found normal cognitive function in a
strong difficulties in patients when proportion of patients. They used
compared with controls in the saccadic tasks as a known index of
referred above variables. frontal function, and examined the
presence of frontal deficits in patients
either with neuropsychological or
Other strong evidence in saccadic tasks, comparing the
schizophrenic patients is the sensitivity of both procedures for
maintenance of great confidence in frontal deficits. Twenty-four (24)
its performance although it could be schizophrenic patients and twenty
completely inaccurate, in a (20) healthy controls completed an
phenomenon known as over- extensive neuropsychological battery
confidence regarding false memory and three saccadic tasks. Considering
attributions (Moritz, Woodward & neuropsychological battery alone,
Ruff, 2003). Furthermore, some 42% of the patients presented frontal
studies support the idea that first- deficits, but when combined the use
episode patients reveal cognitive of neuropsychological and saccadic
impairments comparable to those of tasks this resulted in 79% with frontal
patients with an established deficits.
schizophrenia disease (e.g.
Addington & Addington, 2002).
Despite some particular conclusions
of this study, this type of works allow
At this point of the clinical us to consider the relevance of frontal
knowledge is well accepted that lobes not only in the frontal
working memory deficits in neuropsychological deficits showed
schizophrenia could play an by our schizophrenic patients but
important role in the localization of also the importance of saccadic eye
underlying neurologic impairment movements and its role in poor
and in the explanations of visual-spatial performances in tasks
incongruent cognitive deficits as Clock drawing, VSTA, Luria´s
associated with this disorder Graphic Series and Rey complex
(Goldman-Rakic & Selemon, 1997). Figure. The relation between
The same, and in conformity with our 150
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

performance on the gap task and explained by a psychomotor slowing

worth of flat search and its relevance due to a neurologic pathogenesis,
for a prefrontal insufficiency particularly due to the malfunctions
proposition of schizophrenia has also and disconnections between left
been discussed (Sereno & Holzman, frontal cortex and by that, could be
1993). correlated with cortico-motor
slowing of the dominant hand.
All this type of deficits discussed
above could strongly contribute for As in previous studies in Portugal
the so called “Everyday Actions in with Luria Nebraska Neuro-
Schizophrenia” as stated by Kessler, psychological Battery - LNNB (Maia,
Giovannetti & MacMullen (2007). Loureiro & Silva, 2002), this test was
Royall, Chiodo & Polk (2000) states utilized but, at this time, with a
that Executive Control Functions modified version of the Motor Scale
(measured by several cognitive tasks, of the LNNB and the Finger Tapping
like clock drawing test in 561 Test of the Halstead-Reitan
subjects), has statistically major Neuropsychological Battery – the test
effects on intensity of care and were administered to 10 chronic
Instrumental Activities of Daily Life undifferentiated schizophrenics, 10
impairment, even among non paranoid schizophrenics, 10 patients
institutionalized retirees. The problem with major depressive disorders, 10
is that this developing disability patients with mixed personality
could be not well detected by disorders, and 10 normal subjects
traditional global cognitive (Portnoff, Golden, Snyder &
procedures and by that, the Gustavson, 1982). The major
evaluation and treatment may be conclusions of this studied were: a)
delayed unless Executive Control “both chronic schizophrenics and
Functions measures are employed major depressives demonstrated a
(Royall, Chiodo & Polk, 2000). significant frequency of ideokinetic
apraxia in comparison with the other
In fact, the Neuropsychiatric and groups. b) age was found to correlate
Neuropsychological semiologic positively with ideokinetic apraxia in
reality could not be separated from the depressives, suggesting that such
its impact in everyday manifestations symptoms may be an artifact of the
of schizophrenic patients, and have aging process in these subjects. c)
to be considered not only in its Ideokinetic apraxia was correlated
treatment but particularly by those with slowing of the dominant hand in
who live directly with this struggling the chronic schizophrenics,
reality. suggesting a neurologic rather than a
psychologic basis for their blocking of
voluntary action. d) no group
A particular deficit in motility in demonstrated a significant incidence
schizophrenia is the blocking of of ideational apraxia” .pp. 39
voluntary action, or ambitendency,
as classified by Portnoff, Golden,
Snyder & Gustavson (1982). These 5
We choose to quote literally the results of the
authors stress that this could be study in order to not create a possible bias
interpretation to our readers. 151
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Regarding to these results, demonstrating other neuro-cognitive

schizophrenic patients tends to domains.
present strongly impaired results not
only in copy but also in recall Mohamed, Paulsen, ÓLeary, Arndt &
process, as reinforced y others Andreasen (1999) defends that, in
(Seidman, Lanca, Kremem, Pharaone concordance with several past
& Tsuang, 2003). Responding to studies, major cognitive impairment
some genuine doubts, they state that transversely to several skill domains
these results are independents of IQ are a central part quality of
levels, antipsychotic medication schizophrenia and is not caused by
dosage, time of institutionalization persistent disease, treatment, or
and so fort. As suggested by the institutionalization.
majority of clinical researchers they
state that these deficits represent a In schizophrenic patients with
genuine impairment in visual executive dysfunction as part of mild
memory, visual organizational delirium, perseveration processes
processing retention difficulties and usually occurs (Levenson, Collins &
decomposition of visual Puram, 2005) being the patients
organizational and memorial insensitive to perceive the deficit
processes. presented. The relative commonly
prevalence in general population in a
There is no doubt at this point by the lifetime expectation, is of 1%, and
clinical knowledge that a remarkable makes it a relatively common neuro-
deficit in memory in schizophrenic psychiatric disorder (Andreasen,
patients is clearly available (Aleman 1995).
Hijman, de Haan & Kahn, 1999), not
being necessarily related with a The visual selective attention among
normalized level of intellectual persons with schizophrenia in a
performance and diverse cognitive presence of distracters was studied by
functions (Saykin, Gur, Gur, Mozley, Elahipanah, Christensen & Reingold
Mozley, Resnick et al. 1991; (2008) trying to test the hypotheses
McKenna, Tamlyn, Lund, Mortimer, that impair visual attention amongst
Hammond & Baddeley, 1990) patients with schizophrenia can be
allowing us to state that in the accounted by poor perceptual
enormous memory process, a large organization and impaired search
diversity of phenomenon are selectivity. So, they studied 23
involved. patients with schizophrenia and 22
healthy control subjects that
According to recent studies of concluded a conjunctive visual
Vaskinn, Finset, Agartz, Barrett, search task where the relative
Faerden, Simonsen, et al. (2009), frequencies of two types of distracters
their studies investigates the alliance were manipulated. As results they
linking apathy and neurocognitive found that, when the total number of
performance in patients with first items in a display is fixed, search
episode psychosis, with the performance depends on the relative
hypothesis that apathy is more frequency of the types of distracters
connected with tests representative of (for example, as the ratio becomes
executive function than tests more discrepant search time 152
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

decreases). The major suggestion of realized a study about visual

this paper, according to the authors is constructive performance and hemi-
that patients with schizophrenia, spatial inattention in schizotypic
group items according to their college students and control subjects
perceptual similarity and flexibly using the Rey–Osterrieth Complex
deploy their attention to the smaller Figure Test (CFT). Copy and delay
subset of distracters on each trial. CFT accuracy, plus line bisection
scores on the CFT, were equally
Generally speaking, in agreement examined in right-handed males
with previous works of Kolb and presenting positive schizotypy
colleagues (1983) & Silverstein and (deviantly high scorers on the
colleagues (1998) (quoted by Goder, Perceptual Aberration and Magical
Boigs, Braun, Friege, Fritzer, Aldenho Ideation Scales; n= 24) and
& Hinze-Selch, 2004), schizophrenic individuals reporting negative
patients did not strongly differ on schizotypy (deviantly high scorers on
copy condition of Rey - figure, the revised Social Anhedonia Scale
although usually presents poorer and Physical Anhedonia Scale; n=
results on recall condition, when 26), as well as controls (n= 45).
compared to healthy controls. According with their results, the
negative schizotypy group displayed
Analyzing in detail the work of reduced visual constructive
Silverstein: Rey-Osterrieth Complex performance, as calculated by
performance on both copy and delay
Figure Test Performance in Acute,
trials of the CFT. The authors did not
Chronic, and Remitted Schizophrenia
Patients (Silverstein, Osborn & found a significant relationship
Palumbo, 1998) we find their interest between schizotypy and hemi-spatial
in study the assessment in “visual inattention, assuming, by those
results, that negative schizotypy
memory disturbance in different
forms of schizophrenia” (p. 987), could be associated with memory
comparing Rey-Osterrieth Complex performance deficits, but do not
necessarily supports prior assertions
Figure Test (RCF) performance in
intensely psychotic, persistently of a relationship between hemi-
spatial inattention and positive
psychotic, and outpatient
schizophrenia patients and in a
control group of acutely psychotic
patients with other different form of The relevance of Rey Osterieth
schizophrenia. The major Complex figure was again well
conclusions were that no group pointed out in another study carried
differences were found on the copy by Lysaker, Lancastaer, Nees & Davis
process. (2003); was examined if levels of
emotional suffering and impairments
Gooding & Braun (2004) proposed in visual memory were exclusively
associated with severity of delusions
that visual hemi-spatial inattention
in schizophrenia. They accessed
has to be better understood to
explain poorer results in severity of delusions using selected
items from the positive component of
schizophrenic patients when
compared to normal. For that, they the Positive and Negative Syndrome 153
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Scale among patients with attentional abnormalities in

schizophrenia or schizoaffective schizophrenia. To identify anomalous
disorder in a post-acute phase of brain function associated with
illness, emotional distress was attention in individuals who likely
accessed with the neuroticism have unexpressed genetically ability
subscale of the NEO PI-R five factor for schizophrenia, we studied
and visual memory was accessed electrophysiological characteristics of
using the Rey Complex Figure Test unaffected siblings of schizophrenia
controlling for executive function, patients during a visual serial search
visual attention, and verbal memory. task. We gathered behavioural and
The authors concluded that severity electrophysiological data from 19
of delusions was linked to both schizophrenia patients, 18 unaffected
higher levels of neuroticism and biological siblings of schizophrenia
greater impairment in visual memory. patients, and 19 no psychiatric
control participants during
As stated by Bozikas, Kosmidis, performance of the Span of
Apprehension (Span) task and a
Gamvrula, Hatzigeorgiadou, Kourtis
& Karavatos (2004), related with control task. Schizophrenia patients
had lower Span task accuracy than
which sub-type of Clock Drawing
the other two groups. Schizophrenia
Test (CDT) known, the fact that the
and sibling groups exhibited
CDT is “sensitive enough to detect
diminished late positive potentials
the cognitive impairment inherent in
(P300) over parietal brain regions
schizophrenia, as well as being
during Span trials. Compared to
correlated with symptom severity
control task stimuli, attentional
makes this test useful in roughly
demands of Span stimuli elicited
assessing cognitive state in
augmented early negative potentials
schizophrenia. Its simplicity and
(N1, P2) over posterior brain regions.
brevity are two distinct advantages of
The degree of augmentation was
its use in every day clinical practice.
reduced in schizophrenia patients but
Moreover, even though the five clock
not in siblings compared to control
conditions provide different types of
subjects. Unaffected siblings of
clinical information, if only one
schizophrenia patients appear to
condition can be administered, the
modulate early attentional functions
‘free drawn’ clock should be
of posterior brain regions more
selected, as it contains all the
effectively than schizophrenia
elements of the clock drawing task”
patients but show later
(p. 236).
electrophysiological anomalies
suggestive of abnormal up dating of
Davenport, Sponheim & Stanwyck task-relevant information. While the
(2006) states that “Schizophrenia latter may reflect neural mechanisms
patients and their unaffected first- predisposing performance deficits on
degree relatives exhibit performance attentional tasks, the former may
deficits on attention tasks, perhaps reflect compensatory processes
indicating genetic influence over presenting unaffected relatives of
schizophrenia patients (p.16) ”. 154
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

Heinik, Lahav, Drummer, Vainer & amongst patients with schizophrenia

Druthlin (2000) CDT may, as a result, supplementary advance of protecting
be an attractive instrument for the therapy for subjects at risk for
detection of degenerative-dementia schizophrenia, as well as
in persistently institutionalized aged rehabilitative therapies for patients
schizophrenics. Heinik, Vainer- recovering from psychotic episodes,
Benaiah, Lahav & Drummer (1997), awaits further defined explanation of
once most of these studies don’t take memory impairment in this disease.
in consideration any control or These advances, as stated by
comparison group (“e.g late-onset Silverstein, Osborn & Palumbo
schizophrenics, non-institutionalized (1998) will be possible when we
community-based schizophrenics, better understand the ways in which
non-schizophrenic institutionalized memory dysfunction(s) limits
patients”, p. 655), the conclusions adaptive coping skills, and the ways
about the possible relationship in which reduced coping skills and
between duration of illness, chronic increased stress levels produce
institutionalization and clock symptoms and further disorganization
drawing skills seem premature if not of memory and other cognitive
framed into a more integrative systems.
conceptualization picture.

The accomplishment of our study

CONCLUSIONS presented here allowed us to study
some of the questions related with
the neuro psychological
According to Goldman-Rakic (1991), manifestations in the schizophrenia
“findings of impaired memory are when related with beginning, course
now well established in and quality of the interactions /
schizophrenia. More studies are experiences of life of the
needed, however, that attempt to schizophrenic patients.
place memory dysfunction within the
context of the developmental course
of schizophrenia. Specifically, the Of all the analysis carried in this
relationship of short-term recall study does not seem to have
dysfunction to both working memory clinically significant attentional
and long-term memory needs to be deficit in the sample of the study,
clarified”. In addition, according to even though the results suggests a
Silverstein, Osborn & Palumbo light atrentional dysfunction; in
(1998) the role that memory accordance with previous studies
impairment plays in social (Aleman et al., 1999), it seems to
dysfunction and adaptive indicate the existence of a clear
functioning, in general, in pre- deficit of some neuropsychological
schizophrenic subjects has been skills, as are the case of memory and
largely unexplored. Previous data functions related with planning
(Kern, Green & Satz, 1992) point capacity of pre-frontal lobes under
towards that memory dysfunction is several given stimulus (Cf. Concept of
related with reduced skill hipo-frontality, Ingvar & Franzen,
acquirement in behaviour therapy 1974). 155
Cuad. Neuropsicol. Vol. 4 Nº 2; 132 – 160 Neuropshychological Performance  Luis Maia

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