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Dam Collapse

The dam is a cement block built by man to curb the flow of

water from high areas, and sometimes the dam curbs large
amounts of water, which flows at a very high speed from the
heights, so that it exceeds the dam’s absorptive and endurance
capacity, which leads to the collapse of the ocean in the dam
areas [1] It is possible to intentionally dispose of water in excess
of the capacity of the dam and plan to prevent its collapse, and
this also may lead to floods, but it is less catastrophic than the
floods of a complete dam collapse.

[1] Melting snow and ice in many areas Cold The snow is
abundant during the winter, and therefore it accumulates in large
quantities, and many of it may remain steadfast after the advent
of summer, and some mountain tops are permanently covered by
snow, but sometimes the temperature rises suddenly as a result
of weather fluctuations, which turns into snow into huge water
currents, or their fall and drift while they are still in the solid
state, and then flow down towards places that are usually dry,
and this phenomenon is called a raft. n Snow.

[1] Types of Floods Floods are divided into five main types,
which are as follows:
[2] Coastal floods can cause severe winds and some other harsh
weather conditions, with high tides and sea levels rising more
than normal,

which It pushes water to reach the shores, causing a flood.

River floods River flooding occurs as a result of the high water
level in the river above its normal levels, which pushes the water
to reach the surrounding areas of the river, causing a flood.
Flash Floods Flash floods usually occur as a result of heavy

and sometimes as a result of a fault in the water breaks or in the

sewage system, and flash floods are fast-moving and
unexpected. Groundwater Floods Groundwater flooding occurs
as a result of the rise in the level of groundwater above its
normal levels, which pushes the water in the ground to reach the
surface of the earth, and this type of flood often results due to
the continuous rainfall for long periods. Sewage floods Sewage
floods are caused by a malfunction in sewage systems, when the
sewage system does not have enough capacity to draw water
from heavy rains or river floods.
Damage caused by floods
Floods cause many damages to the environment and
individuals, and these damages vary based on the location and
extent of the flood,
[3] and the most prominent consequences caused by floods on
the environment and on humans are the following: Flood
damage to the environment Floods can cause severe
consequences On the environment, the most prominent
environmental damages are the following:
[3] Damage to the vegetation cover located around the flood
area. Many marine animals lost their habitats. Low water

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