Project Description

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Project Description:

Internships are the way to explore or expend the related knowledge and skills
required in a real world situation and experience to enter into a particular career
filed. However, over the past two decades the focus of Internships systems has
been on learners. Internship management systems are used by universities,
companies, and development departments to streamline training operations,
manage the training requirements of learners and track their progress.

System Users:
The Internship management system is used in the university by three types of
users: admin, supervisor, and student. Every user plays a different role in the
system to complete the whole process.
Initially we will introduce the admin who is the IT support in the university and
will be responsible for
 Setting up and creating new users (supervisors and students) and giving
them access.
 Changing the accounts usernames and passwords.
 Helping the other users to use the system.
The second user is the supervisor who is a teacher in the university responsible of
all the internships done in the university. The supervisor is responsible for tracking
the training process. In this model, there is one supervisor for the system. The
supervisor provides and monitors each student during and after completion of the
internship for the experience and skills that are required (such as tools, grade,
weekly and final reports, presentation).
Finally, the third user is the student who has a limited role in the system. During
the training period the student must submit weekly reports and add the equipment
or software he worked on the previous week to provide the supervisor with
progression. Moreover, at the end of the process a final report and presentation
should be submitted.
System Services:
The system’s services depend on which user is using the system.
The admin of the system will be responsible to create new accounts for supervisors
and students. The admin can show all users’ username and passwords and change
The supervisor will be able to manage the internship by adding a new student to
the system by providing the student’s information (ID, full name, email) and to
which promotion the student belongs (faculty, major, type of diploma, year of
study) in addition to the company’s information (company’s name, company’s
email, address, employee) where the employee is the name of the employee that is
supervising the student in the company.
The supervisor can delete a student and update the student’s information if there is
any error. In addition to that, the supervisor can show all the student’s information
and search for a specific student. The supervisor is responsible to set one teacher
from the university to supervise the student during the training process. The
supervisor can change the teacher upon the student’s request. However, the same
teacher can be supervising more than one student.
Moreover, when the process ends the supervisor will add the grades and update
any grade if there is any error. At the end of the year, the supervisor can print out
reports showing summary of the whole process.
The system’s services is limited to the student where a student can only add the
weekly reports, final report, presentation and the equipment he is working with
during the internship. However, the student can only see his own information
without getting the permission to make any update.
The equipment that the student is adding differs from one major to another it may
be machine, software, tool… Each student use at least one equipment during the
training process and should add every equipment he uses to the system.

System Objective:
This system is used to facilitate the working of the academic university and
organize the data of all students in an easy way. Also, this system allows the
teacher of the university able to track the weekly progress of the every student.
Use case diagram:
Conceptual data mode
Physical data model
Logical data model

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