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State of Texas In the Magistrate Court County of Bexar Number: Affidavit for Arrest Warrant CM 1047 3 8 ‘The undersigned Affiant, ROBERT D. VALENZUELA #2189, being a Peace Officer under the laws ofthe State of Texas and being duly sworn, on oath, makes the following statements and accusations: ‘+ A victim in this case has been identified as Raymond Pichardo , date of birth December 03 , 2001, hereinafter referred toas the Victim. ‘* Anactorin this case has been identified as Clayton Hays Perry ,date ofbirth October 10 , 1955 , hereinafter referred tos the Defendant. Said Defendant is further identified in SAPD computer files under SID # 954238 ‘It's the belief of your Affiant that the offense of ‘TIC 550.022 Fallure to Stop and Provide Info ($200 or More) was committed onor aboutthe 6th day of November, 2022 ,in Bexar County, Texas. + Your Afflant has probable cause for sald bellef by reason of the following facts: Your Affiant is assigned to the Trafic Investigations Detail in the Homicide Unit ofthe San Antonio Police Department. Your Affiant has the responsibilty of investigating traffic crashes including fatality crashes, Intoxication Assault Intoxication Manslaughter, DW! related offenses, along with “hitand run” crashes, Your Affiant was assigned to investigate this hit and run crash (SAPD22242854) that resulted in damages totaling over $200, ‘On Sunday, November 6th, 2022, at approximately 2108 hours, several citizens called the San Antonio Police Department to report ahit and run crash at the intersection of Jones Maltsberger and Redland Road, invalving Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and a Honda Civic. The Victim in this case was driving the Honda Civic. ‘At 2104 hours, 4 minutes prior to the crash, a manager from Bill Miller Bar-8-Q, 2911 Thousand Oaks Dr, called the Sen Antonio Police Department to report a man was slurring his speech and causing a disturbance in the restaurant's drive thru line. The manager reported the “nervous male willbe drinking and driving” a black Jeep Wrangler Rubicon with Texas license plate: NGN3970. The driver ofthe Jeep has been identified as the Defendant. The Defendant is a public figure in San Antonio and vras easily recognizable via surveillance video at the restaurant. The Defendant was said to be the sole occupant of the vehicle, and this is corroborated with ‘Surveillance vidéo as well. The Defendant was observed on video I at 2103 hours. The Bill Miller's restaurant is located 1.4 miles from the crash scene, which is approximately a 3- minute drive. A witness observed the crash involving the two above listed vehicles. The Jeep involved in the crash had the same license plate number as the Jeep involved In the disturbance at Bill Miller Bar-8-Q. The Jeep was traveling northbound on Jones Maltsberger and attempted a right turn onto Redland Road. There isa center curbed GR-4250-02-a Page 1 Rev.2011-6 02/10/11 om104798 island on Redland Road, dividing the roadway. The Jeep missed the southeast lanes and turned Into the northwest lanes of Redland Road, driving the wrong way. The Jeep crashed into the Honda Civic head-on, The witness noticed the Jeep immediately reversed from the crash. The witness then observed the Jeep fieeing the scene at a high rate of speed and the driver of the Jeep was swerving while fleeing. The witness followed the Jeep and observed the Jeep “blow’ through a stop sign on Redland Road, with no attempt to stop or slow down. The witness continued to follow the Jeep into a neighborhood off Rediand Road and observed the Jeep pull into a residential driveway at the Defendant's residence. The witness observed the Jeep crash into a basketball goal and strike the detached garage of the residence. The witness watched as the sole occupant of the Jeep exited the vehicle and was stumbling in the driveway. The witness described the driveras an older white male with gray hair. The witness stated the Jeep's driver was wearing khaki shorts and a black shirt. The description of the Jeep's driver matches the physical description of the Defendant as seen on the surveillance. ‘video. The witness said he observed the Jeep's driver taking things out of the Jeep and drapping them on the driveway. The witness returned to the scene of the crash and advised the Victim where the Jeep was parked. ‘The witness then left the location of the crash. | spoke to the cashier at the Bill Milier who had spoken to the driver ofthe Jeep the night ofthe disturbance ‘and crash. The cashier stated the Jeep's driver was highly intoxicated, smelled lke alcohol, and said the driver's ‘eyes were half closed. The man driving the Jeep never placed an order and just pulled up to the restaurant's pickup window. The cashier said the man in the Jeep was causing a disturbance and she called for her ‘manager to come take over the transaction. The manager Interacted with the Jeep's driver and said the man in ‘the Jeep appeared intoxicated and the man in the Jeep did not understand that he never placed an order for food. The manager said the man in the Jeep inexplicably attempted to give her his keys and wallet during her Interaction with him. | spoke to one ofthe 911 callers who sald she did not observe the impact ofthe crash but was atthe crash location. As she was trying to figure out what was happening, she observed the black Jeep reverse and begin to "drivel crazy.” This s when she noticed the Honda Civic was severely damaged. She said she and her husband began to follow the Jeep but were unable to keep itunder observation ast sped awa | spoke to another witness that observed the crash and was stopped next to the Honda Civic prior tothe crash, This witness said the Jeep attempted a right turn onto Redland Road from Jones Maltsberger but misjudged the turn and came into the oncoming lanes, crashing into the Honda ‘straight on”. This witness observed the Jeep reverse and flee after the crash, speeding away in the correct lanes of travel. San Antonio Police Officer Pattck Des Rosiers #1498 investigated the crash and drove to the Jeep's registered ‘owner's address. n Officer Des Rosiers’ body worn camera footage, the Defendant is found lying on the ground inhis backyard, moaning. The Defendant had a minor injury and apparent blood on the right side of his head ‘The Defendant was brief with some of his answers, and uncooperative answering some other questions being asked by the officer. The Defendant hed difficulty sitting up but eventually got up on his feet. The Defendant was unsteady on his feet and had a circular sway while standing. The Deferidant had slurred speech and was evasive with questions throughout the interaction. The Defendant said many times, he “had a good time" would never elaborate on what that meant, The Defendant would not say where he was coming from or where he had been drinking. The Defendant said he was not the driver ofthe Jeep. When Officer Des Rosters informed the Defendant that his Jeep was sil running, he replied "oh shit. The Defendant's clothing was disheveled, and his zipper was down on his shorts showing his underwear. The Defendant's shorts were wet, as ifhe urinated on himself. The officer requested EMS forthe Defendant, but he refused medical treatment when EMS personnel attempted to assist him. The Defendant is seen having difficulty several times while putting his ‘wallet back into his shorts rear pocket. The Defendant could not find his keys and was attempting to enter his residence through the rear sliding glass door using his credit/debit cards from his wallet, as fthe door had a key-card reader, Without the benefit of survallance video and all the witness statements, the handling officer could not place ‘the Defendant behind the wheel at the time of the crash, so the Defendant was listed as a suspect forthe listed offense. During this investigation, the Defendant released an official statement to all the local news media outlets. The GR.4250-02-a Rev. 2021-6 02/10/11, Page 2 cu 102796 following statement was released by the Defendant, “was in a car crash on Sunday. I clearly hit my head and don't really remember it. The next morning, | vent to the doctor and spent a day and a half at BAMC for treatment and observation. I'm very sorry for the hassle this is causing everyone and I'm fully cooperating with ‘everyone to resolve It properly.” This corroborates the Defendant was involved in this crash while driving his Jeep. This also corresponds to the witnesses statements of the Defendant fleeing the scene of the crash without providing any of his information. In summary, the Defendant was the sole occupant and driver of the Jeep as it left Bill Miller Bar-B-Q and drove towards the crash scene. Minutes later in line with the time and distance from the Bill Mille, the same Jeep was Involved in the crash with the Victim's vehicle. The witness who followed the Jeep to the Defendant's, residence also reported the driver was the sole occupant. When the Defendant was found in his backyard, he ‘matched the physical description provided by every witness inthis investigation and the surveillance video ‘© Your Affiant has reason to believe, and does believe, the sald Defendant, Clayton Hays Perry, on or abautthe 6th day of November, 2022, In Bexar County, Texas, ‘The Defendant was involved in a crash with the Victim while operating a motor vehicle in a public place. The Defendant fled the crash scene and made no attempt to provide any information to the Victim. in violation of Section # 550.022 of the Transportation Code of the State of Texas. 6R.4250-02-a Page 3 Rev.2011-6 02/20/11, State of Texas In the Magistrate Court County of Bexar Number: Therefore, your Affiant respectfully requests thata warrant be issued forthe arrest ofthe Defendant, Clayton Hays Pery, charging him withthe misdemeanor criminal offense of ‘TTC 550.022 Fallureto Stop and Provide Info ($200 or More) in Violation of Section # 550.022 of the Transportation Code of the State of Texas. Respectfully Submitted, ‘Sworn to and subscribed before me in person this 1 ayor Ylov, Jong hour of | (-23 aan 6R.4250-02-a pages Rev.2011-6 02/10/12, | “/in Magistrate Court, Bexar Cour Warrant of Arrest in the Magistrate Court ei Bexar County, Texas Clayton Hays Perry Number: State of Texas To any Peace Officer of any Court within the State of Texas: You are hereby commanded to take the body of; Clayton Hays Perry Last known address: 16522 Calico Creek, San Antonio, Texas, 78247 Described as: 07462293, If the individual be found in your County, and the individual safely keep, so that you will have the individual before the Magistrate Court, Bexar County, Texas, to hold forthwith to answer to the State of Texas, wherein the individual is charged with the criminal offense of: {TTC 550.022 Fallure to Stop and Provide info {$200 or More) B {540106 November 6,2022 B | Robert D. Valenzuela 2189 5 G]Homicide/Trafficinvestiation Herein fail not, but have you this writ before said Court with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. _ |Given under my hand and signature, at my office [© aay or Pups: Maalatate Judge ages GR.4250-02-a Rev.2011-6 02/10/11 Ppcesesteaeeeneee MP aeraeseeereeeea aaa) “ha sex@ | ‘Aquno> 1exeg yuays “wer Aquno> sexag ay 1 Wy Bujpe/d pue yuepuayap 84} puey AW 0} awe> SS6L ‘OL 49q0320 Ausag skey uy fey, “SA SBXB] JO BIB}s YL sexa ‘AjuNoD Jexeg NOD ajzessibeyy 86 L701 Won uenem, samy Jo JueeA, Ae eee eerste) Page 6 Rev.2011-6 02/10/11 GR.4250-02-a

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