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Environmental problems

Air pollution
Air pollution results essentially from human activities. Emissions from cars and factories,
pesticides, fertilizers and even household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can
cause air contamination.
Air pollutants can be very harmful to our health and damage the atmosphere, a thin layer of
gases that protects the Earth and allows life to exist.

Water pollution
There are many causes of water pollution. Water can be contaminated by the discharge of
industrial waste water, without enough treatment to get rid of harmful compounds.
Waste disposal, pesticides and chemicals used in agriculture can cause surface and underground
water pollution. Oil spills are also a big concern, as they pollute the ocean water and cause the
death of many fish and seabirds.
Water pollution affects the entire ecosystem and living species. In many developing countries, it
is usually a cause of death, as people drink from polluted water sources.

Land pollution
Waste is the main cause of land pollution and includes all kinds of garbage we make. Some are
biodegradable, but others are not, such as plastics, metals and aluminium cans, broken
computers and cars. Because these do not easily decay, they end up in landfills, where they stay
for thousands of years. This brings great harm to humans, animals, water and soils.

Humans depend on trees for many things, including life. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the
air and enrich the air with oxygen, which is needed for life. They also provide a habitat to many
animal species. Cutting down trees mean that the land is exposed to direct sunlight and rain,
resulting in soil erosion and desertification.
Unfortunately, large areas of forest have been cut down for wood, construction and farming
purposes, and in most cases, new trees were never planted back.

Acid rain
Rain is very important for life, however, in many places in the world, it has become a menace.
Because of air pollution, caused mainly by gases from factories, cars and homes, chemical
reactions can create acidic compounds which can cause harm to vegetation and buildings.
When acid rain falls over an area, it kills trees and harms animals, fish, and other wildlife.

Endangered species
Human activity is changing the world in such a way that many entire species are endangered.
Hunting, habitat destruction and the over exploitation of wildlife mean that many different types
of plants and animals are being pushed to the edge of extinction.
Threatened species may soon become extinct and they need immediate attention and
protection. | ©Escola Virtual 1/1

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