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Muhammad Maaz Khan


Traffic Awareness Survey:

1. What is your name? *

2. Please provide your email address.

3. What is the minimum age required for driving? *





4. Is liscence compulsory for driving ? *



5. What does this sign mean? *

No road on right side

Right Turn not allowed

Do not give way to vehicles coming from Right hand side

6. Are you allowd drive without a Helmet or seatbelts ? *



7. Are you allowed to Use Mobile Phone While Driving ? *



8. From which Hand side can you overtake? *



Both Sides
9. What does this sign mean ? *

SIngle lane allowed on road

Not motor cars allowed

No overtaking allowed

10. What do double white lines mean ? *

Parking allowed

Overtaking allowed

U-Turn allowed

Overtaking not allowed

11. Are you allowed Park on a side walk ? *



12. Are you allowed overtake at bridges and turns ? *



13. You should give way to vehicles coming from ? *

Right hand side

Left hand side

Front side

14. What does this sign mean ? *

No vehicles allowed here

Road Work Ahead

Road blocked ahead

15. Can you drive on the wrong side of the road? *


Data Collection:
I collected my data using google forms. Here is the sheet of data I collected. ( The sheet was too big to
display in doc so I attached the file. File can be opened by opening this document in MS word. )

Based on the data I derived the percentage awareness of each individual and obtained the following
data set.

Awareness by Percentage

59% 61% 70% 92%

61% 69% 77% 92%
61% 70% 77% 100%
61% 70% 85%  

Grouped Frequency Distribution:

Now constructing a grouped frequency distribution for the above set of data.

Range: 100 – 59 = 41

No. of classes I want to make: 7

Class width: range / no. of classes = 6

Class Limits Class Boundary Frequency

59%-64% 58.5%-64.5% 5
65%-70% 64.5%-70.5% 4
71%-76% 70.5%-76.5% 0
77%-82% 76.5%-82. 5% 2
83%-88% 82.5%-88.5% 1
89%-94% 88.5%-94.5% 2
95%-100% 94.5%-100.5% 1
Data Representation:
I have created classes on the basis on percentage awareness of Individuals

For Histogram I have taken the Awareness Percentage on X-axis and Frequency on Y-axis.

Frequency Polygon:
For frequency polygon we need to plot frequencies against the midpoint of each class and join the line
to x-axis on both sides.

Midpoints are calculated by:

(Upper boundary + lower boundary) / 2

Class Limits Class Boundary Mid-point Frequency
59%-64% 58.5%-64.5% 61.5 5
65%-70% 64.5%-70.5% 67.5 4
71%-76% 70.5%-76.5% 73.5 0
77%-82% 76.5%-82. 5% 79.5 2
83%-88% 82.5%-88.5% 85.5 1
89%-94% 88.5%-94.5% 91.5 2
95%-100% 94.5%-100.5% 97.5 1

In ogive we plot the cumulative frequency against upper bounds of class

We have to calculate cumulative frequencies.

Upper Boundaries Cumulative Frequency
Less than 58.5% 0
Less than 64.5% 5
Less than 70.5% 9
Less than 76.5% 9
Less than 82. 5% 11
Less than 88.5% 12
Less than 94.5% 14
Less than 100.5% 15
These Graphs below are for qualitative data So I distributed my Data into 4
qualitative classes based on the awareness of the Individuals:

Somewhat Aware Somewhat Aware Fairly Aware Aware

Somewhat Aware Fairly Aware Aware Aware
Somewhat Aware Fairly Aware Aware Fully Aware
Somewhat Aware Fairly Aware Aware

Putting this qualitative data in an ungrouped frequency distribution

Class Frequency Frequency Percentage

Somewhat Aware 5 33.4%
Fairly Aware 4 26.6%
Aware 5 33.4%
Fully Aware 1 6.6%

Bar Graph:
For vertical bar graph plotting class names on y-axis and their frequency on x-axis.
Pareto Chart:
For pareto chart we need to arrange our classes by the highest to lowest order of their frequencies.

Pie Graph:
For pie graph we divide the circumference of a circle into sections according to the percentage of

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