Reaction Paper

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Sex as they say is one of the most pleasurable things someone could ever experience.
According to the article, “The moral case for sex before marriage” by Jill Filipovic, Condemning
premarital sex and promoting abstinence are not working. Lasting, loving relationships
are made through intimacy.
I would like to open this paper with a notion from a popular quote, “Right is right
even no one else is doing it, and wrong will always be wrong even if everybody is doing
it”. I Love the concept of American love on this matter, as I quote from the article,
“Americans love to tout the value of waiting until marriage to have sex. We teach
abstinence-only education in schools across the country, and even comprehensive sex-
ed programs often point out that "abstinence is best." Even celebrities are on it.
It pleases me to see that chastity and value of purity is being nurtured and being
supported, if not by all, at least by some. I agree that waiting until marriage is the best
choice, and in my point of view, it is the right way to do marriage.
I strongly disagree that having sex before marriage is the best choice.
Unfortunately, 95% of Americans engage in sexual activity before getting married; only
5% wait until the wedding night. And that's a core American principle. Nine out of ten
people, even in the generation of my grandparents, had sex before getting married. They
believe that sex is good, well I can agree to it, but only within a certain scope and
limitation, and that limit is the boundary set by marriage.
Yes, people gain benefits from sex such as, in terms of happiness, sex is better
than money, and having sex once a week instead of once a month is the "happiness
equivalent" of an extra $50,000 a year.; people with active sex lives live longer; sex
releases stress, boosts immunities, helps you sleep and is heart-healthy. Physiologically
speaking, I know it is true, and I don’t oppose to this fact, but what I oppose is the
timing of doing it. You can say that it is all good and perfect, but one thing for sure is not
good, sex is good, but if the timing is not right, then it can never stand as good. Good
things that aren’t right are not good indeed, but right things even it doesn’t feel good will
always be good.
I can still remember a words to ponder shared by my late grandmother, she said “
can you see that beautiful Bermuda grass that covers our loin, to which I replied, yes I
can see it. Then she said, “ do you know what makes it beautiful even just sitting there?”,
I replied, I don’t know, then she smiled while saying this, “It is beautiful because it is
placed rightfully and appropriately, just like sex, when it is done rightfully, then it will
be beautiful, do it at the wrong time, you will be like a Bermuda grass being displayed on
the sala, you might look beautiful but you’re not in the right spot, so you’ll better be cut-
One concrete example of challenges resulted from practicing sex before marriage
are, Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of
self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death are
the health impact of premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents. (Premarital Sexual
Behaviour and its Impact on Health among Adolescents
Sadly, people use the convenience of the thought that “desiring sex is normal that
is why doing it is just natural response to that desire”, yes as human as we are, we can
feel the urge to do it because of the pleasure and natural biologic response, but human
as we are, we ought to be guided by norm and values that anchor us to prevent us from
drifting away from goodness because of our desire chasing what feels good.
I stand for purity and push that having sex after marriage be normalized in this
dark and evil generation as the bible describe it. Standing for this doesn’t mean I am
fooling myself or being hypocrite, I truly believe that sex is best when served after
marriage. Marriage is the best way to protect against harmful, bad, and dangerous
sexual partner, I can say that cause in a way, reserving sex after marriage gives you
enough time to know your partner even more. You defend yourself against the
psychological and spiritual harm caused by engaging in intimate relationships with
others outside of marriage. You defend yourself against hazardous diseases as well. Your
ability to be self-assured, truly joyful, and to make wise judgments both now and in the
future will all improve if you maintain your sexual purity.

My point isn't that everyone should never have sex before marriage, but
people should determine for themselves when is the right time to have sex.
Making this choice would surely remind us what is ethical and what really is
normal to do. I strongly agree and I stand for the cultural message that waiting
until marriage is the best choice.
Student Activity: Do you agree with Euthanasia or Mercy Killing? Why or why not? Support

I believe in the value of life. I have fought for that value. I am the only candidate to carry a
right to life bill, protecting unborn victims and ensuring that all life should be protected. Ryan Zinke

I strongly believe that life, no matter what the circumstances, must be protected
and valued. We ought to live this life and strive to survive, do everything on our power to
stay breathing and living.

I don’t agree with euthanasia. People ask does an individual who has no hope of
recovery have the right to decide how and when to end their life, this is one of the most
intriguing subjects to tackle. It torn us between norm and values, and patient’s
autonomy. Those in favor of euthanasia argue that a civilized society should allow people to
die in dignity and without pain, and should allow others to help them do so if they cannot
manage it on their own.

They say that our bodies are our own, and we should be allowed to do what we want
with them. So it's wrong to make anyone live longer than they want. In fact making people
go on living when they don't want to violates their personal freedom and human rights. It's
immoral, they say to force people to continue living in suffering and pain.

I can’t blame people who, in the midst of hopelessness, chose to be engulfed by

despair and be blinded with darkness of the situation. But I can not agree with their
perspective, know that hopelessness and despair is subjective, it means it depends on out
understanding and point of view. As for me, breath of life is the only sign we need to be
convinced why one should continue living. As long as we have breath, we ought to live.

You can argue all you want saying this body is ours and it is our call to do what we
believe is right for us, but we can never deny the fact that this life is not ours, we didn’t
create life, nor is our body. We don’t own anything in this mortal body, and this is where I
dig and stand my ground, that because we didn’t own or create this body, we also don’t
have the right to end.

There are reason that people say is acceptable to end someone’s life, but for me,
existence of life out-weigh whatever reasons they have. If I may say, a thousand reasons to
end someone’s life is nothing compared to one reason to keep life. Remember, we may feel
like we have power and authority to end life, but if we don’t have the power to create
something, truth be told, we don’t have by any means, authority to destroy it.

On religious proposition, we believe that life is solely from God, and that God
alone has the right to end it since it comes from him.
Some countries and government legalize euthanasia, but even if the whole world
decide to accept it, I won’t. legal does not mean moral and ethical. It may be acceptable
to some, but I always chose to live this life with an audience of one, God, as far as my
faith is concern, there would never be a day that I accept that ending life is okay, and I
say it again, regardless of the situation and circumstance.

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