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Manajemen Operasi Jasa

The Empress
Hotel Group

Indra Kusuma Pradana

Leni Zakia
Ridho Ramadhan
Summary Case

The case of Empress Hotels Group shows that lack of skills and knowledge
prevents the hotel chain to become a perfect place for travelers and
tourists. A person director, Davina Rullani, understands that poor service
and customer relations management is a result of old-fashioned
strategies and practices adopted by the chain, Its chairman, Bob Beaver
supposes that a standardized approach will not do well for the horal
chain (Johnston and Graham Clark 2008). Cultural uniqueness and
treatment of guests are the main priorities of the horal. Thus, this policy
results in inadequate service and low guest satisfaction in all hotels.
What would you suggest Davina should do to encourage the
staff to exude warmth and spontaneity when their natural
instinct is to seek security from procedures and routines?
Importance of Managing Service Providers

Responsible for delivering service to the customers

A significant element in the customer experience
Front-line service staff represent the organisation and project its brand
values to its customers.
Employees represent a significant resource for many service businesses,
and frequently represent the largest variable cost to the organisation.
The essence of professional services, in particular, lies in the skill, capability
and knowledge
Pressures and Resultant Issues
Davina set herself objectives in three areas:
Reception – to try to make the service more spontaneous.
Staff training – to encourage the staff to focus on the
needs of the guests and not on the procedures.
Hotel managers – to help them assess their staff in terms of
good service rather than compliance and encourage their
staff to do a good job rather than what they have always
Managing and Motivate Service Providers
What Should Davin do?

1. Choose The Right Leader

2. Harnessing the Power of Teamwork
3. Clarify the Role of Service Providers
4. Build effective communication with employees
Thank You

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