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Geologic Overview of the Carlin Trend Gold Deposits

and Descriptions of Recent Deep Discoveries*

Lewis Teal and Mac Jackson

Newmont Exploration Limited
Carlin Trend Exploration Group
Carlin, NV 89

Including past production, reserves and resources, the Carlin Trend forms the largest and most prolific
accumulation of gold deposits in North America. More than 40 separate deposits have been delineated since
disseminated gold mineralization in carbonate rocks was discovered in 1961. From this discovery, a classification for
this style of gold mineralization has come to be referred to as "Carlin-type" deposits. To date, more than 25 million
ounces of gold have been mined on the Carlin Trend from 26 separate operating, or past producing mines (Table 1).
Open pit mining on the Carlin Trend began in 1965 at the Carlin Mine, and underground mining began in 1993 on
the same deposit.
The scope of this paper is to first present a regional overview of the Carlin Trend, followed by summary
descriptions of some of the more recent discoveries of deep, predominantly refractory gold deposits. As part of a
concluding discussion, a spectrum of Carlin Trend deposits are categorized on a quaternary diagram to illustrate the

relative influence of structural and stratigraphic controls on each deposit.

Regional Geologic Setting
The Carlin Trend is a 60 kilometer long north-northwest trending alignment of gold deposits located in
northeastern Nevada, within the larger Great Basin physiographic province of the western United States (Figs. 1, 2).
Gold deposits are hosted in a variable stratigraphic package of Ordovician through lower, Mississippian rocks. Within
specific deposits, gold mineralization hosted in Cretaceous and Tertiary dike swarms and the Jurassic-Cretaceous
Goldstrike granodiorite stock constitutes up to 15% of the mineralized material.
Regional Tectonic Development Regional stratigraphic and isotopic data indicate that northeastern Nevada was
situated along a stable paleo-continental margin during much of the Cambrian through Early Mississippian
(Stewart,1980). During this period, a westward-thickening, prism-shaped package of sediments were deposited from
the outer margins of the paleo-continental shelf into an oceanic basin. Within this depositional environment,
sedimentary facies graded from western eugeoclina1, to eastern miogeoclinal sequences.
During Late Devonian through Middle Mississippian time, eastward-directed compressional tectonism associated
with the Antler orogeny resulted in regional scale folding and imbricate thrusting of the western eugeoclinal
assemblage of predominantly siliciclastic rocks, over the eastern autochthonous assemblage of silty carbonate rocks
(Roberts et al., 1958). The resultant accretionary mass formed the emergent Antler highlands which shed an eastward
directed overlap assemblage of clastic rocks during Middle Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian (Smith and
*Permission to reprint from the Society ofEconomic Geologists, Inc. "Newsletter" (October, 1997)

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December 31, 1996


(000) oz/st (000) oz/st (000) oz/st
NGC stockpiles 0 0.000 0 53,767 0.050 2,673,000 8,353 0.046 384,238
Rain Open Pit/Emigrant Springs 14,170 0.050 708,500 15,628 0.023 366,000 10,217 0.017 173,689

Rain Underground 339 0.203 68,817 331 0.226 75,000 136 0.294 39,984

Gold Quarry!Tusc/Mac 345,802 0.027 174,790 0.046 8,031,000 51,854 0.058 3,007,532
Carlin/Pete/Lantern 17,184 0.245 13,653 0.046 633,000 14,673 0.046 674,958
Carlin UndergroundNVest Leeville (NGC) 885 0.355 314,047 1,994 0.377 753,000 581 0.354 205,674
Carlin UndergroundNVest Leeville (JV) 0 0.000 0 7,050 0.425 2,993,000 500 0.328 164,000

Turf 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 2,531 0.367 928,877
Genesis Complex 132,474 0.029 22,711 0.034 777,000 11,041 0.050 552,050

Deep star 110 0.876 96,360 1,394 0.876 1,221,000 0 0.000 0
PostfGoldbug Open Pit 93,110 0.015 25,626 0.190 4,875,000 37,932 0.048 1,820,736
Goldbug Underground 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 5,690 0.288 1,638,720
Capstone/Bootstrap!Tara Open Pit 1,434 0.101 144,834 20,179 0.046 938,000 1,039 0.086 89,354
Universal Gas Pit 225 0.167 37,575 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0
Long Lac, Bazza, (9, Pancana, etc (Recovered oz. on 253,490 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0

Meikle ·underground 160 0.527 84,425 8,468 0.716 6,065,000 1,383 0.717 99:;2,000

Be1ze/Post Heap leach (Recovered oz. only) 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0
Be1ze/Post1Screamer* 34,220 0.275 122,677 0.192 23,603,000 55,755 0.189 10,558,000
Dee Mine (Rayrock Mines) 5,685 0.083 470,609 9,764 0.048 470,112 0 0.000 0
storm/Rossi (Meridian) 0 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0 2,500 0.437 1,092,500

CARLIN TREND TOTALS (PRODUCTION) 645,798 0.049 ********** 478,0621 0.1221 53,473,1121 204,1851 0.1091 22,322,3121
TOTAL PRODUCTION AND RESERVES 1,123,860 0.076 **********
TOTAL (PROD. RESERVES, MIN INVENTORY) 1,328,045 0.081 **********

- I
NGC TOTALS (PRODUCTION) 605,508 0.033 337,1231 0.0691 23, 144,5471 0.0671 9,679,8121


- I I
BGMI TOTALS (PRODUCTION) 34,380 0.311 131,1451 0.2261 29,668,ooo 57,1381 o.2o2l 11,55o,ooo


OTHER (DEE, MERIDIAN, WESTERN STATES) PR 5,910 0.129 761,674 9,7941 0.0481 470,1121 2,5oo 0.4371 1,092,50oJ


*Be1ze/Post1Screamer mineral inventory includes material at Rodeo.

Historical production is contained ounces and may not reflect ounces poured.

Compiled by Don Harris (Newmont Exploration Ltd.) and Keith Bettles (Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc.)


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' ....... MAJOR FA ULTS 0

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Oal All uvium , Vall ey Fill I I I
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Volcan ic Rocks

Coarse Cla stic Ro c ks

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Late Paleozoic tectonism during Early to Middle Pennsylvanian time (Humboldt orogeny) was followed by
deposition of shelf carbonate sequences during the Late Pennsylvanian and Permian (Smith and Kettner,1975;
Kettner, 1977). A third period of resumed uplift and folding, possibly related to the Early Triassic Sonoma orogeny,
was followed by a fourth period of eastward directed folding and thrusting during the Early Cretaceous Sevier Orogeny
(Stewart, 1980). All of these successive periods of compressional tectonism c<:mtributed to the regional structural
complexity prior to the gold mineralizing event(s) that formed the Carlin Trend gold deposits. Geologists debate
whether the effects of the earlier Antler Orogeny, or later Mesozoic deformation and intrusive activity, resulted in the
formation ofbroad amplitude, N 25-35 ow trending, northerly plunging antiforms within the autochthonous carbonate
assemblage rocks that are now preserved in uplifted tectonic windows along the Carlin Trend (Roberts,1960; Evans,
1974). From north to south these include Bootstrap, Lynn, Carlin, and Rain tectonic windows. All Carlin Trend gold
deposits discovered thus far occur within or proximal to these tectonic windows (Fig. 1).
The current regional physiography is the manifestation of Tertiary extensional tectonics. The inception of pre-
Basin and Range extension is interpreted to have begun during the Late Eocene (± 37 Ma) with the onset of regional
intrusive activity (Christiansen and Yeats, 1992, p.291). Basin and Range tectonism is interpreted to have begun
during Early Miocene(± 20Ma) (Evans,1980), although timing of its inception remains a subject of debate. The north-
northwest regional alignment of the Carlin Trend reflects an apparent pre-existing zone of crustal weakness that
transects present-day, north-south trending Basin and Range topography.
Sedimentary Rocks Gold deposits on the Carlin Trend are hosted in Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks that
are subdivided into three major packages: 1) an a~tochthonous shelfto outer shelf carbonate and clastic sequence
(eastern assemblage rocks); 2) an allochthonous, predominantly eugeoclinal siliciclastic sequence (western
assemblage rocks); 3) a Late Mississippian overlap sequence that hosts gold mineralization in the Rain area.
The autochthonous sequence is host to the majority of gold deposits on the Carlin Trend, with most occurring
in the upper 400 to 500 meters (Fig. 3). A summary description of autochthonous host rocks follows.
Roberts Mountains Formation. Evans (1980) describes the Siluro-Devonian Roberts Mountains Formation
as a 470 meter thick sequence of medium to thin-bedded, platy, laminated silty limestone to dolomitic siltstone. The
majority of gold mineralization is concentrated in the upper 130 meters, in what geologists have come to recognized
as an upper facies containing intercalated, thin bioclastic debris flows and silty limestone with irregular "wispy"
laminations (Koehler,1993; Moore, 1994). This wispy texture is interpreted to have formed as a result of bioturbation
and soft sediment compaction which, along with intercalated fine grained debris flow beds, resulted in an increased
permeability for later gold-bearing fluids. The Roberts Mountains Formation is host to such deposits as Carlin, Betze,
West Leeville, Screamer, Pete, Deep Post, Goldbug-Rodeo, and Mike. The contact with the overlying Popovich
Formation is gradational.
Popovich Formation. From its type section two miles west of the Carlin mine, Evans (1980) describes the
Devonian Popovich Formation as a 400 meter thick variable, sequence of micrite, silty limestone and fossiliferous
limestone. From an abundance of drill hole data in the northern Carlin Trend, the Popovich Formation is recognized

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<( Vinini

() Formation
(+ 1500m)
Big Six, Antimony Hill,
Capstone, Fence


0 linlestonf'

Betze, Gold Quarry,

Genesis- Blue Star, Bootstrap,
z Dee- Storm, Deep Star

lirne~3to :~i~~~~~~d Betze, Meikle, Tara, Barrel,
Goldbug- Rodeo
0 fossilife1ouc;

Lower Post, Deep Post,
Goldbug- Rodeo, Deep Genesis,
0 Betze, Screamer
Carlin, W. Leeville, Turf,··
Pete, Beast

z<( Roberts Mtns. 1--.,--L__,---J---:-cr-:-:-'--1

(up to 4 7 0 rn) 1--T---'--.,-J__-r:---:-J__rl

Lantern, Mike, Tusc


z<( Hanson

- Creek Fm.

( .) Massive

Idealized Stratigraphic Column and Gold
Mineralizatio4 Carlin Trenct Nevada
Figure 3

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as a unit that undergoes a sharp facies change from thin bedded silty limestone and micrite in the Carlin and Genesis
mine area, to massive, fossiliferous, sparry limestone beds in the Meikle, Bootstrap-Capstone and Storm (Rossi)
deposits, 12-15 km to the northwest. The Popovich Formation and equivalent rocks are host to ore at Betze-Post,
Genesis-Blue Star, Gold Quarry (Deep West Deposit), Meikle, Goldbug-Rodeo, Deep Star, Capstone-Bootstrap
and Dee-Storm.
Rodeo Creek Unit. Overlying the Popovich Formation is a 50 to 250 meter thick sequence of intercalated
siliceous mudstone, thin bedded siltstone and calcareous siltstone that grades downward into a distinctive lower facies
of rhythmically, thin-bedded siliceous mudstone (Ettner, 1989). The Rodeo Creek Unit is an informal stratigraphic
package recognized as a transitional sequence between autochthonous carbonate rocks and overlying allochthonous
siliciclastics. In the northern and central Carlin Trend, the contact with the underlying Popovich was at first interpreted
by investigators to represent the thrust surface of the Roberts Mountain Allochthon. This contact has since been re-
interpreted by most workers as a depositional unconformity. Portions of the upper Rodeo Creek Unit are however para- .
allochthonous, due to the corrugated nature of the thrust's surface. Conodonts from the Rodeo Creek yield Late
Devonian to Early Mississippian dates (Ettner; 1989), indicating the unit is correlative with the allochthonous
Woodruff Formation in the Rain area of the Southern Carlin Trend. The silty facies of the Rodeo Creek Unit is a
receptive host in the upper portions of the giant gold deposits, including Gold Quarry (Rota, 1995) and Post Oxide
(Thoreson, 1993). In both instances, these large gold-bearing systems stoped through weakly permeable basal siliceous
mudstone, and into the upper portions of the unit.
The allochthonous sequence is host to narrow, sheeted vein-style and high-angle, structurally-controlled gold
deposits (Fig. 3). Due to the complexity of this accretionary mass, rock types have been lumped into a single, "super''
formation, summarized as follows.
Vinini Formation. This allochthonous eugeosynclinal sequence consists of easterly- directed, imbricated thrust
sheets of predominantly Lower to Upper Ordovician sedimentary chert, mudstone, siliceous mudstone and minor
greenstone (Merriam and Anderson, 1942; Roberts eta/., 1967; Stewart, 1980). Finney eta/. (1993) recognized that
the lower imbrications in the allochthon also contain Middle Devonian carbonate strata. All of these rock types are
present along the Carlin Trend as a complexly intercalated, folded and imbricated mass. The Vinini Formation contains
an estimated cumulative thickness in excess of 1500 meters. On the Carlin Trend, this sequence is host to smaller high-·
angle fault controlled and vein deposits such as Capstone, Big Six , Fence, and Antimony Hill (Fig. 2).
The overlap sequence is present only in the Rain area in the southern Carlin Trend. It consists of a coarsening
upward clastic sequence of Middle to Late Mississippian strata. Mudstone of the basal Webb Formation grades upward
into sandstone and conglomerate of the Chainman Formation. Gold mineralization at Rain is hosted within a brecciated
contact zone between the Webb Formation and the underlying Devonian Devils Gate Limestone.
Intrusive Rocks Multiple-age intrusive rocks occur along the Carlin Trend, indicating that the belt of gold deposits
lie within a zone of high heat flow. Episodic magmatism began in the Late Triassic and continued through the Late
Tertiary. The Goldstrike and adjacent, covered Little Boulder Basin are pre-mineral granodiorite stocks (Fig. 2).
Arehart (1993) reports a preferred 40Ar/ 39
Ar age date of 158 Ma for the Goldstrike stock (Fig. 2). Contact

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metamorphism has resulted in calc-silicate marble, quartz hornfels and exoskarn development within adjacent
sedimentary rocks. A metamorphic aureole extends 50 to 200 meters along the northern margin of the Goldstrike
stock, within the Betze-Post deposit (Leonardson et a/., 1995), and as much as 800 meters beyond its southern margin
within the Genesis-Bluestar deposit (Schutz and Williams, 1995).
Associated with this intrusive event are Jurassic-Cretaceous dike swarms of intermediate to mafic composition,
present throughout the Carlin Trend. These dikes were later altered and sulfidized by gold-bearing fluids, and as such,
bracket a maximum age to mineralization. As a general observation, dike swarms intruded along the same structural
zone of weakness that later served as channelways for gold-bearing fluids, and thus exhibit the strongest spatial
relationship to the north-northwest alignment of gold deposits.
Cropping out along the central Carlin Trend, between the Pete and Mike deposits, are the Richmond and the
Welches Canyon stocks. The Richmond pluton is a quartz monzonite with a K/Ar age date of 106 ±5.0 Ma
(Evans,1980). The Welches Canyon stock is multi-phased rhyolite to granodiorite (Thompson,1995) dated at 37 ±0.8
Ma (Evans, 1974).
Smith and Ketner (1975) report a 35-37 Ma date on the Bullion granodiorite stock located 10 km south of the
Rain deposit. Mineralized Tertiary dikes with 40 Ar/ 39Ar dates of 38.8 ±0.4 Ma have been reported in the Betze-Post
deposit that help to constrain a minimum age to gold mineralization on the Carlin Trend (Emsbo et a/., 1996).
Structural Controls of Gold Deposits. The north-northwest alignment of the Carlin Trend deposits is not in itself
a manifestation of any singular fault zone, but rather a combination of structural features, in a zone of crustal weakness
and sustained high heat flow. This environment created a setting conducive to prolific gold mineralization. While
structural influences vary between deposits, on a regional scale, common features include:

• High-angle, northwest-striking fault sets that served as primary fluid conduits, and are commonly filled by
lamprophric and monzonitic dikes;
• High-angle northeast-striking faults that served as secondary conduits, particularly at structural intersections
with northwest faults;
• Broad to moderate amplitude anticlinal folds in autochthonous carbonate host rocks;
• High angle and strata-bound, pre-mineral stage, collapse breccia bodies;

Northwest Faults. North- to northwest-striking faults form the primary conduits to gold deposition in every mining
subdistrict on the Carlin Trend (Table 2) . This influence is reflected in the geometry of individual deposits and the
multiple alignment of deposits along major feeder faults (Fig. 2.) This structural fabric is subdivided into three
principal sets: N15-30°W; N45-60°W and N-S. All three sets are commonly dike-filled within, or proximal to gold
deposits. Throw across individual faults or fault zones ranges from less than 50 meters to greater than 800 meters.
In the northern Carlin Trend, Kofoed and Vance (1995) mapped and modeled the N-S striking Bootstrap Fault
as the primary control of mineralization in the Bootstrap-Capstone deposit. Yolk eta/. (1995) describe the lower Main
Zone at the Meikle deposit as having a strike length of 360 meters that trends N20° -30°W, in the immediate footwall

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of the Post Fault. Thoreson (1993) describes the Post Fault, as a primary control to the N25°W trend of the Post
deposit. Leonardson and Rahn (1995) describe the Post Fault parallel, northwest trending JB-3 fault as the primary
control of the North Betze deposit. Schutz and Williams (1995) describe the N10°W Genesis Fault and the N45°W
Reindeer Fault as a primary control in the Genesis-Beast and Northwest Genesis-North Star deposits, respectively. In
the central Carlin Trend, the Lantern, West Carlin and Peregrine deposits are aligned along the N50°W strike of the
Castle Reef Fault. In the south-central Carlin Trend, Rota (1993) describes the alignment of the Gold Quarry-Little
Hope-Tusc- Mike deposits as occurring along the strike of the N40°W Good Hope fault, at structural intersections with
successive northeast-trending cross faults. In the southern Carlin Trend, Mathewson (1994) and Longo eta/. (1996)
describe the Rain Underground deposit as occurring within the immediate hanging wall of the N60°W strike of the
Rain Fault.
Major northwest faults such as the Post, Genesis, Castle Reef, Leeville and Good Hope have complex kipematics,
often displaying evidence of multiple stages of recurrent normal, oblique and. apparent strike-slip movement. This
characteristic tends to obscure their role as gold-bearing fluid conduits. For example, the latest observed movement
on the Post Fault displaces the post-mineral Miocene Carlin Formation (Thoreson, 1993). Putnam and McFarland
(1990) first proposed that a regional northwest structural fabric displayed along the Carlin Trend is the manifestation
of dextral wrench fault kinematics developed during the evolution from an Early Tertiary transpressional to
translational tectonic environment within the western United States. In a structural analysis of the Leeville Fault east
of the Carlin mine, Cole (1989) documented evidence of 625 meters of apparent dextral-displacement. While Putman's
genetic model accommodates the observed en echelon pattern of primary northwest and secondary northeast cross
faults, it is likely that these structural trends were superimposed over an earlier zone of crustal weakness, as indicated
by Cretaceous age dike swarms that occupy both fault sets. More recently, Newmont and Barrick geologists in the
northern Carlin Trend have observed abrupt subsurface carbonate basin facies /shoal facies boundaries, which can be
interpreted to reflect northwest trending paleo-carbonate basin escarpments (Volk eta/., 1995; Teal, 1995).
Table 2. Examples of Carlin Trend gold deposits that exhibit primary NW structural control.
Deposit Description
Bootstrap-Capstone Bootstrap Fault- N-S (Koefoed and Vance, 1994)
Meikle (Lower Main) Post Fault- N20-30°W (Volk eta/., 1995)
Post Post Fault- N20-30°W (Thoreson, 1993)
North Betze JB-3 Fault- N35°W (Volk eta/., 1995)
Screamer Buzzard Fault - N20°W
Genesis-Beast Genesis Fault- N10°W (Schutz and Williams, 1995)
NW Genesis - NStar Reindeer and #9 Faults- N30°W (Schutz and Williams, 1995)
North Lantern Castle Reef Fault- N50-60°W
West Carlin Castle Reef Fault- N50-60°W (Radtke, 1985)
Gold Quarry Good Hope Fault - N45 ow (intersection with NE Chukar-Alunite Faults)
Tusc Good Hope Fault (Rota, 1993)
Mike Good Hope Fault (Arkell, 1993)
Rain I Rain Underground Rain Fault N60°W (Mathewson, 1993)


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Northeast Faults. Northeast-striking faults play an important role for focusing gold mineralization at the
deposit scale, particularly at intersections with northwest faults (examples include the Gold Quarry and Meikle
deposits). Rarely are northeast faults important dike-filled structures, however, notable exceptions include the K Dike
Fault in the Genesis mine (Paul et al., 1993), the Hardie Fault in the Carlin deposit (Moore, 1994) and the West
Bounding Fault in the West Leeville deposit. In general, throw across individual northeast-trending faults ranges from
tens of meters to over 500 meters along the Gold Quarry (Chukar-Alunite) Fault system (Rota, 1993).
The importance of northeast-trending faults as gold-bearing conduits was documented by Moore ( 1994) in his
discovery ofNewmont's Hardie Footwall deposit in 1993. Moore's deposit model demonstrated the importance of the
immediate footwall of northeast trending horst blocks as structural fluid traps. The application of this exploration
modelled to Newmont's discovery of the of the West Leeville deposit in 1994. Here, mineralization occurs in the
footwall of the north-northeast-trending West Bounding Fault (Jackson, 1995). This setting is also interpreted in the
Goldbug deposit, where high grade gold mineralization (+0.20 oz/st) occurs in a north trending horst block bounded
by the northeast-striking Hillside and northwest-striking Post Faults (Jory, 1995).
Folds. Generally northwest-trending, broad to moderate amplitude, antiformal folds play an important role as
structural traps to fluid migration within individual deposits, and on a regional scale. Cole ( 1993) proposed the theory
that autochthonous carbonate sequences that form the Carlin and Lynn tectonic windows are remnant segments of a
larger north-northwest trending regional scale antiform, with a doubly-plunging fold axis that extends from the Genesis
deposit southward to Gold Quarry. In this unified window model, gold deposits of the north-central and south-central
Carlin Trend are clustered along both the northeast and southwest flanks of the antiform, and its central portion has
been segmented into a Tertiary, post-mineral graben by Basin and Range extensional block faulting.
On a deposit scale, moderate amplitude folds play an important role as structural traps to gold-bearing fluids.
Yolk et al. (1995) describe two sets of northwest-trending anticlines that control the distribution of higher grade
mineralization in the Betze-Post pits. The Betze anticline has a N50-60°W trending fold axis that is sub-parallel to
the northern margin of the Goldstrike stock. The fold is interpreted to have formed as a result of compressive
deformation related to emplacement of the intrusion. It subsequently served as a structural trap for fluids that were
ponded adjacent to the intrusive contact to form the Betze deposit. The second fold set is the more common N30°W
trend of the Post anticline, located in the immediate footwall of the Post Fault. The hinge of the fold controls the
geometry of gold mineralization in the Post Oxide and Lower Post deposits. In the Genesis deposit, Schutz and
Williams (1995) describe the hinge zone of the N10°W trending, northerly-plunging Tuscarora anticline as controlling
higher grade mineralization in the southern and deep extension of the deposit.
Pre-Ore Breccia Bodies. A large volume of information has been written describing a wide spectrum of mineralized
breccia textures from deposits on the Carlin Trend. However, within a number of individual deposits, the formation
of pre-ore stage, high-angle and strata-bound breccia bodies contributed to the fluid dynamics of the later gold-bearing
event. A classic example of this brecciation phase is documented in the Meikle deposit by Yolk eta/. (1995). In the
Rain Underground deposit, Mathewson (1995) describes pre-ore stage decalcification along the Rain Fault in the
underlying Devils Gate Limestone, as resulting in the formation of pre-ore collapse breccias in the bevils Gate


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Limestone and overlying Webb Formation mudstone. This process enhanced the permeability along the contact zone
for subsequent gold-bearing fluids, in what would have otherwise been an unreceptive host rock.
Gold mineralization is also selectively focused within coarse sedimentary debris flow horizons of the Lower
Popovich and Upper Roberts Mountains Formations. This style of mineralization is particularly common in a series
of deposits in the northern Carlin Trend that occur proximal to the carbonate facies transition that demarks a change
from massive fossiliferous limestone to micritic and silty limestone. Leonardson and Rahn (1995) and Thoreson (1993)
describe the higher grade mineralization in the Lower Betze and Deep Post deposits as occurring within sedimentary
debris flow facies of the Lower Popovich. Jory eta/. (in press) describe high grade (+0.20 oz/st) gold mineralization
in the Goldbug-Rodeo deposit as occurring within clast supported collapse breccia zones that overprint the same
sedimentary debris flow breccias. This same style of mineralization has been described by Kunkel and Teal (1995) in
the nearby Barrel deposit.
Alteration and Gold Mineralization
Numerous papers describe wall rock alteration of the Carlin Trend deposits, including classic studies by Hausen
(1967), Hausen and Kerr (1968), Radtke (1985), Kuehn (1989) and Bakken (1990). Pervasiveness and intensity of
alteration varies both within and between gold deposits, depending on magnitude of the system, nature of the host rock
and density of structural conduits. Christensen (1993) summarized the salient alteration features that characterize
Carlin Trend deposits:
• carbonate dissolution;
• argillic alteration ofprimary silicate minerals;
• silicification;
• gold-enriched sulfidation ofreactive iron in host rocks, to form gold bearing sulfide (pyrite; arsenical pyrite);

Carbonate Dissolution. Carbonate removal in the form of decalcification (calcite removal), and more advanced
decarbonatization (calcite/dolomite removal), is the most pervasive alteration style observed within the Carlin Trend
deposits. As a general observation, the extent of carbonate dissolution is controlled partially by the composition of the
original host rock. In deposits hosted within, or above dense, biosparitic limestone protolith, such as Meikle, Bootstrap
and Rain, decalcification tends to be restricted around high-angle fluid conduits and major lithology contacts. In
deposits hosted in silty limestone protolith, such as Carlin and West Leeville, decalcification is more pervasive and
intense due to the original porosity and permeability of the host rock.
In the Carlin deposit, studies by Kuehn (1989) and Bakken (1990) describe acidic hydrothermal fluid channeling
along high-angle structural conduits and favorable stratigraphic horizons that resulted in pre-ore stage decalcification,
loss in density, and an increase in porosity and permeability of the host rock. The degree and intensity of carbonate
removal ranges widely between mineralizing systems, and does not always exhibit a clear zonal relationship with gold
deposition. Leonardson and Rahn (1995) and Thoreson (1993) describe total decarbonatization in the Betze and Lower
Post deposits. However, satellite deposits to the Betze-Post system, such as the Goldbug (Jory, 1995) and Screamer
deposits (Fig. 2), exhibit zones of higher gold grades that are only weakly decalcified.

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Argillic Alteration. Argillic to advanced argillic alteration accompanies carbonate dissolution. It is particularly
well developed within deposits hosted in silty limestone or calc-silicate hornfels protoliths. Detrital clays and K-
feldspar, which comprise a small amount of the silty limestone protolith, are altered to montmorillonite, kaolinite, illite
and minor sericite.
Silicification. The extent of silicification ranges between types of deposits and, similar to carbonate removal, its
importance as an alteration product is partially controlled by the composition of host rock. In deposits hosted in dense,
biosparitic limestone or calc-silicate protolith (examples include Meikle and Deep Star), fluid permeability is more
restricted to high-angle conduits. As a result, silicification is more intense and spatially associated with gold
mineralization. Rota (1993) describes quartz as the most abundant alteration product in the Gold Quarry deposit,
occurring throughout all stages of pre- to post-ore alteration. Volk et al. (1995) describe at least five stages of
silicification in the Meikle deposit: 1) early pre-ore metamorphic quartz veins associated with emplacement of Jurassic
intrusive rocks; 2) late pre-ore silica replacement associated with early stage carbonate dissolution; 3) main stage ore
silicification occurring as episodic pulses, open-space fillings and veinlets associated with the precipitation of fine-
grained pyrite; 4) post-ore chalcedonic vug fillings and coatings; 5) very late stage, outwardly zoned quartz veinlets
in the Vinini Formation.
In the more passive, stratigraphically controlled deposits (examples include Carlin, West Leeville, Hardie
Footwall and Screamer) silicification within the ore zone is less significant. Silicification is focused along bioclastic
debris horizons and proximal to fluid conduits, and occurs peripheral to the main ore zone. In the Carlin deposit,
Bakken (1990, p.141) interprets early stage acidic hydrothermal fluids as evolving into thermal equilibrium through
a process of groundwater mixing. In this restricted model, silica continued to remain in equilibrium until the late-ore,
to post-ore stages of the hydrothermal system. It was then precipitated as pressure-temperature conditions waned. In
whole rock analyses from the Carlin deposit, Kuehn and Rose (1992) document a linear relationship between carbonate
dissolution (C02 removal) and an increase in Si02• This relationship illustrates that the intensity of silica addition,
beyond isochemical enrichment (-67% Si02), is more prevalent in dense carbonate hosted deposits, or as selective
replacement in more calcite rich and permeable bioclastic debris flow beds, due to their initially higher calcite content.
Kuehn and Rose (1992) also document early, pre-ore stage deposition ofbarite-sphalerite-galena in the Carlin
deposit. At the West Leeville deposit, the Popovich Formation is silicified, barren in gold, and strongly anomalous in
base metals above the ore zone (Jackson, 1995). These relationships suggest an early stage of silica and base metal
deposition exists in more passive, strata-controlled gold deposits.
Gold Mineralization. Gold in the Carlin Trend deposits occurs as submicron particles (50-200A) primarily within
the lattices of pyrite and arsenical pyrite (Hausen and Kerr,1968; Radtke, 1985; Bakken, 1990; Arehart et al., 1993;
Sha, 1993). Fluid inclusion studies by Kuehn (1989) in the Carlin deposit, and Hofstra et al. (1991) in the adjacent
Jerritt Canyon district, suggest gold was transported as a hydrogen bisulfide complex. Gold-bearing fluids are
interpreted to be highly evolved and of mixed meteoric-magmatic origin. Fluid chemistry exhibits low salinities ( 1-7%
NaCI equiv.) and enrichment in both H2S and C02. Thus, enriched H2S concentration in the ore fluid resulted in
sulfidation of reactive iron in the host rock to precipitate gold bearing pyrite. Due to high C02 content in fluid


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inclusions, Kuehn (1989) estimated a depth of formation for the Carlin deposit to be on the order of 4.4 +/- 2.0 km,
within a temperature range of 180 to 245°C.
Alteration Zoning Patterns. The variations in alteration zoning patterns between individual gold deposits are a
function of the magnitude and/or intensity of the gold-bearing system, composition and density of the host rock, and,
in some deposits, effects of a pre-mineral, 158 Ma thermal metamorphic event. The majority of the detailed alteration
studies and descriptions in the literature (Hausen and Kerr,l968~ Radtke, 1985~ Kuehn, 1989~ Bakken,l990) have
focused on the Carlin deposit, one of the more passive end-member style of deposits. In contrast, zonation patterns for
silica-sulfide breccia pipes such as Deep Star (Harvey,l990) and Meikle (Yolk et al.,l995~ this report) exhibit compact
envelopes in which silicification and sulfidation are more intensely focused.
Owing to observed differences, an adaptation of the zonation pattern proposed by Kuehn and Rose (1992)
includes the following major, distal-to-proximal alteration assemblages for gold deposits on the Carlin Trend: 1) fresh
silty limestone: calcite +dolomite+ illite+ quartz +Kspar +pyrite; 2) weak to moderate decalcification (dolomite
halo): dolomite± calcite+ quartz +illite± kaolinite+ pyrite± gold~ 3) strong decalcification: dolomite + quartz + illite
±kaolinite + pyrite ± gold~ 4) decarbonatization: quartz + kaolinite/dickite + pyrite ± gold.


Over the last ten years, a number of significant deep deposit discoveries have been made on the Carlin Trend.
Summary descriptions, by Carlin Trend geologists of the exploration history and geology of some of these discoveries
are presented here, beginning at the northern end of the Carlin Trend and continuing southward.

Storm (Rossi) Deposit - D.M Visher

The Storm deposit, formerly referred to as Rossi, is located immediately north of the Dee mine and, as such, forms
the northernmost known Carlin-style deposit on the Carlin Trend (Fig. 2). In 1986, Meridian Gold (formerly FMC
Gold) acquired the property and began exploration for shallow, oxide deposits. Deep exploration drilling in 1990
resulted in the discovery of high-grade gold mineralization. Two of the first 12 holes intersected 6 meters of 0.305 oz/st
and 8.5 meters of0.283 oz/st gold, respectively. By the end of 1992, 14 of 30 deep holes contained intercepts of greater
than 0.20 oz/st gold. In 1993, Meridian purchased the underlying precious metals interest in the property and expanded
the deep exploration program. To date, 73 drill holes define a mineral inventory of 2.5 million tons at an average grade
of0.437 oz/st gold using a cutoff of0.20 oz/st.
Storm is a high-grade, structurally-controlled refractory gold deposit occurring at depths of 200 to 600 meters,
hosted primarily by silty carbonate and carbonate breccia bodies within the Popovich Formation (Fig. 4). The local
geology consists of chert, siltstone and mudstone of the Vinini Formation in thrust contact with autochthonous
limestone, calcareous mudstone, carbonate breccia, dolomite and carbonaceous mudstone. Intruding the sedimentary
sequence are inferred Jurassic to Tertiary age dikes and sills, including the north-northwest trending Arturo dike and
the 49'er dike swarm. These high-angle, dike-filled structures acted as conduits for mineralizing fluids, with
silicification and pyritization comprising the dominant alteration types associated with gold mineralization. Collapse

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Lookti79 North

Artun·· c- 1 - 182Pm


s $:.

~ s.

- 1524m

rr'(&-; ~
CollopsE' Br·t-·ccio
0 200 400 leet
Bo111dary of Gold j 1
• Mineralzation 0 50 I 00 lneters
( ;;; 0.150 oz/st) Figure 4

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breccia bodies occurring within the Storm deposit are interpreted as products of decarbonatization and resultant volume
loss within the Popovich Formation host rock. Collapse brecciation occurred prior, during and following gold
deposition. Although collapse breccias locally are host to ore grade gold mineralization, and high-grade clasts are
commonlffound in the breccia bodies, more typically gold is lower grade and disseminated throughout the breccia.
Gold mineralization within the Storm deposit occurs within the footwall of northwest-trending faults, at the intersection
of the north-south striking Dee Fault and/or northeast to east-west trending faults. Higher grade gold (+0.20 oz/st) is
associated with fine- grained arsenical pyrite within favorable horizons of the Popovich Formation.

Meikle Deposit - J.A. Volk and A. Bourget

The Meikle deposit is located on the northern Carlin Trend, one mile north of the Betze-Post operations (Fig. 2).
The Meikle deposit was discovered in September, 1989 with core hole EX-89-4, which intersected 177 meters of0.41
oz/st gold from 428 meters to 605 meters below surface. This hole targeted an inferred structural intersection which
was close to a weak arsenic soil anomaly. As currently defined, the deposit has a strike length in excess of 650 meters.
The Meikle Mine commenced production as a 2,000 ton per day underground operation in September, 1996. The
mine is expected to produce 435,000 ounces of gold in 1997, at an estimated cash cost of$125/ounce, making it the
largest underground gold mine in the United States. Proven and probable reserves as of year-end 1996 stand at 8.5
million tons at a grade of0.716 oz/st, containing in excess of6 million ounces of gold.
With the exception of silicification along structural zones associated with the Post Fault zone, there is little surface
expression of the Meikle deposit. Mineralization at Meikle occurs primarily in a series of silicified solution/collapse
breccias that occur within the Popovich Formation, and, to a lesser extent, within the Roberts Mountains Formation
(Figure 5). The breccia bodies are typically heterolithic, matrix-supported and-occur in the footwall to the Post Fault
zone and associated felsic intrusive rocks. Dense dolomitic limestones of the Roberts Mountains Formation form a
prominent structural high west of the mineralized breccia bodies which typically define the footwall contact to ore-
grade mineralization. Breccias are typically structurally-controlled, and are spatially associated with both north-
northwest and northeast oriented high-angle faults. Gold mineralization is also hosted by a series of north-northwest
striking Jurassic lamprophyre and monzonite dikes intruded along the footwall of the Post Fault zone, and also within
calcareous mudstone.
Gold mineralization at Meikle overprints a paragenetically older base metal event, characterized by silica,
sphalerite, barite and pyrite mineralization. Breccias formed by solution collapse associated with this earlier
hydrothermal event are overprinted by a second collapse event which occurred subsequent to Jurassic intrusive activity
and prior to gold deposition. Both hydrothermal events are interpreted to have utilized the same system of north-
northwest and northeast high-angle faults as fluid conduits, indicating a geologically long-lived and deep rooted
pathway for fluid migration.
Goldbug-Rodeo Deposit - J. Jory, G. Baschuk and L. Coombs
The Goldbug-Rodeo deposit is located in the northern Carlin Trend between the Betze-Post and Meikle mines.
The deposit is one in a series of north-northwest aligned, gold deposits developed in the footwall of the N30°W

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-.. :_:P'
+ .-



0 12~> 250 feet

80 meters
9 +0.200 oz/st GOLD
figure 5

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striking, 80°NE dipping Post Fault. The Goldbug-Rode9 deposit straddles the Newmont-Barrick property line, with
dimensions measuring 600 meters N-S by 425 meters E-W at depths ranging from 140 to 520 meters. Structural
projections, soil geochemistry (20-30ppm arsenic), aeromagnetic and IF-resistivity surveys were used to target deep
drilling of autochthonous carbonate rocks beginning in 1987, leading to discovery of the deposit in early 1988.
Newmont's March 1997 underground resource for the Goldbug portion of the deposit includes 5,690,000 tons grading
0.340 oz/st, containing 1.92 million ounces of gold at a 0.20 oz/st cutoff. Barrick is in an advanced exploration stage
on the Rodeo portion of the deposit and is currently sinking an exploration shaft that will provide access to the deposit
for definition drilling scheduled to commence in early 1998.
Gold mineralization is hosted in micrite to silty limestone of the Popovich and Roberts Mountains Formations
(Fig. 6). The Rodeo Creek Unit, a 220 meter thick sequence of siliceous mudstone and calcareous siltstone,
conformably overlies the Popovich Formation. The Roberts Mountains thrust places up to 100 meters of allochthonous
Vinini Formation cherty mudstone and siltstone above Rodeo Creek rocks. Goldbug-Rodeo contains two strata-bound,
carbonaceous, pyritic gold deposits that average +0.20 oz/st. The upper zone occurs in decalcified, planar laminated
micrite of the Popovich Formation at depths ranging from 275 to 400 meters. The lower zone is hosted by silicified
and brecciated, wispy-laminated silty limestone and fossiliferous sedimentary debris flow limestone of the upper
Roberts Mountains Formation, at depths ranging from 400 to 520 meters. Minor gold mineralization is hosted in Rodeo
Creek siltstone and siliceous mudstone along the dike-filled footwall margin of the Post fault, at depths ranging from
140 to 370 meters. Sub-vertical, N10°E to N30°W, argillized monzonite and lamprophyre dike-filled faults impart
structural controls to gold mineralization. The most important types of hydrothermal alteration are decalcification,
silicification and pyritization. Decalcification resulted in increased permeability and in collapse of carbonate host rocks.
As a result, these zones were particularly susceptible to pervasive silica flooding, pyritization and accompanying gold
deposition. Geologic conditions required to produce the Goldbug-Rodeo deposit include: multiple mineralizing events,
favorable host rocks, and structural preparation along north-northwest feeder faults within the Post anticline.

Screamer Deposit - G. Tousignant

The Screamer deposit is located in the northern Carlin Trend, and is the westward continuation of the Betze-Post
deposit (Fig. 2). Screamer was discovered in 1987 by deep drilling adjacent to the overlying West Bazza pit with the
discovery hole targeted at depth extensions of the N20°W striking Buzzard Fault and IF/resistivity anomalies. The
deposit occurs as a tabular, 10 to 100 meter thick, strata-bound zone extending 800 meters north-northwest along
strike, by 150 to 600 meters in width, 300 meters below the surface. Minable reserves for Screamer are included in the
Betze-Post reserves, and are in excess of 4 million ounces of gold.
Geology in the Screamer area consists of the Roberts Mountains Formation, overlain by 100 meters of micritic
to silty limestones of the Popovich Formation, approximately 200 meters of the Rodeo Creek Unit and up to 100 meters
of allochthonous Vinini Formation. Most of the gold mineralization is hosted in the wispy laminated silty limestone
and sedimentary debris flows of the upper Roberts Mountains Formation (Fig. 7 ). A smaller portion of the deposit is
located along high-angle structures in the Popovich Formation. Fault sets, commonly dike-filled, crosscut the area

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0 250 500 let"!

• +0.200 oz/st GOLD
Rgure 6 () 80 1fi0 177c'iPFS

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• +0.065 oz/st GOLD 0 200 400 l'f'C't Figure 7

t I
0 50 100 meters

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along two dominant orientations. The primary set is oriented N20°W to N40°W, in a series of moderately- to steeply-
dipping faults subparallel to the Buzzard and Bazza Point Faults. The second orientation is subordinate, and ranges
from N40°E to N60°E, with dips varying from NW to SE. Dike compositions include lamprophyre, monzonite and
Hydrothermal alteration consists of weak decalcification, weak silicification and pyritization. The intensity of
alteration is generally weaker than in the adjacent Betze-Post deposit. Alteration is most well developed, and gold
grades are highest at the south end of the deposit, adjacent to the Goldstrike stock, where calc-silicate hornfels and
marbles are common. Gold is associated with very fine, disseminated pyrite and, combined with subtle alteration, ore
grade material is difficult to recognize visually.
Gold mineralization is strongest in the footwall of the main northwest-trending, west- dipping structures, where
they intersect northeast-trending faults. Although the structures are conduits for mineralization, ore extends
considerable distances along favorable host horizons. These beds, mostly in the upper Roberts Mountains Formation,
are more permeable due to the occurrence of sedimentary breccias and decalcification, resulting in the local formation
of strata-bound collapse breccias. Consequently, the genesis of the Screamer deposit can be considered to be influenced
by both stratigraphy and structure.

Deep Star Deposit - C. Clode

The Deep Star deposit is located in the north-central Carlin Trend, 300 meters north of the Genesis mine at a
depth of 250 meters below the surface (Clode, 1995; Harvey, 1990; Fig 2). In 1988, drilling by Barrick Goldstrike
Mines immediately north of the Newmont/Barrick property line intersected 38 meters of0.25 oz/st gold in what was
to become the north end of the Deep Star deposit. The following year, a Newmont drill hole intersected 70 meters of
2.06 ozlst gold in the core of the deposit. Deep Star contains a measured and indicated geologic resource of 1,505,000
short tons at an average grade of0.949 oz/st gold, for a total of 1,428,245 ounces at a 0.20 oz/st cutoff. Newmont
initiated underground production at Deep Star in early 1996, and is currently mining in excess of 500 tons per day.
Deep Star is a compact, mineral replacement and breccia-hosted gold deposit, measuring 150 by 225 meters in
plan projection. The deposit has a true thickness of 24 to 85 meters and comprises a geometry that dips steeply at 60
degrees to the east ( Figure 8). The deposit occurs within an aeromagnetic low embayment along the southern margin
of the Goldstrike stock (Harvey, 1990). Structures are the most important controls to mineralization, as Deep Star
occurs within a dilatant zone between the Genesis and Deep Star Faults, two splays of the north-northwest trending,
Genesis and Post Fault system. Ore occurs within chemically altered and replaced host rock and breccia, that is located
between two sills of diorite, along the southern margin of the Goldstrike stock. Marble and calc-silicate hornfels host
rocks of the Popovich Formation have been altered to an assemblage of quartz + kaolinite ± sericite + dolomite +

sulfide + gold. Deep Star ore is refractory and highly sulfidic by Carlin Trend deposit standards. Gold is intimately
associated with ultra-fine grained sulfides and therefore has a black, sooty appearance. Sulfide content ranges from
3 to 16 weight percent and is attributed to arsenical pyrite, marcasite, minor arsenopyrite, and late stage realgar.

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Look/ng North


- !(i46m


0 200 400 lee!
I I !
0 50 I 00 meters

Ouorlz, Cloy.
• Su!f/de Breccia and Au
+0.200 oz/st GOLD
Figure 8

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Turf Deposit - R. Lisle, MR. Jackson and J. Mohling
The Turf deposit is located on the west flank of the Tuscarora Range, three kilometers north of the Carlin Mine
and, occurs 600 meters east of the Little Boulder Basin stock (Fig. 2). The deposit was discovered by Newmont
geologists in late 1994, when exploration targeted range-bounding faults extending into the lower plate carbonate
section. The deposit consists of a drill-indicated resource of 2,531,000 tons at 0.432 oz/st that contains 1,093,400
ounces of gold, using a 0.20 oz/st cutoff. Exploration drilling continues to the north, where the deposit remains open.
Development drilling has been initiated at the south end of the deposit.
Most of the gold mineralization in the Turf deposit occurs in the north-striking, 60 degrees west-dipping Turf
Fault at 540 to 715 meters below the surface (Mohling, 1997~ Lisle, 1996). The deposit has a strike length greater than
900 meters, a dip length of 150 to 285 meters, and averages 10 meters in true thickness. Strata-bound gold zones, up
to 25 meters thick, extend up to 100 meters from the Turf Fault. Mineralization is hosted along the contact between
wispy-laminated silty limestone of the Roberts Mountains Formation and micrite of the Popovich Formation (Fig. 9).
The Turf Fault has 25 to 40 meters of apparent normal offset and is locally filled with monzonite and/or lamprophyre
dikes. Host rocks are locally metamorphosed to marble and calc-silicate hornfels. Ore-related alteration assemblages
consist of quartz+ illite +kaolinite+ minor dolomite+ montmorillonite. Fine-grained, sooty pyrite content ranges
from 2 to 12 wt%. Structural control of mineralization is important, and some of the ore is hosted in tectonic and
hydrothermal breccia.

Hardie Footwall -R. Harris andMLane

The Hardie Footwall deposit is the down dip extension of the original Carlin gold system and is located 150
meters northwest of the Carlin Pit (Fig 2). Newmont discovered the deposit in 1993 following detailed mapping in the
Carlin East pit and relogging of deep drill holes north of the pit (Moore, 1994). The deposit consists of a drill-
indicated resource of 1,633,459 tons at 0.476 ozlst that contains 777,500 ounces of gold at a 0.20 oz/st cutoff. Newmont
began mining the Hardie Footwall deposit in late 1996.
Hardie Footwall mineralization consists of two parallel, northeast-trending strata-bound ore zones. Gold
mineralization is hosted by wispy-laminated, silty limestone in the upper 85 meters of the Roberts Mountains
Formation, in the immediate footwall of the northeast-striking Hardie Fault. Each gold zone is 60 to 155 meters wide
and 430 meters long (Fig. 10). Silicification is limited to bioclastic interbeds and some high-angle faults. Ore occurs
in a gray to black host rock composed of quartz+ dolomite+ illite +kaolinite+ 1 to 2% pyrite+ carbon. Bedding
within the deposit remains well preserved. Veins and breccias are absent. In comparison to breccia hosted deposits,
the ore body is nondisruptive to the host rock and, appears passive in nature. Strong strata-bound control of
mineralization is evident with high-angle faults acting as both fluid conduits and boundaries.

West Leeville -MR. Jackson and B. Leach

The West Leeville deposit is located 2.3 kilometers north of the Carlin Mine, at 425 to 570 meters below the
surface (Jackson, 1995; Leach, 1997). The deposit occurs on the Newmont/Barrick High Desert Venture, where

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Looking North

..~.NDr +0.200 oz./st Au Rgure B

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Section Looking Northeast
~ ~ ---=:.-:____,._.~

Hardie Carlin Pit\

Fault Corridor


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Newmont, with a majority interest of 60%, has been conducting deep exploration since 1992. Deep drilling during 1992
and 1993 identified the Leeville Corridor, a large +0.100 oz/st gold zone extending northwest from the Carlin deposit
in the footwall of the Leeville Fault. The 1993 discovery of the Hardie Footwall deposit demonstrated the importance
of northeast-striking faults in controlling high-grade gold mineralization and, in 1994 the West Leeville deposit was
intersected by drilling in the footwall of a north-northeast-striking fault along the western margin of the Leeville
Corridor. West Leeville consists of a drill-indicated resource of 7,288,000 tons at an average grade of 0.436 oz/st gold
for a total of3,177,600 ounces of gold, using a 0.20 oz/st cutoff. The deposit remains open to the southeast along the
Rodeo Creek fault, where development drilling continues.
In plan, the West Leeville deposit measures 850 meters in a north-northeast direction, and averages 140 to 170
meters in width. Gold mineralization occurs in two flat-lying, 6 to 42 meters thick, strata-bound zones within wispy-
laminated, silty limestone of the upper 100 meters of the Roberts Mountains Formation (Fig. 11). The deposit is located
in the footwall of the dike-filled West Bounding fault, a north-northeast-striking, 60 degrees west-dipping fault zone
with 150 feet of apparent normal movement. The thickest and highest grade portion of the deposit is located where the
northwest-striking Rodeo Creek fault crosses this footwall zone. Ore occurs in grey to black, decalcified host rock
composed of quartz+ dolomite+ kaolinite+ illite+ 2-4 wt% pyrite+ carbon. Veins and breccias are absent, and
mineralization appears to have been a relatively passive process. Like the Carlin and Hardie Footwall deposits,
stratigraphic controls are important, and high-angle faults acted as conduits and barriers to gold mineralization.

Mike Deposit - L. Teal, A. Branham and D. Cole

The Mike deposit is located in the south-central portion of the Carlin Trend, approximately 3 kilometers north
of the Gold Quarry mine (Fig. 1). Gold mineralization at what is now the Mike deposit was discovered in 1989 by
Newmont geologists projecting trends from the Tusc deposit along the northwest extension of the Good Hope Fault
under Tertiary cover. Principal credit for the discovery is given to the late Mike Wilson, for whom the deposit is named.
The current resource at Mike consists of a significant oxide mineral inventory of gold and copper, defined by 57 drill
holes, with spacings that range from 40 to 285 meters.
Mike is a subhorizontal sedimentary rock hosted, gold and oxide copper deposit buried beneath 125 to 225 meters
of poorly consolidated gravels and volcaniclastic sediments of post-ore, Miocene Carlin Formation (Fig. 12). Projected
to plan, dimensions of the gold deposit are 850 meters northeast by 680 meters northwest. Mineralization occurs at the
intersection of the Good Hope Fault, with a series of north-northeast trending secondary cross faults. The Good Hope
Fault is a N45 ow striking, high-angle reverse fault that juxtaposes Roberts Mountains Formation in the hanging wall
against footwall siliceous mudstone and siltstone of the Rodeo Creek unit. Disseminated gold and oxide copper
mineralization straddles the Good Hope Fault, subdividing the deposit into the Main Mike and West Mike lobes. The
bulk of higher grade gold mineralization occurs in the Main Mike portion of the deposit, hosted within intensely
decarbonatized and collapse-brecciated Roberts Mountains Formation. In the West Mike portion, lower grade gold
mineralization is hosted in intensely altered siltstone, hornfels, and breccia of the Rodeo Creek unit and underlying

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• +0.200 oz/st GOLD

I I 1

0 80 160 meteors Figure ff

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Lt."!okinq Northwest

(r.:'tn-!in Fm.


. . +0.03 oz/st GOLD

0 125 250 fee>! Good Hope

Q 0.1% Copper Outtine I 'r
r Fault
0 40 80 m<>lers

Figure 12

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by guest
Popovich Formation. A supergene oxide copper blanket occurs beneath, and locally overlaps the lower portions of the
gold deposit.
With its abundance of sedimentary-hosted copper, the mineral system at Mike represents a hybrid to Carlin Trend
deposits (Teal et al., 1994). Attributes ofthe Mike deposit indicate at least three distinct stages of mineral paragenesis.
Both the Main and West Mike portions of the deposit were subjected to an early thermal event which metamorphosed
sedimentary siliciclastic and carbonate rocks to hornfels, calc-silicate marble, and skarn. This prograde assemblage
was subsequently overprinted by one or more lower temperature hydrothermal event(s) that resulted in: 1) primary
copper metallization and intense potassic metasomatism (up to 50o/o K-spar) and~ 2) decarbonatization, argillization,
and silicification spatially associated with gold metallization. A late-stage supergene event mobilized and redeposited
as an oxide copper blanket.

Rain Underground Deposit -A. Longo and C. Williams

The Rain Underground deposit is located in the southern Carlin Trend immediately northwest of the Rain open
pit deposit. The deposit was discovered in late 1992 by Newmont geologists targeting the northwestern extension of
the Rain fault outward from the Rain open pit (Mathewson, 1993). Prior geologic interpretations had not projected the
Rain Fault beyond a short distance from the open pit deposit. Rain Underground represents a continuous envelope of
predominately oxide (+0.15 o:zlst) gold mineralization extending outward along the west-northwest strike of the Rain
Fault. Since underground mining began in 1994, four stoping areas have been defined that now extend the deposit over
a strike length of 550 meters. To date, 88,800 ounces of gold have been produced from ore that averages of 0.203 o:zlst.
Underground reserves through the end of 1996 stand at 331,000 tons averaging 0.230 oz/st gold, using a cutoff grade
of 0.10 oz/st. Mineralization remains open beyond current underground development.
Gold mineralization in the Rain Underground deposit occurs in a 50 to 125 meter wide, strata-bound, prismatic
wedge of silica + barite +hematite matrix breccia that is developed at the contact of the basal Webb Formation
mudstone and the underlying Devils Gate Limestone, at depths ranging from 250 to 425 meters from the surface (Fig.
13). The breccia body thickens in proximity to the Rain Fault and, in some instances, extends well into the underlying
Devils Gate Limestone. The deposit occurs primarily in the hanging wall of the Rain Fault zone, a N60°W striking
structure that displays apparent 50-75°SW dipping reverse movement. Mineralization widens along intersections with
cross-cutting, northeast striking secondary faults. Evidence suggests the deposit was formed as a result of a multiple-
stage process, in which early hydrothermal fluids decalcified and dolomitized underlying Devils Gate Limestone. This
process significant volume loss, formed pre-ore stage collapse breccias, and served to enhance permeability along
the contact with the Webb Formation mudstone (Mathewson, 1994). As the system evolved, multiple pulses of gold-
bearing hydrothermal fluids overprinted earlier collapse breccia bodies to form fluidized hydrothermal breccia zones.
From numerous underground exposures, weakly mineralized lamprophyric dikes and sills intrude the breccias.
Crosscutting relationships with breccia suggest the dikes are contemporaneous with gold mineralization.
Of all deposits on the Carlin Trend, Rain Underground exhibits the strongest evidence of main ore-stage
hydrothermal oxidation. Gold-bearing, intense hematitic matrix breccia is overlain by a 250 to 400 meter column of

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Idealized Cross Section of the


~~ ll!m

I • +0.200 oz/st GOLD
(! 25U 500 leet

I ,."/~' ~)
Figure 13
4ntl<n!" LMqo. 1.99

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unaltered, carbonaceous mudstone and sandstone of the Webb and Chainman Formations. Furthermore, it is apparent
that dikes acted as impermeable barriers to oxidizing hypogene fluids. In a number of observed relationships,
unoxidized, gold-bearing sulfidic dikes display very sharp contacts with surrounding hematitic breccias.

With a current gold endowment of greater than 100 million ounces (Table 1), and recent discoveries that have
continued to increase this resource, the Carlin Trend remains the most prolific gold belt in North America. Carlin
Trend geologists informally describe three components necessary for the formation of a gold deposit as including a
range of interactions involving system, structure, and host rock. Within this context, those major geologic parameters
that have contributed to the genesis of gold deposition on the Carlin Trend include :

• a geologically long-active zone of crustal weakness originating along a paleo-continental margin, with
development of major through-going fault systems;
• a regional tectonic environment ofcrustal thinning, with multiple intrusive episodes and sustained high heat
• multiple episodes of hydrothermal activity;
• reactive and highly permeable carbonate host rocks.

Age of Deposits. The age of gold mineralization continues to be a topic of debate. Much of the uncertainty is related
to the difficulty of obtaining reliable age dates on minerals that are clearly of hydrothermal origin within the deposits.
Given this uncertainty, the age of gold deposition is constrained by the presence of gold mineralization within both
Jurassic-Cretaceous and Tertiary age dikes, and the Miocene age of the post-mineral Carlin Formation.
Dates on alteration minerals from many deposits yield Middle to Late Cretaceous ages, ranging from 95 to 140
Ma. In the Carlin deposit, Kuehn (1989) reports a K/Ar dates of 120 to 123 Ma from sericite in altered and mineralized
dikes. In the Betze-Post deposit, Arehart et al. (1993) support a 117 Ma age for gold mineralization, based on multiple
Ar/ 39Ar and KJAr dates on sericite, with no evidence of significant hydrothermal activity younger than 110 Ma.
Drews (1993) reports three K/Ar age dates ranging from 95 to 97 Ma from hydrothermal illite in high-grade ore
samples within the Genesis and Blue Star deposits. In the Mike deposit, Branham (1994) reports two KlAr dates of
107 and 111 Ma from a potassium feldspar-flooded dike and silty limestone protolith, respectively.
Multiple Tertiary-age intrusions along the Carlin Trend, and Tertiary dikes within specific deposits, indicate the
influence of a younger hydrothermal event that occurred around 40 Ma. Most recently, Emsbo (1996) report an 40Ar/
Ar age date of 39 Ma from biotite in a gold-bearing dike in the Betze-Post deposit.
The authors interpret this information as supporting evidence for at least two periods of gold mineralization on
the Carlin Trend, related to separate Mesozoic and Tertiary thermal events. The range in style of gold mineralization
between deposits, and the magnitude of the mineralizing systems that created the Carlin Trend, are consistent with the
regional evidence of a long-active zone of crustal weakness, high heat flow and episodic hydrothermal alteration.

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Variations in Carlin Trend Deposits. The relative importance of stratigraphic and structural controls to gold deposits
has been recognized by numerous workers on the Carlin Trend (Groves, 1996). Figure 14 represents an attempt to
qualify the relative importance of these controls and relate them to the range in styles of mineralization. As illustrated,
the original Carlin deposit represents only the passive, stratigraphically-controlled end member to a broad spectrum
of deposit types. Contrasting structurally controlled mineralization include such deposits as Deep Star, Meikle and the
Deep Sulfide Feeder deposit at Gold Quarry. Since the Carlin discovery, the influence of structure, coupled with
variations in host lithology, have demonstrated that the styles of mineralization on the Carlin Trend are as varied as
the size and grade of the deposits.

The authors wish to thank those geologists from Newmont, Barrick and Meridian Gold who have contributed
to this effort. Special thanks are extended to Keith Bettles and Don Harris for their valued contributions. Special thanks
are also extended to William Chavez, Odin Christensen, Gorol Dimo, Tommy Thompson, Kenneth Clark, Leroy
Schutz, John Jory and Jeff Yolk for their valued comments and suggestions to this manuscript, and to John Renas,
Randy Largent and Val Martinez for their production of the figures and tables. The authors gratefully acknowledge
the management of Newmont Exploration Ltd., Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc. and Meridian Gold Company for
permission to publish this paper.


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AH -Antimony Hill GN -Gene::;t::;
B -Br:>tze · GO -Gold 1:1u•:JrTy
86 -Big 6 GR -Gr·iffitl
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BL - E!c11Te I LL - Lonq L,J,:
• ElS -Blue Stor LN -Lontenr
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t\1 CN -Corlin MK -Meiklp
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-- DE -Dee PC -P<Jil(•:I!YI
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L:CJ;np;/e~.i i?)/ L.
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