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^Oct./Nov./Dec. 1985
Vol 8 No. 3

The Journal of Value Technology For The

Society Of American Value Engineers

P e r f o r m a n — Based Budgeting
a n d the Value E n g i n e e r
I 5

II '
m • i

• i

A report < t h e V E role

in b u i l d i n g a b r a n d n e w
Saudi A r a b i a n p o r t city.

V . E . i n Construction Industry Non

by A.J. Dell'Isola, 1982, (Hard Cover) Member Member
Presents a proven, organized approach to reduce cost of $46.00 $41.50
ownership of construction projects — educational facilities,
hospitals, offices, apartments, laboratories. Applicable to
public works projects — roads, sewage treatment plants,
transportation systems, dams.

Techniques of V A & V E (2nd Edition) 50.00 46.75

by L. D. Miles, 1972 (Hard Cover)
This book, authored by the originator of Value Analysis and
Engineering Technology, shows management and professional
people specific steps to disciplined thinking, giving them
25-50 percent more efficiency — both i n the quality and
quantity of their mental w o r k .

Value Managment for Construction 63.00 56.76

by M. C. Macedo, Jr., RV. Dobrow, J. J. O'Rourke, 1978
(Hard Cover)
Provides a balanced compromise of the value management
concept to both practitioners and students. It is designed for
those involved w i t h the planning, design, construction,
operation and financing of building projects — as well as
upper level graduates and those taking graduate and
professional courses.

Value Engineering 27.00 25.00

by A. E. Mudge, 1981 (Soft Cover)
The VE Systematic Approach presented in three superbly
organized parts — an in depth examination of the theory and
fundamentals of VE, application of the Systematic Approach,
and the magnitude/wide scope of uses of the Systematic


October/November/December, 1985
EDITOR Farewell to O u r Beloved Founder a n d F r i e n d
O. James Vogl, CVS

PUBLISHER Performance-Based Budgeting a n d the Value Engineer

Society of American Value Engineers by Joseph J. O'Rourke, CVS
221 N . LaSalle St., Suite 2026
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 346-3265
A D V E R T I S I N G and 10 Life Cycle Cost: Application to V E / V M
by Wg. Cdr. K.R. Krishnamurthy
221 N . LaSalle St., Suite 2026
"What Price Esteem Value?"
Chicago, Illinois 60601
17 by J.J. Kaufman, CVS

VALUE WORLD is published quarterly

by the Society of American Value Engi-
neers on the 15th of March, June,
September and December, and is distrib-
19 V E ' s Expanding Horizons
by S. S. Venkataramanan, CVS
uted internationally.
Spelunker's Corner
Contributions: Contributions to VALUE
WORLD are welcome. Please send articles
or other contributions to VALUE WORLD
Editor, 4909 via el Sereno, Torrance,
California 90505. Editorial changes and T h e Multi-Disciplinary Approach of Value Engineering
publication of an article or other contribu-
tion in any particular issue are at the
26 by D.K.S.N. Murthy
discretion of the Editorial Staff.
Design for Assembly and Value Analysis
Advertising: Advertising information,
rates and specifications are available from
Humes & Associates, Advertising and Pro-
29 by Richard Bradyhouse, CVS

duction Managers of VALUE WORLD.

Of Course It Croaks L i k e a Frog
Subscriptions: Yearly rate to SAVE
Members ($16.50) is included in annual
dues rate. Non-Members, in U.S., $22.00;
31 by T.R. King

International, $26.00 (includes Air Mail

postage). Technical society and organiza-
tion bulk rates are available upon request
from the Society of American Value Engi-
neers, Irving, Texas. Make all checks
payable to SAVE in U.S. Funds on U.S.
Bank. EDITORIAL POLICY: To provide informative, time-
Change of Address: Send all address ly and interesting communications pertaining to Value Engineering/
changes to VALUE WORLD, 221 North
LaSalle St., Suite 2026, Chicago, IL 60601
Value Analysis and related disciplines. VALUE WORLD enables
contributors to express themselves professionally in advancing the
Copyright © , Society of American Value Engineers, 1985.
All rights reserved. art. VALUE WORLD is dedicated to the establishment of a mutual
bond among those seeking to better the quality of working life and
establish a communications network through which participants can
interact for mutual benefit.
The views expressed in VALUE WORLD are neither approved nor
disapproved by the Society. They are the expressions of the author(s).
All papers have been edited — frequently condensed — by the editor.
VALUE WORLD is published quarterly on approximately the 15th
of March, June, September and December, and is distributed inter-

Value World. Oetalvr/Nowmlx-r/lkivmlx-r'l'>S'< I

Farewell to Our Beloved
Founder and Friend

Lawrence D. Miles will be

remembered all over the world, not
just for wisdom and systematic
techniques, but for his mastery of
inspiring people.
B o r n : A p r l l 2 1 , 1 9 0 4 - D i e d : A u g u s t 1, 1 9 8 5

Lawrence Delos Miles, the father of Value Engineering and first President of the Society of American
Value Engineers, died Thursday, August 1, at his home, "Sedgefield," near Easton, Maryland. He was 81.
Services were held Saturday, August 10 at the Newnam Funeral Home in Easton.
The value analysis system which Mr. Miles developed while working for General Electric Company has
spread around the world. His book, "Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering," first published in
1961, has been printed in 12 languages.
Mr. Miles came by his concern for cost cutting naturally, growing up on a Nebraska farm. "We had to
pinch pennies," he often remarked. He worked as a bank teller, teacher and high school principal before
receiving his Electrical Engineering Degree f r o m the University of Nebraska.
At General Electric, it bothered him that things cost so much. He spent most of his 32-year career there
developing and teaching his Value Analysis System before retiring in 1964. GE awarded h i m the Coffin
Award — its highest honor.
In addition, the U.S. Navy awarded Mr. Miles its Distinguished Public Service Award in recognition of
the benefits of his system to the United States.
Since retirement, Mr. Miles has been a sought-after speaker and consultant both domestically and
internationally. He was honored with awards from Germany, Brazil and Japan.
Lawrence D. Miles w i l l be remembered all over the world, not just for his wisdom and systematic
techniques, but for his mastery of inspiring people. A young value engineer recently commented, " I n five
minutes of talking to Larry, he would have you feeling so good about your accomplishments and your own
capabilities, that you'd be eager to go do ten times as well. Today, we need more managers like Larry
At 81, Larry was happy, having the respect of men and women all over the world, and still in love I Ie
and his wife, Eleanor, exemplified "Value in L i f e " for which the two were given a special aw.ud
Mr. Miles is survived by his wife, Eleanor Miles; a son, Dennis D. Miles of San Fram ., . i , r

daughter, Jane Oggatharp of Montpelier, Vermont; a brother, R.C. Miles of Murrysvilli Ivania; and
six grandchildren.
Individual memorial donations can be made to Talbot County Hospice Foundation IM I Box ISO, Easton,
M D 21601. Corporate donations may be made to The Value Foundation/ i 11 Mil, Memorial
Fund/1199 National Press Bldg./Washington, DC 20045.
The January/February/March, 1986 special issue of Value World will be dedicated to I Bwrence D. Miles.
As a SAVE member, you are encouraged to submit an article, paragraph oi - on how M r . Miles
inspired your life. Submissions should be sent directly to () | \ , , •! I N09 i a el Sereno v

Torrence, CA 90505.

4 Value World, October7'November•/'December/'1985

Lawrence D. Miles
Memorial Issue of Value World
January/February/March, 1986

The next issue of Value World will be dedicated to the memory

of Lawrence D. Miles, father of the Value Disciplines. You, his col-
leagues and friends, are urged to submit articles, paragraphs or
statements about Larry Miles and his impact on your career, your
business, and your life. Please submit material by November 15
directly to:
O . James V o g l , Editor
4 9 0 9 via el Sereno
Torrance, C A 90505

SAVE is also accepting memorial advertising from Mr. Miles'

many friends. No product advertising will be accepted for this
memorial issue. Instead, V a l u e W o r l d will accept memorial or
testimonial messages ranging from 1/8 of 3 page to a full page.
These may be black and white or color up to four-color process.
Complete details on advertising in this special issue of V a l u e
W o r l d will be mailed to all members. For more information, con-
tact the SAVE NBO at 312/346-3265.

Value World. lk-U>be>'Noveml<r> t>e,.-inlvi /•« . ,

Performance-Based Budgeting
and the Value Engineer

By Joseph J. O 'Rourke, CVS

Joseph J. O'Rourke, RE., CVS, is a Principal Project Manager with The

Ralph M. Parsons Company in Pasadena, California. His project experiences
include director-level assignments on the building of an entire city in Saudi
Arabia, Space Shuttle, industrial, nuclear and airport facilities. He has received
the Support Systems Award by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. He is co-author of "Value Management for Construction,"
published by John Wiley & Sons, N. Y. in 1979.

You have been appointed to the position of Direc-

tion, Program Controls for one of the largest and most ... those who could provide
ambitious projects ever k n o w n . . .management services
for planning, design, construction and operation of a qualified labor at the lowest
totally new municipality. What would be your approach man-day rates were destined
for the applications of Value Management/Value
Engineering? Let me provide some background and
to be successful.
constraints to help w i t h the definition of the problem.
The city, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, is on the shores of the
Red Sea. It is connected by natual gas and crude oil
pipelines to the rich fields across the Arabian Penin-
Up to the point where need for transition was iden-
sula. Yanbu is to be a deep water port, a terminal w i t h
tified, all the Operating and Maintenance (O&M) con-
refineries as the primary immense infra-
tracts were established and managed i n the same way
structure is required: roads, utilities and housing i n an
that those of design and construction were. That is,
incremental and concurrent growth pattern.
w o r k tasks were weighed by percentage of estimated
At the time of your appointment, the program is target value and spread over time for progress. To
making the transition f r o m an oversized construction make the change, I determined that all O & M contracts
company to a municipality. There is a construction and could be characterized by measurable units. To illus-
operating contractor labor force of 27,000, and another trate, some of the measurable units for the various
8,000 people composed of management and local com- O & M contracts included:
mercial forces, businesses along w i t h families. Up to
this point, the services rendered to the rapidly growing •Power Generation - Megawatt Hours (MH) were com-
population, commerce and industry have been almost puted for the contract period based on the average
f u l l y subsidized by the agency of the Saudi Arabian daily load and forecast load increases.
government commissioned to build the city. The sub- • Water Reduction - Cubic Meters (CM) were computed
sidy, along w i t h the design, construction, procurement, based on the average daily consumption and capabil-
operation and maintenance cost, is an immense and ities, (in thousands).
continuing outlay of funds. •Cargo - Metric Tons (MT) were computed for deliver-
W i t h reorganization, directorates were created for ies or shipments.
typical governmental functions of both municipal and •Solid Waste - Cubic Meters were computed for land-
national agencies. For example, port operations, tele- f i l l , Bags (Bg) were calculated for trash collection
communications, power generating and distribution based on current and forecast housing, population
are national responsibilities, while roads, housing and and pick-up routing points.
solid waste disposal are municipal. It became obvious •Telecommunications - Subscriber Months (SM), which
to me, as the one who had been appointed to Program was a computation of current and forecast hookups,
Control and then to Operations and Maintenance, that as now areas and subscribers needs were to be met.
the transitions to national and municipal organizations •Supertanker Docking & Piloting - Pilotage Acts (PA)
and control would be more effective if a system for wore computed for all ship arrivals (tanker and cargo)
planning, programming and budgeting could be brought
to apportion costs of pilot fees, tug operations, line-
on line during the city's growth.
handling etc., associated w i t h each ship movement.

6 Value World, October I November/December 11985

W i t h these measurement units established, a major and cost progress for 26 O & M contracts; w i t h this new
reporting system, using four columns, was initiated. automated reporting technique we needed only one.
The first major column heading contained the "Total W i t h a "no-cost" change, we required contractors to
Performance Budget," i n measurable units, along w i t h invoice and report to the new system.
the corresponding total labor and material forecast
costs. This permitted the calculation of a unit cost. Automation permitted almost immediate access to
The second major column heading, "Earned Value," variances such as over-or-under-runs, late or early in-
showed what had been provided or performed against fluences i n either manpower, materials or both. More-
the budgeted amount to date, along w i t h the over, as experience was gained w i t h the controls and
breakdown of costs for labor and material. the cost data, follow-on contracts were structured for
performance and much more — competitive bidding.
The third column was provided to indicate "Estimate-
to-Complete" (ETC) — again i n terms of units, w i t h One must realize that the contractors were, and w i l l
apportionment to labor and materials costs based on continue to be, international. Representation f r o m any
experience and forecast needs. capable nation is invited by tender — and those w h o
By now, readers w i l l have identified that the f o u r t h could provide qualified labor at the lowest man-day
column w o u l d have to be "Estimate-at-Completion rates were destined to be successful. Therefore, i n
(EAC)" — a tabulation derived f r o m the sum of the se- addition to the performance line displayed on the
cond and third columns. (four-column) control, additional lines for the indirects
At Yanbu, modern technology and processes were — such as overhead, field subsistance and housing, fee
available; therefore, this Performance-Based-Budgeting or profit — were also spread to be able to clearly
system was automated easily and effectively. I t has separate direct f r o m indirect costs, and yet permit
previously taken six cost engineers to report technical them to be " r o l l e d u p " into the actual costs.

• 4 I
i ••••5!
• » •••••<

A m o d e r n r e s i d e n t i a l c o m m u n i t y h a s r i s e n at Y a n b u . S o l a r collectors, a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d aestheti-
c a l l y p l e a s i n g a r c h i t e c t u r e c h a r a c t e r i z e the n e w m u n i c i p a l i t y .

Vn/i/c Wnilil, ()< ;<>(*•' :.\im-mlvt Iinilvi I'M

Once the actual costs had visibility, it was possible to 150,000 people, the municipal and national agency
establish fees and rate schedules for municipal and na- fiscal controls w i l l have been developed and on line
tional agency services. This was done to develop for- w i t h actual cost experience.
mulae for recovery of acquisition costs and to offset the
O & M costs. From the standpoint of Value Management, the data
base created by such a system for life cycle cost analysis
Performance-Based Budgeting provided insights and — for future projects i n Saudi Arabia, or to adjust for
predictability of the cost, expenses and rate of return different monies and locations — is an invaluable tool
on investments for the city. When the city reaches its for planning, programming and design.
f u l l population growth, estimated at approximately
Formal VE procedures are currently in use in Saudia
Arabia for a number of military projects that are being
performed i n close cooperation w i t h the U.S. A r m y
... the data base created by Corps of Engineers. There are indications that some
dramatic savings have been achieved, as reported by a
such a system for life cycle Saudi National at the International Conference in
cost analysis... i s an Sacramento. W i t h potential for continued and even
greater benefits through U.S. technology transfer and
invaluable tool for planning, professional methods, the Saudi Arabian agencies are
programming and design. now positioned to formally and contractually adopt
Value Engineering. ^

Container cranes at the new industrial port of Yanbu stand ready to handle import and export r

8 Value World, October I November I December 11985

begin loading.

Value World. Oi tobtrlNovtmb»rlO»cemb»rll<m 9

Life Cycle Cost: Application to VE/VM
By Wg. Cdr. K. R. Krishnamurthy

Wg. Cdr. K. R. Krishnamurthy received his B of E degree in Electrical

Engineering from the College of Engineering, Guindy in 1961 and M. Tech. in
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from IIT, Kharagpur in 1979.
He has been in the Air Force since 1962. Some of the appointments held by him
are Material Planning and Control Officer in a Production Depot, Assistant
Director of Systems Evaluation and Deputy Director of VE. He was involved in
system studies sponsored by the Air Force/Ministry of Finance. He attended a
system analysis program at the Ministry of Defence in 1982, a VE program at
NITIE, Bombay in 1963 and the fifth INVEST national conference in 1984,
where he presented a paper. He is the Director of VE for the Air Force.

This paper was presented at the 6th Indian Value evaluate them against certain attributes like Quality,
Engineering Society (INVEST) Conference in April, 1985. Reliability, Cost, etc. Let us consider a hypothetical
It is reprinted here with permission of INVEST. case of five attributes - P, Q, R, S & T - against which
three alternatives are required to be evaluated.
Introduction The First Step is to compare the attributes pair-wise
Value Analysis can be defined as an organized func- to arrive at the relative importance of each attribute.
tional approach to the elimination of unnecessary costs For example, the attribute P is compared w i t h Q. If it is
by studying the relationship between the function and considered that attribute P is more important than Q in
cost without sacrificing performance, quality, reli- the overall evaluation, P is given an "I" mark and Q
ability and maintainability. The crux of the discipline given an "O". (There are further refinements to the
lies in the inter-relationship between the functional procedure where the marking is given on a 0, 1, 2, 3
worth and costs. scale, depending on the amount of importance of the
We are all aware of the various phases of VA: Infor- concerned attribute.) The comparisons are made be-
mation phase, Functional phase, Creative phase, tween every two attributes. One can easily see that

Analytical phase, Evaluation phase, Planning phase there would be C comparisons, if n attributes are

and the Execution phase. The method of evaluation of considered.

various alternatives which are developed and short- A typical Attribute weight Co-efficient Matrix is
listed by the Decision Matrix Method is also widely shown in Table 1.
known. However, the procedure is explained in brief
The next step is to compare each alternative w i t h the
in the next section to refresh your minds.
other w i t h respect to every attribute considered and
Decision - M a t r i x Method giving the markings. For example, sample A is com-
pared w i t h sample B w i t h respect to attribute P, and
Consider a situation where three alternatives A, P> the points are given in the 0, 1, 2, 3 scale. The process is
and C are listed in the Analytical phase. Wr need to repeated foi all pairs ol alternates for all attributes. The

Table-1 A t t r i b u t e Weight Co-efflcient M a t r i x

AWC (Attribute
Q 5 ^ T TOTAL Weight Coefficient)
V 3 0 1
" 0 4 0.267
Q 0
0 1 0 1 0.067
R 2 2
" 1 1 6 0.400
S 0 0
0 - i i 0 0 6 7

I ! 2
0 0 3 Q.200
TOTAL 15 1.00

10 Value World, October/November/December/1985

Table-2 Sample Weight Co-efficient M a t r i c e s


A 2 1 3 0.75 A - 0 1 1 0.33
B 0 - 1 1 0.25 B 1 - 0 1 0.33
C 0 0 - Q Q C 0 1 - l Q.33
Total 4 1.0 Total 3 1.00
SWC M a t r i x w.r.t. P SWC M a t r i x w.r.t. Q

A B C Total SWC A B C Total SWC A B C Total SWC

A - 2 2 4 0.8 A - 0 2 2 0.45 A _ 0 0 0 0
B 0 - 1 1 0.2 B B - 3 6 0.75 B 1 - 0 1 0.17
C 0 0 - 0 0 C 0 0 - 0 0 C 3 2 - 5 0.83
Total 5 1.0 Total 8 1.0 Total 6 1.0
SWC M a t r i x w.r.t. R SWC M a t r i x w.r.t. S SWC M a t r i x w.r.t. T

Sample Weight Co-efficient of each alternative with the same cost or both, subject to the m i n i m u m laid
respect to a particular attribute is thus arrived at. down performance, quality, reliability and maintain-
Typical Sample Weight Co-efficient matrices of at- ability. We would have listed only those alternatives
tributes P, Q R, S & T are shown in Table 2. which meet the m i n i m u m laid down parameters, and
The final step is to compute the aggregate weight of hence the problem reduces to evaluating the functional
each alternative by multiplying each Attribute Weight worth against the cost. Most of the traditional VE
Co-efficient by the corresponding Sample Weight Co- studies relate to problems in product design. In such
efficient and summing them up for each alternative as cases, the cost also can be considered as one of the at-
shown in Table 3. I n our typical example, contender A tributes in the evaluation phase, and the first-ranking
wins the race with an aggregate weight of 0.559. alternative could be selected. The cost considered is
There are various refinements to the system like, for obviously the procurement or replacement cost of the
example, modifying the attribute weights arrived at, component being considered.
by some empirical formulae. But we need not go into W i t h the introduction of certain alternate designs of
them at present. the product/component being considered, certain pro-
cesses could be eliminated, certain other processes
Consideration of Cost as an Attribute modified, and certain other components eliminated.
The aim of VA is to reduce the costs for the same All these would result in the overall cost of the product
functional worth or increase the functional worth for being increased or decreased. A l l these increases/de-

Table-3 C o m p u t a t i o n of Aggregate Weight

Alternate Attribute AWC SWC AWC XSWC Weight
P 0.267 0.75 0.200
Q 0.067 0.33 0.022
A R 0.400 0.80 0.320 0.559
S 0.067 0.25 0.017
T 0.200 0 0

I' 0.267 0.25 0.067

Q 0.067 0.33 0.022
B R 0.400 0.20 0.080 0.253
S 0.067 0.75 0.050
T 0.200 0.17 0.034

P 0.267 0 0
Q 0.067 0.33 0.022
C R 0.400 0 1
0 0.188
S 0.067 0 0
T 0.200 0.83 0.166

Value World Octnher/Nawmlw I Vi emlvi /'« > II

creases were charged on the product/component being depends on any one of the following factors:
studied. The final cost of the product/component thus (a) Sudden deterioration as in the case of elec-
arrived at, was taken as an attribute in the Decision tric bulbs.
Matrix. (b) Sudden obsolescence as in the case of mili-
However, VA being a versatile tool, its use is not only tary equipment when a vastly superior model
limited to shop floor applications, but can also be emerges.
extended to generating alternatives for Economy
(c) Gradual deterioration due to mounting an-
Analysis Decisions as between Manual/Semi-Auto-
nual maintenance and operating cost of the
matic/Automatic Machines, Make-or-Buy decisions
equipment until it is replaced, if not by a
and the like. The VE tool need not be confined to in-
superior model, a new piece of the same
dustry alone, but can also be used in public institu-
tions, public utility systems and social systems. In most
of such cases, the financial implication is not confined (d) The combined effects of deterioration and
to the replacement cost alone, but comprises many obsolescence. The equipment may gradually
other costs/savings such as maintenance cost, opera- deteriorate, resulting in increase in operational
tion cost, salvage price, etc. This is an area where con- costs. In addition, due to continuous techno-
sideration of the life cycle costs in VA/VE assumes a logical improvement, better models emerge in
crucial importance. Let us now proceed to see how the the market. I n such cases, the economic life is
life cycle costs are computed. governed by the combined effect of deteriora-
tion and obsolescence.
(e) Combined effects of gradual deterioration
Economic Life and sudden obsolescence at a future date.
Before studying about life cycle costs, we should Estimating the economic life w i l l have to be done
know what is meant by the term life. Life in this con- judiciously after establishing to which of the types the
text is not the physical life of the equipment, but an equipment belongs, carrying out an economy analysis
economic life. The economic life of an equipment and calling upon people close to the system to make

Table-4 F o r m u l a e f o r D i s c o u n t i n g Cash F l o w s

p - Present worth S - Amount after n time periods R - Uniform series disbursement.
i •- Rate of return

SI. No. Factor Shot Form What it means Formula

Single Payment Com- SPCAP If the present cash flow is multiplied by S = P(1 +i)
pound Amount Factor this factor, the compounded amount
after periods at i rate of return is

2. Single Payment Present SPPWf The present w o r t h is obtained if a cash

Worth Factor flow S after n periods is multiplied by P=
this factor, the rate of return being i. (1+i

U n i f o r m Series Com- uscaf The total compounded amount after n

pound Amount Factor time period s is obtained if a uniform S=R
series of cash flow of R every period is
multiplied by this factor, the rate of
return being i.

4. Sinking Fund Deposit sfdf The uniform series cash flow is obtained R=S (LLL )
Factor if a sum S after n periods is multiplied \|i+0 - i /
by this factor, the rate of return being i.
Capital Recovery Factor crf The uniform series cash flow over n
periods is obtained if the present worth R = P / I'U + ' I " )
P is multiplied by this factor, the rate of \ (l +i) -l) }
return being i.

6. U n i f o r m series Present uspwf The present w o r t h is obtained, if the

Worth Factor uniform series cash flows over n P=R l H + /)"-l\
periods is multiplied by this factor, the \ i(l + i ) / n

rate of return being i.

12 Value World. October I November/December 11985


suitable forecasts. The economic lives of the alterna- However, in practice, we need not indulge in the
tives considered in the VA analysis are first forecast. complicated calculations. There are tables available to
The second step is to determine/estimate the follow- provide all six factors for a given "i" and given " n . "
ing: The following example problem illustrates the life
(a) Capital cost for procurement of the system. cycle costing process:
(b) Annual operating/maintenance cost.
(c) Salvage amount.
(d) M i n i m u m rate of return expected. Problem
The first of these is a deterministic parameter. The
M a c h i n e " A " costs Rs. 1 0 , 0 0 0 / - w i t h a
second and third parameters can easily be estimated.
salvage value o f Rs. 4 0 0 0 / - at the end of
The fourth is a top management decision for the com-
six yrs. a n d a n a n n u a l o p e r a t i n g disburse-
plete organization.
m e n t of Rs. 5 0 0 0 / - f o r the f i r s t three years
The Life Cycle Cost of the equipment is the com- a n d Rs. 6 0 0 0 / - f o r the last three years.
bined Cost/Revenue of research, development, pro- M a c h i n e " B " costs Rs. 8 0 0 0 / - w i t h a
duction, operation, maintenance and salvage, suitably salvage value of Rs. 3 0 0 0 / - at the end of
discounted to a particular time. The methodology for six years, w i t h the a n n u a l o p e r a t i n g
converting the cash flows at some instant to the cash d i s b u r s e m e n t s of Rs. 5500 a n d Rs. 6500
flows at some other instant corresponding to a rate -of f o r the f i r s t three years a n d last three
return is given in Table 4. It needs to be emphasized years, respectively. The m i n i m u m ex-
here, that cash flows have two dimensions — money pected rate of r e t u r n is 15 percent.
and time. They cannot be added or subtracted until
they are all discounted to the same instant. W h i c h is a m o r e economical machine?

Represent the cash flows in time scale

Salvage = 4000

A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10000 5000 5000 5000 6000 6000 6000

Salvage = 3000

B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
8000 5500 5500 5500 6500 6500 6500

A n n u a l Cost of A 10000 Crf + (5000 uspwf +

15-6 15-3
6000 uspwf sppwf) crf
15-3 15-3 15-6
= 10000 (0.26424) + (5000 x 2.2832 +
6000 x 2.2832 x 0.65752) 0.26424-4000 x 0.11424
= 2642.4 x (11416.0 + 13699.2 x 0.65752) 0.26424 - 45696
= 2642.4 + (11416.0 + 9007.5) 0.26424 - 456.96
= 2642.4 + 5396.7 - 456.96 = 7582.

A n n u a l Cost o f B = 8000 crf + (5500 uspwf +

15-6 15-3
6500 uspwfsppwf crf-3000 sfdf
15-3 15-3 15-6 15-6
= 8000 x 0.26424 + (5500 x 2.2832 +6500 x 2.2832 x 0.65752) 0.26424 - 3000 x 0.11424
= 2113.92 + (12557.60 + 14840.80 x 0.65752) 0.26424 - 342.72
= 2113.92 + (12557.6 + 9758.12) 0.26424 - 342.74
= 2113.92 + 5896.71 - 342.72 = 7668.
So, A is better in spite of the higher procurement cost.

Value World. CXi<ibrr/Nw*mb»riDtc*mbir/l9»i 11

In some problems, the different alternatives con- different attributes in the Decision Matrix and consider
sidered may have different economic lives. The only the installation cost of the lighting system as an in-
computation of life cycle costs i n such cases is done by dependent attribute. This tendency is to be avoided.
considering a span of years, which is the L C M (Least The difference in lives and energy consumption could
Common Multiple) of the different economic lives. The easily be incorporated in the life cycle costs of the
following problem w i l l bring home the point. systems. Only those attributes which cannot be quan-
tified in terms of life cycle costs should be included i n
the Decision Matrix. This approach not only increases
Problem the sensitivity of the analysis by excluding redundant
attributes, but also makes the analysis more objective
There are t w o alternatives A a n d B . A by resorting to quantitative comparisons wherever
costs Rs. 4 5 0 0 / - a n d has a salvage value of feasible, keeping the subjective assessments of attri-
Rs. 5 0 0 / - a f t e r f o u r years, B costs Rs. bute weights to the essential m i n i m u m .
6 5 0 0 / - a n d has a salvage value of Rs.
5 0 0 / - a f t e r six years. T h e annual
o p e r a t i n g costs of b o t h the alternatives is
Consideration of Cost i n the Decision M a t r i x
Rs. 1 0 0 0 / - per year. Rate of R e t u r n We now proceed to examine how the aspect of cost
( M i n i m u m ) expected is 15 percent. W h i c h (whether replacement cost or life cycle cost) should be
a l t e r n a t i v e is m o r e economical? treated i n evaluating the short-listed alternatives in a

Represent the cash flows in time scale over a span of 12 years, (which is the L C M of 4 & 6)

1000 4500
4500 1000 1000 1000 4500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

-500 -500 -500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
-500 -500
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

f4500 + 4000 SPPWf + 4000 SPPWf-500 SPPWPl ,

A n n u a l cost of A | 15-4 15-8 15-12 | U
" + 1 U U U

= (4500 + 4000 x 0.57175 + 4000 x 0.3269 - 500 x 0.18691) 0.18448 + 1000

= (4500 + 2287.0 + 1307.60 - 93.455) 0.18448 + 1000
= (8001.1) 0.18448 + 1000 = 1476 + 1000 = 2476
Annual costs of B = (6500 + 6000 SPPWf-500 SPPWf) Crf + 1000
15-6 15-12 15-12
= (6500 + 6000 x 0.43233 - 500 x 0.18691) 018448 + 1000
= (6500 + 2593.98 - 93.46) 0.18448 + 1000
= (9000.52) 0.18448 + 1000 - 1660.42 + 1000 = 2660
Alternative A is more economical

Applicability of Life Cycle Costs i n VA VA analysis problem.

While evaluating the shortlisted alternatives in VA The normal approach among a majority of VE practi-
against various attributes, there is a common tenden< y tioners is to consider the cost also as one of the attri-
among VE practitioners not to consider the life cycle butes along w i t h other attributes being considered,
cost, but to list various aspects of the life cycle costs as compute the Attribute Weight Co-efficients, Sample
different attributes in the Decision Matrix Analysis. Weight Co-efficients, Aggregate Weights and final rank-
For example, in a VE study concerning provision of il- ing of alternatives based on the total aggregate weight.
lumination in hangers, when different systems of light- This procedure, however, suffers f r o m two lacunae:
ing are being evaluated, one may be tempted to treat firstly, the cost is not given the due importance it
the life of the lamps and energy consumption as two deserves and secondly, a subjective assessment over-

14 Value World, October I November/December 11985

rides even when objective comparison is possible. It is further emphasized here that this bias is worked
These are discussed i n the subsequent paragraphs. out in spite of assuming that cost enjoys weight superi-
VA is basically concerned w i t h the inter-relationship ority over all the other attributes. For a general case,
between functions and costs without, of course, sacri- where such an assumption is not valid, the bias would
ficing performance, quality, reliability and maintain- still be greater. It would be the ratio of number of
ability. We would have only listed those alternatives i n paired comparisons involving cost versus the number
which performance, quality, reliability and maintain- of paired comparisons involving the various functional
ability would not have been sacrificed. This means that worth attributes. This would be:
we are concerned w i t h only the functional worth vs. In - 1 )
cost relationship while evaluating the listed alter-
( n - l ) i L J_
natives. 2 n
Now consider a case where we are evaluating, alter-
natives against five attributes in which cost also hap- Thus the bias would be 0.4, 0.33, 0.29 and 0.25 if a
pens to be one. Five attributes would yield 10 paired total of 5, 6, 7 or 8 attributes are considered, respec-
comparisons. Out of 10 paired comparisons, there tively. However, as per the definition of VA, there
would be only four involving cost, and the remaining
six comparisons would be among attributes relating to
functional worth only. This approach tends to intro-
duce a bias against the cost attribute. For example, in VA is basically concerned with
the hanger lighting system considered earlier, let the
attributes considered be:
the inter-relationship between
(a) Level of Illumination.
functions and costs...
(b) Ability for colour resolution.
(c) Fatigue due to optical and psychological
factors. should not be any bias and the functional worth should
be evaluated against the cost implying a one-to-one
(d) Ease of maintenance. comparison.
(e) Cost. (This is obviously life cycle cost as we The second lacuna i n the decision matrix computa-
had already discussed. Hence associated at- tion is in giving weight as (0.1) or as (0,1,2,3), which is
tributes like energy consumption, life of only a subjective assessment. Take the case of four
luminaires, etc., are not included.) alternatives A, B, C & D costing Rs. 1000, 2000, 3000
Attributes (a) to (d) are concerned with functional and 4000. Even if they were to cost Rs. 1000, 4000,
worth only and attribute (e) alone is concerned w i t h 8000 and 12000, the SWCs worked out on the (0, 1) or
cost. Assuming, for instance, that the cost has been (0,1,2,3) scale would be the same in both the cases.
given a 1-0 superiority w i t h respect to each of the There is no way of denoting the exact amount by
other attributes, it would still get an AWC of only 0.4, which one alternative is superior to another in respect
whereas the functional worth attributes would get a to the cost attribute. This disadvantage is not only w i t h
sum of AWC's of 0.6 in spite of being inferior to the cost respect to cost, but is equally applicable to any other
attribute. This bias w i l l go on increasing when the attribute which is capable of being expressed in quanti-
number of attributes keeps on increasing. The ratios of tative terms. In the hanger illumination problem that
AWC for Cost and Functional worth for " n " total attri- we discussed, if the level of illumination provided by
butes can be calculated as follows: three alternatives is 20 lux, 200 lux and 300 lux, we can
only denote it by a better/worse comparison i n a 0.1, 2,
(a) Total number of paired 3 scale by this method. The exact amount by which
n(n-l) one alternative is better than another in respect of that
comparisons'. nC2 =
particular attribute which is being considered cannot
(b) Total number of paired be denoted in this decision matrix method.
comparisons involving To obviate these shortcomings, I suggest the follow
cost: (n-1) ing refinements to the method.
(a) W i t h respect to attributes which can be
(c) Total number of paired n(n-l)
(n-1) quantified (e.g. weight, cost, etc.), the SWC
comparisons not
should be taken in direct proportion [oi In
involving cost:
verse p r o p o r t i o n ) to the quantiti
- (-1) ("§- -l) parameter, depending on whether I h r m.iv
i m u m or m i n i m u m of the quantity i
(d) Ratio of paired com- Thus, if four alternatives, A. I'•
parison involving cost sidered, if less weight is a desirable attribute
and those not involving 1" 1) and the weights are 10 kg, IS kg, 25 kg und 50
(n-1) (n/2-1) " (n-2) kg, the SWCs according t o t h e traditional
method and the ones according l o m y l e l m e
Thus the bias would be 2/3 if five attributes are ment are shown in Table 5. It may be seen that
considered, 0.5 if six attributes are considered, and the objective SWC works out to 0.44, 0.29,
0.4 if seven attributes are considered. 0.18 and 0.09, whereas I h c Deusion Matrix

Value WorU. (ktolvUNowmlvt /*> • "lis' I'Wi 1 •

Method discussed earlier would yield the
SWCs of 0.6, 0.3, 0.1 and 0. ... I advocate a C o s t B e n e f i t
(b) I n as much as VA is concerned w i t h study-
ing the inter-relationship of functional w o r t h
approach rather than
and costs, I advocate a Cosf Benefit approach assuming the cost as one of
rather than assuming the cost as one of the at- the attributes...
tributes, since the latter method introduces
bias against the cost. to be sujectively assessed, I have perceived a tendency
To simplify the point further, the AWCs, SWCs among some VE practitioners to extend this method to
and Aggregate Weights of all the alternatives are all aspects of evaluation including the ones w h i c h can
computed, considering all attributes other than be perfectly quantified. These were the factors which
cost. Let the sum of the Aggregate Weights of impelled me to present this paper.
three alternatives be Y l , Y2 and Y3. Let the If I have dealt w i t h the aspect of evaluation to the ex-
costs (or Life Cycle Costs as applicable) be X I , clusion of other phases in VA, it is only because the
X2 and X3, respectively. Calculate the subject of the paper concerns only evaluation; it is not
Cost/Benefit ratio which is X I , X2 and X3. due to an attempt to attribute any over-riding impor-
Y l Y2 Y3 tance to the evaluation phase of the Value Analysis
The contender w i t h m i n i m u m cost benefit ratio is Scheme.
obviously the winner. Life Cycle Costing, Decision Matrix, and Cost Bene-
fit Analysis are methods used to compare and evaluate
Conclusion the alternatives against functional w o r t h and cost.
Most of the Technical papers presented in VA However, the selected alternative may only represent
seminars pertain to case studies. Papers dealing w i t h the best of several poor candidates. VE may be used to
the aspects of methodology of VA are an exception. develop additional worthy alternatives to consider
Further, I had occasion to go through some of the VE before selecting the best choice. Whereas Life Cycle
study reports which made me suspect that some of the Costing emphasizes cost visability, VE seeks Value Op-
VE practitioners at least, are not f u l l y appreciating the timization. The two disciplines are complimentary,
time value of money. Though the Decision Matrix because the former is required to achieve the latter.
method is a w o n d e r f u l tool to evaluate on the basis of They are to be suitably integrated to achieve optimum
attributes which cannot be quantified and which have results. A

Table-5 C o m p u t i n g SWC b y T r a d i t i o n a l M e t h o d a n d b y R e f i n e m e n t s

Traditional Method Refined Method

A B C D TOTAL SWC A - k/10 0.44

A - 1 2 3 6 0.6 B - k/15 0.29
B 0 - 1 2 3 0.3 C - k/25 0.18
C 0 0 - 1 1 0.1 D k/50 0.09
D 0 0 0 - 0 0.0 Note: k_ + |C_ + IC_ + K _ = 1

10 15 25 50
or 15K + 10K + 6K + 3K = 150
Total 10 1.0
or K = = 4.41

Substituting this, the SWC w i l l be

A 4
,;: -
" «' -»••*>
Vr' =0.18

4 41
~ = 0.09

16 Value World, October/November/December/1985

"What Price Esteem Value?"

By J.J. Kaufman, CVS

J. Jerry Kaufman, CVS, is a consultant on VE management with 25 years ex-

perience in the industry. He is a past president of SAVE and is National Director
of the Certification Board.

Some people take their alcoholic beverages seriously,

others could not care less, and still others like to "test" The martini.. .is surrounded
those so-called discriminating drinkers w h o take their
alcoholic beverages seriously. by purists whose fanaticism is
As an example, Coors beer (a popular brand name) equal to the difference in
has many dedicated followers that claim they can tell
the difference between Coors and other beers blind-
alcohol content between the
folded. The Coors Company states it only uses moun- martini... and the beer...
tain water i n its process. They w i l l not ship their prod-
ucts to northeastern states because "the long trip would
After awhile, m y daughter told her guests that all the
hurt the taste." Coors also rejects building breweries i n
beer they were drinking was the local brew. To this day,
that area because "the water isn't good enough."
the two w h o were making comparisons refuse to
What has all this to do w i t h VE? Well, let's see how believe they were not drinking Coors. (Incidentally,
valid "Esteem Value" is w h e n applied to this subject. Debbie received an " A " when she submitted her find-
Esteem value, you w i l l recall, is defined as "the moti- ings as a report.)
vated desire to acquire, or possess, for nonfunctional The martini, another popular but somewhat more
reasons." Buying by brand name is esteem value. That potent drink, is surrounded by purists whose fanaticism
is w h y companies spend a good portion of their earn- is equal to the difference i n alcohol content between
ings to project the proper marketing image. To lose the martini (40-45%) and the beer (10-12%). Although
one's name i n the market place is to lose everything. not a brand name, there is as much attention given to
When m y No. 1 daughter was i n college majoring i n how to make a martini as what to put i n it. A bartender's
marketing, she decided to test the effects of esteem handbook w i l l tell you that the martini has eight parts
gin to one part dry vermouth. The ingredients are
shaken w i t h ice, and the cooled liquid served i n a stem-
med glass, w i t h an olive. However, this doesn't begin
To lose one's name in the to describe the quest by hundreds and thousands leav-
market place is to lose ing w o r k each evening for "the perfect dry martini."
Many purists claim the martini should be very dry
everything. (not less than 15 parts gin to one part dry vermouth),
and the peel of a fresh lemon cut paper thin and twisted
over the mixture. The lemon peel is then ruhlx-d
value i n brand names. She invited four friends to her around the edge of the glass, and gently droptwd into
room, and served four cans of Coors beer and four cans the drink, i n place of the olive.
of the local brand. What her guests didn't know was Not only are brands of gin and vermouth the subject of
that all of the cans contained the local beer. heated arguments, but also the proportions, temperature
As her guests drank, two gentlemen began making and mixing methods. (Always stir gently, never filwke |
comparisons, describing the "excellence of flavor and I n an exclusive New York restmmint. ti latly returned
smoothness" of Coors over the other brand. her martini because "it wasn't dry enough The

Value World, (h lelv'/Xowmlvi Ik.rnilvri fuCi \'t

bartender, somewhat hurt, served the second martini
without any vermouth. However, the lady still claimed "The serving temperature
her martini wasn't dry enough.
One restaurant I know uses an atomizer to gently
must be equal to the
spray the vermouth over the gin after the glass has temperature of the inside
been filled. Another presents its customers w i t h an wrist of a 21-year old geisha,
eyedropper filled w i t h vermouth so they can add their
own proportion. as tested by applying two
Of all the ways to make "the perfect dry martini," drops on her wrist."
my favorite recipe is:
Purchase climbing gear and climb to the top the expensive scotch. From then on he served f r o m the
of the Matterhorn w i t h a pickax, a glass, second bottle. The rationale? "Well," said the VE,
and a bottle of gin. Once there, chip some "after the first drink, the taste buds are dulled and
ice f r o m the glacier, put it into the glass and can't distinguish between brands anyway, so why con-
pour in the gin. Then, pull yourself up to tinue serving Johnny Walker?" When asked if this
f u l l height and call out across the Alps wasn't deception, he said, "As my guests continue to
"V-E-R-M-O-U-T-H." When the echo drink, the enjoyment they experience is the same
returns, the martini is ready. regardless of which brand is served. Therefore, w h y
For the same reasons, scotch and brandy also have not add to their enjoyment by letting them believe they
brand-name following. No one can dispute the difference are drinking Johnny Walker? This," he said, "is cost ef-
between "cheap" and "quality" scotch, but is the price fective esteem value."
proportional to the difference? A friend of mine keeps
If you think all of this is simply "an American char-
two kinds of scotch whiskey in his house — expensive
acteristic," I believe I was exposed to a Japanese ver-
and cheap. If a guest asks for plain scotch, he is served
sion when I visited there two years ago. At dinner one
Chevas Regal or Johhny Walker. If he asks for "scotch
evening, I asked my host what was the proper tem-
and water" or "scotch and soda," he gets the cheaper perature for serving Saki. He said, "The serving tem-
brand because, says my friend, "anyone who dilutes the perature must be equal to the temperature of the inside
scotch couldn't tell the difference in quality anyway." wrist of a 21-year old geisha, as tested by applying two
One Value engineer went a step further. He had two drops on her wrist." When I asked what that tempera-
bottles of Johnny Walker, but one was filled w i t h a ture was in the event I didn't have a geisha available,
cheaper brand. The first drink his guests received was he only looked at me and smiled. A



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18 Value World, October INovember I December 11985

VE's Expanding Horizons
By S. S. Venkataramanan, CVS

Mr. S.S. Venkataramanan, CVS, has a first-class Honors Degree in Mechan-

ical Engineering. He has contributed numerous articles and papers to SAVE
publications and in SAVE conferences.

Slowly but surely, the impact of VE is growing

around the world. The construction industry in the These efforts... have paved
USA started VE applications in buildings, highways,
water treatment, and sewage treatment plants during the way for increased interest
the mid-60s and early 70s. Probably the first building in VE... in several countries,
design to be value engineered in the USA was in 1964.
including India.
The international building industry started taking
cognizance of the U.S. experience about 10 years later.
The matter has since then been under active considera-
tion by the International Council For Building Research gress held in August, 1983 at Stockholm, Sweden.
Studies And Documentation (Counseil International Papers were presented at this Congress by both rap-
Du Batimenl I'mii I .a Kei heiche L Etude Et La Docu- porteurs above to an interested, though questioning au-
mentation! (CIB) since 1977. This organization has, as dience. In a short, effective presentation, Donald
its members, nearly 300 building research institutions Parker explained the benefits derived in the USA and
from more I ban 70 countries, and is headquartered at methods of VE application to a joint meeting of two
Rotterdam, Netherlands. Working Commissions — W55 and W60 — at Copen-
hagen, Denmark just before the 1983 Congress. We
CIB commissioned one of its Working Commissions —
continued these efforts at the 1984 Symposium of W55
No. W55 on Building Economics — to examine how VE
in July at Ottawa, Canada and then the W55 meeting at
techniques could be used by more countries and what
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada the same month.
role CIB could play in thai process. This survey o f V E ac-
tivities in about a dozen countries was carried out in These efforts have created a greater awareness of VE
1978-79. It was followed by a discussion at the 1980 sym- potential among the CIB members and have paved the
posium in Lausanne. Switzerland in 1981. Two SAVE way for increased interest in VE on the part of major
building organizations in several countries, including
India. The Government of India has already held two
orientation seminars; a five-day workshop on a live
This indeed is an expanding building project w i l l be held soon i n New Delhi. CIB
has also authorized its vice-president, Mr. G.C. Mathur
horizon for SAVE and other of India, to conduct a similar workshop for the building
VE societies all over the industry of developing countries who are members ot
the CIB in the Asia-Africa region. It is possible thai
world. CIB may hold a similar workshop in Europe and in
other areas of the world so that the international
building industries w i l l recognize the potential ol V l i
members— Donald E. I'arkei ol ihc I SA and 1 — became and start benefiting f r o m it.
members of W55 that year anil concurrently also rap- The most attractive prospect perhaps fbl SAVE w i l l
porteurs to the CIB on the subject of VE. be to add to these efforts by joining the National
Since then, much publicity for VE and SAVE has Bureau of Standards in Washington, D . C , which will
been secured in the CIB forums during the several host the 1986 CIB Congress scheduled for September
meetings of W55, followed by a major triennial Con- 21-26, 1986 at the Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

Value World. IMolvrINowmber /Mvmfvr/W.<i I'l

I suggest that SAVE, as well as its members, get i n This indeed is an expanding horizon for SAVE and
touch w i t h the following individuals and take advan- other VE societies all over the world. It is up to them to
tage of this conference to project VE i n an effective take up the matter w i t h their national standards
manner: bodies, and develop standards for VE so that more and
more organizations i n their countries w i l l become
Dr. James R . Clifton, Tel.: (301) 921-3458 aware of VE.
C . I . B . 86 Program - Telex: Western Union
Committee C h a i r m a n , 89-8493 G A R G , or V E in Eastern Europe
B 348 Building Research T R T 197-674 N B S U T
National B u r e a u of Standards, Many of us are already aware of VE activities i n
Gaithersburg, M D 20899 U S A . England, France, Italy, West Germany and perhaps
other countries of Western Europe. Few, however, are
Mr. R i c h a r d N . Wright
President of C I B ,
c/o National B u r e a u
of Standards
Building 226, R o o m B 226,
SAVE and VE have been
Washington, D C 20234 U S A . recognized by many
Mr. Donald E . Parker, Tel.: (202) 296-4090 organizations.
c/o Smith H i n c h m a n &
Grylls Associates, Inc.,
Washington, D C 20036, U S A .
aware of the progress made i n Eastern Europe. I t is
Prof. Dr. G y u l a Sebestyen, Tel: 010-110240 understood that Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and
Secretary General Telex: 22530 bouwc n l Hungary have been engaged i n considerable VE w o r k
P O Box 20704, Weena 704, during the last 10 years. The USSR has recently started
3001 J A Rotterdam to take great interest.
Netherlands Most noteworthy among all these countries is per-
haps Hungary. This country has not only published a
Standardization and V E national standard as far back as 1977, but also has held
a couple of major VE conferences i n Budapest. The
SAVE members are perhaps already aware that some growth and development of VE is under the charge of
countries are ahead of even the USA and Japan i n the Hungarian Ministries of Finance and Industry. Pro-
creating national standards for VE, embodying defini- duction, construction, and consultancy organizations
tions, terminology and the Job Plan. These are: in Hungary have greatly increased their professional
West Germany - D i n 69,910 (1973, Revised 1981) VE skills by continuous contact w i t h the rest of the
Austria - O N O R M A 6750 & A 6754 (1975) world, and through their o w n applications w i t h i n
Hungary. SAVE and VE have been recognized by many
Hungary - M I 8871 (1977)
organizations. Several books on VE have been pub-
Two years ago w h e n the President of the Inter- lished, including a Hungarian translation of Larry
national Standards Organization (ISO) and the Presi- Miles' book.
dent of the French National Standards Organization
Every sector of industry — light, heavy, building con-
struction, and even administration and management
systems — has adopted VE i n a systematic way. I n fact,
in a manner worthy of emulation by several other
It is understood that countries including many of us i n the so-called free
world, 22 such companies participated i n a fine VE ex-
Rumania, Czechoslovakia, hibition f r o m November 12 to 17 at the Sportscsarnok
Poland and Hungary have been i n Budapest. This event attracted great interest among
the several hundred visitors w h o consisted mainly of
engaged in considerable VE managers, engineers and students. The Hungarian
work during the last 10 years. press interviewed leading foreign and local VE special-
ists at the exhibition, and published topical stories.
There were also broadcasts on the radio.
To their advantage and credit, Hungarian experts
(AFNOR), were i n India, they expressed an interest i n have not slavishly followed whatever has been written
publishing an International Standard for VE and sug- or projected by others, but have modified VE i n various
gested that the Director-General of the Indian Stan- ways and have even constructively critisized some of
dards Institution (ISI) promote the idea. This was taken our techniques, such as the criteria weightage matrices,
up i n earnest by the ISI who wanted to first publish an analysis matrices, etc. I would be happy, w i t h some
Indian Standard. The draft for this has already been help f r o m a translator, to make these criticisms
prepared by a committee of over 20 members (includ- available to English-speaking readers. If members of
ing me and some of the firms using VE i n India). It is SAVE or VE practitioners know the Hungarian
now under wide circulation for eliciting comments and language, please contact me. You can perform a great
criticism before finalization. service for the English-speaking VE community. A

20 Value World, October I November IDecember 11985


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Value World, October/November/December/1985 21

"Spelunkers Corner"
Suggestions For Strengthening VE's
Use As a Procurement Reform

The following is an excerpt from a letter to the Office of should be deleted. This provision was one of the so-
Federal Procurement Policy by SAVE's Director of Federal called "executive changes" made by the FAR drafters
Liason, Hal Tufty, CVS. after the FAR was first revised based on public com-
ments previous to its final publication.
"First of all, we do not wish to see every major
systems and construction project subjected to a VE "SAVE would also like to see FAR Part 48 further
study. Many simple projects do not warrant a VE study, revised to require federal agencies to establish dollar
and requiring a study in those circumstances would pro- thresholds over which a VE study would be performed.
duce an unnecessary economic and regulatory burden For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency
on the government and contractor. SAVE believes it is (EPA) requires that a VE study be performed on all
important to emphasize this point first so that VE is
kept in perspective as an important resource to control
procurement costs.
Priority and Attitude —
"When the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) was
published, Part 48 which covers VE was inexplicably VECP's Biggest Obstacles
weakened. Agency heads were given the authority to
exempt themselves f r o m the VE requirements of Part The following comments were extracted f r o m a
48. SAVE believes that this is not sound procurement series of computer network messages on June 30,
policy. VE is a discipline that asks questions about the 1985:
cost, function, and worth of a product or process.
The Inspector General is unhappy w i t h the
Because of this truth, VE is bound to generate natural
low rate of progress in the Value Engineer-
enemies who do not like having their original assump-
ing Program. Secretary Taft has asked for a
tions or costs questioned.
"For example, some designers object to Value
I think we all know that attitude is the basic
Engineering Change Proposals (VECP's) because they
problem — both in the Department of
see such efforts as an intrusion on their design judg-
Defense and in industry. There are some
ment. Program managers sometimes object because of
"islands of good results," but overall the
their commitment to a particular project regardless of
results fall far short of potential...
the costs.
In the June issue of Value World, William H.
"Others sometimes oppose the use of VE largely Copperman addresses the issue of contractors
because they do not understand the VE process, nor do using the requirements of Mil-Std-480 A to estab-
lish a priority of " U R G E N T " for VECPs. He
states: "....the time it takes for processing is ex-
... VE is bound to generate cessive...which in many cases wipes out the
natural enemies who do not potential savings..."
like having their original These two messages, while entirely unrelated
in their mode of distribution, are very much
assumptions or costs related w i t h respect to the basic problem.
questioned. I endorse both concepts. It is an attitude prob-
lem. One of the symptoms is the levels of priority
they see how VE differs f r o m other more traditional that are assigned to VECPs in the processing and
cost reduction techniques. disposition/implementation/negotiation cycles.
"What should be done to encourage the use of VE When a high priority is establish for VECPs, the
through changes in the FAR? First, SAVE believes that attitudes w i l l change...or is it the reverse? A
the provision now in FAR Part 48 allowing the agency J o h n D . Jackson, CVS
head to exempt his agency f r o m VE regulatory coverage

22 Value World, October/November/December/1985

wastewater treatment construction projects w i t h a con-
struction value of $10 million or higher. ... SAVE recommends that
"SAVE (and the VE staff in EPA) belive that a $5
million threshold is more appropriate. But again, we
FAR Part 48 should be revised
believe that the agency should establish the mandatory to specify those circumstances
use of VE based on individual agency experience. For in which third-party VE
projects having a value of less than $5 million, the
agencies should strongly encourage the use of VE in proposals will be accepted by
circumstances where they think its use is appropriate. the government.
"What about third-party VE Proposals? SAVE believes
that H.R. 4209 (now P.L. 98-577) strongly encourages
the use of VE through provisions in the law relating to
the work of the competition advocates and Procure-
ment Center Break-out Representatives. A close read- Management and Administration (CCMA). The Grace
ing of the legislative language appears to allow the sub- Commission's task force report on Federal Construc-
tion Management suggested in construction issue
mission of third-party VE proposals either to the Break-
number 19 that VE should be used more extensively in
out representative or the contracting officer.
all federal construction and grant-funded construction
" I f this is true, as we believe, SAVE recommends that programs.
FAR Part 48 should be revised to specify those circum-
stances in which third-party VE proposals w i l l be ac- " A n Office of Management and Budget (OMB) spokes-
cepted by the government. We would be pleased to man recently told us that this recommendation had
work w i t h your staff to draft appropriate regulatory been accepted by the President as part of his efforts to
guidance on third-party VE proposals. make use of many Grace Commission recommenda-
tions to improve government management." A
"The importance of VE has not gone unrecognized
by the Grace Commission or the President's Council on H a l T u f t y , CVS

Industry Hitchhikes on a Good Idea

I've read w i t h interest the articles that have been the supplier. In both examples the management of the
appearing in "Spelunker's Corner" on the Contractual supplier companies was delighted to have their employ-
Aspects of VE. The reason that I read these articles is ees trained in VA, because they could continue to use the
because I know very little about CAVE and VECP's but education on other product lines they manufactured.
recognize the importance of a manufacturer involving It is my opinion that private industry has not even
his suppliers in the VA Process. I have been hitchhiking scratched the surface of gain-sharing programs with
on the good work the U.S. government agencies have their suppliers. When you consider that today's JIT
done to devise and formalize the VECP System. systems dicate single-source purchasing against long-
Perhaps you would be interested in a case study or term contacts, the buyer and the value engineer need a
two performed by private industry. In the first example, technique to stimulate the supplier to come forth with
we were purchasing a complex product for distribution cost improvement ideas. The VECP System seems to
through our marketing channel from a manufacturer fill the bill nicely. A
that had never heard of VA. In a short time he had at-
tempted to raise the price several times. We could not R i c h a r d G. Bradyhouse, CVS
tolerate a price increase, so we offered to train their
people in VA and help them reduce their manufactur-
ing costs. The owner agreed and we conducted a three-

It is my opinion thai private Share your comments

industry has not even
scratched the surface of gain- and knowledge
sharing programs with their
suppliers. of VECPs through
day workshop on the product. The program was suc-
cessful and the arrangement we made was this: the 'Spelunker's Corner"
supplier kept all the savings and agreed not to raise the
price for two years.
In the second case, we split the savings 50/50 with

Value World. October/November/December/1985 23

Larry Miles, w i t h Dusty Fowlkes on his left, conducts one of General
Electric's first Value Analysis seminars.

24 Value World, October/November/December•/'1985

It Was

Carlos Fallon at his inimitable best at the Society's National Meetinn i

Los Angeles in 1964.

Admiral Richard Mandlekorn tells
his now famous story about removing
bricks from a chimney to the Society
at the 1964 National Meeting, as Ed
Heller and the group double up with

Value Engineering

Three VE pioneers enjoying the Ambassador Hotel's poolside luncheon

at the 1964 National Meeting. (Left to Right) Tony Tocco, 2nd SAVE
president; Fred Sherwin, 3rd SAVE president; Richard Mandlekorn

Value World, October INovember I December/1985 25

The Multi-Disciplinary Approach
of Value Engineering
By D. K. S. N. Murthy

D. K. S. N. Murthy is a Senior Standardization Engineer in the Engineering

Research Centre of TELCO, Jamshedpur. He completed his MSc. (Engg.) in
production management from Ranchi University. He is a member of the Insti-
tute of Standards Engineers and Fluid Power Society of India and INVEST. He
has been involved in many VE studies in his organization.

This paper was presented at the 6th Indian Value Engineer- designer would seek alternatives, VE makes an in-depth
ing Society (INVEST) Conference April, 85 and is reprinted search for alternative designs, shapes, processes, etc. to
here with permission from INVEST. accomplish the function once identified. It challenges
every aspect of design requirement including, toler-
V E — A Team Work of Various Disciplines ances, finish, materials, heat treatment, etc. to be com-
Value Engineering is defined as "Systematic Applica- patible w i t h the functional requirements.
tion of recognized techniques by a multi-disciplined The building i n of reliability parameters into the prod-
team w h i c h identifies function of product or service, uct is one of the major considerations of the designer,
establishes w o r t h for that function, and provides alter- w h i c h is also given due emphasis i n VE studies. The
natives to accomplish the function reliably at lower product w i t h better maintainability and lowest life-
overall cost through use of creative techniques." The cycle cost is considered to have the highest value.
first step i n a VE job plan is to formulate a team of ex-
One of the analytical questions used during VE study
perts f r o m Design, Industrial Engineering, Materials
is "Can a standard item be used?" While conducting a
Management, Quality Control, Standardization, Pro-
VE study on a flanged castle nut, it was observed that
duction, Accounts, etc. The objective of drawing group
due to provision of the flange of a diameter bigger than
members f r o m different disciplines can be summar-
the w i d t h of a hexagonal portion, the manufacturing
ized as:
cost was three times that of a standard castle nut of the
(a) To utilize the genus of various techniques already same size.
i n use. The hexagon was milled over a round bar. The func-
(b) To look at the different analytical features f r o m dif- tional analysis revealed that the flange was required to
ferent angles/view points.
(c) To evolve an implementable solution through in-
volvement and commitment of the people con- VE and other disciplines are
cerned w h o are also responsible for implementa-
tion, thus minimizing the resistance to change. complementary functions
Concepts Of Other Disciplines In VE: with a common goal of
The VE methodology has some of its concepts similar aiming to achieve overall
to those of w o r k study, method study, reliability economy.
engineering, CPM, etc. For instance, one of the main ob-
jectives of VE is identification of meaningful and unne-
cessary costs. Unnecessary costs as defined by Miles are provide more bearing area than that obtained by a
those which do not contribute either to quality, use, life standard castle nut of that size. The comparison w i t h
or appearance of a product. These are hidden costs of features of standard castle nut propelled the basic idea
zero value. They get embedded i n the product i n the of eliminating the round flange by increasing the w i d t h
same way as the undesirable additional w o r k content to across the flat equal to the diameter of the flange,
the basic work content in work measurement studies. thereby simplifying the manufacturing process was
The analogy of unnecessary costs i n VE w i t h additional simplified, i.e., the complete nut being of hexagonal
work content in work measurement is more clear f r o m shape, this is now machined f r o m hexagonal bar,
the diagrammatic comparison given in Figure 1. Just as a thereby eliminating the time consuming milling of hex-

26 Value World, October/November/December/1985

agon. This saved the cost of the nut by 70 percent; f u l -
filling the desired function at a lower cost. This exam- was observed that a sisal rope, w h i c h was primarily in-
ple highlights contribution of standardization i n VE. tended for load lifting and was costlier than other ropes
(sisal yarns are imported), was being used w i t h huge
The critical path of basic function line i n a FAST
annual consumption. I n the particular application, on
diagram (Functional Analysis System Technique) for
investigation as to w h y such costly rope is used and
functional analysis is similar to the critical path ap-
what its function is, it was observed that the rope was
proach i n CPM. The various phases - select record
used to tie bottom lids of scrap loading bucket. When
examine, develop and install - used i n method study
the buckets are brought to the opening of the melting
the use of six phases - of what, why, how, when, who,
furnace, the rope should catch fire, burn and allow the
and where — are common w i t h VE studies.
lids to open, making the scrap fall i n the furnace.
Thus, we see that VE is a right combination of ingre-
dients of various proven techniques i n the manage- When the function was identified, a hemp rope
ment process. w h i c h was cheaper (not meant for load lifting) could be
used and was standardized f o r the application, satisfy-
VE Concepts In Other Disciplines: ing the desired function at lower cost.
While VE as applied today is of comparatively recent The widths across flats of hexagonal drive fasteners
innovation, its functional approach is subconsciously have been recently standardized at ISO level; while
or unconsciously used by all i n our jobs. I n fact, the con- standardizing the sizes, the basic consideration was
cepts of VE originated i n the purchasing department. their compatibility w i t h functional requirements and
material conservation. The w i d t h across flats was stan-
Many instances can be cited where the functional ap-
proach i n the areas of design, materials management, dardized, maintaining a logical ratio ( ~ 1) between the
maintenance, scrap reduction, material utilization! bearing area (the annular area) under the bolt heads
standardization, etc. have resulted i n remarkable i m - and the tensile stress area of the screw thread. The
provement and savings. bearing area under the bolt head determines the
magnitude of the comprehensive stress on the bolted
While standardizing the rope for scrap loading members relative to the clamping force applied by the
buckets i n a foundry, data were collected regarding the fasteners. The tensile stress area of the screw thread
type of rope presently used, the standard types of ropes governs the clamping force, w h i c h can be developed
available, prices of such ropes, their functions, etc. It by tightening the fastener for any particular strength




due to less skill of operator.
added due to human factors
like habits, attitudes,
WORK CONTENT A D D E D resistance to seek
due to shortcomings of advice/consult.
WORK CONTENT A D D E D added due to lack of
by inefficient methods of information on cost, state of
manufacturer. technology, etc.

added due to lack of ideas.
by defect i n design or
specialization of product. UNNECESSARY COST
added due to lack of time,
BASIC WORK CONTENT i.e. product designed in hurry
of product or operation.
contributing to value.


class of fastener. This functional approach used in stan- also inherits the advantages of Theory Y of Mac Gregor,
dardization of widths across flats (unlike the earlier which emphasizes the need for participation, recogni-
used rule of thumb Across Flat = 1.6 x thd. size) has tion and motivation.
resulted in reduction i n widths of commonly used sizes The above are some special features of VE attributed
of M10, M12, and M14, and f r o m 17, 19 and 22 to 16, 18 to the multi-disciplined approach apart f r o m other
and 21, respectively. This reduction has resulted in con- commonly pronounced benefits like (a) cost prevention
servation of material since these are very commonly in addition to cost reduction, (b) the function cost rela-
used commercial sizes. The material saving is over a tionship sometimes leading to an entirely different
few tons in the USA alone. means of accomplishing the function, which is uncon-
The above two examples illustrate the application of ventional as compared to other cost reduction methods,
VE concept in standardization. (c) the dual effect of reducing cost and improving prod-
uct utility and customer appeal, (d) reducing total cost
The Design-To-Cost concept is a discipline of making
of life cycle, (e) exploring technological advancements,
the designers responsible for performance coupled
and (f) utilization of creativity, etc.
w i t h cost. This concept advocates the function-cost ap-
proach at design stage and is an outcome of investiga- Conclusion
tion on application stages of VE.
VE and other disciplines are complementary func-
Similarly, the VE approach is used in many quality
tions w i t h a common goal of aiming to achieve overall
problems, make-and-buy decisions and other conven-
economy. However, VE w i t h its multi-disciplinary ap-
tional cost reduction methods.
proach provides much more analytical insight into the
Special Features O f VE As Compared problem concerned, and hence is more versatile and
To Other Disiciplines result-oriented.
Due to its multi-disciplinary, function-oriented team While the organized teamwork of VE should be used
work the potential gains through VE are more enor- to obtain all its benefits, the VE philosophy — the func-
mous and much more expeditious than other conven- tion cost approach, the unconventional thinking, the
tional methods. W i t h fast changing technology it is dif- adaptation of latest technology, etc. — should be prac-
ficult for an individual to keep track of the advance- ticed by every supervisor down the line. Every super-
ment in various fields, store it and retrieve it when re- visor irrespective of the area where he works should
quired. The team approach of VE helps in overcoming be a trained value engineer, so that he can use its prin-
this difficulty, because the team members w i t h their ciples by surveying and probing his own activities and
up-to-date knowledge in their fields pool up their various jobs as a routine to achieve maximum benefits
resources towards a common goal. The team approach of this powerful technique. A


Value Engineenng — Road to Affordability
M i a m i , Florida
Doral-on-the-Ocean H o t e l
M a y 18-21, 1986
Technical and panel presentations featuring:
- Government programs - Motivation and Creativity
- Design to Cost Affordability & Productivity — - Quality Circles
Computer Aided Design - Case Histories on VE Programs
- Fundamental Education - VE Basic and Advanced Courses
Deadline for draft papers — November 15, 1985
Final papers due — January 1, 1986
Jim Vogl, CVS Editor Peter S. Megani, Presidential Envoy
Please contact:
4909 via el Sereno or Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace
Torrance, CA 90505 P.O. Box 5837, MP 275
(213) 378-1803 Orlando, F L 32855
(305) 356-3211

28 Value World, October/November/December/1985

Design for Assembly and Value Analysis
A Combo T h a t C a n Help Y o u Compete W i t h t h e
Toughest Competition In T o w n or O u t of T o w n

By Richard Bradyhouse , CVS

Richard G. Bradyhouse, CVS, is Technical Manager of Producibility for Black

and Decker Manufacturing Company. He has served SAVE as a National Director
of Career Development and is a Past President of the Chesapeake Chapter.

In the late 70's and early 80's, there were numerous centers — automatic guided vehicles and robots — won-
pilgrimages to Japan by U.S. businessmen and engi- dering w h y the rules of the game had been changed.
neers to determine how the Japanese were landing As I look back on this scenario, it wasn't really true
products on our shores at significantly lower prices. that U.S. designs were just as good. In some respects,
Typically, these groups would return i n a state of U.S. designs were superior and the Asians were busy
semi-shock and draft a presentation to their top man- copying them. In other respects, however, there were
agement and Board of Directors.
Their assessment would usually follow along these
Today, five years later, there
1. Japanese attention to quality far surpasses our pri- are relatively few design
mary due to Demings SQC and the dedication of the centers that have taken more
Quality Circle Teams.
2. Their JIT inventory system is astounding in its ability
than a cursory look at DFA
to keep a factory running w i t h almost no inventory (Design for Assembly}.
of parts.
3. Their thorough flow manufacturing layouts elimi-
subtle design differences in Japanese products on
nate much of the materials handling required in
which U.S. manufacturers should have gone to school.
I went on one of these so-called study missions to Japan
They would then sum up their findings w i t h the
and saw first hand that there were definite differences
great pronouncement:
in the assembly approach.
We're ahead i n technology!
1. There was extensive use of pick-and-place units.
Our designs are as good as theirs!
2. Parts were inserted from above.
We're losing the battle on the factory floor!
3. There were few re-orients on the line.
Engineering then takes time out to congratulate itself
4. Parts were designed for easy insertion.
5. In some cases, entire products were assembled
Japanese attention to quality without being touched by human hands.
far surpasses our primary due Today, five years later, there are relatively few design
centers that have taken more than a cursory look at
to Demings SQC and the DFA (Design for Assembly). The computer industry is
dedication of the Quality an exception to this, and in fact, is reporting enormous
savings as a result of seriously applying the method.
Circle Teams. One of the ironies of the situation is that rather than
take the time to design the product for easy assembly,
while wondering how manufacturing let things get many manufacturers are busy spending millions of
away from them. dollars to automate current designs that were designed
Manufacturing, on the other hand, was too busy to for manual assembly.
take time out because they were feverishly writing I recently visited a builder of advanced automation
capital appropriation requests for no set-up machining machinery who had three pieces of machinery on his

Value World, October/November/December/1985 29

study. I n the studies I have conducted, we combined
This scenario is particularly VA techniques w i t h the DFA system and produced a
hybrid technique that yields much better results than
sad because in cases like this either system could have produced on its own.
huge capital outlays are only To elaborate briefly on how this is done:
producing modest labor Step Method
savings while the capital 1 Determine function of all parts i n the VA
absorption is pumping up the
2. Determine time and cost to assemble DFA
overhead rate. these parts.
3. Challenge i f part is unique or if its DFA
function can be combined w i t h another
floor about to go i n the crate for shipment. When he
part i n the system.
demonstrated the automation devices for me, I could
see that by applying DFA to part configurations most of 4. Determine i f alternate design approaches VA
the automation employed to feed and orient the parts, would eliminate the need for a separate
and much of the transfer mechanism, would be ren- part.
dered unnecessary. When I pointed this out to the 5. Assure that the remaining parts i n the DFA
builder, he shrugged his shoulders and said, " I agree design are configured to go together easily.
w i t h you, but it's my business to build what the The Baltimore Sun newspaper obituary for Larry
customer requested and business for me right now is Miles, the developer of VA, quoted h i m as being
very good." saddened because his work is more accepted outside
This scenario is particularly sad because i n cases like the U.S. "We have so many people who could make
this huge capital outlays are only producing modest good products," he said i n an interview, "and doggone
labor savings while the capital absorption is pumping it, we have the ability to design and manufacture better
up the overhead rate. products. It's sad that such good methods are available
What we all need to do is convince ourselves that it is and close, but not being used while factories are being
worthwhile to "design it right the first time." Having closed and people are being put out of w o r k . "
made this commitment, we need to allocate the first two Japan gets the credit for JIT and for applying all of the
or three days of the development phase to a DFA/VA above. When w i l l we? The clock is running. A



For Rates and Mechanical Specifications — Write or Call:

VALUE WORLD Advertising Department

c/o SAVE
221 N . LaSalle Street, Suite 2026
Chicago, Illinois 60601

30 Value World, October/November/December/1985


Of Course It Croaks
Like A Frog

A recent Sunday morning found me laboring the pros- I believe there are many interesting similarities be-
pect of whether to remain i n bed watching the movie, tween Sunday morning experiences and VE, i n regard
"One Eyed Jacks," or arise, get out and listen to a to preaching.
preacher's sermon. One choice seemed more appealing. First, there are and must be preachers or advocates i n
Guess w h i c h one? both professions to sustain continued growth. Someone
However, Goodness, i n the f o r m of my angelic wife,
prevailed, and we attended the morning services.
Glad we did. Therefore, if the profession is
There I picked up a most sterling piece of logic, much to retain its identity and
to the credit of a five-year-old youngster. Our pastor
works very hard to change a traditional one-way com-
purpose we must become
munication into a two-way dialogue, especially w i t h sharper, more precise and
younger children. O n this Sunday he grouped the articulate in presenting the
children i n a circle for a short exchange during the Wor-
ship Hour. VE Story.
He related his childhood frog-catching days and
reminisced i n particular about one giant bullfrog w h o must stimulate the masses; someone must bring the
croaked like a frog. To w h i c h one child immediately word.
responded " O f course it croaked like a frog; it was a
Second, some preachers are obviously more
articulate communicators and consequently more
Who could argue w i t h such sweet, simple logic as effective than others. Often, good message content is
that? useless and lost because of ineffective communicators.
Third, there are the well-intentioned, but i l l -
It is reasonable to assume It is reasonable to assume that V E has not reached its
that VE has not reached its f u l l potential i n many arenas because certain interests
full potential in many arenas who croaked V E terms, just weren't frogs.
V E was mistaken for good old fashioned cost
because certain interests who reduction; and presented as such.
croaked VE terms, just V E was mistaken f o r plain old sharp buying skills;
weren't frogs. and presented as such.
V E was mistaken for cheapening the product, and
labeled as such.
The logic of using VE as a strategic tool i n one's busi- Therefore, i f the profession is to retain its identity
ness would also seem to be simple and straightforward. and purpose we must become sharper, more pn-er.e
So then, w h y w o u l d anyone deny or fail to use VE i n and articulate i n presenting the V E Story.
the competitive marketplace that we experience today? Any good preachers out there?
Yet, many business people fail to do just that. If not, we might as well watch "One Eyed \.u k\ A

Value World, ()cinh, i , V i » ™ i v j ; v. .-»iK-/ :•<•.


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