C e Homework 11 November

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c-e Homework

11 November

Adjectives and adverbs

1. Complete the sentences. Use adjectives or adverbs.

1. Tom can swim fast.

Tom is a ____________ swimmer.

2. My mum is a hard worker.

My mum works ____________.

3. My brother is a bad tennis player.

My brother plays tennis ___________.

4. They played the music loudly.

The music was very __________.

5. I can’t dance very well.

I’m not a very ________ dancer.

6. I answered the question easily.

The question was __________.

2. Complete the sentences with these words.

fast - horrible - quietly - slowly - suddenly - well

1. My boyfriend can’t dance very _______. He stood on my foot!

2. This sandwich is ________! I can’t eat it.

3. ________, my phone rang and woke me up.

4. The man spoke _______. I couldn’t hear him.

5. Speak ________, please. My French isn’t very good.

6. That horse is very _______. It wins a lot of races.

3. Write the words in the correct list.

hard heavy loudly well fast miserable easy




4. Underline the correct forms.

1. The house was very quiet / quietly.

2. We walked to the car slow / slowly.

3. He can run very fast / fastly.

4. Be careful / carefully when you drive down the hill.

5. They heard a loud / loudly noise.

6. I can play the piano good / well.

Have to
5. Write three things you have to do and three things you don’t have
to do at school.

6. Use the words to write sentences. Use the correct form of have to.
1. Tom’s dad / drive / to work

2. She / cook / dinner / every day

3. Chloe / not take / the bus / to school

4. we / not do / homework / every evening

5. the students / be / quiet / in the library

6. Harry / not study / French / this year

7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. make / has / she / to / bed / her

2. come / don’t / you / to / have / with me

3. a test / they / to / revise / have / for

4. the housework / doesn’t / Sally / to / help / have / with

5. to / feed / have / I / the cat

6. join / we / to / have / the drama club / don’t

8. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. My mum _____ drive to work.

A. ☐ have to
B. ☐ has to

2. Jill _____ go to her piano lesson.

A. ☐ have to
B. ☐ has to

3. The students _____ do their homework every evening.

A. ☐ have to
B. ☐ has to

4. We _____ get up early at the weekend.

A. ☐ don't have to
B. ☐ doesn’t have to

5. Tim _____ take the dog for a walk before school.

A. ☐ don’t have to
B. ☐ doesn’t have to

6. Why _____ you have to go to the shop?

A. ☐ do
B. ☐ does

9. Use the words to write sentences about you. Use the affirmative
or negative form of have to.

1. make my bed before school

2. help with the housework

3. wash my clothes

4. buy my own clothes

5. walk to school

6. wear a school uniform

10. Use the words to write questions. Use the correct form of
have to.

1. she / go / shopping / tomorrow?

2. you / revise / for a test / tonight?

3. your dad / work / on Saturdays?

4. why / you / leave / early / today?

5. when / Peter / go / to sports training?

6. what / we / do / now?


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