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DEUSES ------------- Enéade

Relacionados à luz e à escuridão: pelo menos o panteão solar...

three celestial deities Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn)


Illustration from the London, 1911 edition, by S. H. Sime

The chief of the gods of Pegāna is Mana-Yood-Sushai, who created the other gods and
then fell asleep; when he wakes, he "will make again new gods and other worlds, and will
destroy the gods whom he hath made." Men may pray to "all the gods but one"; only the
gods themselves may pray to Mana-Yood-Sushai.

Skarl the Drummer[edit]

After Mana-Yood-Sushai "made the gods and Skarl", Skarl made a drum and beat on it in
order to lull his creator to sleep; he keeps drumming eternally, for "if he cease for an instant
then Mana-Yood-Sushai will start awake, and there will be worlds nor gods no more".
Dunsany writes that:
Some say that the Worlds and the Suns are but the echoes of the drumming of Skarl, and
others say that they be dreams that arise in the mind of MANA because of the drumming of
Skarl, as one may dream whose rest is troubled by sound of song, but none knoweth, for
who hath heard the voice of Mana-Yood-Sushai, or who hath seen his drummer?
The small gods[edit]
Besides Mana-Yood-Sushai, there are numerous other gods in Pegāna's pantheon, known
as the small gods:
 Kib, the Sender of Life in all the Worlds. The god of beasts and men. [9]
 Sish, the Destroyer of Hours. The god of time.[10]
 Mung, Lord of all Deaths between Pegāna and the Rim. The god of death. [11]
 Slid, whose Soul is by the Sea. The god of waters. [12]
 Limpang-Tung, the God of Mirth and of Melodious Minstrels. [13]
 Yoharneth-Lahai, the God of Little Dreams and Fancies. [14]
 Roon, the God of Going and the Thousand Home Gods. [15]
 Dorozhand, whose Eyes Regard the End. The god of destiny. [16]
 Hoodrazai, the Eye in the Waste. The mirthless god who knows the secret of
 Sirami, the Lord of All Forgetting[18]
 Mosahn, the Bird of Doom[19]
 Grimbol, Zeebol and Trehagobol, the three goddesses of the tallest mountains,
mothers of the three (once) rebellious river gods.
The thousand home gods[edit]
According to Roon, the God of Going, "There are a thousand home gods, the little gods
that sit before the hearth and mind the fire--there is one Roon." [20] These home gods
 Pitsu, who stroketh the cat
 Hobith, who calms the dog
 Habaniah, the lord of glowing embers
 Zumbiboo, the lord of dust (described as "little")
 Gribaun, who sits in the heart of the fire to turn the wood to ash (called "old")
 Kilooloogung, the lord of arising smoke
 Jabim, the Lord of broken things
 Triboogie, the Lord of Dusk
 Hish, the Lord of Silence
 Wohoon, the Lord of Noises in the Night
 Eimes, Zanes and Segastrion, the (once) rebellious lords of the three rivers of
the plain
 Umbool, the Lord of the Drought
 Araxes, Zadres and Hyraglion, stars in the south
 Ingazi, Yo and Mindo, stars to the north
Trogool, neither god nor beast[edit]
Trogool is the mysterious thing set at the very south pole of the cosmos, whose duty is to
turn over the pages of a great book, in which history writes itself every day until the end of
the world. The fully written pages are "black", meaning the night, and when each one is
turned, then the white page symbolizes a new day. Trogool never answers prayer, and the
pages that have been turned shall never be turned back, neither by him nor by anyone
"Trogool is the Thing that men in many countries have called by many names, It is the
Thing that sits behind the gods, whose book is the Scheme of Things."

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